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Aunt Flavia

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Graf von Kreuzigung
(time for a simple, uncomplicated Roman crucifixion story, I was thinking)


The city of Luna, Liguria, during the reign of Emperor Trajan.

The port city of Luna derived its wealth, because of the rich marble deposits in the area. The hills around nearby Carrara provided the purest and whitest marble in the world one could imagine. Often spotless, it was highly demanded by sculptors from all over the Roman empire. Carrara’s ‘white gold’ had attracted all kinds of craftsmen, quarriers, traders and shipowners.

The town of Luna was the center of the trade. It took profit from its location, downhill from the roads to the quarries, and next to the mouth of the River Macra, which provided a sheltered harbor for loading cargo ships with the precious stone. The marble trading gentry also preferred this place for living over the more windy and dusty highlands near the quarries, because of Luna’s soft local climate at this nearshore location along a quiet bay.

Flavia was one of them. She was the daughter of a shipowner and the widow of a merchant, who had once set his mind of becoming a senator. In order to gain the necessary social credit for his political ambitions, he had joined the Legions and bought a commission as a centurion. But he had died in combat on a battlefield far away, many years ago. Since Flavia’s only son had joined the army, in the footsteps of his father, he was mostly far away from home too.

Despite the wealth she lived in, leading a life among the Luna gentry, loneliness was her part. Flavia hence had projected her affection to the children of her late sister, who had been married to Julius, a marble trader. Alexius, nineteen, a lively young man, and Domitia, his two year older sister.

Julius was an esteemed patrician in town. He was member of the city’s council. He sponsored projects like the local academy, where young talents could learn the skill of sculpting. He was an influential man, one of the driving forces of the local Sodalites Gyratorium.

But behind all this, there was a dark side, no one saw or wanted to see. Behind the walls of his domus, Julius was a tyrant. He treated his children nearly as slaves. Being the pater familias meant for him being the absolute ruler and owner over his son and daughter. Over their behavior, over their social conduct, and, concerning Domitia, over their body. One day, Alexius had revealed to Flavia that Julius regularly abused Domitia. He treated her as his personal sex slave. Alexius hated him for that. But if Alexius protested, about anything, then Julius ordered one of his slaves to give Alexius a corporal punishment, or to let him do harsh work.

Flavia got furious about this mistreatment of her favourite niece. Between her and Alexius grew a plan to stop Julius, a plan that, when Domitia got involved too, became a murder plot. But none of the three of them were eager to do the dirty work themselves. So, Flavia contacted a former decurion from her husband’s legion, Drusus, a though fighter, for whom a kill was easy to make. Drusus had once belonged to the elite cohort of the legion, but he got into financial trouble after his dismissal from the army.

Flavia offered him a big lump of sestertii if he would accept. He did. The murder would take place when Julius came back from his weekly out to the games, the whores and the taverns, returning drunk and eager to rape Domitia. He dragged Domitia into his room, unaware that Drusus was waiting behind the curtains, and that Flavia and Alexius were around to provide assistance. Occupied by taking Domitia, Julius was completely overwhelmed by surprise. Drusus pressed a pillow on Julius’ face with all his force, while Flavia, Alexius and Domitia used their weight to restrain his limbs. Julius did not make a chance. Officially, a servant had found him in the morning. His death was attributed to natural causes, during his sleep.

As often happens, however, the weakest link in such plots was the hitman. Drusus could neither keep his sestertii in his pocket, nor keep his mouth shut. When drunk, he boasted about his new profitable job as a hitman. He was arrested, tortured, and confessed the whole affair, naming Flavia, Domitia and Alexius as both his clients and his accomplices.

Confronted with this, Flavia boldly denied all accusations. So, the prosecution turned to Domitia, who immediately caved in after the interrogator had loudened his voice to her for about thirty minutes. Domitia confirmed all the confessions made by Drusus.

Flavia saw her villa exchanged for a stay in a dungeon, and her expensive clothing replaced by rags. The same for Alexius and Domitia.

They were all four put on trial for murder and conspiracy. The judge considered the accusations proven, because of Drusus’ and Domitia’s confessions, taken separately, matched perfectly.

Flavia’s defense, that they had done it to stop Julius abusing his daughter, was neglected. In Roman law, a father had full ownership over his daughter, until she got married. Abuse of a daughter by her father could be an adverse side-effect, which the judges did absolutely not approve, but its gravity was considered much less than speaking a verdict that could jeopardize the unalienable rights of the pater familias.

Flavia, Alexius, Domitia and Drusus were found guilty for murder and conspiracy and condemned to death.

The judge added an addendum to the verdict. Since Alexius and Domitia had taken part in the murder of their own father, they had committed patricide. Since all four were condemned for conspiracy, the consequences of this verdict also applied on equal terms to Flavia and Drusus.

And in the patriarchic Roman society, patricide was considered such a grave crime, that a judge could strip the condemned from certain rights and protections. Which the judge did! He lifted the exemption on crucifixion, their Roman citizenship granted them. Flavia and her companions would not get mercifully beheaded, in the basement of prison, far away from onlookers. They would die in public the agonizing and humiliating sentence of crucifixion.

(to be continued)
Flavia got furious about this mistreatment of her favourite niece. Between her and Alexius grew a plan to stop Julius, a plan that, when Domitia got involved too, became a murder plot. But none of the three of them were eager to do the dirty work themselves. So, Flavia contacted a former decurion from her husband’s legion, Drusus, a though fighter, for whom a kill was easy to make. Drusus had once belonged to the elite cohort of the legion, but he got into financial trouble after his dismissal from the army.
Madiosi-2019-239-Aunt Flavia.jpg
Flavia offered him a big lump of sestertii if he would accept. He did. The murder would take place when Julius came back from his weekly out to the games, the whores and the taverns, returning drunk and eager to rape Domitia. He dragged Domitia into his room, unaware that Drusus was waiting behind the curtains, and that Flavia and Alexius were around to provide assistance. Occupied by taking Domitia, Julius was completely overwhelmed by surprise. Drusus pressed a pillow on Julius’ face with all his force, while Flavia, Alexius and Domitia used their weight to restrain his limbs. Julius did not make a chance. Officially, a servant had found him in the morning. His death was attributed to natural causes, during his sleep.
Excuse me Lox, but that reading it how a police- or court-report.
I thinking, that is only a storyline, a sketch, with a big potential for a remarkable story.
In this first part, I seeing stuff for a few chapters.
The story is inspired by a pic that was posted earlier this year on CF (which I will not yet reveal). My story has started as a one-chapter flash-back from the condemned. It finally became a kind of social sketch, with a small town's gentry as background, of five - maybe six chapters.

The next day started for Flavia with watching how her favourite nephew and niece were flogged and multiple raped, before she and Drusus got the same treatment. Clad in rags, they were forced to march, in chains, through the streets of Luna, to outside the gate. Their calvary of humiliation, pain and anticipation of more pain and death, ended at a field of stakes, waiting for flesh to die on. The stakes were erected on a hill, overlooking the sea, and in front of a small wooden army outpost.

Every single block of marble quarried in the mountains of Carrara, had to be stored mandatory in Luna. Quarriers sold their marble to the traders, either directly in the quarry, or on the market in Luna, but the transport always passed through a storehouse in Luna. Carrara itself collected road toll on the transport, Luna cashed value added taxes on the sales.

Since there is a golden rule that, where taxes are, there are people who try to evade them, a few lookouts had been erected in the area, in order to intercept contraband transports of marble. The outpost hence was intended as a base for patrols against smuggling, but also for the logistics and the guarding of the crucifixion site.

When the condemned arrived at the site, the executioner was already there. Contrarily to the general perception, Gaius, as the executioner was named, was not an asocial, misanthropic loner, nor some kind of psychopathic sadist. Gaius got his assignment as an executioner of crucifixions as a part of his carpentry business. Since there was a lot of carpentry needed to bring a block of marble from the quarry down to the storage, and from there to the shipping, his business did well. He too frequented the Luna gentry and he was a member of the local chapter of the Sodalites Gyratorium. Gaius was an expert, pride of his work. Whether it was manufacturing a protecting case or a transport sledge for a heavy block of marble, or a judicial crucifixion, an order is an order, a mission is a mission, it must be carried out, with the highest quality guaranteed. A judge’s verdict must be executed, with neither hate, nor pity. No questions about the rightness of the sentence. But on the other hand, ‘no excessive violence’. The Luna gentry understood it the same way, and no one had ever had the slightest doubt about accepting him among them, since, after all, harsh but just justice was one of the fundamental pillars of society! And particularly of protecting the marble trade!

According to his worklist, Gaius had seven clients to crucify, that day. Among which three who had been member of a patrician family, something that happened very rarely. He had all twelve crosses at the site available. Their position had been more or less dictated by the nature of the subsoil, which was locally rocky. Only where weathered rock was present, a stake could be dug deep enough to keep it stable with a condemned nailed on it. As result, the crosses stood more or less in a square, three on each row.

Three members of a patrician family, a murderer who was condemned in the same case, a runaway slave and two elder men from Greece who had tried to market low quality marble as best premium quality (and who had been clients of Gaius’s carpentry).

When the condemned arrived, Gaius assigned each of them to a cross. For Flavia, Alexius and Domitia, he had decided to hang them next to each other on one row. Drusus would be hung on another row, perpendicular to Flavia’s, the Greeks opposite to Flavia and the slave would be crucified opposite Drusus, with his back to the sea.

“I will hang the three of you together, is that good for you?” he asked Flavia.

“Yes! Thank you!” Flavia replied, confused.

“And the row with the best view on the sea is free! I keep it for you! I’ll be with you soon! I will not let you wait!”

The execution crews could only handle two crucifixions at the time. So, the others were tied with their wrists to their pole, awaiting their turn.

The executioner kept his promise to be soon back with Flavia. He started with them.

Once more, Flavia had to watch first the horror inflicted to Alexius and Domitia. They got their rags and loincloths torn off and their execution started immediately. Flavia witnessed their fear and pain when their wrists got nailed to their crossbeam, when they were raised up and then nailed with their feet to a block, attached to the stake. Alexius first, then Domitia.

Next, it was Flavia’s turn to experience the excruciating horror herself. Flavia was drawn on the crossbeam and tied to it. Shrieking and shaking of fear, held down by five men, she watched the horror of a big spike placed upon her left wrist. A spike, so long, its point could penetrate the wooden washer on her arms, her wrists themselves and the crossbeam. Which it did after Gaius had finished, neglecting her begging for mercy and her agonizing cries of pain. Then, he did the same with her right wrist.

“They got to be fixed well, Lady! Or would you like falling off?” Gaius asked her with a professional dead serious.

The executioners took up the crossbeam, with Flavia on it, and fixed it to the pole. Flavia’s shaking of pain and fear did not bother them, they were used to the job. The executioner grabbed Flavia’s tied ankles and put them on a footrest block. With spikes even longer, capable of penetrating the extra thickness of the footrest,…
“Hold still, Ma’am!”

…Flavia’s left foot was nailed.

“You are doing fine, Ma’am. Hold on! Just one last nasty moment!”

And finally her right one. Only then she was left unsupported and felt her entire body weight pulling her down, stretching her out.

Then, they watched Drusus’ crucifixion, in the middle of another row of stakes, oblique to theirs, some more than ten paces distant. Then the Greeks, then the slave.

Flavia had to submit another humiliation. She had been fitted a cornu. A little present, the judge had reserved for her, since Drusus had declared in his confession that she had offered herself, in order to persuade him to accept the murder job. Confronted with that allegation, Flavia strongly denied! Yet, justice, as often happens, tends to believe the one who makes the first credible confessions! So, on her titulus, it read, besides ‘murder-patricide’ and ‘conspiracy’, also ‘whore’. Although the accusation only concerned Flavia, her nephews and Drusus also got a hook to sit on in their butt, once more because of the ‘conspiracy’ matter, meaning : equal treatment for all.

(to be continued)

The place of crucifixion was on a hill overseeing the Thyrrenian Sea. The crosses stood in front of a small army outpost, a base for patrols and meanwhile guarding the crucifixion site. The soldiers hated being posted there, since it was some way marching to the nearest tavern. But on this occasion, a rare event of two women being crucified, made them like the view.

After a last check, Gaius, the executioner, arranged the delivery of the work with a court clerk. There was some disagreement, since Gaius had apparently interpreted his instructions in a broad sense, and fitted all seven condemned with a cornu, a work for which he charged expenses. According to the clerk, this instruction only had applied to Flavia and her accomplices. Finally, after some negotiation about the fine print of the work order the court had issued, they agreed that Gaius would bill the three other’s cornu with a discount. He got handed over his document with which he could go to the local administration to collect his fee.

Satisfied about both the successful mission as the outcome of his negotiation with the court clerk, Gaius looked back at his work. With the job well done, he could also treat himself with watching Flavia’s gorgeous body, now hanging well exposed and naked. It was a great view, a great turn on, from all angles, watching her wide hips over her long legs. The way her feet were nailed, combined with the cornu in her butt, forced her knees to spread apart, exposing her secrets publically. Despite the dirt, and the bruises and the whip marks she got from her stay in the dungeon and the preparing flogging, Gaius enjoyed a view he never got before. Being an attractive widow, Flavia had always attracted the attention from the more senior men from the Luna gentry. Gaius had often imagined about getting her into his bed. But Flavia had always refused and backed off any sort of proposal, by anyone approaching her. Pretending to be the chaste, ever mourning widow of the brave centurion? But look what happened now, the hypocritic slut had not hesitated to open her legs for a plebeian, in order to persuade him to the vicious act of murder. Flavia may have turned down the men who had desired her, but the cross of justice was now taking her in an ongoing rape, she could by no means refuse, and everybody could see it!

The same for that villain wench Domitia. Gaius still refused to believe that a honorouble man like Julius would have done such an awful thing as abusing his own daughter! It was all about her and her brother Alexius, being so greedy, they had wanted to seize their father’s fortune! Domitia and Alexius got theirs too now, nailed to the wooden rapist either!

That’s what Flavia imagined what Gaius was thinking, as she saw him look at her. Flavia meanwhile tried to suppress the terrible pain by staying as motionless as possible. Gaius’ square nails terribly scratched against her wrist and ankle bones, any time she made a move. And although the cornu felt uncomfortable and painful too, penetrating in her ass, it gave her a relative resting seat. She breathed heavily, but she could at least breathe! The inconvenience of the situation was of course that she kept all the time aware of her surroundings, and of her own humiliating situation. Enough to be aware of her’s and Domitia’s and Alexius’ public nudity. They never had seen each other naked before, now they were it all three together, their bare flesh publically exposed. She felt shame for herself and vicarious shame for Alexius and Domitia. And she noticed Alexius and Domitia had the same feelings towards her. All three watched each other, horrified, but each time avoided and turned down each other’s eye contact.

Flavia would have wanted to shout to the onlookers to go away and at least leave them to suffer alone. But she knew it would not help at all. Gaius had at least behaved correctly during the nailing, but not his assistants. They had made demeaning and ambiguous remarks, insulted her, touched her, and particularly, they had had behaved rudely when they had fitted her cornu. As she was up now, she felt the lustful looks on her body, from Gaius and his men, from the soldiers, from the other condemned. There would be more people to come, soon.

Crucifixion sites were mostly attended by plebeians, who took pleasure taunting and mocking the condemned. But Flavia had been a member of the more wealthy gentry from Luna, so her crucifixion also drew attention from the higher class citizens of the town. As the verdict had been made official, many of her former social contacts could not suppress their curiosity and took on the way up to the hill. After all, imagine the gossip that could be picked up there, and shared, and getting spread afterwards. So, the execution drew an unusual number of crowd, and of an unusual social class. A smart merchant put up a stall and sold wine and snacks, and got an unusually high sales volume that day. A day which would be remembered by the Luna gentry as one of their most memorable gatherings in years!

“Remember, we talked about it that day when Flavia got crucified!”

“Oh yes! At the crucifixion of Flavia! That was a great party!”

Flavia then discovered that it was never too late to learn a lesson of life. Soon after her execution, common people had gathered already. She (and young Domitia) had been subjected to taunting, obscenity, her body had been touched multiple times by the onlookers who just dwelled around among the crosses. When she saw the first of her former gentry acquaintances arriving, she had hoped that some of them, particularly those who were member of Sodalites Gyratorium, would at least give her moral support and protect her. But she discovered that all the so called friendship from the times she had been one of them, had all been fake. Her past acquaintances behaved demeaning and arrogant towards her and towards her cousins. She ultimately discovered what kind of arrogant, self-indulgent bitches and dickheads they really were!

People talked about ‘poor Julius’, what a good man he had been, a hard working entrepreneur, husband and father, an esteemed and committed member of their community, always compassionate to the poor…. The mood among the spectators turned that way, that even Drusus got perceived some way as a victim. A victim of the evil, wicked witch aunt Flavia, her cruel nephew Alexius, unworthy son to his late father, and selfish spoiled brat Domitia.

Drusus had quickly detected the empathy towards him, first from the soldiers who had crucified him – he had been one of them, before - and then from the crowd. He took the occasion, anytime he had the opportunity, to verbally humiliate Flavia with degrading obscenities about her nudity, reproaches about her cowardice, not being courageous enough to commit the murder herself, and to harass her about her social falling down. Flavia tried to raise her voice, particularly when Drusus targeted Domitia with obscenities. But she neither had the power, nor could she fight the hostility among the crowd against her. Alexius tried to defend his sister too but he was brutally silenced by Drusus, and by the crowd, by calling him a coward and a eunuch who did not had the guts to kill his father himself with his bare hands. Alexius had no more courage to fight back in these hours of despair. Domitia underwent the humiliations in silence too.

Late in the afternoon, the party was over. Most of the onlookers had returned home, to prepare the evening (with an afterparty at the town's forum). After all, the hills outside of Luna were not always a safe place when it is dark. There were some late passers-by, coming from the quarries, who took a look at the scene, commented it and went on. Soon only the condemned, were left alone, guarded by one or two legionaries from the tower of the outpost.

All condemned looked as if they were hanging quietly to their cross, apart from some moaning that was heard. This quiet was an illusion, obviously, they were fighting pain and despair, but their cornu made them hardly move. Of course their cornu had been a subject of taunting too. Their permanent state of being raped by the cross had triggered questions such as : “How is your new lover, Flavia!? Is he good in bed?”, or : “OK, one dies not discuss preferences, but…!?” or “At least, Dear, you cannot get pregnant in this position!”.

Their cornu was far from a comfortable seat. It penetrated almost as harsh as the nails through their limbs. But is saved them from having to writhe and gasp for air all the time, a painful and exhausting effort. With the their agony would last much longer, and their suffering, seemed to last endless.

(to be continued)

The place of crucifixion was on a hill overseeing the Thyrrenian Sea. The crosses stood in front of a small army outpost, a base for patrols and meanwhile guarding the crucifixion site. The soldiers hated being posted there, since it was some way marching to the nearest tavern. But on this occasion, a rare event of two women being crucified, made them like the view.

After a last check, Gaius, the executioner, arranged the delivery of the work with a court clerk. There was some disagreement, since Gaius had apparently interpreted his instructions in a broad sense, and fitted all seven condemned with a cornu, a work for which he charged expenses. According to the clerk, this instruction only had applied to Flavia and her accomplices. Finally, after some negotiation about the fine print of the work order the court had issued, they agreed that Gaius would bill the three other’s cornu with a discount. He got handed over his document with which he could go to the local administration to collect his fee.

Satisfied about both the successful mission as the outcome of his negotiation with the court clerk, Gaius looked back at his work. With the job well done, he could also treat himself with watching Flavia’s gorgeous body, now hanging well exposed and naked. It was a great view, a great turn on, from all angles, watching her wide hips over her long legs. The way her feet were nailed, combined with the cornu in her butt, forced her knees to spread apart, exposing her secrets publically. Despite the dirt, and the bruises and the whip marks she got from her stay in the dungeon and the preparing flogging, Gaius enjoyed a view he never got before. Being an attractive widow, Flavia had always attracted the attention from the more senior men from the Luna gentry. Gaius had often imagined about getting her into his bed. But Flavia had always refused and backed off any sort of proposal, by anyone approaching her. Pretending to be the chaste, ever mourning widow of the brave centurion? But look what happened now, the hypocritic slut had not hesitated to open her legs for a plebeian, in order to persuade him to the vicious act of murder. Flavia may have turned down the men who had desired her, but the cross of justice was now taking her in an ongoing rape, she could by no means refuse, and everybody could see it!

The same for that villain wench Domitia. Gaius still refused to believe that a honorouble man like Julius would have done such an awful thing as abusing his own daughter! It was all about her and her brother Alexius, being so greedy, they had wanted to seize their father’s fortune! Domitia and Alexius got theirs too now, nailed to the wooden rapist either!

That’s what Flavia imagined what Gaius was thinking, as she saw him look at her. Flavia meanwhile tried to suppress the terrible pain by staying as motionless as possible. Gaius’ square nails terribly scratched against her wrist and ankle bones, any time she made a move. And although the cornu felt uncomfortable and painful too, penetrating in her ass, it gave her a relative resting seat. She breathed heavily, but she could at least breathe! The inconvenience of the situation was of course that she kept all the time aware of her surroundings, and of her own humiliating situation. Enough to be aware of her’s and Domitia’s and Alexius’ public nudity. They never had seen each other naked before, now they were it all three together, their bare flesh publically exposed. She felt shame for herself and vicarious shame for Alexius and Domitia. And she noticed Alexius and Domitia had the same feelings towards her. All three watched each other, horrified, but each time avoided and turned down each other’s eye contact.

Flavia would have wanted to shout to the onlookers to go away and at least leave them to suffer alone. But she knew it would not help at all. Gaius had at least behaved correctly during the nailing, but not his assistants. They had made demeaning and ambiguous remarks, insulted her, touched her, and particularly, they had had behaved rudely when they had fitted her cornu. As she was up now, she felt the lustful looks on her body, from Gaius and his men, from the soldiers, from the other condemned. There would be more people to come, soon.

Crucifixion sites were mostly attended by plebeians, who took pleasure taunting and mocking the condemned. But Flavia had been a member of the more wealthy gentry from Luna, so her crucifixion also drew attention from the higher class citizens of the town. As the verdict had been made official, many of her former social contacts could not suppress their curiosity and took on the way up to the hill. After all, imagine the gossip that could be picked up there, and shared, and getting spread afterwards. So, the execution drew an unusual number of crowd, and of an unusual social class. A smart merchant put up a stall and sold wine and snacks, and got an unusually high sales volume that day. A day which would be remembered by the Luna gentry as one of their most memorable gatherings in years!

“Remember, we talked about it that day when Flavia got crucified!”

“Oh yes! At the crucifixion of Flavia! That was a great party!”

Flavia then discovered that it was never too late to learn a lesson of life. Soon after her execution, common people had gathered already. She (and young Domitia) had been subjected to taunting, obscenity, her body had been touched multiple times by the onlookers who just dwelled around among the crosses. When she saw the first of her former gentry acquaintances arriving, she had hoped that some of them, particularly those who were member of Sodalites Gyratorium, would at least give her moral support and protect her. But she discovered that all the so called friendship from the times she had been one of them, had all been fake. Her past acquaintances behaved demeaning and arrogant towards her and towards her cousins. She ultimately discovered what kind of arrogant, self-indulgent bitches and dickheads they really were!

People talked about ‘poor Julius’, what a good man he had been, a hard working entrepreneur, husband and father, an esteemed and committed member of their community, always compassionate to the poor…. The mood among the spectators turned that way, that even Drusus got perceived some way as a victim. A victim of the evil, wicked witch aunt Flavia, her cruel nephew Alexius, unworthy son to his late father, and selfish spoiled brat Domitia.

Drusus had quickly detected the empathy towards him, first from the soldiers who had crucified him – he had been one of them, before - and then from the crowd. He took the occasion, anytime he had the opportunity, to verbally humiliate Flavia with degrading obscenities about her nudity, reproaches about her cowardice, not being courageous enough to commit the murder herself, and to harass her about her social falling down. Flavia tried to raise her voice, particularly when Drusus targeted Domitia with obscenities. But she neither had the power, nor could she fight the hostility among the crowd against her. Alexius tried to defend his sister too but he was brutally silenced by Drusus, and by the crowd, by calling him a coward and a eunuch who did not had the guts to kill his father himself with his bare hands. Alexius had no more courage to fight back in these hours of despair. Domitia underwent the humiliations in silence too.

Late in the afternoon, the party was over. Most of the onlookers had returned home, to prepare the evening (with an afterparty at the town's forum). After all, the hills outside of Luna were not always a safe place when it is dark. There were some late passers-by, coming from the quarries, who took a look at the scene, commented it and went on. Soon only the condemned, were left alone, guarded by one or two legionaries from the tower of the outpost.

All condemned looked as if they were hanging quietly to their cross, apart from some moaning that was heard. This quiet was an illusion, obviously, they were fighting pain and despair, but their cornu made them hardly move. Of course their cornu had been a subject of taunting too. Their permanent state of being raped by the cross had triggered questions such as : “How is your new lover, Flavia!? Is he good in bed?”, or : “OK, one dies not discuss preferences, but…!?” or “At least, Dear, you cannot get pregnant in this position!”.

Their cornu was far from a comfortable seat. It penetrated almost as harsh as the nails through their limbs. But is saved them from having to writhe and gasp for air all the time, a painful and exhausting effort. With the their agony would last much longer, and their suffering, seemed to last endless.

(to be continued)
Amazing that these delicious shows did not draw a female audience. I guess that patrician ladies have private shows in their palaces...

The Apulian Alps rise abruptly out of the sea. There is only a narrow tract of lowland, just a few miles wide between the shore and the almost four thousand pedes high mountains. The marble quarries are located rather high in the mountains, giving their tops a snowy aspect.
Flavia could see the quarries in the distance quite well from her cross, when she looked left of her. As evening fell, the sun stood low over the dark grey blue sea. The white aspect of the marble had turned into a bright orange glow. The condemned’s bodies also glowed reddish in the evening light, by the reflection of their sweat, and the taint their skin got from hanging hours in the sun.

With the onlookers gone, it was the first time since their arrest that Flavia, Domitia and Alexius were more or less alone together for some ‘private’ talking. Flavia had gathered her last mental strength, despite her own agony of humiliation and distress, since she considered it was her responsibility, as the more mature, to talk and support Domitia and Alexius morally through this ordeal. Regardless how futile it was, and how much she felt her own courage dwindle sometimes. Flavia also felt guilty for the terrible and demeaning fate Domitia and Alexius had met with. It had been Alexius who had first coined the sentence “I want him death”, meaning Julius, and Domitia had never uttered any objection. But Flavia felt that, if she had raised her mature authority against that plan at that moment, there would not have been a murder, and consequently, no crucifixion. Yet she had not done that, she had offered Alexius and Domitia ‘a solution’. Flavia felt she had to apologize for that negligence.

“I had to say : don’t do it!”

“Aunt Flavia!” Alexius said, “Do not take the blame! Domitia and me would have killed him anyway, with or without your help! The bastard was going too far!”

“That is right!”, Domitia added. “Perhaps our own plan would have even worse, and we would have ended up here anyway, without you, aunt, but it was the only way to get rid of him!”

“It was us who involved you into it!” Alexius said.

“Well, ‘the bastard’ as you called him, was still your father, remember! For me, he was only a brother-in-law! I mean, I should have insisted for another solution!”

“What other solution, aunt?” Domitia raised her voice, as far as her pain allowed her. “You heard the judge, yesterday! I was his property! He could do with me what he wanted! It was unbearable!”

“Let us stop arguing, please! What happened, happened! There is no way back!” Alexius said.

“Yes, aunt, please, stop that blaming thinking!”

“You are right! We did what we did! We knew what we were doing and what were the risks! We were planning a murder, we carried it out! Whatever the reason was,…” Flavia said.

“We are all guilty!” Domitia said.

“Equally!” Alexius added.

“And we pay for it, we got what we deserved, regardless of our motive! He was a bastard, but he was our father!” Domitia said, accepting.

“Right, Alexius said, “We deserve no better than this! All equal! I accept this and neither blame anyone! So, please aunt, stop blaming yourself!”

“All equal! I can… live with that!” Flavia said.

A brief silence fell.

“Aunt Flavia?” Domitia said.

“Just one thing aunt! You don’t have to answer if you find my question inappropriate or impertinent.”

“What is it Domitia?”

“That… extra word on your titulus! That…”


“Is it true what they say, that you have offered yourself to Drusus, in order to persuade him to do the job?”

Flavia kept a moment of silence.

“Domitia, this is no inappropriate question! We have nothing anymore to hide for each other, right? I have not offered myself to Drusus, he has pressed me to do it as part of the prepayment of the job!”

“And you..”

“I … did it!”

“I am sorry, aunt!” Domitia felt embarrassed. Alexius too.

“Listen Domitia! So is life for a woman! There are occasions where she has to spread her legs to a man in order to obtain something! In vice or in virtue! So, if you think now that I am a whore because I gave myself to him over there as part of the payment, then let it be so! If it comes to taking blame for something in this affair, then it is to me, because I trusted that a former elite legionnaire like Drusus would use his brains afterward! I trusted him with all my body! So, that ‘whore’ on my titulus is my punishment for my misjudgment, that ultimately brought us here!” Flavia said with a trembling voice.

“Shut up, filthy whore!” Drusus called from his cross.

“Fuck yourself, you pathetic drunk!” Alexius shouted back.

“Please, aunt Flavia, calm down! We love you!” Domitia said.

One of the Greeks uttered his annoyance. He at least wanted to suffer and die in peace, and got irritated by the shouting back and forth. Silence fell again. The talking had exhausted Flavia. What about Drusus? She had fixed her eyes on him! He was a rude man, she had known that before! Rude but strong! He seemed to be fighting their ordeal with the most courage of them all! Obviously, only such people would be capable to commit a murder for pay. Although it was obviously his stupid big mouth that had uncovered their murder plot, it was she who had contacted him, and brought him to his doom. She felt no pity for him – no one would miss him, she thought. Still, what an impact her decision to support Alexius’ vengeance has had : Julius, Alexius, Domitia, Drusus,…herself. Five deaths!

All equal!

(to be continued)

The Apulian Alps rise abruptly out of the sea. There is only a narrow tract of lowland, just a few miles wide between the shore and the almost four thousand pedes high mountains. The marble quarries are located rather high in the mountains, giving their tops a snowy aspect.
Flavia could see the quarries in the distance quite well from her cross, when she looked left of her. As evening fell, the sun stood low over the dark grey blue sea. The white aspect of the marble had turned into a bright orange glow. The condemned’s bodies also glowed reddish in the evening light, by the reflection of their sweat, and the taint their skin got from hanging hours in the sun.

With the onlookers gone, it was the first time since their arrest that Flavia, Domitia and Alexius were more or less alone together for some ‘private’ talking. Flavia had gathered her last mental strength, despite her own agony of humiliation and distress, since she considered it was her responsibility, as the more mature, to talk and support Domitia and Alexius morally through this ordeal. Regardless how futile it was, and how much she felt her own courage dwindle sometimes. Flavia also felt guilty for the terrible and demeaning fate Domitia and Alexius had met with. It had been Alexius who had first coined the sentence “I want him death”, meaning Julius, and Domitia had never uttered any objection. But Flavia felt that, if she had raised her mature authority against that plan at that moment, there would not have been a murder, and consequently, no crucifixion. Yet she had not done that, she had offered Alexius and Domitia ‘a solution’. Flavia felt she had to apologize for that negligence.

“I had to say : don’t do it!”

“Aunt Flavia!” Alexius said, “Do not take the blame! Domitia and me would have killed him anyway, with or without your help! The bastard was going too far!”

“That is right!”, Domitia added. “Perhaps our own plan would have even worse, and we would have ended up here anyway, without you, aunt, but it was the only way to get rid of him!”

“It was us who involved you into it!” Alexius said.

“Well, ‘the bastard’ as you called him, was still your father, remember! For me, he was only a brother-in-law! I mean, I should have insisted for another solution!”

“What other solution, aunt?” Domitia raised her voice, as far as her pain allowed her. “You heard the judge, yesterday! I was his property! He could do with me what he wanted! It was unbearable!”

“Let us stop arguing, please! What happened, happened! There is no way back!” Alexius said.

“Yes, aunt, please, stop that blaming thinking!”

“You are right! We did what we did! We knew what we were doing and what were the risks! We were planning a murder, we carried it out! Whatever the reason was,…” Flavia said.

“We are all guilty!” Domitia said.

“Equally!” Alexius added.

“And we pay for it, we got what we deserved, regardless of our motive! He was a bastard, but he was our father!” Domitia said, accepting.

“Right, Alexius said, “We deserve no better than this! All equal! I accept this and neither blame anyone! So, please aunt, stop blaming yourself!”

“All equal! I can… live with that!” Flavia said.

A brief silence fell.

“Aunt Flavia?” Domitia said.

“Just one thing aunt! You don’t have to answer if you find my question inappropriate or impertinent.”

“What is it Domitia?”

“That… extra word on your titulus! That…”


“Is it true what they say, that you have offered yourself to Drusus, in order to persuade him to do the job?”

Flavia kept a moment of silence.

“Domitia, this is no inappropriate question! We have nothing anymore to hide for each other, right? I have not offered myself to Drusus, he has pressed me to do it as part of the prepayment of the job!”

“And you..”

“I … did it!”

“I am sorry, aunt!” Domitia felt embarrassed. Alexius too.

“Listen Domitia! So is life for a woman! There are occasions where she has to spread her legs to a man in order to obtain something! In vice or in virtue! So, if you think now that I am a whore because I gave myself to him over there as part of the payment, then let it be so! If it comes to taking blame for something in this affair, then it is to me, because I trusted that a former elite legionnaire like Drusus would use his brains afterward! I trusted him with all my body! So, that ‘whore’ on my titulus is my punishment for my misjudgment, that ultimately brought us here!” Flavia said with a trembling voice.

“Shut up, filthy whore!” Drusus called from his cross.

“Fuck yourself, you pathetic drunk!” Alexius shouted back.

“Please, aunt Flavia, calm down! We love you!” Domitia said.

One of the Greeks uttered his annoyance. He at least wanted to suffer and die in peace, and got irritated by the shouting back and forth. Silence fell again. The talking had exhausted Flavia. What about Drusus? She had fixed her eyes on him! He was a rude man, she had known that before! Rude but strong! He seemed to be fighting their ordeal with the most courage of them all! Obviously, only such people would be capable to commit a murder for pay. Although it was obviously his stupid big mouth that had uncovered their murder plot, it was she who had contacted him, and brought him to his doom. She felt no pity for him – no one would miss him, she thought. Still, what an impact her decision to support Alexius’ vengeance has had : Julius, Alexius, Domitia, Drusus,…herself. Five deaths!

All equal!

(to be continued)
The crucifixion does not look too painful!
The crucified people are arguing as if they were at the counter of the coffee shop!
It's really good to be crucified in these conditions!
Where is the pain, the suffering and the humiliation due to their nakedness, nailed to a cross?
The crucifixion does not look too painful!
The crucified people are arguing as if they were at the counter of the coffee shop!
It's really good to be crucified in these conditions!
Where is the pain, the suffering and the humiliation due to their nakedness, nailed to a cross?
I can follow your comment, Piraland, but let me point out my viewpoint.

There is historical account of four witnesses, that crucified people talked to bystanders and to each other, and even bickered about what one of them had promised. That crucifixion took place around 30/33 AD in Jerusalem.

I ‘facilitated’ the talking by giving the cornu (but which was also in the source pic that inspired this story). This instrument not only creates more humiliation, and a ‘fifth’ nail, however it also allows the condemned a relative rest, and hence less motion and less pain and exhauster (but a longer agony). The condemned do not need to do the painful and exhausting ‘dance’ to gasp to air. This dance could be more exciting for the onlookers, but I prefer to focus on the viewpoint of the condemned. Anyone having to go through the ordeal of the crux dance has little left to focus on, and the story would be written, and finished very quickly, and when you would have read one, you would have read them all.
Also notice that the talking is only brief, and that I emphasized that it left Flavia (and her cousins) exhausted. I did that, because I am aware that reality is painful and tiring for them. There has been already an afternoon when they had to suffer not only the pain, but also the demeaning comments of their former acquaintances.

Concerning pain, there has been a thread on CF, started a few years ago :
It was discussed there how the initial immense pain of the nail would get number after a few hours. Many of the participants to that thread saw that possible to happen. I silently assume that such is the case with my condemned in this story (numbness, but still flashes of pain). Here again, the cornu might help, since it reduces the (need for) motion, which could revive the ongoing pain.

Concerning nakedness, and humiliation, I think I have put this forward a lot, particularly in chapter 3 (the 'party' held by the Luna gentry in front of Flaviaa's cross). More than the pain aspect, that is true. That is what this story is about : the falling down and humiliation of a mature Roman patrician woman.

I admit that I use some narrative tricks to shift the attention from the raw pain and suffering to other story layers, as a lot of us do in their stories – the erotic and the psychological aspects. I allow myself some liberties about that. After all, the same happens in many action movies and comic strips, where the hero and his damsel survive unharmed from situations that would cause death or severe injuries in real life, like fireballs, explosions, shock impacts, smoke inhalation, etc… Did producer Irwin Allen not say to his editors, when they commented that there was too little smoke in ‘The Towering Inferno’ (for those under 50 : a 1974 disaster movie about a fire in a skyscraper, trapping an all-star cast) : “You are right, but with the building full of smoke, you would not see the actor’s faces! And when the actor’s faces are not visible, people will not come to watch the movie”. I mean, we have here on CF also an ex NYPD cop as a story character, that has been crucified – twice I guess, plus at least one hanging – and she still walks and jumps around like a young filly. In real life, if one would survive crucifixion, then he or she would remain crippled, no more able to walk or use the hands. But the fact of the matter is : this forum is about erotic and psycho fantasy in the first place.

So, Piraland, thanks for your comment. I just wanted to emphasize above that the points you made, are indeed of my concern when I construct a story!
I can follow your comment, Piraland, but let me point out my viewpoint.

There is historical account of four witnesses, that crucified people talked to bystanders and to each other, and even bickered about what one of them had promised. That crucifixion took place around 30/33 AD in Jerusalem.

I ‘facilitated’ the talking by giving the cornu (but which was also in the source pic that inspired this story). This instrument not only creates more humiliation, and a ‘fifth’ nail, however it also allows the condemned a relative rest, and hence less motion and less pain and exhauster (but a longer agony). The condemned do not need to do the painful and exhausting ‘dance’ to gasp to air. This dance could be more exciting for the onlookers, but I prefer to focus on the viewpoint of the condemned. Anyone having to go through the ordeal of the crux dance has little left to focus on, and the story would be written, and finished very quickly, and when you would have read one, you would have read them all.
Also notice that the talking is only brief, and that I emphasized that it left Flavia (and her cousins) exhausted. I did that, because I am aware that reality is painful and tiring for them. There has been already an afternoon when they had to suffer not only the pain, but also the demeaning comments of their former acquaintances.

Concerning pain, there has been a thread on CF, started a few years ago :
It was discussed there how the initial immense pain of the nail would get number after a few hours. Many of the participants to that thread saw that possible to happen. I silently assume that such is the case with my condemned in this story (numbness, but still flashes of pain). Here again, the cornu might help, since it reduces the (need for) motion, which could revive the ongoing pain.

Concerning nakedness, and humiliation, I think I have put this forward a lot, particularly in chapter 3 (the 'party' held by the Luna gentry in front of Flaviaa's cross). More than the pain aspect, that is true. That is what this story is about : the falling down and humiliation of a mature Roman patrician woman.

I admit that I use some narrative tricks to shift the attention from the raw pain and suffering to other story layers, as a lot of us do in their stories – the erotic and the psychological aspects. I allow myself some liberties about that. After all, the same happens in many action movies and comic strips, where the hero and his damsel survive unharmed from situations that would cause death or severe injuries in real life, like fireballs, explosions, shock impacts, smoke inhalation, etc… Did producer Irwin Allen not say to his editors, when they commented that there was too little smoke in ‘The Towering Inferno’ (for those under 50 : a 1974 disaster movie about a fire in a skyscraper, trapping an all-star cast) : “You are right, but with the building full of smoke, you would not see the actor’s faces! And when the actor’s faces are not visible, people will not come to watch the movie”. I mean, we have here on CF also an ex NYPD cop as a story character, that has been crucified – twice I guess, plus at least one hanging – and she still walks and jumps around like a young filly. In real life, if one would survive crucifixion, then he or she would remain crippled, no more able to walk or use the hands. But the fact of the matter is : this forum is about erotic and psycho fantasy in the first place.

So, Piraland, thanks for your comment. I just wanted to emphasize above that the points you made, are indeed of my concern when I construct a story!
No problem, it was just words and I really appreciate the story!
I am waiting impatiently for the rest.
The crucifixion does not look too painful!
The crucified people are arguing as if they were at the counter of the coffee shop!
It's really good to be crucified in these conditions!
Where is the pain, the suffering and the humiliation due to their nakedness, nailed to a cross?
That is a good point, Piraland, but Loxuru has generally used short phrases.

Sometimes I use.... ellipsis.... to indicate victims... speaking... in short phrases.... between gasps.

But that can get tiresome for reader and author alike. Equally, punctuating with (aargh) expressions of (urgh) pain isn't good.

I'm not too sure about the coffee shop simile. They were scarcely chatting about the weather or about inconsequentials! Long speeches must be truly exhausting but the urge to communicate is deeply enmeshed in the human psyche, and I'm sure that a group of relatives like this will overcome stupendous suffering in order to communicate final messages to one another.
I can follow your comment, Piraland, but let me point out my viewpoint.

There is historical account of four witnesses, that crucified people talked to bystanders and to each other, and even bickered about what one of them had promised. That crucifixion took place around 30/33 AD in Jerusalem.

I ‘facilitated’ the talking by giving the cornu (but which was also in the source pic that inspired this story). This instrument not only creates more humiliation, and a ‘fifth’ nail, however it also allows the condemned a relative rest, and hence less motion and less pain and exhauster (but a longer agony). The condemned do not need to do the painful and exhausting ‘dance’ to gasp to air. This dance could be more exciting for the onlookers, but I prefer to focus on the viewpoint of the condemned. Anyone having to go through the ordeal of the crux dance has little left to focus on, and the story would be written, and finished very quickly, and when you would have read one, you would have read them all.
Also notice that the talking is only brief, and that I emphasized that it left Flavia (and her cousins) exhausted. I did that, because I am aware that reality is painful and tiring for them. There has been already an afternoon when they had to suffer not only the pain, but also the demeaning comments of their former acquaintances.

Concerning pain, there has been a thread on CF, started a few years ago :
It was discussed there how the initial immense pain of the nail would get number after a few hours. Many of the participants to that thread saw that possible to happen. I silently assume that such is the case with my condemned in this story (numbness, but still flashes of pain). Here again, the cornu might help, since it reduces the (need for) motion, which could revive the ongoing pain.

Concerning nakedness, and humiliation, I think I have put this forward a lot, particularly in chapter 3 (the 'party' held by the Luna gentry in front of Flaviaa's cross). More than the pain aspect, that is true. That is what this story is about : the falling down and humiliation of a mature Roman patrician woman.

I admit that I use some narrative tricks to shift the attention from the raw pain and suffering to other story layers, as a lot of us do in their stories – the erotic and the psychological aspects. I allow myself some liberties about that. After all, the same happens in many action movies and comic strips, where the hero and his damsel survive unharmed from situations that would cause death or severe injuries in real life, like fireballs, explosions, shock impacts, smoke inhalation, etc… Did producer Irwin Allen not say to his editors, when they commented that there was too little smoke in ‘The Towering Inferno’ (for those under 50 : a 1974 disaster movie about a fire in a skyscraper, trapping an all-star cast) : “You are right, but with the building full of smoke, you would not see the actor’s faces! And when the actor’s faces are not visible, people will not come to watch the movie”. I mean, we have here on CF also an ex NYPD cop as a story character, that has been crucified – twice I guess, plus at least one hanging – and she still walks and jumps around like a young filly. In real life, if one would survive crucifixion, then he or she would remain crippled, no more able to walk or use the hands. But the fact of the matter is : this forum is about erotic and psycho fantasy in the first place.

So, Piraland, thanks for your comment. I just wanted to emphasize above that the points you made, are indeed of my concern when I construct a story!
It is not clear to me that the gospels are accurate about the dialogue with the "evildoers", as Luke calls them. The "good thief" is probably Luke's invention, since Matthew and John say both of the people crucified with Jesus berated him. John contradicts the others in having Mary and the "beloved disciple" at the foot of the cross. The others say everyone was "at a distance". But, first, none of the stories would be credible at all (crucifixion was still around when the gospels were written and read) if people on crosses couldn't talk. Second, I have read somewhere that people sometimes dictated their wills from the cross. John and Luke in particular are to my mind not reliable--they make too many things up to sell Jesus as the Messiah. But if people could scream they could talk. Maybe haltingly, maybe not altogether clearly, but they could say things.
Some people in this forum have actually done crucifixions with ropes. That certainly mimics all the physiological effects of gravity on muscles and lungs and such. I assume they could talk.
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