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Crucified lesbians:Christmas movie quiz.

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Tribunica Potestas
Mel tells me you are in good form. This is my 100th post after which we’ll be having a little party.
If you’d like to play this game it’s dead simple. There’s 21 movie quotes in the following story, conveniently numbered 1 to 21. Work out (Without Mr Google) what films they are from and let us know how many you got. If you get stuck on any give us the number and we’ll give you a clue. The winners receive a clever trousers/knickers certificate from Crucified Lesbians. It’s the festive season so spin it out. Enough girls have met a gory end this year so it’s time one was rescued.

Julie wakes up. Mel’s not there. She searches the house…….no sign of Mel. Julie hears a voice in her head…….

1. Mel: â€ÂGet your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape.â€Â
Julie: “Where are you Mel?â€Â
Mel: “I’m in the picture. The one that Damian did.â€Â
Julie: “What are you doing there Mel? What do you see?â€Â
2.Mel: “I see dead people, Julius Caesar is here for a start. He was expecting Vercingetorix to surrender but Damian removed him and created a worm hole which I fell into.â€Â
3.Julie: “That Damian! The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist!â€Â
4.5. Mel: “Well, I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore. Some nutter with a hot iron is coming toward me!!! Help me! Help meeeeeee!â€Â
Julie: Hold on Mel! Tell Julius a joke while I ring the Dr. and Rose.â€Â
6.7 Mel: “Good, for a moment there I thought I was in trouble. Julius! One morning I shot an elephant in my pyjamas. How he got into my pyjamas I don’t know.â€Â
8. Julius: “By gad girl, you are a character, that you are. There’s never any telling what you’ll say or do next except that it’s bound to be something astonishing.â€Â
Mel: “You don’t sound that bad Julius.â€Â
9. Julius: “I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way.â€Â


Dr.: “Hi Rose, We’ve got to rescue Mel. She’s in real trouble, can you help?â€Â
10. Rose: “Of course!! Listen to me mister. You’re my knight in shining armour. Don’t you forget it, but won’t we need some kind of authority like badges?â€Â
11. Dr. “Badges? We ain’t got no badges! We don’t need no badges. Pick you up in two minutes.â€Â

CEASAR’S CAMP. 2.09 A.M. The Tardis arrives crushing the nutter with the hot iron.

12. Mel: “You came in that thing? You’re braver than I thought.â€Â
13. Julius: “Keep away. The girl is mine.â€Â
14. Dr. “Listen Julius what we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.â€Â
15. Rose: “Dr. Let me try. I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.â€Â

Rose whispers into Julius’ ear and hands him an envelope.
16. Julius: “Well, my mama always said life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.â€Â
Dr. “Whou give him?â€Â
Rose: “Oh just a few pics of me.â€Â

Rose helps Mel down from the cross.
Dr.: “Well Julius, got any tips for us?â€Â
17. Julius: “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.â€Â


Julie: “What was it like back there Mel?â€Â
18. Mel: “All me life flashed before me eyes…………it was really borin.â€Â
Julie: “Would you like a drink?â€Â
19. 20 Mel. “A martini. Shaken not stirred, now kiss my hot lips!â€Â

21. Merry Christmas, and may God bless us everyone.

Julie and Melissa
I don't recognize all of them, but here goes.

Planet of the Apes.

Sixth Sense.

"The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist!" sounds like it comes from The Screwtape Letters, although I don't think that was ever made into a movie.


The Fly.

Animal Crackers.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

On Golden Pond.

The Treasure of Sierra Madre.

Star Wars.

Cool Hand Luke.

The Godfather.

Forrest Gump.

Most James Bond movies.

I recognize other quotes, but can't remember the sources, and as per the rules have not looked them up on Googleâ„¢.

Once more, ladies, thank you for your loopy sense of humor. I'm at a time and place where I need to laugh.

You're helping. Thanks.
Can anyone beat Apostate's 13/21? That's not bad without Google. Just say how many you got, not the answers and what numbers you'd like a clue for.

"The greatest trick the devil ever played.........." Peter Postlethwaite was Kobayashi.
melissa said:
Can anyone beat Apostate's 13/21? That's not bad without Google. Just say how many you got, not the answers and what numbers you'd like a clue for.

"The greatest trick the devil ever played.........." Peter Postlethwaite was Kobayashi.
But it was Kevin Spacey who said the line in "The Usual Suspects."
You are dead right. It was Kevin Spacey who made the quote. My clue was confusing. How many did you get?
I've only seen the movie about 50 times.

Here's my guesses (no google, yahoo or wikiquote)

1 - Planet of the Apes
2 - The 6th Sense
3 - The Ususal Suspects
4 - Network
5 - ?
6 - ?
7 - Animal Crackers
8 - ?
9 - Who Framed Roger Rabbit
10 - On Golden Pond
11 - Treasure of the Sierra Madre
12 - Star Wars
13 - ?
14 - Cool Hand Luke
15 - The Godfather
16 - Forrest Gump
17 - The Godfather part III
18 - ?
19 - Goldfinger
20 - ?
21 - A Christmas Carol

Guess I really didn't do much better than Apostate. :D
I've seen The Usual Suspects as many times as Donnie Darko and I still can't tell you how they ended. Very impressed with your score. Here's a few clues.

5."Be afraid, be very afraid."
6.the original quote was "Good, for a moment there I thought we were in trouble.".couple of bandits.
8. An old b/w film. Cryptic clue....A meditteranean island(George Cross) and a bird of prey.
13.The original quote was "Keep away! The sow is mine."....very scary film.
18. A Wallace and Gromit film. Some fowl play included.
20. Hot Lips!!

You also got the right james bond film.
Thanks for the help.

5 - The Fly
6 - Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid
8 - The Maltese Falcon
13 - Deliverence (?)
18 - Sorry, the only Wallace & Grommit I've seen is The Wrong Pants.
20 - M*A*S*H
You are right on The Fly, Butch Cassidy,The Maltese Falcon (Brilliant!) and No.20 which of course was MASH. No.18 was difficult. If you enjoyed The Wrong Trousers you would have liked Chicken Run also. That just leaves No.13. Further clue, who fears the priest? This film scared me silly.
I was given a puzzle last week. "What is greater than God and worse than the devil. The rich need it and the poor have it."
PS Thanks for your comments.
Sorry I have not had time to participate in this - been working literally night and day on real world stuff that I have to get done before I fly back to Texas next week for a vacation. I recognized a lot of those lines but no idea how many. I remembered the scene from the MASH movie where Sally Kellerman was getting it on with Robert Duvall and ended up broadcasting that "hot lips" line all over camp on the PA system. I'm also a big Nick Park fan and knew that line from Chicken Run; I own copies of The Wrong Trousers and A Grand Day Out, which are absolute genius.

Hi debi,
It was the Exorcist. I didn't see it over here for many years after it was made. It was banned for a long time.
Hi jedakk,
I thought Chicken Run was the hardest to get. You are obviously a man of taste!
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