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Into The Dragons' Lair

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A Roofless Rodent Presentation​
Staring Messaline and LittleSiss (as Li'hi'sisu)​
Script by Racing Rodent​
Illuminations by Messaline​
Into The Dragons' Lair
A story of Messaline of Jin​
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The ship was large compared to the other junks in the fleet with three masts carrying broad latticed sails. Yet it felt awfully cramped after being on land and unlike the land it moved. Li’hi was not sure how she felt about that. It was not remotely the same of the familiar rolling gait of a horse on the steppe but at least she had avoided the seasickness that afflicted so many, landsmen and new recruits alike.

“Ha that one feeds the fish Miss, you see, same time every morning, can’t keep his breakfast down,” A laughing sailor paused from coiling rope to point and turned to share the joke with the attractive young woman who seemed rather more approachable that her fearsome Mistress.

“Why do you spend so long coiling rope?” Asked Li’hi already somewhat bored of the boorish attentions, Messaline was plotting something with Captain Po who acted as admiral of the convoy as well as commanding his own ship.

“Well the rope needs to be coiled see and it is easier than some of the other jobs that need doing so long as I am doing it none of the officers give me another job but it does not pay to finish too fast, I never finish too fast if you know what I mean,” He added with what he thought was enticing suggestiveness but just struck Li’hi as rather desperate leering.

“I say is that a real mermaid?” Li’hi called and pointed the man went almost over the side in his haste to crane his neck and see the fabled beauty. Li’hi skipped away while he was distracted, she knocked politely before drawing the curtain that shielded the entrance to the Captain’s map room.

“Oh come in Li’hi,” Said Messaline grandly, “The good Captain here was warning me that there will be a lot of Song activity in Palembang, our secret mission for the Emperor might be fraught with danger.”

“Oh terrible, we must be careful to avoid them, do we know in which quarters of the city they hang out?” Li’hi’sisu asked in wide eyed dutiful innocence.

“On the east bank of the river mostly,” Said Captain Po his demeanour which would normally be gruff converted to eager earnestness in his desire to please the daughter of his Sovereign. He helpfully got out a more detailed map and even made note of which taverns the captains of the Song ships hung out at and which were more favoured by their crews.

“Very useful, well I shan’t wish to keep you from your business, Li’hi and I have matters to discuss,” Messaline said pointedly and the Captain took the hint, bowed deeply and scurried through the curtain and out on to the deck.

“Messaline,” Whispered Li’hi careful to check there really were no ears just the other side of the thin partition, “Was is wise to have Twilight Whispers and the other Ninja’s depart back at the port, we might need them in Song?”

“It may not have been wise but it was just,” Messaline responded, “They had served me long and well but their losses mount, hopefully I can accomplish this mission without need for the more intimate kinds of violence,” She grimaced, there was no doubting that armies would march one way or another once it was learned where she intended to end up.

Still Li’hi nodded, she agreed with her heart that it was best that the female order of ninjas be allowed to seek out and establish some hidden sanctuary and training base. It was her head that sounded the note of caution.

“How long till we arrive in Palembang?” She asked.

“Oh many weeks but do not worry, these ships all sail faster than the fastest horse and as fast as any ship my father might send out after me,” Said Messaline and then heard glad cries from up ahead, “Oh flying fish, let us go see these creatures for ourselves,” She broke into a run with almost girlish delight.

It was several days later before there was serious trouble. “Your Imperial Highness you must come quickly,” One of the soldiers attached to the crew called out in urgent alarm hurriedly buckling into his armour.

“What is the cause of all this Captain Po?” Asked Messaline striding forth onto the quarterdeck.

“Princess Messaline, we are ambushed by pirates, you can see they have their fleets arrayed to catch our convoy in a pincer movement,” Po pointed out the flock of sails either side of the channel between two islands towards which the Jin ships were headed.

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“They seem a long way away, can you not simply take another channel and sail around them?” Asked the Princess curiously.

“No, the wind prevents us turning around and in these narrow waters…the fleet is too large,” Po shrugged, “We are committed to a battle, you must stay below for your own safety.”

“Nonsense,” Responded Messaline, “I and Li’hi are you best warriors and by far the best equipped summon our armour we shall lead you in the fighting should it come hand to hand,” Said Messaline confidently.

“Oh it will come hand to hand Your Imperial Highness,” Warned Po grimly but sent for their equipment and weapons to be brought to them all the same.

The sea battle seemed awfully slow at first. The ships slowly edged towards one another, both side dropping sail to sacrifice speed in the hopes of making the other lot move first and yield an advantage.

Still things speeded up dramatically as the first ships began to slam together and men leaped across the gaps with weapons in their hands. Not every man made it and many a would be warrior disappeared into the ocean, armour or no few could swim and most of these swiftly drowned.

“The Dread Pirate Java Ti,” Called out an hysterical sailor as a blue sail with a red eight pointed star was raised up the masts of several of the attacking ships.

Neither Messaline nor Li’hi were much concerned with this concentrating instead on using their bows to winnow the ranks of pirates crowding the decks closing with their own. Yet with the inevitability of the turning of the moon two of the pirate ships ran up either side of Po’s and grappling hooks were cast forth to bind them fast.

Li’hi and Messaline gave each other a look, set down their bows and drew their swords and sprang aboard one of the pirate ships landing in the midst of the startled would be boarders who instead found themselves boarded. A flurry of kicks, blows and sword strokes cleared a space around them and then the two women warriors truly went on to the attack. By the time Po and urgent honour guard caught up with them the surviving pirates were scrambling for safety on to an allied vessel tied up just beyond.

“Captain Po, concentrate your men and sweep clear the other pirate vessel, these carrion feeders are no match for Li’hi and myself we shall take care of them,” With that Messaline went bounding aboard the third pirate vessel leaving Po to turn on and rout the crew of the other. Li’hi followed close behind the Princess but she was not sure she needed to. Three pirates rose up before her and went back down again just as quickly two missing their heads one just a pair of legs as his torso disappeared into the ocean. Messaline was if anything having even less trouble with adversaries who mostly relied on numbers and bluster and were not remotely trained to her level.

Indeed so terrible were the women that pirates were flinging themselves into the sea regardless of the odds of their staying afloat long enough to find something they could cling to in order to escape the certain death that the Princess and her companion in arms represented.

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Then from the pirates came a great hollering and raucous cheering, it was hard to make out the words in their uncouth foreign tongue but “Jai Ti, Jai,” Became clear easily enough.

Emerging from the stern structure of a larger gilded pirate dhow came a masked man clad in armour of human bones reinforced with iron bands. “I am Jai Ti, commonly known to sailors of your nation as Java Ti,” He roared, “For once I hear of a warrior nearly my match in battle and I would know his name?”

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“Her name is Messaline of Jin and I will have your head you pirate dog,” Said Princess but for a long while nothing happened as the great pirate ship was slowly edged into position with the vessel she and Li’hi had stricken of its crew. Then with a bound Jai Ti was before her as his foremost cutthroats attempted to seize and grapple Li’hi.

Li’hi smashed the first cutthroat in the face. Ducked the lunge of the next and slammed a group of them down by shoulder charging one into the others but the main battle it soon became clear was between Messaline and Java Ti. He smashed at Messaline with a mace while she was distracted fending off the sword in his other hand and she went arcing head over heels into the sea.

For a single horrible moment Li’hi thought her lover was doomed and then Messaline’s feet struck water. Hard. So hard it set for a brief span as hard as stone. She leapt up and kicked down again. For a few moments she looked like nothing more than a petulant child leaping up and down in the throes of some tantrum and then she was away sprinting the wave tops as if they were so many stairs. The Princess grabbed a rope and running in a long arc used it to swing herself up and around on board an Imperial ship had been besieged but a moment before.

Li’hi seeing the pirates around her distracted, chopped at the pins and ropes holding a mast upright and leapt atop it, riding its motion to join her lover on board the Imperial junk, there she and Messaline set to swiftly reversing the previous course of the action aboard that vessel.

“After them you fools, would you lose the battle?” Roared Jai Ti, went leaping from deck to deck until he could once again confront Messaline while his slower minions scurried along behind. In the meantime a fresh mob of pirates descended on Li’hi and she lost herself in the dance of swords and fists as she sent many of them to meet their ancestors.

“You fight well for a barbarian,” Messaline complimented the Pirate Chief, “Almost as well as a Chinese.”

“I was fortunate, once when a typhoon had me ship wrecked I was lucky enough to pluck a Master of your Martial Arts out of the water. Mistaking me for a humble fisherman we spent the months stranded on a small island with him teaching me all he knew. When he had done so I killed him and signalled one of my ships to come rescue me and have ruled these seas ever since as the undisputed pirate king.”

“You boast much,” Said Messaline, “Let us test your boasts,” She launched a flurry of kicks and sword thrusts that would have broken or spitted most men. Indeed they drove Jai Ti back to a mast and then up it as the two warriors ascended the collapsing sail with its multiple rigid yards.

Then Messaline was forced to leap clear for safety landing upon the deck of yet another ship, she turned once again to face Java Ti as he descended like a thunderbolt. Each struck the other in a cascade of blows so hard that sparks and shards of armour went flying off but neither could gain an advantage.

Li’hi tried to cut her way through the press of pirates to come to Messaline’s aid but always the two were one leap, one step and sometimes one ship’s deck ahead of her as the fight between the furious pair whirled around the entangled fleets.

The fight seemed destined to go on for ever between the evenly matched pair until at last they stood upon the deck of a pirate ship that was almost entirely a roaring inferno. Suddenly the deck gave way beneath Messaline. She kicked hard to avoid going down into the flames but the distraction was enough. A blow from the hilt of his sword sent Messaline into unconsciousness and he held her with his blade pressed against her throat, then leaping to safety aboard another Jai Ti called all, “Surrender you dogs lest I kill your precious Messaline of Jin.”

For Li’hi who up until that moment had been having a fairly good battle against lesser opponents there was no choice and she laid down her sword, dispirited the Chinese sailors did likewise.

“I am Jai Ti and you are all my prisoners!” Cried out the Pirate Chieftain in a bellow of triumph.

To Be Continued​
A Roofless Rodent Presentation​
Staring Messaline and LittleSiss (as Li'hi'sisu)​
Script by Racing Rodent​
Illuminations by Messaline​
you have stolen my, Admi Ruyterhoek's slave yacht

The battle had ended in complete defeat for the men of Jin but for all his boastful swagger Jai Ti was very careful of his prizes. First he ordered Li’hi stripped of her war gear and clothing before being bound in chains and held at sword point. All the while he kept his own blade at Messaline’s throat. Only with her friend under close guard did he dare release her and force her to strip also.

“Now Princess Messaline, oh yes I know who you are, there is only one woman warrior like you in the whole of China and now you are my captive and must obey my every command,” Java Ti boasted.

“I think not ignorant dog, I was held captive by Genghis Khan and neither nor all his armies nor all their tortures could compel my submission, I doubt a petty pirate like you could do better,” Goaded Messaline.

“Cursed wench, I am Jai Ti greatest pirate of this or any other age long after that nomad nobody has been forgotten people will recall my name, I shall show you I am the better man, you will bow before me and call me master!” Roared the infuriated pirate chieftain.

“We may say the words but we shall never think them,” Replied Messaline.

“You will learn to worship me as a god!” Screamed Jai Ti, “Take them and shackle them in the hold of my flagship, they will learn obedience soon enough.”

Later as they incarcerated in the somewhat smelly, very dank hold full of furtive rodents Li’hi turned to Messaline and after remarking, “Vermin is there anything more disgusting?” She then asked, “Was it wise to provoke our captor so?”

“I think it was, as toys the man would keep us for ever and he is wise to us and our ways in battle, he will not let us escape but if we deny him his pleasure…” Messaline smiled but Li’hi dared interrupt.

“…But can we deny him, he can hold one of us at sword point and rape the other,” Pointed out Li’hi more to see what her Princess would say than for any other reason.

“If that was what he wanted yes but I think he wants our willing yielding, if he cannot have that then he will turn to other means of wringing satisfaction from us and to a pirate that means profit. He will sell us, most likely to the highest bidder and then we shall have our chance to escape,” Stated Messaline with supreme confidence.

“The tortures to break us are likely to be tough though,” Said Li’hi.

“Yes but we are tougher,” Responded her lover.

“Yes my love, together we are unbreakable,” Li’hi responded gladly.

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The next day when the women were brought on deck Jai Ti without his armour but still masked greeted them, “Pewee, you stink, I think our ladies need a wash, rig them to the bathing apparatus,” He commanded.

On each beam of the centre deck of his dhow were rigged a crane, a simple beam and A frame over which was slung cords of stout rope. Each of the women were tied by their chained feet and then pushed over the sides to dangle upside down.

“Who is your master?” Called Jai Ti.

“Messaline is my Mistress,” Shouted Li’hi.

“Li’hi is my one true Love,” Cried out Messaline in response.

“Lower the ropes,” Jai Ti ordered and the women were plunged head first to drag in the ocean, immersed so they felt the full fear of drowning and were pressed by the force of the water that tugged avidly on their bonds, then again they were aloft swinging in the perilous air.

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“Who is your master?”

“Messaline,” Came Li’hi’s voice after she had inflated her lungs with air.

“Li’hi,” Shouted Messaline.

Down again they went into the sea, down into the murky blue, dragged by their suspended feet through waters that raged at their passage, up again into the air only to answer in defiance and again take the plunge. Over and over this went with long ages of the air bubbling upwards from unwilling lungs punctuated by swirling interludes in the air made dizzying by the constant motions of body and ship and sea none of them in synchronisation. Sun and salt took their tolls on skin till it felt hot and raw, throats parched and eyes stung and watered but at the end of the day when they were swung aboard they still mouthed.



“We shall find a beach, I have further persuasion to try, for now let them have bread and water, we do not want our precious guests to die on us, then lock them below,” Jai Ti ordered firmly.

For two days our two heroines were largely left alone in the dark dank noisome conditions. They were brought bread and water each day and washed down by having buckets of water thrown over them but the rest of them time they had only each other and the rats for company.

On the third day they were taken, heavily chained and each guarded by several heavily armed pirates in separate boats to the shore of one of the many islands that dotted the these seas south of China. On the beach the pirate fleet erected huge roasting pits to celebrate its victory and soon the smells of succulent meat and cooking fish wafted over to the women.

“The dogs, look at them, they so readily turn traitor,” Messaline cried out in horrified scorn when she recognised several of her former crew among the pirates laughing and drinking bowls of potent rice wine.

“I think they had little choice,” Said Li’hi who knew what it was to be alone and powerless though now she could draw strength from her love for Messaline and endure dangers and tortures that would have terrified the girl she once was.

It was a good thing she could. Jai Ti had plans for his captives. The pirates set a tall pole up in a pit dug on the beach, the girls were taken and chained to this stake and then the pirate pirates shovelled hot sand from the roasting pits into the pit till the baking heat scorched and seared their feet.

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“Dance for me my pretties, you may refuse to call me master but you will dance,” Laughed the masked pirate king.

Messaline and Li’hi could but jump about on the hot sand. Each foot spared for a few seconds but only at expense of punishing the other. They would haul themselves up by their chains taking all their weight on their wrists but even that tested their endurance and they were forced again to touch down upon the heated ground.

On and one they leapt and skipped about, the screams and cries winning free from their throats in spite of themselves. Sweat beaded their naked bodies and dripped down to hiss upon the sand. Muscles ached at the constant demands and the heat left them feeling ever more exhausted but Jai Ti kept them there and he and his pirates roared with laughter and pointed out jiggling bosoms and buttocks and shapely legs pumping hard to fend off the constant assault of hot pain.

Only after what seemed like a long age did Jai Ti relent and order men in rope soled shoes into the pit to retrieve the half-baked captives.

“You smell delicious but are too precious to eat, I will post you up for sale in Borneo. Someone I am sure will pay a fine price for two such comely wenches of such fame and repute to adorn a harem or sell on for further spoils,” Jai Ti told them and laughed to cover his disappointment at not claiming them for himself. Messaline and Li’hi smiled a brief smile of triumph at one another and then slumped into deep exhausted sleep.

To Be Continued​
In an all new never seen before episode ;)
It was hardly the stuff of which legends were made. A shabby strip of shabby beach between a flotsam covered sea and a shabby looking jungle. Yet the ships at anchor off the shore and drawn up on the beach bore some of the most famous heraldic banners of the region and many a vessel sported gilt decoration and fine carvings in rare woods by the most expensive master craftsmen. For it was here and now in this meeting spot that vast ransoms would change hands and captives redeemed or failing that proud buyers would offer over goodly sums to own some of the most famous and prestige enhancing slaves any master could hope to own.

From the hold of Jai Ti’s ship Messaline and Li’hi were raised up in separate cages. Covered by spears and ready bows they had been forced to extend hands and feet to be tied to the bars of their confinement. Even so the pirates were taking no chances. Hoisted ashore the cages were surrounded by not less than twenty guards.

A dozen stout porter naked save for loin clothes bore each cage on long bamboo poles. The woman gave no sign of their feelings as they were taken bouncing and swaying to the centre of the beach front slave market.

They were further cowed with a noose on a long pole around each slender neck and only then were the bars to which they were bound released from the rest of the cage. For ported carried each of the women a few strides to be laid down before a pair of stout wooden poles each with two cross beams to form a frame. All the while one guard kept a tight hold on the yoke around each neck and many others watched with weapons bared.

“Careful now my proud sluts,” Java Ti boasted though even he kept a wary hand on the hilt of his sword, “You have refused to name me master so I will sell you to the highest bidder but first I will display you in the manner of the Nipponese monkeys from the islands of the far north, those cold barbarians at least know how to treat their women and criminals though I admit one struggles to tell the different.” Jai Ti laughed at his own joke and his sycophants laughed along with him.

Messaline held her tongue for now. Her plan was in effect even more so that the Pirate Chieftain and she would not squander it by rash words now. Held tight by the noose fitted on the end of the goad held by a wary warrior Messaline was carefully untied and then hauled aloft half strangling the process till she bound with spread-eagled arms and legs to the cross that would display here to the bidders.

Li’hi received the same treatment. The even with the women held taught in their bond around two dozen pirate warriors surrounded them in case of escape as their armour and weapons were set out on the beach to be displayed for all onlookers to see and admire.

“I have before you the famous devil woman Princess Messaline of Jin and her she demon body slave, each is a skilled and deadly warrior and a whore of some noted renown and only the most manly of men can hope to tame such as they, indeed no lesser man would even survive their ownership,” Jai Ti proclaimed, “I will consider bids starting at no less than one thousand pieces of silver.”

“So cheap?” Scoffed Messaline from her cross, “I demand not less than ten thousand be paid by any man who would even dare think to call me master.” These words provoked laughter but also immediately a cry of “Ten thousand pieces of Song silver.” The eleven thousand was bid, then twelve and rapidly until the bidding reached twenty thousand.

All the while the women strained under the hot sun, the marks of their previous tortures still aching and sore and now the added test of hanging suspended before the men of many nations. Worse but they were a feast for insects of a variety of biting and sucking kinds and that feasted on blood and sweat and the moisture of the eyes.

“Twenty five thousand and I will pay no more for women with such small tits,” Said one heaving merchant.

“Pig dog, best you do not pay at all your small dick was long ago lost in the folds of your fat.” Snapped Messaline.

That provoked laughter and then a man said, “Well Boro it seems she knows you already, I bid twenty six thousand pieces of silver on behalf of the Maharaja of Chola.”

“What, what that impudent nobody, neigh, Java Ti, I bid twenty seven thousand in silver on behalf on behalf of the Maharaja of Pandaya,” declared another man.

The bidding went back and forth easily topping thirty thousand and then in smaller increments forty thousand silvers in between much abuse and name calling , in particular insinuations about the unworthy manhoods of the rival bidders and their rulers.

“I say gentlemen but I and the Princess here have been up on these rather a long time and it is getting very boring, we promise to serve faithfully the man who can afford us so why not write down secretly the maximum you are prepared to spend and give it to Jai Ti and then we can all have done before supper?” Li’hi suggested in the kind of exasperation that comes from having a dry throat and aching joints while your crotch itches with the flies trying to drink from your exposed pussy. Things had gone on long enough and were getting unpleasant.

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Fortunately her words had effect for Messaline would never have begged for water and the sun was hot and high in the sky by now. They was a hurried scribbling of notes which were passed to Jai Ti who passed them on to the man he employed to read for him who passed them back with a whispered explanation.

“For the sum of fifty five thousand in silver and its equivalent in goods the slave Messaline and her servant and all their goods are sold to Danishta of Chennai on behalf of his Master the Maharaja of Chola!” Jai Ti proclaimed.

“What, what impossible I can bid more, give me a month and I will double it,” Protested the man from Pandaya but he was ignored and the servants of Danishta advanced to take charge of their new slaves.

As soon as they were released Messaline and Li’hi were given much needed water and simple tunics of Indian cotton to wear. Li’hi lent in close to her Mistress to whisper, “When do we make our move to escape.”

“All in good time…” Messaline responded slowly and thoughtfully, “I have a mind to go exploring, let us see this fabled India and see what these barbarians are made of…perhaps one among them might prove a worthy ally against Genghis Khan?”

To Be Continued​
You will note that Messa and Li'hi also found time to study the economics of the luxury slave trade and male psychology as well as pursue a gruelling exercise regime including lots of stretching and diving (in episode 2). They are busy girls :D
You will note that Messa and Li'hi also found time to study the economics of the luxury slave trade and male psychology as well as pursue a gruelling exercise regime including lots of stretching and diving (in episode 2). They are busy girls :D
very busy.................just like some rodents:p
The Maharaja’s ladies watched the proceedings from behind a woven wicker screen, shielding them from the gaze of the lesser nobility and the token handful of commoners who had been allowed in to witness Brahmins and the Maharaja and His Queen preside over the complex and intricate rituals. The ceremonies themselves seemed tolerable boring until it came time for the sacred dancers to take their positions in front of the altar.

The women were adorned with bright silks and cottons and a great deal of gold the latter took the form of rings and bangles and necklaces and belts and piercings. Many, many piercings, noses, belly buttons, nipples and even pudenda were all pierced. This became easily apparent for in the course of the dance, the swaying, gyrating, sometimes languorous, sometimes frenetic but always captivating almost hypnotic motions, all the silk and cotton clothing came off.

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The dancers were left quite naked, dark skins glistening with sweat, breasts and chests heaving with the effort of capturing enough air but legs and arms and even necks always held just so at exactly the correct angle required by the sacred choreography.

Now the Maharaja himself strode in glittering presence between these sanctified lovelies and laid a chalice filled to the brim with some exotic incense upon the altar as the latest offering of his wealth and majesty to the great God Shiva.

“This God of theirs seems to like strippers…or maybe it is just the King’s fancy?” Murmured Li’hi to Messaline in Chinese and the two women giggled.

“Talk Tamil, not that heathen rubbish of yours,” Snapped Cabitha the Maharaja’s favourite concubine and thus chief of the women’s quarters after his wife the Queen herself.

“We were just remarking on the splendour of the ritual oh excellent one,” Said Messaline in her oddly accented Tamil, it was hard to tell if she was really being as ironic as she sounded.

“Yes well, speak in something approaching civilised language, now be quiet,” Cabitha hissed and they all went back to watching the rituals.

Later they would watch as the Maharaja sat in judgement on his people. Various cases were brought before him, most of them minor, the majority of the more serious ones with a clear verdict thanks to elaborate evidence. One case however proved more troublesome.

A group of seven high caste soldiers stood accused of raping several women and older girls in a village they had been assigned to protect. Of course they denied everything and appealed to the Maharaja’s caste loyalties to acquit them. The women were equally vociferous in their demands for a guilty verdict.

“So you swear by all the Gods you are innocent?” Asked the Sovereign of Chola looking down imposingly from where he knelt cross legged on a gilded throne, his chest bare but his hands bedecked with many rings.

“We do Your Great Majesty,” Said the chief of the accused.

“So I should flog these women for bearing false witness and turn them from my gates?” Asked the Monarch.

“That would be the right thing to do Your Great Majesty,” Said the Captain and leader of the group of soldiers. The women started to wail and protest the horror of the crimes against them.

“Be silent!” The Maharaja held up his hand, “The trouble I have, is why would women who were just making this up, choose to dare roads which even in my Empire are not safe and walk, walk not ride three hundred miles to lay these charges at my feet, knowing they risk a whipping and an equally unsafe journey if I find against them?”

“They are women Your Great Majesty and of unsound mind, we are soldiers, warrior caste like yourself, you have to believe our word over theirs,” said the Captain with confidence, He stroked his broad moustaches as he talked.

“Indeed, so sayeth the law but there is a higher law, that of the Gods, I have in mind to let them make the decision,” Said the Maharaja.

“How would they reveal their choice?” Asked the Captain looking a bit concerned at last.

“By the oldest and most reliable means of all, trial by combat,” The group of accused soldiers began to look worriedly at the Royal Guard arranged around them, “I have among my women two Chinese who are skilled or so they say in the Martial Arts, since your accusers are women I think it best that women represent them, don’t you agree?”

“Veteran soldiers against concubines?” Scoffed the Captain and his fellows laughed, “Of course Your Great Majesty, I thank you for your justice and wisdom.”

“I thought you might,” Smiled the Maharaja, “Li’hi, Messaline, don your armour and pick up your swords, I would have you represent the justice of the Gods upon these rogues.”

“I am the Princess he should address me first, always he favours you,” Muttered Messaline crossly under her breath.

“I am sure he will learn to appreciate your worth more fully given time,” Said Li’hi who truth be told found the Maharaja’s fondling more boring than anything else, she helped Messaline into her armour and then they affixed hers.

“My Great Ruler surely it is not fair that these women possess armour so much finer than ours?” Protested the Captain of the rapers.

“Are you afraid of mere women Captain? I would have thought my warriors had sterner blood in their veins, surely you should be looking forwards to defeating them and stripping them of that metal?” Asked the Maharaja his voice dripping with blatantly false concern, “The odds are even seven to two in your favour.”

“Of course Great Majesty, I misspoke we shall be triumphant and redeemed in the eyes of Gods and men and these whores,” The Captain glared at the women who had accused him, “Will be flogged as they deserve!”

The soldiers drew received their weapons from the Royal Guard and formed a rough semi-circle around Messaline and Li’hi. “How shall we do this Messaline?” Asked Li’hi.

“I take the three on the right, you the three on the left, we leave the boastful one till last,” Said the Princess.

The Maharaja signalled the start of the combat by raising an orange handkerchief and letting slowed descend to earth…when it touched the ground…

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Messaline and Li’hi exploded into action with all their pent up frustrations of the last few days, neither was in the mood for elegance, hack, slash stab and the two bloody figures stood with their swords poised at the throat of the Captain who had yet even to move. Something moved now, piss ran down the man’s leg as at last he shook with fear.

“I think the Gods have judged Great Ruler, what would you have us do with this man?” Asked Messaline.

“I agree the Gods have judged, he lied without honour and raped women under his protection demeaning the honour of Myself, My Kingdom and our caste, he will not receive a warrior’s death, Guards take him hence, have one of the Royal Elephants press its foot upon his chest and crush the ill spent life from this carrion,” The Maharaja spat in further show of disgust. He turned to the village women, “You shall be escorted home by a troop of my Guards and have a purse of gold to recompense your honour and loyalty in bringing these crimes to my attention.”

Then the Maharaja clapped his hands, “Today’s audience is at an end!”

A few weeks later the Maharaja had departed to personally inspect some of his armies in the field while the Queen had retired to her summer palace by a lake where the climate was cooler. This left Cabitha in sole charge of the women’s quarters and it was clear that this did not impress Messaline at all.

“I am to take orders from this jumped up nobody?” Messaline raged, throwing one of many silken cushions off her large and ornate bed onto the floor, “I a Princess of Imperial Jin am to bow and scrap to the daughter of a cowherd?”

“I think that Cabitha’s father is quite a well-respected nobleman in this country actually…” Li’hi put in.

“Do not contradict me!” Snapped Messaline who was in an absolute fury. She hurled yet more cushions from the bed. Li’hi ducked even though none were aimed at her.

“I am sorry Princess I did not mean to misspeak, punish me as you will,” Offered Li’hi deciding that only abject surrender could save the situation.

“Punish you, why punish you? No on to the bed Li’hi,” Ordered Messaline, “No on your back,” She corrected Li’hi’s position and then lay down beside her, “I am in the mood to pleasure you not punish you.”

“Shouldn’t you go see what Cabitha wants, I rather think she fancies you Messa….oh….oh…oh,” Normally the swift invasion of a delicate hand in the silken trousers that Li’hi wore here in the Maharaja’s women’s quarters would have left her cold. However the argument and the prospect of punishment and the knowledge of Messaline’s intentions coupled with Messaline’s undoubted erotic skill with her hands meant that Li’hi was in fact ready and more than ready to yield herself.

Messaline gently teased her open and then following the curve of her passion and growing wetness delved deeper and faster into her woman’s space, then sensing the moment fingers seized and ruthless forced the bud of Li’hi’s pleasure into an explosive climax.

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“Oh Messaline, that was wonderful,” Said Li’hi reaching to do the same for her lover but the Princess was far from done, pinning her servant down she pulled off her trousers and knelt between her legs, this time her tongue led the way to Li’hi’s pleasure. Again Li’hi wanted to attend to Messaline but her ardent lover was unrelenting and it was all that Li’hi could do to manoeuvre around to confront the soft scent and scene of Messaline’s Jade Gate already awash with pleasure even before Li’hi teased aside her garments and pushed her face hard into her lover’s sweetness.

Try as she might though she found herself yielding a third orgasm but now she had her dear one clit between her teeth and would be bought off until she felt Messaline at long overdue last explode with the climax of her desires and drape in happy exhaustion across Li’hi’s equally spent body.

“I told you to attend me, instead you fornicate with this lowly wench!” Screamed Tabitha who had undertaken to come herself to Messaline’s quarters, “I will not be spited like this,” She screamed the jealousy powering her fury all too clear on her face and in her voice, “I am the Chief Concubine and I will be obeyed!”

“Go scream at your cows,” Said Messaline with lazy defiance flaunting the wide arc of her legs as she rolled off from Li’hi.

“Go scream….why you…you will be the ones to scream for my cows…we shall see how you appreciate my favours then,” Declared Cabitha in her rage, she summoned male servants who seized the pair and drag them to the paddock by the river where the cattle which had been a gift from her father to the Maharaja retired after a day grazing the river banks and wallowing in its waters.

“That post, that post strip and bind them, no not that way around, facing each other, with their backs to the whip, would you mar their beauties you fools the Maharaja would have you flayed?” Cabitha issued her orders. Then she chose two large men, made large muscled by their avid following of the local wrestling traditions.

Each took up a large whip.

“Twenty lashes to begin with, we shall see how this pair enjoy taking the blows and watching their lover take a blow, you will whip on the even numbers, you on the odd ones, I shall count to forty so listen carefully and strike hard,” Instructed Cabitha.

“One,” The first blow landed like fire across Li’hi’s back but all she uttered was a shallow grunt at that point, Messaline barely even grimaced at her turn. The blows kept coming as the flogging continued and inevitably the lash wore down the resistance to pain as the blood began to flow and the screams came.

“Thirty nine, forty,” The numbers should have come as a relief but Messaline was in a fickle mood.

“Oh more please, I am not done,” She called out.

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“Nor I,” Shouted Li’hi in loyal support though she was having her doubts. These doubts were brutally smashed away by Cabitha calling out “Forty one,” and Li’hi’s world dissolved into a haze of pain. It was a giddy world in which the whole of her being shook with a new vibrancy at each caress of the whip. Breasts ached where they continually ground into the wood and only the sight of Messaline’s exultant face gave her any reason to stay with the world. Li’hi pondered this strange mood she found herself in, pleasure born from pain and something more, the very release of thought, the simply surreal pleasure of enjoying the animal moment.

For Messaline there was ecstasy, the pain made her body scream but her mind almost floated above it. She was proud of the way that Li’hi took and rode the blows but also aroused by the way her whole body from sensitive sensitised crotch to ardent breasts was driven into the rough wood of the post which they were tied at each blow. Messaline felt her pent up frustrations explode out of her, released in an unusual orgasm by the supposed torture. Her legs wove against Li’hi’s and she clenched her limbs to her lovers as the last four blows drove her back into reason and more rational appreciation of the pain.

“More?” Asked Cabitha.

“No more, we are done,” Gasped an exhausted sweat and blood soaked Messaline.

“Well you can spend the night here, you will learn the obedience due to your place in the hierarchy here, you are not Queen or Empress or whatever you were in your barbarian country but a concubine and must learn to serve me, when you do, then you will know pleasure,” Said Cabitha and turned upon her heel and strode away.

The women were left in the mud and the oozing muck with the flies at first. Only later did the water buffalo tentatively heave themselves out of the river to investigate these strangers in their enclosure. A little while later a boy whose job it was to attend the women brought them drinking water though he left alone the knots with bound then to the post, facing but not fully able to touch each other.

Later as the darkness fell the cattle closed in to make better acquaintance of these strange rather still but unthreatening humans. After a while first one and then others decided to lick the salty sweat and blood from the wounds of the bound captives. This was strangely comforting the hot, wet but soft tongues easing aching muscles and cleansing the hurt away. Less pleasing was the almost constant flatulence emanating from one or other of the buffalo.

“Oh that stinks,” Li’hi wrinkled her nose, somewhat more herself now with the passage of time, ”Why don’t we just escape?”

“I have considered it but I still think this Maharaja may be useful to our cause, I need to see if he is worthy and his aid can be enlisted,” Decided Messaline, “In the meantime, well, I rather enjoying time spent with you under the stars.” They could not quite reach to kiss but managed to rub noses in a way that made both of them giggle and temporarily send the buffalo rearing away.

“Well I think I have been in better spots but anywhere with you Messaline is good, I love you,” Said Li’hi strangely happy.

“I love you Li’hi with all my proud heart, I love you,” Smiled Messaline as the night’s stars came out.

To Be Continued​

“Oh, oh your fingers are so wonderful inside of me Messaline,” Cabitha arched her back and almost screamed in pleasure as Messaline lay across her mouth on a breast, one hand on the other breast and the other working with relentless skill between the woman’s legs.

“Oh, oh, oh I can feel it, I can feel Nirvana!” Cabitha cried out in exultation, with one hand she stroked Messaline’s hair with the other she held tight to her back. Slowly, ever so slowly as post-coital lethargy took over did she release Messaline. As soon as she was free Messaline slid from the bed and began to pick up her robe.

“Must you go, can you not stay the night, you are so wonderful and I would pleasure you back for all you have done,” Murmured Cabitha in a half sleepy daze.

“No my religion forbids me from staying the night with a new lover the first three times, the time after next my love,” Messaline lied smoothly. The Tamils took the issue of religion terribly seriously and were adamant about respecting the religious practices of others. They felt you had to be born into a caste and a Tamil to worship as they did but others were free to follow their own Gods as they chose.

Messaline had thus invented various religious objections to slow and obstruct the Chief Concubine’s unwanted advances.

“Was it good?” Asked Li’hi who felt this was all something of a funny joke, especially the ruses by which Messaline had thus far delayed spending the night with Cabitha.

“It was not good,” Messaline slung off her gown and joined an equally naked Li’hi in bed, “The woman is boorish and clumsy,” She prodded and poked at Li’hi’s left breast in simulation of her experiences.

“Ouch, that tickles, oh ouch, okay that hurt and not in a fun way,” Li’hi pouted, “Still why don’t you teach her to be a better lover, you have certainly taught me a thing or two?” Li’hi arched an eyebrow and shifted a leg to better accommodate her Princess.

“No, it is bad enough that you have the attention of the Maharaja and I must put up with bedding this Concubine,” Growled Messaline, “This is not my mission, I seek a strong ally against Genghis Khan and Cabitha is not it.”

“Well there is nothing much we can do until the army and their king returns,” Pointed out Li’hi.

“Oh yes we can, we can escape, I know now where the armoury is from the women’s quarters, we can make our way across the rooftops and collect our weapons and armour,” Said Messaline, “Then we can join the Maharaja and show him why he should want me as an ally.”

“What about food and stuff to drink, we’ll need that too,” Pointed out Li’hi ever practical.

“Okay so after the armoury we raid the kitchens and then we can still saddles and tack and escape over the wall,” Said Messaline come alive the planning after too much frustrating idleness.

“What about horses?” Asked Li’hi.

“We shall take some from that paddock near where we were whipped, if we try and take ones from the stables we would need to pass through the gates and I have no desire to be pursued by an entire regiment of guards, no we shall use stealth as much as possible,” Messaline decided.

“Erm do we know where the army is?”

“Well they are along the big river…” Messaline seemed rather alarmingly vague at this point, “But now we have learned enough Tamil we can ask a peasant for directions.” She brightened.

“Do the peasants speak the same Tamil as the Court?” Asked Li’hi who had had a few rough experiences in adapting the Chinese of a frontier post to that spoken in more refined circles.

“Good point, well if they sound too much like gibberish we shall waylay a merchant and coax the information from him,” Said Messaline with confidence.

“Oh good,” Said Li’hi feeling none too sure of this plan but having long since fallen into the habit of falling in with Messaline’s desires.

So that night two lithe shadows crept across the roofs of the Palace complex. Like cats they traversed the tiles in quick unseen stealth. Upon reaching their destination they descended with flowing grace to to the ground. There they met a slight mishap. The guards were rendered unconscious with ease.

“I think you might have hit yours a little hard,” Noted Li’hi as she throttled her man until he went slack and then laid him carefully on his side so he would not choke upon his own vomit should he throw up before he woke.

“He breathes,” Shrugged Messaline with lordly disdain, “Open up, in there, we need to use the armoury,” Messaline banged on the door.

“Go away unless you have the Lord Chamberlain’s password, we do not open for ordinary business till sun up,” Came a muffled voice from within.

“Well damn, how shall we persuade the guards to open this door?” Messaline asked sounding vexed.

“Oh they are a men they are easy, help me a moment and I’ll explain,” Li’hi quickly whispered her plan to her mistress.

A short while later Rajak was losing at dice to his friend Eashan when for a second time a voice came at the door. Eashan was of course somewhat annoyed but Rajat insisted he had to answer it in case his luck turned miraculously while he was away from the table.

“Go away, we do not open for anyone without the Lord Chamberlain’s authorisation,” Rajak laughed through the door.

“Not even for a pair of Goddesses descended from the heavens to test the acclaimed vitality of the men of earth?” Asked a decidedly feminine voice.

“Yeah right, “Began Rajak opening the panel in the door to the armoury, “Oh my,” He gasped as he took in the sight, “Eashan come quick there are too naked…naked…come quick…” He stammered as his wits were momentarily overwhelmed by the sight before him.

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“Two what you fool?” Said Eashan petulantly and then gazed through the barred portal in the door, “Oh my,” His jaw dropped but then his natural suspicion reasserted itself “What have you done with the outer door guards?”

“We have satisfied them till they passed out but we desire more, please tell us you are men who can give us more than the weak and lazy lingams of the Gods can?” Now sensible men might have protested they could not but when the Goddesses held up one of their fellow with a happy befuddled grin on his face and his male prong descending to half-mast with evidence of it being well used they really did leave their wits behind.

The door rattled as they shot the many bolts home and turned the three locks so they could drag it open. “Oh please come in Most Divine Ones, we are pious men and would happily service you, we mean serve you,” The pair tripped over their tongues in the face of the immortal and exotic beauties before them.

When the guards came to the next morning their throbbing heads and save for Jaafar’s quite unused lingams rather suggested that they had all gotten laid out rather than laid. Worse a quick inventory revealed two fine sets of armour was missing. That was before cries from outside the Palace revealed several horses were missing and then matters took a further turn for the worse when it was revealed that two of the Maharajah’s favourite concubines were missing.

The armoury guards realised they had a lot of explaining to do.

“Li’hi I think you need to explain to these crocodiles that we would not bother them if they would just keep out of our way,” Said Messaline as she helped her servant and lover haul ashore the croc that had become the latest in a string of the beasts to get shot by the Princess as they made their way up river. Mostly Messaline just wanted her arrows back but they had also found out the reptiles could be carved into tasty stakes slow cooked over the night fires of each fresh encampment.

“I was only shouting at that crocodile because it tried to eat the pack horse, I don’t think it actually understood what I was saying, it just had the sense to dive back into the river and swim away before you shot it,” Li’hi explained once again.

“Well it looked to me as if it nodded to you first,” Said Messaline primly, Li’hi rolled her eyes but said nothing.

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Messaline was happier out here in the wilds, the local peasant did not trouble two obviously noble warriors even if they did keep mistaking them for men. They were also happy to direct them on in the direction that the Maharajah’s army had marched in pursuit of his campaign against the Pandayas. The Chola armies had not done well of late and the Maharajah had decided that maybe his personal presence would buck up the courage of his soldiers in battle.

Idle gossip was easy enough to come by but the women had no coin on their person and it would look odd for nobles to resort to barter. So they were forced to hunt for food and chop firewood in the forests. The latter along with the cooking was something that Li’hi was undoubtedly better at than Messaline who had always had servants for that kind of thing.

Li’hi did not actually mind this as much as she might have expected. It was nice having Messaline alone to herself after too long in other’s company. Also to be fair but the Princess did have a lot more practice actually hunting than Li’hi and it showed when comparing their respective ‘bags’ before the preparations began for meal every evening.

Besides Messaline had ways of showing she was grateful. “Come to me my love,” Messaline pulled Li’hi into her arms, “Tonight it is just us and the stars, late us give them true joy to gaze upon!” So saying the Princess wrapped her lover in exquisite kisses and so began their loving making that night.

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The loving was long and vigorous and perhaps that was why the two women allowed themselves to be surprised by the band of soldiers the next morning.

“Ho ho what have we here?” Laughed one of the Tamils as the two women seized up swords to defend themselves and ignored the thin blankets that might have covered their nakedness.

“I am Messaline of Jin and I demand to be taken to the Maharajah,” Announced the Princess.

“Oh I don’t think so,” Said the biggest of the men, stepping forwards and baring his own sword.

“Hold you fool, can you not see these are foreign noble women, maybe they have some business with the Maharajah or maybe they will just make good prisoners but we had best take them in unharmed to make sure,” Snapped another soldier, “My ladies I apologise we shall escort to the camp immediately.”

“Once we have had time to suitably attire ourselves,” Snapped Messaline, the Tamil men nervously looked at the array of weapons the women possessed but then concluded that they were men, they outnumbered the pair twenty to one and besides what man would admit to being nervous of a woman? The two were allowed to buckle on their armour and saddle up their horses in peace.

The journey into the army camp was short but most of the forces were out preparing for battle with a rival host. There were many flags flying and a lot of to and through amidst banging drums and sounding horns and other instruments. In many ways it was much as a Chinese army at war save the Tamils employed a great number of armoured war elephants as living battering rams to trample and smash the foot soldiers and cavalry of the other side.

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The Maharajah was sitting on a camping stool that served as a sort of throne while he and his topmost chieftains waited to mount their horses, held nearby, until the battle was about to start in earnest.

Li’hi stared at the Maharajah’s turned back and though it looked a little odd somehow, though she had to admit she had rarely seen it with that many clothes on up close. Messaline meanwhile genuflected and launched into her rehearsed speech, “Oh mighty Maharajah of Chola I am Messaline of Jin and this is Li’hi my faithful servant, we are recently purchased as additions to your concubines but I am in fact the Princess of a great empire and we are both peerless warriors, if you will et us fight your enemies alongside your other soldiers we shall show how well we can serve you as more than just bed warmers and also offer you a chance at a great alliance with the most powerful ruler of the whole world,” Said Messaline.

In response and rather rudely Li’hi thought the Maharajah just laughed and then he turned around, “I have no need of women to make my wars, soon my allies will join with me and we shall crush Pandya together. Besides who would rely on such a pair who cannot obey Royal commands? I left you in my palace in the care of my Chief Concubine Cabitha, oh yes she has sent messengers to me to tell me of your intransigence and your escape and your theft of my property.

“You are pretty and amusing wenches but only fitted to be slaves and maybe an example, guards seize them,” Command Maharajah Vira Narasimah of Chola.

Suddenly blades were in the girls’ hands but then they hesitated. They had come to make an ally not attack Chola. That moment of doubt was fatal. Rough hands seized them and while they might have fought off the first villains to attempt to restrain them more were about and swords were pressed to throats, reluctantly the pair could but surrender to whatever fate lay ahead.
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To Be Continued​
The pain sets in surprisingly quickly. Bound and spread-eagled as they were to a pair of saltire style crosses Messaline and Li’hi could barely move their limbs as the stars of the Milky Way wheeled overhead. The hot humid night was alive with the sound of chirping insects, the rasps and sighs of the night camps and the great mournful bellows and trumpets of the massed elephants of two armies, though whether they called to each other in challenge or commiseration was beyond human keen.

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“Messaline, my Princess, we must try and escape,” Li’hi hissed in a low voice struggling to loosen her bounds. She had learned many skills and confidently believed that few if any save the woman bound next to her could match her as a warrior but if there was one skill the Tamils of Chola possessed true masters in it was the tying of rope. It would be days before Li’hi could have freed herself and the Maharajah Narasimha had made it clear that they did not have days.

“I have decided that the best way to enthuse my troops is to demonstrate the power of our Lord Shiva manifested in destruction and rebirth. My soldiers shall watch two pretty foreign maids destroyed before their eyes by my torturers and executioners and from your suffering and sacrifice will be born a victory, it will save waiting upon my uncles army and preserve the victory and the glory entirely to myself,” The Maharajah had told them with cruel malice.

Now Messaline slumped in deep despond. Her plans and visions of a great alliance to restore Jin to its former glory and ward off the terrible Mongols lay in ruins and worse than ruins. She had it seemed condemned both herself and her beloved to a terrible death and a cruel afterlife, nothing that Li’hi could find to say seemed to rouse her.

All the while the terrible, niggling aches in all of her joints, bone even marrow deep grew and grew. Sweat beaded Li’hi’s skin and the rope rasped blood from her straining wrists but would not give or slacken. The hot wet night saw biting insect out in force and these descended with irritatingly mindless voracious appetite upon both their helpless victims, enjoying the feasts of girl essence while it yet flowed fresh from the vein for after tomorrow only carrion would remain.

Yet Li’hi could not bring herself to believe that all was hopeless, she would not, could not give in. Surely if she were thwarted the very Gods themselves would find a way on behalf of her beloved and her sacred mission in defence of ancient and noble China?

Yet when she heard Messaline speaking and words answering her back from out of the murky shadows Li’hi thought she had gone mad. The dark night air itself could not speak and there was nothing standing there or so her eyes reported. Then the darkness moved and suddenly Li’hi espied the once and again familiar sight of the night clad deep blues over blacks of Twilight Whispers.

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“What are you doing here?” Li’hi asked in stunned surprise.

“Apologies Lady Li’hi, I was just explaining to my Mistress Her Imperial Highness that after she released us we sort contact with the ancient network of monks who had once helped our founding mothers and they directed us here to these lands, where we have taken refuge and temporary service with Maharajah Sundara Pandya,” Explained the female assassin.

“What are you waiting for, untie us at once,” Li’hi exclaimed.

“Our beloved and Most High Mistress has ordered we must first liberate your arms and armour from the tent in which they were secured, it is close to the Maharajah's and it takes some time to sneak in and out undetected,” Twilight Whispers informed Li’hi.

“Yes, yes, we will need our armour,” Said Messaline and Li’hi gasped in alarm for she was very clearly out of it, almost certainly dazed and extremely confused sounding.

“Twilight Whispers, can you not hear? Our Mistress is mad with thirst, quickly fetch her water, she needs her senses restored at once if we are to escape,” Li’hi instructed.

Messaline had been half in and half out of consciousness, conversing in her dreams with her ninja bodyguards, Captain Bor and even her father…she would have asked Li’hi what was wrong with that but Li’hi had left her to play with the crocodiles…no that was wrong. The fluid on her lips felt good and she drank greedily feeling strength return as it ran down her throat and then she tasted it.

“Pah, yuck,” Messaline spat, “That is horrible, what is that?”

“Warm goat’s milk You Most Sacred Lady,” Said a ninja holding up an unstopped jug of the stuff.

“Too warm, it has gone sour, dammit, untie me, don’t you know that foul traitor Narasimha means to execute I and Li’hi by torture come the rising of the sun?” Messaline realised she had to take charge of the situation it was quite clear everyone else was hopelessly milling about and chatting, time enough to compare adventures when they were escaped.

“You commanded us to fetch your armour first Most Hi…” Began Twilight Whispers.

“Well enough of that untie us now so we are ready to put it on when it arrives,” Messaline commanded. Swiftly she and her lover were released to stand there rubbing the life back into aching and blood starved hands and feet and that came alive with pins and needles even as their great started turning up, each piece carefully carried by an individual ninja maid.

No sooner had they started hurriedly buckling into their war gear than from somewhere shouts went up and then horns and drums sounded a deeper more discordant alarm.

“Damn, Twilight Whispers have you an escape route planned?” Asked Messaline in exasperation at this interruption.

“Yes My Supreme Mistress, we shall escape via the marshalling lines of the elephant cavalry to boats along the river that will carry us to the other side an d the Pandaya camp, we have allies poised to stampeded them to cover our escape,” The Ninja commander explained.

“Come then let us go, signal your allies,” Messaline commanded. At her words a single piping whistle made its note heard through the bedlam and suddenly the air was filled with the shrieking of thousand night demons from the skies above. Joining the Chinese style whistling arrows were fie arrows, both kinds of missile were notably inaccurate and only marginally effective as weapons but deployed properly they could have profound shock value.

The ninjas had prepared the night by unseating the chains of the elephants and the vast herd exploded in panic with the lumbering many ton pachyderms racing about in all directions even as the shadow garbed ninjas and their charges bounded for the river.

Yet the riders and mahouts who had charge of the elephants rose up in their hundred to resist what they took to be an attack. Messaline dodged left and then right striking hard at her foes but ti was hard to fight men and dodge careering elephants. “Look out,” Called Li’hi and shoved Messaline out of the way of one such beast, the Princess caught sight of her beloved the other side of the grey mass and then her mind was back on the fight before her.

Winning free to the boats and then being rowed by strong thewed dark brown skinned men who wore next to nothing between their turbans and their loin cloths Messaline strode on the to far, safe, shore and turned to call for Li’hi. There was no answering shout and no grinning Mongol girl appeared.

“Li’hi, Li’hi, Li’hi,” The last cries rose to screams as panic consumed her, Messaline struggled back into the water and would have tried swimming it even in full armour but her bodyguards seized her and pulled her back…”Oh Li’hi where are you?” Messaline wept bitter tears.

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To Be Continued​

“Messaline of Jin you have won me a great victory and without the need of a dreadful and costly battle, how can I Sundara of Pandya reward you?” He asked. Messaline was torn, true with the morning’s light she could see the devastation that the elephant stampede had wrought in the Chola camp. With the loss of much of their elephant cavalry and the complete disorganisation of their army the Chola had hurriedly abandoned their positions lest they be attacked while in a state of utmost vulnerability.

Yet at the moment all Messaline cared about was the missing Li’hi. Messaline herself would have been across the river looking for her lover but Twilight Whispers forbade it. Instead select Pandya scouts in several parties each under the command of one of the women ninjas were performing the task of seeking Li’hi among the trampled corpses and more optimistically among the living stragglers of the routed army.

“Can you restore my lost love?” Asked Messaline morosely.

“I do not know but I can offer you my own love to ease the burden until she is restored to you,” Promised Sundara putting his strong arms about her shoulders. Messaline noted his fragrance, it was that of a man who worked hard on maintaining his body overload with some sweet exotic scent of the Indies that tantalisingly she almost knew but did not quite recognise.

The idea of distraction was seductive if nothing else and Messaline felt a great hole where Li’hi should be at her side. So that when Sundara leaned around and kissed her she responded rather than push him away.

Sundara started slowing, with gentle kisses that gradually grew firmer and longer while his hands stroked Messaline’s hair, her back, her buttocks and then her breasts through her clothing. Messaline was glad she had taken the time to change into fine silks once the battle was safely over and she could shed her armour, her sweaty padding for her more martial garb would not have been nearly so sensual.

Sundara began to progress further his hands delving and dipping under her garments and Messaline would have responded in kind but the Maharajah was man used to dominating both his desires and the one he desired. Surrendering Messaline lay back and let herself be commanded by his touch. He laid her down upon soft cautions laid upon the floor of her tent. Then he began to slowly explore across her body each circumnavigation ending with the teasing removal of yet another garment.

He used all of the fingers, palms and backs of his hands to excite and caress her and the his entire mouth. His tongue employed by tip, side to side as if a blade or flat on in gently swirling licks. He pressed upon Messaline. He rubbed her, stroked her and even at time lightly swatted her provoking glad cries. He took portions of her skin between his teeth and with teasing eyes gazing into her own Sundara most gently and exquisitely bit her.

Finally she was fully naked and more than wet but the Tamil ruler did not yet proceed to drive into her. Instead he took his male member his lingam as they called it here and used it to rub and press and massage her female parts or yoni into an ever wider circle. Only when Messaline felt herself on the brink of frustrated tears did he enter into her and she gasped in delighted swelling sensation.

This was love making, more demanding than she had from any man of her Chinese retinue but then Sundara was a ruler in his own right albeit a barbarian. In his ignorant authority he dared believe himself Messaline’s equal, even her superior and he used her with the confidence this notion gave him. Laughing he lofted Messaline into his lap and swung her up and down the length of his shaft until she had cried out again and again in wordless ecstasy.

Then in the animal heat of passion he placed her upon all fours driving into her from behind like the tiger than adorned both his flag and hers. His hands roved across her body as he did so, finding and expressing each sweet reserve of passion that had been too long locked in muscle or fat or bone or sinew. An ocean opened in Messaline’s interior world and she dove straight in, immersing herself headfirst, plunging deep, feeling the crushing and yet lightening weight of pure emotion course through her. So lost was she in this sea that she did not even notice when he turned her round.

She awoke, yet she was already hugely, supremely awake, she emerged into her new consciousness of his kisses upon her cheeks her forehead, her nose and then ardently reciprocated upon her lips.

“I think I have found my Queen,” Said Sundara with all the pride of a royal conqueror. Messaline merely smiled in response and urged him on to further endeavour. He had found more than that but she would bide her time awhile before educating him to the fact that he had found a new Empress and the key to all the world under heaven.

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To Be Continued​
wow! more great writing RR​
lots of instructional aids in India of course​
(not sure about the horse, though :eek:)​
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