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Some Sketches

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One more story - this time I tried to be more delicate and I have drawn my lady with no full frontal nudity visible, however one can be sure that she's nude. Part 1 of 2.
Lovely nailing and fucking scenes!!! I'd prefer to see her walking naked but, as you said, you were treating the lady with delicacy...... Wonderful work, specially the most cruel scenes: mutilation, burning, cunt nailing.......
The midsummer execution. The heat is as unbearable as the pain and shame...


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The midsummer execution. The heat is as unbearable as the pain and shame...

Love the first one in which she is kneeling

Unbearable heat?

Midsummer executions in northern climes are so much more humane ...
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The midsummer execution. The heat is as unbearable as the pain and shame...

Andy, once again you’ve done amazing work!


The human mind’s ability to confront an imminent, agonizing death with denial and passivity is astounding. After the whipping and the long walk with her crossbeam strapped to her shoulders, the local thugs (calling them “soldiers” is a cruel joke) stripped her and the nearest one kicked at her knees and pushed her to the ground. She is already exhausted, sweating and bleeding. Her ordeal is over, she thinks. She is here, they can kill her now, and it can be over.

The cruelty of crucifixion, in fact, is that her ordeal has barely begun.


The cross is a powerful phallic symbol. To be crucified is to be fucked to death by Rome. Naked, powerless, and abused, the crucifee is a message from the powerful: we can do anything to you at any time. Here, the symbolic fucking is accompanied by a literal one; she will die with Roman seed in her belly.


Here is where her eyes are opened to the whole new ordeal that will define the hours left in her life. She screamed when they hammered the nails in, but now her feet are about to leave the ground for the last time, her brain is screaming, “this is wrong, stop this, it hurts, this is wrong!” It’s pure agony now.


Just as the human mind tries to deny approaching death, so does the body. It doesn’t take long on the cross in the heat of the day for her to become a shell of the woman she once was. A sweating, pissing, shitting husk. The ground at the base of her cross is now a fetid mud pile, but still she breathes and moans. The body is a stubborn thing.
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Are they wearing necklaces? And the one crucified on the right (the viewer’s left) looks to be shaved. There seems to be an interesting story here :)
As I often do, I collected together few images of similarly punished victims and put them after one another into the more or less chronological series, however in fact they are not the images of the same woman/women. In this case one of the images shows a pair of females while all the remaining concern a single victim; the landscape is not the same too. But the general impression of seeing some sequence is secured.
Dying in flames must be terrible death. Being half roasted, half smoked; scorched and suffocated. And, of course, naked. In the majesty of law. The same Roman law which is up to now assumed as the most considered and ideal...


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Do you prefer slightly more moderate weather conditions ? OK, here you are a young mountaineer-mutineer, enjoying fresh, cold air at the sunrise.

Sunrise? She looks pretty fresh to me, when was she crucified? Look, her lungs are full, her mouth open still to voice her shock at this abuse. The cool air has kissed her nipples, they respond most attractively. She still has plenty of energy, she stands on her foot nails, her lithe and athletic body not yet driven to sit on the painful looking sedile which she has been granted. That time will come, don't worry, when cramp and exhaustion take their toll on her.

Dying in flames must be terrible death. Being half roasted, half smoked; scorched and suffocated. And, of course, naked. In the majesty of law. The same Roman law which is up to now assumed as the most considered and ideal...

True. We tend to see crucifixion as the ultimate ordeal, and in many ways it is, the stretched, nailed, naked victim forced to struggle for hours and days with no hope of relief, a grinding horror. But flames, quicker certainly, but infinitely more horrifying for that shorter span. the victim can only hope to succumb to the smoke before the true agony of the flames engulfs them.

Just as the human mind tries to deny approaching death, so does the body. It doesn’t take long on the cross in the heat of the day for her to become a shell of the woman she once was. A sweating, pissing, shitting husk. The ground at the base of her cross is now a fetid mud pile, but still she breathes and moans. The body is a stubborn thing.

Aedile, this is a key part of the crux ordeal. The victim is at war with herself. Her mind may wish for a quick death, but her body doesn't want to give up. A struggle of will and animal instinct.
Sixteen stills from the Antonia's last show. As a novice (never before she danced naked in public) she has been extremely warmly applauded. She deserved it: she was very talented and she really gave everything to this exhausting show. All of her soul.


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Sixteen stills from the Antonia's last show. As a novice (never before she danced naked in public) she has been extremely warmly applauded. She deserved it: she was very talented and she really gave everything to this exhausting show. All of her soul.

I could have danced all night
I could have danced all night
And still have begged for more
I could have spread my wings
And done a thousand things
I've never done before
I'll never know ahat made it so exciting

Why all at once my heart took flight
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