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My body is a temple
With doors wide open
A slave of consequence
As a gust of wind enters
She whips and licks me
Bipolar and equatorial
She wants me dead or alive
Sexualized or scrutinized
Feeding failing whimper
Raising nervous laughter
Spit and screamed
She rakes me
Thick skinned in congress
Penetrated soles by stones thrown
By her cyclones...

I wore sandals, she took them.
I wore sackcloth, she tore it and took it.
I wore no undergarments, she gave no mercy.
Pubic hair, arm pit bare, caressed.

Ball lightning strikes more than once across the surface of the sky.

Isis when my breast and belly bare, you feel me.

Ma'at, in my blood, pain, dried agony torn from whispers of war.

Nut, tell them all below I adore them for their company of every lustful stare and mirror of fear, loathing, and shame.

But please calm your winds.

I can't stop the sway and swell
Of my hips,

As my shoulders dislocate.

Nerves send signals inflamed
To my brain,

That my arms hang by a thread.

But the bones in my wrists
Heckle and groan,

With wrought iron sinews sewn.

The stipes seems to run
Straight through me,

Hollowing out my lungs.

The flesh I was born to fuck in
And die that day,

Bound to the cross.

The spirit I shared in many
Haunted alleys,

Has given up the ghost.
Delicious, adobe, delicious ! Your feelings are mines !:):rolleyes:
Nut, tell them all below I adore them for their company of every lustful stare and mirror of fear, loathing, and shame.

In this sentence he secretly communicate with his enemies.
The she is his memory.

Could be they are the three parties in the scene but the title Trinitas stay abstruse for me.
Sandstone, limestone, marble, clay.
Show your will this fateful day.
Spring in step from first to last.
Lifted from this hateful past.

I will hold your timber down.
I will drink your bleeding crown.

Palace, tombstone, temple, sky.
So show your will to all on high.
They will come from fields unsewn.
Bow as they enter their gravest home.

I will turn their bones to dust.
I will bronze the idol's bust.

I am penchant of peace and lies.

My interpreter, you run and hide.

Cry wolf, or howl to the cross you raise.
I will set the moon ablaze
To show the world the temple defiled.
Blood washed with tears, cry wolf, or howl.
So I elaborated on the theme of the previous post. Forgive me as it's not entirely crux related, but there are some of you perceptive enough to see what's consumed my mind over the past few days.

Homo Homini Lupus

No matter how long you've survived on bread and leavened water
Cry wolf, or howl
My response is just

Lightning strikes. In their distance you hear thunder.

A child cries. Following her rain of tears you watch the skies for my signal.

Spare me.

I am in the synapse, quiet.

How do you not hear each other?
The mountains were rounded to echo;
The terrain firmed to carry your
Voices and all technological creation;

Drones. That's how you rise to me.

Lye sewn into fat
Wrenched hands
Begged for cleansing
Back where it all began.

Evidence of your mistrust
Hung from the scaffolds built around Babel,
Pierced by bombs that scar the martyrs 1,000 times
Lungs collapsed under the pressure

Of prayers you have already answered.

Will you keep digging graves until you have reached
To still the tides that rose when your teeth bit into baptismal

I am the unspoken

Ismail, Zakaria, Ahed and Mohamed
All died in your name.

From the sand I drank their blood
From your crown.

Wood and wrought iron groan
With me long after you have gone.
Haunting hospitals and homes,
Hoping to never cross over the boarders you chose

I have to abide all creation to protect you from your own.
'Cry wolf, or howl' might be your personal favourite, Adobe


To still the tides that rose when your teeth bit into baptismal

That must come a close second. I thought it an extremely powerful line.

And 'Hoping to never cross over the boarders you chose' might be a split infinitive but it's a very clever play on 'boarders.' :)

I really enjoyed it, thank you.

Not really an illustration , rather deep thoughts ...

In the wrecked temple ...
A crucified girl ...
Between Wolf and Human Wolf ?
A crucified girl ...
When the boarders are infriged ...
A crucified girl ...
Crying tears of blood ...

The Temple.jpg
haha... *cough "boarders" was a typo/misspelling cough cough*

But thank you Wragg!

'Cry wolf, or howl' might be your personal favourite, Adobe


To still the tides that rose when your teeth bit into baptismal

That must come a close second. I thought it an extremely powerful line.

And 'Hoping to never cross over the boarders you chose' might be a split infinitive but it's a very clever play on 'boarders.' :)

I really enjoyed it, thank you.

I really like the wolfman fantasy theme Messaline! This may inspire further crux writing. Wonderful!

Not really an illustration , rather deep thoughts ...

In the wrecked temple ...
A crucified girl ...
Between Wolf and Human Wolf ?
A crucified girl ...
When the boarders are infriged ...
A crucified girl ...
Crying tears of blood ...

haha... *cough "boarders" was a typo/misspelling cough cough*

But thank you Wragg!

It was a very lucky typo, in the line after 'hospitals and homes' :cool:

I looked at it, thought, 'is that a typo'? Then I figured, 'no, hospitals have boarders, he's being clever!'

Maybe your subconscious mind took over ;)
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