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non-lethal crucifixion

  1. Georg

    The Garden of Redemption.

    Chapter 1. History lesson. Joshua drove into Sinville on his trusty electric donkey. Sinville was a run-down resort town in the small confederate state Cruxiana. So small that it is almost impossible to find it on the world map unless you have a developed imagination. A slender, golden-haired...
  2. Georg

    The goddess and the atheist.

    The preamble. The most popular story of the crucifixion is the Passion of Christ. But this is forced popularity. Antiquity is not romantic at all. The Roman Empire is primarily a military machine of the legions, oppressing the peoples of the Mediterranean. Moreover, this is a historically...
  3. Georg

    Correction 10 years later.

    I wanted to write a free continuation of the story "Correction". At first glance, this is a utopia of a BDSM paradise built on the principles of the "Rules of the erotic crucifixion game". However, on a deeper level, this is a dystopia about friendly artificial intelligence perverting the people...
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