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  1. invisiblesub33

    A short story about impalement

    Hello! First post here and hoping I'm doing this correctly but here it goes... Foreword: This is a snippet I wrote up with intention of it being part of a longer story where the woman in the predicament is contracted for a year to fulfill the darkest fantasies of high paying clientele with the...
  2. D

    Stripping and Chopping [AI generated images]

    Maria sat in the waiting room of the Termination Facility. She had only arrived minutes ago, but the wait felt like hours to the condemned woman. She had received a notice of random termination from the Population Control Center just 2 days earlier, a notice that effectively ended her life as...
  3. mark sessnatz


    June 10, 2041, 11:05 AM Legal Goliath Chemical executive accused of “horrifying” sexual assault by former employee. by Barbara Moore, for Geuters ON MONDAY, Jason Wexler, 38, a Senior Vice President at the international chemical engineering firm Goliath, was accused in a statement to this...
  4. Miras

    The Princesses in the Tower, by Miras

    OK, I would like to give you a prologue of my longer tale which I´ve been posting on same other places. I have currently roughly third of it (27 completed parts out of 76 planned). I might eventually post it whole here. Just keep in mind that: 1)I´m Czech so writing longer prose in English...
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