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self bondage

  1. bindhertocross

    Poll: CF Men Bound on the Cross

    Hello CF Men, Now it's your turn...yesterday I put up a poll for the ladies ranging from whether they have been actually bound to a cross, down to her crucifixion being just a fantasy. You can view that post here... Poll-Have You Been Bound to a Cross? | CruxForums The On-Line Communities...
  2. bindhertocross

    Poll-Have You Been Bound to a Cross?

    Hello CF community, This poll is for the females and their actual past experiences of being bound to a cross, either the traditional Roman style or the St. Andrews X-cross (or some other type of cross). I will do a poll for the males in the near future as I believe those results will be...
  3. R

    Graphic story about self guillotining

    A few years back, I came upon a few stories (text and drawings) about women putting themselves in a guillotine that they had either ordered or found by accident. They would step in the "machine" ant it would automatically put them in position and the blade would do it's thing ... Does anyone...
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