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A Nuclear Disaster Science Fiction (?)

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This is Emmett Jordan's indication of global warming years ago. Jordan recently
lost his publisher archive.org Internet Archive Digital Library......, but then
http://archive.org was restored. Jordan suspects their huge California servers
were damaged in 2023 storms.

A NUCLEAR DISASTER. Copyright 1992 by Emmett Michael Jordan (Milwaukee)

(C) 1992 by The General Electric Company, GENIE

(C) 1997 by Emmett Michael Jordan, IBM Corp: Prodigy.

A long time ago, there was a planet named Demeter, beyond the orbit of Mars.
It was a cold, forbidding planet on its surface, so the life forms of Demeter
developed great underground cities, fueled by nuclear power. As this
civilization developed, strange unexplained quakes started to shake the
planet and slowly destroy the magnificent cities of Demeter.
The wise men of Demeter started to gather together to determine the cause of
the mysterious quakes. Their observatories determined that they were on
a planet a great distance from the Sun, so distant that they received only
a little of its life giving energy. Their chemists had created that life
giving energy from strange substances that they concentrated from the crust
of their planet. They estimated from the radioactive decay and energy flows
that they observed that there was once a solar nebula that was dispersed by
turbulence and magnetohydrodynamic effects thru a solar gale and centered at
the gravitational mass of the Sun. Some of the nuclear masses spinning around
this solar nebula started to contract to become tiny stars of energy. Each
tiny star exhausted much of its nuclear fuel and slowly cooled down. Each
tiny star then gravitationally differentiated into a siderophilic core and a
lithophilic mantle to become the planets of the solar system.
The wise men of Demeter determined that there was a planet closer to the Sun
that would be much warmer than their own. They named that planet the Earth.
They developed a nuclear propulsion system and built a spaceship and
determined to travel to the Earth to escape from the terrible cold and
earthquakes of their own planet. They sent a crew commanded by a man named
Adam to the Earth. Adam piloted his ship to the Earth and landed on the fringe
of a vast swampland. As soon as they disembarked from their spaceship a large
creature lumbered up from the swampland gnashing its teeth. Adam named the
creature Demetrodan and cursed its existence. Adam tossed a grenade at
Demetrodan and the explosion ripped apart its huge sail-like fin and tore into
its bloodied flesh. Demetrodan collapsed and died. The explosion alerted a host
of its comrades to the bait that had landed on the Earth. Soon Adam's crew and
spaceship were overwhelmed and smashed to pieces by the aroused beasts of the
swamp. Adam alone ran inland onto a hill. Famished he started to eat of the
ferns of the land but collapsed from their effect. As he slept he dreamed that
he was in never-never land. When he awoke he saw his doom as the aroused beasts
of the swamp slowly crawled up the hill. He named his hill Japan and made
an inscription on a rock "beware of the rodan" just befor he died.
The wise men of Demeter sent one more spaceship to the Earth and decided
to abandon their enterprize when they found the beasts scavenging what was
left of their first mission. Thus was the story of the rodan born; the story
of the beasts that till this day sleep near the island of Japan.
Eons elapsed and the people of Demeter began to grow desperate for an escape
from their own planet. The people prayed to the goddess of Demeter for
guidance. The goddess bid that the people store sacks of corn, barley, sprouts,
and yeast and prepare to sail to the Earth once again.
Noah heeded the guidance of the goddess and sailed to the much warmer
planet Earth, with many of the mammals of his own planet. He founded a small
colony on Earth and started to contest the vast domain of the reptiles of
Earth. This time the great teeth and claws of the reptiles were no match for
the nuclear projectiles of Noah. Great fires started to burn down the forests
of the Earth. Soon a layer of radioactive dust settled onto the structure of
the Earth. Most of the reptiles died, except those that were protected
by layers of water or burrows or caves. Even many of Noah's own mammals died,
unless they spent much of their time sheltered in caves. Thus was the story
of the cavemen born; the story of the cavemen who started to rule the Earth.
Thus was the story of the goddess Demeter born; the story of the corn and beer
that nourished the cavemen who started to rule the earth. And the goddess
decreed that her followers report to her each apparition that is seen thus:
"I know thee and I know thy name. Mistress of Destruction. I see the
whirlwind and the storm. I see the earthquake. I see the volcano. I see the
flames and the fire....Let my soul thus live for millions of years."
Meanwhile, the interaction of the nuclear power plants of Demeter, with the
nuclear processes of the interior of the Sun and the interior of Demeter,
caused the magma of Demeter to slowly rise in temperature and tectonic
activity. The magma actually reacted to the contraction of matter as the
planet hurtled thru the ether of space with its nuclear energy forms blazing.
The more power plants the people built, the more the energy levels increased.
The people of Demeter had interrupted the cooling down process of their
planet by nuclear reactors that returned a portion of their planet back to
its nebular stellar state. Each tiny star that they created interacted with
the dying remains of what was once the tiny star of Demeter. Each tiny star
interacted in a relative manner with the larger star of the Sun. Now each tiny
star also started to interact in a relative manner with the nuclear holocaust
that Noah was causing on the Earth. Suddenly, the planet Demeter exploded!
All that was left of the planet Demeter, was an asteroid belt of debris between
the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Noah and his colony on Earth were appalled
by the disappearance of their homeland. Eventually, the descendents of
Noah, came out of their caves to rule the Earth. When their nuclear
weapons were exhausted, they had to fend for themselves with primitive tools
and weapons, like sticks and stones, because they themselves had not been
trained in manufacturing or metallurgy when they left Demeter. The vast
knowledge of the exploded planet had been destroyed! But a few of its people
had survived on the Earth.
Now mankind has started to follow in the footprints of the people of Demeter.
Now it is the Earth that blossoms with nuclear power plants and nuclear
explosions that interact with the interior of the Sun and the interior of
the Earth. Now it is the Earth that starts to warm-up and starts to quake more
and more. Now it is that energy and those quakes that awaken the rodan from
their sleep. Now is the time to ask, how long do you have, planet Earth? Now is
the time to say "I know thee and I know thy name. Mistress of Destruction. I
see the whirlwind and the storm. I see the earthquake. I see the volcano. I see
the flames and the fire..."How many years does my soul have left? Is there no
escape from this planet Earth if my visions of hell ring true?
And it came to pass that a ghostly apparition appeared over some shallow
waters as a great explosion rocked the earth. A large sail appeared over the
shallow waters in the gaze of some of the descendants of Adam and Noah. Some
thought that a gigantic shark was approaching. The humans ran before a great
beast rose out of the shallow waters and cursed all humankind. It was the
ghost of Demetrodan, once proud king of the lizards. Demetrodan cursed all
humankind again and said "I know thee and I know thy name. Mistress of
Destruction. I see the whirlwind and the storm. I see the earthquake. I see the
volcano. I see the flames and the fire...I see the end of my soul because of
these accursed humans. There is no escape from this planet Earth because the
planet Venus is too hot for me!" Thus was the planet Earth cleft asunder from
the trench of Japan to the loch of Ness. And if there ever was a beastie named
Nessie, its soul too did end. Thus did all life end on the planets of the Sun.
If ever a spaceship returns to what was once the Earth, it's pilot will see
this story forever, enshrined among the stars. For in the night sky, the
club that mighty Hercules swings at Draco the Dragon, is the image of the
trajectory of Noah, as he once fell to the Earth, aimed at the head of the
great serpent Ophion. Some could even think it the outline of a comet,
preserving a memory of a great explosion that revealed the power of the
mammals over the dinosaurs. Hercules was the slave of Omphale, the Queen of
Lydia, of the House of Jordanes. Indeed Noah sailed in an Ark at a much
higher elevation than Mount Ararat, as he is remembered by Hercules. Some
would even say that he sailed by Yao, Ho, Hsis, and a bottle o'rum, to the
Mou Ch'en. The etymology of Hercules as Dragon Slayer includes: Horus, Ahura,
Thor, Heracles, Sigurd, Giordano, Jordanes, Jourdain, Yor, Iordanis, and
Saint George, carrying on a holy crusade against the surviving reptiles,
serpents, Saracens, Vikings, etc, from the time of Noah, through the Middle
Ages, in numerous legends and wars. In the surviving indices of the library
of Alexandria, Saint George the Dragon Slayer appears in the Russian Tarot
of Saint Petersburg at the center of the Tsarist shields. Celestial charts
should reveal "Cometes Fustis Iordanis", from the name of the discoverer of
this Herculean comet K/T, Emmett Michael Jordan, and the House of Jordanes,
shown as a club in the hand of Hercules by Carolo Allard c1700 Amsterdam, in

"Planisphaerii Coelestis...anni MDCC pro aevo XVIII.

<http://pages.prodigy.com/WPCC88A>; EMJ 3/16/97.

References: F Fitzgerald, H Lorentz, A Einstein, H Minkowski, H Wehl, J Jeans,

J Maxwell, F Whipple, Y Ignatova, P Laplace, G Brimhall, E Budge, R. Patrick,

Columba, Byblos, Godzilla, J Verne, E Flaum, C Stott, C Allard, Y Shakov, Kwok
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