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A short story about impalement

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Hello! First post here and hoping I'm doing this correctly but here it goes...

Foreword: This is a snippet I wrote up with intention of it being part of a longer story where the woman in the predicament is contracted for a year to fulfill the darkest fantasies of high paying clientele with the ability to be brought back to life after and one particular client takes a shine to her. I wanted to post it somewhere before I continued. I do have more scenes than this, but this one seemed most fitting for the site.

Impalement scenario

A familiar sense of foreboding pulsed through the woman’s body as she felt her eyes lift open slowly. Blurred vision gave way to dense tropical flora surrounding her and the musty smell of rotting foliage coupled with dampness and thick humidity. Her head throbbed as she attempted to take stock of her current state. She was laying on her back, on some sort of table with her head dangling off it. She attempted to move her arms back to lift herself but found her body unable to move, tightly cinched to the table. The only thing she was able to see was an upside down view of what lay in front of her eyes. The panic began, was he back?

His deep chuckle filled her ears and her body instantly tensed, hands clenching and arms pulling as she began to try to wriggle against the leather straps binding her form. “NO!” she screamed, “Not again, please not again.” She could feel herself tear up as the memory of her first night on this job came rushing to her. She could feel her heart pounding inside her head and she wished it would just stop and get whatever sick game the man had for her over with.

The man, on the other hand, stood out of sight admiring his work this time. It was rare that volunteers took on this type role and he was not going to pass up the opportunity to break her into his own. She was too perfect, with her lavender eyes and jet black hair. Skin so pale you could see the bruising forming against the tautness of the bindings. Such perfect breasts that shook with every sob she made. He couldn’t help but reach down to unbuckle his pants and free himself from the fabric rubbing painfully against the head of his swollen cock. “Oh sweetie, I couldn’t help but request you again. You’ve become my new favorite. Your fear is so genuine. And while I know I told you i’d be gentler on our next encounter, I had this idea I simply had to get out of my head. Don’t worry though, dear. I swear to you that next time I won’t even cause you a bit of pain if you just bear this for me.” With that the man began to move forward towards her line of sight.

The young woman shuddered at the thought of his words. Her contract was for two years and it had only been one month. If this would happen 22 more times she wasn’t sure if she could keep her sanity let alone be willing to be brought back in the first place. She closed her eyes and tried again to pull herself up before letting out a frustrated cry and opening her eyes again to see the man standing before her. In the last encounter he’d kept himself hidden in the shadows but now she could see the truly terrifying being that he was. He looked tall, with short gray hair and a mostly unassuming face, though the smile plastered on it made her blood run cold. She couldn’t quite process anything more before her eyes fell to his waist, which was level with her mouth and the entirely too long member standing at attention in front of her. She whimpered the word no as he moved forward and pressed the warm skin of the tip against her lips.

“I don’t think I have to warn you that if you don’t do as I say I can make things much worse for you. Be a good little toy and open your mouth. You don’t even have to wrap your lips around it, I’ll do all the work myself.” The man's voice rang inside her head as he felt him put his thumb on her chin and his fingers on her neck under her chin. She tried to shake her head no and let out a sob, which allowed her mouth to open just enough for the man to thrust himself inside of her mouth. His cock tasted salty and almost sour as it passed quickly over her tongue and into the back of her throat, pressing against it hard, cutting off her ability to breathe. There was a dull ache inside of it as she felt the head of the all too large member break through her esophagus and go down a few inches. His crotch now sat flush to her lips as her jaw wrenched open and his balls lay on her nose. She couldn’t make noise but she could feel her throat spasming as she tried, her lungs beginning to burn.

The man groaned loudly as he set himself all the way inside her throat watching it bulge out around him, reaching out to grab one of her breasts. He felt the flesh around his cock moving, trying to swallow down the intrusion. He could feel her body tensing, see her hands moving to try to push him off but failing due to the binding. This was so heavenly, but only just a taste for him. His eyes moved down towards the long pole he had set by a tree, sharpened to a point on one end and then to the fire spit which was almost ready to be used. The thought of which made him thrust wildly into her throat. Once he felt the woman begin to weaken beneath him he removed himself from her, watching her gag and gasp for air. She was so very lovely.

The woman on the other hand was not having as much fun. When he began to thrust inside her throat it felt like fire almost, a burning sensation of swallowing something far too big that pulled itself back only to be swallowed again with no reprieve for air. She could feel her lungs burning, her body pulling against the restraints and the looming darkness beginning to fill her brain.She barely noticed the hand roughly grabbing her tit as with each rough thrust he knocked her jaw painfully wide. She almost thought he would break it. How funny, about to suffocate and the last thought is about something as inane as a little jaw pain? As she felt herself slowly beginning to slip away her throat was clear and air came rushing back to her burning chest with a cacophony of sobbing coughs and gasps.

“Ah, that was nice, wasn’t it?” The man chuckled a bit as he placed a hand on the woman's cheek to peer into her eyes. “I think that’s enough fun though, I’m on a bit of a schedule for this one. Don’t worry, I won’t spoil the surprise for you.” With that he moved out of her line of sight again, leaving her to catch her breath. She could feel her legs were once again tied open, exposing her clean shaved lower half. A strange twisted feeling of pleasure was fading in her lower abdomen. Did she enjoy what had happened just now? No, it was a physiological response and nothing more.

Suddenly a loud buzzing filled her ears, making her entire body clench into itself. “No please, I’ll do anything please,” she began to cry hoarsly. It was a mantra she’d become all too used to saying now. She heard that vile laugh again, “Don’t worry, you’ll like this one” the man's voice said as she felt something being pressed onto the top of her bare pussy, parting the lips to lay on her clit. It vibrated intensely, sending jolts of pleasure throughout her body, a warmth setting in her stomach as her legs instantly began to tremble. “Ah, please… ah” She breathed as she felt him attaching the device to her with a strap, “It’s okay, dear, I want you to give into it. Allow yourself to feel good. Cum for me, I want to see you cum like the filthy little whore you are. I mean, you might as well get something out of this too, right?” His voice seemed to be getting further away as he spoke those words.

The woman let out a small sob and closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation on her clit. She would do as she was told, not for him, but to keep her mind from this awful torment. She allowed herself to imagine a softer setting, something she had thought she was signing up for, letting her body relax, she could feel her hips begin to thrust themselves up into the vibrations, her abs slowly getting tighter and tighter. A soft moan escaped her before a sharp breath and then she saw the flashing lights on the edge of her vision as a wave of ecstasy flowed from her clit, up her stomach and throughout the rest of her body, a tingling sensation that caused her eyes to roll back and the held breath to turn into a groan. The toy did not stop though, it kept it’s hard vibrations steady on the all too sensitive nub and the young woman could feel herself trembling against it.

In that moment though a new sensation came to the woman’s senses. Something was pressing inside her asshole. It felt hard, painful and sharp? “What… what are you doing?” She whimpered as she felt the start of a stabbing pain inside her lower abdomen. She felt the instrument stop it’s forward momentum momentarily, “Well dear, I’m currently impaling you,” was the flat response that came before a rough push of the object within her. She could feel sharp biting pain within and a tearing sensation followed by a burning throb as the implement again stopped. She screamed loudly and tried to move but felt the man’s hand roughly grab her leg, “I wouldn’t squirm too much, one false move and I’ll have to do this over again. You don’t want that do you?” The words hit her like bricks and she willed herself to stay still, “Please, just make it quick, please” She begged, knowing the only way out was to allow it to happen.

The man licked his lips, watching the body before him work to stay still. He pushed the long stick forward just a little more, figuring by this point he was just near the stomach. He’d been researching this technique for a while and wanted it to be executed flawlessly. The way the woman’s muscles twitched in pain was almost too much for him, he wished he could see her face but he would have to wait for after their encounter for that, he supposed. A thought came to him and an evil smile came to his face as he grabbed the vibrator still on her clit and ground it down, “If you cum for me one more time, I’ll make it as quick as I can”

The woman’s brain momentarily short circuited as the vibration on her clit intensified causing her muscles to tense yet again. She screamed in a mix of pleasure and agony as her asshole tightened around the intrusive spear currently cutting through her intestines, making it twitch inside her. The burning was intense but so was the vibration to the bundle of nerves between her soft pussy lips. Trying to get back ahold of herself she tightly shut her eyes and began to focus, praying to whatever god there may be that she could cum again, even through the pain. She held her breath and focused hard on only the pleasure coming from the toy pressed into her. In a moment she felt it, though smaller this time. Less stars in the edge of her vision, less trembling and the ending noises were sobs as she felt her pussy and asshole simultaneously twitch, again causing the spear to move within her. “Good girl,” she heard the man say before feeling another stabbing pain, this time up into her chest.

Screaming she could feel the burning ache from her asshole to right under her lungs, again the stick stopped its movement as the toy continued to buzz away on her clit. Something was beginning to break inside her though. The vibrations were mixing with the pain in such a way that she was somehow losing herself, “Please finish it.” She begged. She felt the man place a hand on her stomach and run it up to her chest, “Ah, this parts going to be the hard one. I need you to open your mouth and keep it open. Do you hear me? If I do not get this right I will do this over and over until you finally do.” A sobbing whimper came from the woman in response as she forced her mouth open, shutting her eyes tioghtly again. “If we get this right, I’ll show you pleasure beyond your wildest imagination. You’ll beg to be mine and only mine.” his voice was almost a loving whisper at the end of his sentence and it somehow calmed the woman for a moment, before she felt the final push.

In what felt like an instant the spear was pushed up and through her stomach, entering her esophagus and pushed out through her mouth, she could see the bloody tip of it and felt a couple drops of blood drip to her forehead. It was thin enough that she could barely breathe around it but she indeed was able though no more noises could come from her. Fear danced in her eyes as she felt the man grab the vibrating toy again, gasping for air she wanted to scream for him to stop but all she could do was twitch and cry.

There we go, all done. I finished it as quickly as I could and can I say you look absolutely tasty. You know this technique was developed by Vlad the Impaler himself? It’s designed to keep you alive for days as the spear prevents blood loss, you’d actually die of sepsis before anything else. Though, I wouldn’t be that mean. We have one more step to this process, but first I’ve been wanting to see what you feel like for so long, now” The man moved forward and straddled the spear bringing himself up to the woman’s glistening cunt. He rubbed the head of his cock between the lips, enjoying the slick warmth before pushing himself inside. She was tight, though part of that could be the stick inside of her ass and part could be the intense pain she must be feeling right now. It was all too much, he definitely wouldn’t be able to last long. He slowly pushed himself all the way inside of her, brushing past her cervix until he fully impaled her with himself. He could feel her twitching around him and it made him groan, “You're such a good whore.”

The woman’s eyes rolled back as she felt him enter inside her, moving the muscles of her insides around and causing the spear to move as well. Pain radiated through her abdomen with that sick mix of pleasure dancing in her lower parts. He was deep, he was thrusting so deep and with every thrust the burning intensified. She could no longer sob though, her tears had run dry, she couldn’t even will her body to move any longer, she could only lay limply and allow him to do what he would to her, which he did. Rough thrusts made quick work of his own orgasm and she felt his cock twitch inside her releasing the warm sensation if his seed spilling deep within. His orgasm was loud and fierce and after a few moments locked within her he slipped out and she could feel the seed run out with him. “Oh isn’t that a sight to behold.” he breathed. He then moved back and unstrapped the toy from the woman before working to unstrap her legs. “Just a little longer, dear. Hold on just a little longer, the best part is almost here. Now that you’re glazed and all.”

The woman focused on breathing around the spear in her throat, keeping her eyes closed. She wanted so badly to die but kept herself hanging on. If she died now she’d be back in this very spot again. She felt the man tie her legs to the pole in her ass and then move to her arms, tieing them above her head to the pole. He had said something about being glazed? Panic again raced through her already exhausted self. She didn’t want to even consider the thought that overtook her in that instant but her fear would soon be confirmed.

Almost effortlessly the man picked the woman up and began to carry her to a fire pit, already hot and smoking. She could feel her insides move around the large stick as he walked with her, sharp tearing pain. Why didn’t she smell that smoke before? That’s a weird thought to have at a time like this. The man set her down on the ground by the pit and she could feel the heat near the stones, the smoke making her already labored breathing harder. Oh how she wanted to die quickly, “Stay focused,” came his voice almost as if he heard her thoughts, “It won’t be long now”. She then felt jostling at both ends of the spear through her before a new sensation overtook her, weightlessness as she was being lifted by the spear itself!

As she was lifted she could feel a pulling sensation inside of her, from the front of her asshole to the front of her throat. The stick began to tear some of her insides with the movement. She wanted to scream as her hands clenched and her feet moved in pained circles. Then, she felt herself turn, a grinding pain that overtook every bit of her senses until the pulling was suddenly at her back. She was facing upright again, suspended by the pole and now able to breathe just a little better as the force of her own weight opened her throat to the smokey air before her. She opened her eyes half way to see the man standing in front of her cranking a mechanism that was raising her into position. “You’re going to make a fabulous meal. You’ve already made an outstanding toy today.”

The woman could no longer struggle, her eyes showed a sense of hopelessness as she watched him crank her up into the air. Finally once at the correct height the man held the mechanism and smiled before moving towards her and setting her over the pit onto the spit. The heat was instantly intense. The small hairs on her stomach charred quickly as what felt like the worst sunburn began to spread over her face and body. Her breasts hung down enough to feel a harsher burn as the nerve endings danced with agony. She could feel the smoke sink into her lungs, causing them to feel like they too were on fire, though she couldn’t cough the smoke out. This was it, she was going to black out. “You know, low and slow is the perfect way to cook something as tasty as you. I’ll be sure to send you a photo after they bring you back. And don’t worry, next time It's all about you”. She could hear his words but they were distant and far. The pain was going away, and blackness was becoming all she knew.
Hello! First post here and hoping I'm doing this correctly but here it goes...

Foreword: This is a snippet I wrote up with intention of it being part of a longer story where the woman in the predicament is contracted for a year to fulfill the darkest fantasies of high paying clientele with the ability to be brought back to life after and one particular client takes a shine to her. I wanted to post it somewhere before I continued. I do have more scenes than this, but this one seemed most fitting for the site.

Impalement scenario

A familiar sense of foreboding pulsed through the woman’s body as she felt her eyes lift open slowly. Blurred vision gave way to dense tropical flora surrounding her and the musty smell of rotting foliage coupled with dampness and thick humidity. Her head throbbed as she attempted to take stock of her current state. She was laying on her back, on some sort of table with her head dangling off it. She attempted to move her arms back to lift herself but found her body unable to move, tightly cinched to the table. The only thing she was able to see was an upside down view of what lay in front of her eyes. The panic began, was he back?

His deep chuckle filled her ears and her body instantly tensed, hands clenching and arms pulling as she began to try to wriggle against the leather straps binding her form. “NO!” she screamed, “Not again, please not again.” She could feel herself tear up as the memory of her first night on this job came rushing to her. She could feel her heart pounding inside her head and she wished it would just stop and get whatever sick game the man had for her over with.

The man, on the other hand, stood out of sight admiring his work this time. It was rare that volunteers took on this type role and he was not going to pass up the opportunity to break her into his own. She was too perfect, with her lavender eyes and jet black hair. Skin so pale you could see the bruising forming against the tautness of the bindings. Such perfect breasts that shook with every sob she made. He couldn’t help but reach down to unbuckle his pants and free himself from the fabric rubbing painfully against the head of his swollen cock. “Oh sweetie, I couldn’t help but request you again. You’ve become my new favorite. Your fear is so genuine. And while I know I told you i’d be gentler on our next encounter, I had this idea I simply had to get out of my head. Don’t worry though, dear. I swear to you that next time I won’t even cause you a bit of pain if you just bear this for me.” With that the man began to move forward towards her line of sight.

The young woman shuddered at the thought of his words. Her contract was for two years and it had only been one month. If this would happen 22 more times she wasn’t sure if she could keep her sanity let alone be willing to be brought back in the first place. She closed her eyes and tried again to pull herself up before letting out a frustrated cry and opening her eyes again to see the man standing before her. In the last encounter he’d kept himself hidden in the shadows but now she could see the truly terrifying being that he was. He looked tall, with short gray hair and a mostly unassuming face, though the smile plastered on it made her blood run cold. She couldn’t quite process anything more before her eyes fell to his waist, which was level with her mouth and the entirely too long member standing at attention in front of her. She whimpered the word no as he moved forward and pressed the warm skin of the tip against her lips.

“I don’t think I have to warn you that if you don’t do as I say I can make things much worse for you. Be a good little toy and open your mouth. You don’t even have to wrap your lips around it, I’ll do all the work myself.” The man's voice rang inside her head as he felt him put his thumb on her chin and his fingers on her neck under her chin. She tried to shake her head no and let out a sob, which allowed her mouth to open just enough for the man to thrust himself inside of her mouth. His cock tasted salty and almost sour as it passed quickly over her tongue and into the back of her throat, pressing against it hard, cutting off her ability to breathe. There was a dull ache inside of it as she felt the head of the all too large member break through her esophagus and go down a few inches. His crotch now sat flush to her lips as her jaw wrenched open and his balls lay on her nose. She couldn’t make noise but she could feel her throat spasming as she tried, her lungs beginning to burn.

The man groaned loudly as he set himself all the way inside her throat watching it bulge out around him, reaching out to grab one of her breasts. He felt the flesh around his cock moving, trying to swallow down the intrusion. He could feel her body tensing, see her hands moving to try to push him off but failing due to the binding. This was so heavenly, but only just a taste for him. His eyes moved down towards the long pole he had set by a tree, sharpened to a point on one end and then to the fire spit which was almost ready to be used. The thought of which made him thrust wildly into her throat. Once he felt the woman begin to weaken beneath him he removed himself from her, watching her gag and gasp for air. She was so very lovely.

The woman on the other hand was not having as much fun. When he began to thrust inside her throat it felt like fire almost, a burning sensation of swallowing something far too big that pulled itself back only to be swallowed again with no reprieve for air. She could feel her lungs burning, her body pulling against the restraints and the looming darkness beginning to fill her brain.She barely noticed the hand roughly grabbing her tit as with each rough thrust he knocked her jaw painfully wide. She almost thought he would break it. How funny, about to suffocate and the last thought is about something as inane as a little jaw pain? As she felt herself slowly beginning to slip away her throat was clear and air came rushing back to her burning chest with a cacophony of sobbing coughs and gasps.

“Ah, that was nice, wasn’t it?” The man chuckled a bit as he placed a hand on the woman's cheek to peer into her eyes. “I think that’s enough fun though, I’m on a bit of a schedule for this one. Don’t worry, I won’t spoil the surprise for you.” With that he moved out of her line of sight again, leaving her to catch her breath. She could feel her legs were once again tied open, exposing her clean shaved lower half. A strange twisted feeling of pleasure was fading in her lower abdomen. Did she enjoy what had happened just now? No, it was a physiological response and nothing more.

Suddenly a loud buzzing filled her ears, making her entire body clench into itself. “No please, I’ll do anything please,” she began to cry hoarsly. It was a mantra she’d become all too used to saying now. She heard that vile laugh again, “Don’t worry, you’ll like this one” the man's voice said as she felt something being pressed onto the top of her bare pussy, parting the lips to lay on her clit. It vibrated intensely, sending jolts of pleasure throughout her body, a warmth setting in her stomach as her legs instantly began to tremble. “Ah, please… ah” She breathed as she felt him attaching the device to her with a strap, “It’s okay, dear, I want you to give into it. Allow yourself to feel good. Cum for me, I want to see you cum like the filthy little whore you are. I mean, you might as well get something out of this too, right?” His voice seemed to be getting further away as he spoke those words.

The woman let out a small sob and closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation on her clit. She would do as she was told, not for him, but to keep her mind from this awful torment. She allowed herself to imagine a softer setting, something she had thought she was signing up for, letting her body relax, she could feel her hips begin to thrust themselves up into the vibrations, her abs slowly getting tighter and tighter. A soft moan escaped her before a sharp breath and then she saw the flashing lights on the edge of her vision as a wave of ecstasy flowed from her clit, up her stomach and throughout the rest of her body, a tingling sensation that caused her eyes to roll back and the held breath to turn into a groan. The toy did not stop though, it kept it’s hard vibrations steady on the all too sensitive nub and the young woman could feel herself trembling against it.

In that moment though a new sensation came to the woman’s senses. Something was pressing inside her asshole. It felt hard, painful and sharp? “What… what are you doing?” She whimpered as she felt the start of a stabbing pain inside her lower abdomen. She felt the instrument stop it’s forward momentum momentarily, “Well dear, I’m currently impaling you,” was the flat response that came before a rough push of the object within her. She could feel sharp biting pain within and a tearing sensation followed by a burning throb as the implement again stopped. She screamed loudly and tried to move but felt the man’s hand roughly grab her leg, “I wouldn’t squirm too much, one false move and I’ll have to do this over again. You don’t want that do you?” The words hit her like bricks and she willed herself to stay still, “Please, just make it quick, please” She begged, knowing the only way out was to allow it to happen.

The man licked his lips, watching the body before him work to stay still. He pushed the long stick forward just a little more, figuring by this point he was just near the stomach. He’d been researching this technique for a while and wanted it to be executed flawlessly. The way the woman’s muscles twitched in pain was almost too much for him, he wished he could see her face but he would have to wait for after their encounter for that, he supposed. A thought came to him and an evil smile came to his face as he grabbed the vibrator still on her clit and ground it down, “If you cum for me one more time, I’ll make it as quick as I can”

The woman’s brain momentarily short circuited as the vibration on her clit intensified causing her muscles to tense yet again. She screamed in a mix of pleasure and agony as her asshole tightened around the intrusive spear currently cutting through her intestines, making it twitch inside her. The burning was intense but so was the vibration to the bundle of nerves between her soft pussy lips. Trying to get back ahold of herself she tightly shut her eyes and began to focus, praying to whatever god there may be that she could cum again, even through the pain. She held her breath and focused hard on only the pleasure coming from the toy pressed into her. In a moment she felt it, though smaller this time. Less stars in the edge of her vision, less trembling and the ending noises were sobs as she felt her pussy and asshole simultaneously twitch, again causing the spear to move within her. “Good girl,” she heard the man say before feeling another stabbing pain, this time up into her chest.

Screaming she could feel the burning ache from her asshole to right under her lungs, again the stick stopped its movement as the toy continued to buzz away on her clit. Something was beginning to break inside her though. The vibrations were mixing with the pain in such a way that she was somehow losing herself, “Please finish it.” She begged. She felt the man place a hand on her stomach and run it up to her chest, “Ah, this parts going to be the hard one. I need you to open your mouth and keep it open. Do you hear me? If I do not get this right I will do this over and over until you finally do.” A sobbing whimper came from the woman in response as she forced her mouth open, shutting her eyes tioghtly again. “If we get this right, I’ll show you pleasure beyond your wildest imagination. You’ll beg to be mine and only mine.” his voice was almost a loving whisper at the end of his sentence and it somehow calmed the woman for a moment, before she felt the final push.

In what felt like an instant the spear was pushed up and through her stomach, entering her esophagus and pushed out through her mouth, she could see the bloody tip of it and felt a couple drops of blood drip to her forehead. It was thin enough that she could barely breathe around it but she indeed was able though no more noises could come from her. Fear danced in her eyes as she felt the man grab the vibrating toy again, gasping for air she wanted to scream for him to stop but all she could do was twitch and cry.

There we go, all done. I finished it as quickly as I could and can I say you look absolutely tasty. You know this technique was developed by Vlad the Impaler himself? It’s designed to keep you alive for days as the spear prevents blood loss, you’d actually die of sepsis before anything else. Though, I wouldn’t be that mean. We have one more step to this process, but first I’ve been wanting to see what you feel like for so long, now” The man moved forward and straddled the spear bringing himself up to the woman’s glistening cunt. He rubbed the head of his cock between the lips, enjoying the slick warmth before pushing himself inside. She was tight, though part of that could be the stick inside of her ass and part could be the intense pain she must be feeling right now. It was all too much, he definitely wouldn’t be able to last long. He slowly pushed himself all the way inside of her, brushing past her cervix until he fully impaled her with himself. He could feel her twitching around him and it made him groan, “You're such a good whore.”

The woman’s eyes rolled back as she felt him enter inside her, moving the muscles of her insides around and causing the spear to move as well. Pain radiated through her abdomen with that sick mix of pleasure dancing in her lower parts. He was deep, he was thrusting so deep and with every thrust the burning intensified. She could no longer sob though, her tears had run dry, she couldn’t even will her body to move any longer, she could only lay limply and allow him to do what he would to her, which he did. Rough thrusts made quick work of his own orgasm and she felt his cock twitch inside her releasing the warm sensation if his seed spilling deep within. His orgasm was loud and fierce and after a few moments locked within her he slipped out and she could feel the seed run out with him. “Oh isn’t that a sight to behold.” he breathed. He then moved back and unstrapped the toy from the woman before working to unstrap her legs. “Just a little longer, dear. Hold on just a little longer, the best part is almost here. Now that you’re glazed and all.”

The woman focused on breathing around the spear in her throat, keeping her eyes closed. She wanted so badly to die but kept herself hanging on. If she died now she’d be back in this very spot again. She felt the man tie her legs to the pole in her ass and then move to her arms, tieing them above her head to the pole. He had said something about being glazed? Panic again raced through her already exhausted self. She didn’t want to even consider the thought that overtook her in that instant but her fear would soon be confirmed.

Almost effortlessly the man picked the woman up and began to carry her to a fire pit, already hot and smoking. She could feel her insides move around the large stick as he walked with her, sharp tearing pain. Why didn’t she smell that smoke before? That’s a weird thought to have at a time like this. The man set her down on the ground by the pit and she could feel the heat near the stones, the smoke making her already labored breathing harder. Oh how she wanted to die quickly, “Stay focused,” came his voice almost as if he heard her thoughts, “It won’t be long now”. She then felt jostling at both ends of the spear through her before a new sensation overtook her, weightlessness as she was being lifted by the spear itself!

As she was lifted she could feel a pulling sensation inside of her, from the front of her asshole to the front of her throat. The stick began to tear some of her insides with the movement. She wanted to scream as her hands clenched and her feet moved in pained circles. Then, she felt herself turn, a grinding pain that overtook every bit of her senses until the pulling was suddenly at her back. She was facing upright again, suspended by the pole and now able to breathe just a little better as the force of her own weight opened her throat to the smokey air before her. She opened her eyes half way to see the man standing in front of her cranking a mechanism that was raising her into position. “You’re going to make a fabulous meal. You’ve already made an outstanding toy today.”

The woman could no longer struggle, her eyes showed a sense of hopelessness as she watched him crank her up into the air. Finally once at the correct height the man held the mechanism and smiled before moving towards her and setting her over the pit onto the spit. The heat was instantly intense. The small hairs on her stomach charred quickly as what felt like the worst sunburn began to spread over her face and body. Her breasts hung down enough to feel a harsher burn as the nerve endings danced with agony. She could feel the smoke sink into her lungs, causing them to feel like they too were on fire, though she couldn’t cough the smoke out. This was it, she was going to black out. “You know, low and slow is the perfect way to cook something as tasty as you. I’ll be sure to send you a photo after they bring you back. And don’t worry, next time It's all about you”. She could hear his words but they were distant and far. The pain was going away, and blackness was becoming all she knew.
Well done , I can easily imagine myself in her place
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