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A Tale of Two Agents

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A Viewer

Assistant executioner
Chapter 1

Kate waited by the printer as pages fell on to the tray. After it had finished printing, she took her report and walked back towards her office.

Kate passed the large FBI seal on the wall and turned in to the small but neat office that she used. She placed the report on her desk and sat down before opening a database on her computer. After typing a few words in the search box, she pressed enter and a list of results came up. She quickly scanned them. None of these people have the right birthdate either. Kate spent a few more minutes going through the files. Occasionally she would stop to make a mark on the report that she had printed out.

There was a knock at her opened door and Kate looked up to see her partner, Jessica in the doorway. Like her she was blond only much taller.

“Hey, what you’re doing,” asked Jessica. “Going over your theory again?”

“It’s still panning out,” said Kate. “I keep checking all the records in the area and there’s no one with his name being born on the date that he gave us.”

“Maybe he changed his name,” said Jessica.

“That would’ve come up on the background check,” said Kate.

“Maybe he lied about his age,” said Jessica. “That’s happened to me before.”

Kate gave her a look. “I expanded the search by a few years. Both making him younger and older than he said but nothing. All the hits I get are for other people. I checked the DMV photos.”

“Maybe he’s not from around here,” said Jessica.

“But he said to the governor that he’s always felt a connection to the area. Of course, that could’ve all been BS, but I don’t know. I would like to expand the search nationwide, but I would need to get approval from Director Conway for that.”

“Oh yeah, you would hate going to see him,” said Jessica sarcastically. “And to think, if this thing panned out you would have to have a whole bunch of briefings, just you and him. Oh, the horror. I can just imagine your dread.”

“Stop,” said Kate annoyed. She looked back at her computer screen. “This is serious.”

“All the more reason to go see him,” said Jessica leaning on Kate’s desk. “You’re a good agent so if you say that there’s something there then there’s something there. Let’s go.”


“Yeah, I just finished the report on the white-collar seizure.” Jessica started to leave the office. After a moment Kate picked up her report and followed her.

Kate caught up with Jessica. “Seriously, you can’t say anything to the director,” said Kate.

“What, I’m going to say “Hey, Agent Rollings wants to jump in to bed with you”,” asked Jessica. “I think they told us that kind of talk was a no-no at the seminar that we just had.”

Kate looked around nervously. “Don’t say that so loud. Anyway, it’s not like that. I just have a lot of respect for him.”

“Yeah, respect,” said Jessica with a chuckle.

Kate groaned. They turned around a corner and continued to the director’s office.

As they walked down the hallway a man wearing a suit missus the jacket sprinted around the corner and came towards them.

He maneuvered to avoid hitting them turning to look at Jessica as he went. Anyway, what’s the point, thought Kate. When he would probably only notice you. For not the first time she felt an unwanted pang of jealously go through her.

Kate and Jessica arrived at the office of the director. A sign that read Samuel Conway, Director was on the door.

Kate felt anxious as she knocked. “Come in,” said a voice within the office. Kate opened the door and went in followed by her partner.

Kate and Jessica entered the office. As usual it was neat and organized with a number of commendations lining one wall, large bookcases on either side, and the large desk of the director before them.

“Agent Rollings, Agent Hinds, what can I do for you,” asked the man behind the desk. He was an older man who still had a sharp appearance. His dark hair only had gray on the sides and there was barely a wrinkle on his chiseled face.

“Director Conway, I found something that I think you should see,” said Kate going towards him.

“What is it,” asked the director.

Kate and Jessica stopped in front of his desk. “That philanthropist George Lander; the one that met with the governor during that photo op, well I’ve been going over the info that he gave for the security check. Some of it isn’t ending up.”

“Like what,” asked Director Conway.

“For starters, I can’t find a birth certificate for a George Lander in the area,” answered Kate as she handed the director her report. “I tried different birthdates, giving and taking a few years.”

“Maybe it got lost somewhere,” said Director Conway looking through the report. “If we make noise about it then we’ll sound like those nuts who claim that the President’s a foreigner.”

“There’s more,” said Kate. “He claimed that he went to Hyrider University about six years ago, but I called them. They have records that say that he attended but I can’t find a single person who knew him personally. No teachers or students.”

Director Conway was quiet for a moment. “That is strange.”

“And there’s the fact that I can’t find any records of him at any of the local high schools,” said Kate. “He talked at length about being connected to the area but there’s no trace of his childhood around here. I’ve searched throughout the county.”

“That’s also weird,” Director Conway said putting down the report. He looked up at Kate. “I’ll send this up the chain. Good work, Agent Rollings.”

Kate stiffened. “Thank you, sir.”

“You’re excused,” said the director. The two agents headed for the door.

“See, I told you he would be impressed,” said Jessica as they left the director’s office.

Kate gave a small smile and they walked away.

The next morning Kate was at her desk typing on her computer. Suddenly there was a knock at her door. “What is it, Jessica,” asked Kate.

The door opened and a man with dark hair poked his head in. “Not Jessica,” he said.

“Agent Parks, how I can I help you,” asked Kate.

“Kate, when are you going to call me Rob,” asked Agent Parks leaning against the doorframe.

“What do you want, . . . Rob,” asked Kate.

“I heard that you put in a request for the file on Lander’s background check,” said Rob.

Kate looked at him. “Yes.”

“I’m just curious about why you wanted it,” said Rob. “Those things are basically routine, especially if you give a million dollars to an orphanage like he did.”

Kate was silent for a moment. “I just want to make sure that every I was dotted, and every t was crossed.”

“Of course, I just wanted to know because I was one of the agents who worked on it.”

Kate tried to keep her expression blank. “I didn’t know that.”

“Yeah, so if there’s anything that you want to know you can just ask me.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s really just bureaucratic nitpicking. Shouldn’t take that long once I have the file. I just need to check the forms.”

“Oh, well I just wanted to help.” Rob took a moment then left Kate’s doorway.

Kate started to go back to work but stopped. She looked at her open door and went over to close it.

“It could just be a coincidence,” said Jessica. They were sitting at Kate’s place, each with a drink in their hand.

“I’m telling you, something’s going on,” said Kate. “He worked on the background check and now wants to know why I wanted to see it.”

“He could just feel like you’re criticizing his work,” Jessica said.

“There’s another thing,” said Kate. “I called the Dean of Admissions at Hyrider University to ask what agent called about Lander because I couldn’t find the record for it. She said that no one ever called asking about him.”

“It could be that someone forgot to do it,” said Jessica. “This whole thing could just be a case of sloppy work.”

“What I know is that someone managed to get close to the governor without going through the process that’s designed to keep dangerous individuals away from him.”

“Let’s just stop talking about it,” said Jessica pulling her legs up to her chest. They were both dressed in sweats and casual clothes. “We can handle work tomorrow. This is supposed to be our downtime.”

Kate sighed and brought her glass to her lips.

“So has our distinguished director talked to you about your theory,” asked Jessica.

“I thought we were done talking about work,” said Kate annoyed.

“I wasn’t talking about work,” said Jessica smiling. “I was talking about the man that makes your heart skip a beat.”

“Enough,” said Kate. “I’m an agent and he’s my director. It’s not like anything can happen.”

“You never know,” said Jessica. “When it comes to men and pretty blonds, things can happen.”

“Oh please,” said Kate.

“Come on, you’re very pretty,” said Jessica. “Guy’s hit on you all the time.”

“Yeah, when I’m not with you,” said Kate.

“I’m OK,” said Jessica.

“You look like a supermodel,” said Kate. “Everyone says so. I’m the girl next door and you’re the girl out of their steamy dreams.”

“Stop it,” said Jessica. “You know that you’re attractive and besides that you’re accomplished. You scored the highest in our class at Quantico at handwriting analysis.”

“What every guy looks for in a girl.”

“You also cracked that smuggling case a few months ago. You got a commendation for that. You’re talented, hardworking and the director’s bound to notice all that.”

Kate leaned back in her chair. “Right now, I just want to focus on my work. Maybe see a movie this weekend and then I’ll see how everything goes.”

“No matter what you decide I’ll have your back.”

“You always do. Ever since Quantico. God, I can’t believe it’s been six years now.”

“Yeah, time flies when you’re busting your butt.”

Kate got up from her chair and went over to Jessica. “Thanks for looking out for me,” she said before she clinked her glass against Jessica’s.

“Anytime,” said Jessica.

The next morning, Kate was in the parking garage of the FBI office. She went around a massive concrete column. As she was checking the stuff in her shoulder bag, she heard footsteps behind her. Odd. Usually there’s not a lot of people in this early.

Kate passed some cars and then looked behind her. A figure in a gray sweatshirt came around the column. He had his hood up and he was walking in Kate’s direction.

Kate picked up her pace. After a moment she turned to look back. The man in the sweatshirt seemed to be going faster to.

Kate went around another column. She was nearly running now. She heard the man’s footsteps loudly behind her.

She saw the elevator ahead, so she put in a little extra speed and shot towards it.

Kate reached the elevator and quickly pushed the down button. After a very long second the doors opened, and she got in. Kate watched as the man ran up to the elevator. The doors closed just as he was about to reach her.

Kate leaned against the wall and sighed.

The man in the sweatshirt stood there looking at the doors. He pulled down the hood revealing that it was Agent Parks.

Later that day, Jessica was in a conference room with a group of other agents. They were all sitting around a table looking at a screen.

Jessica pushed a button on a remote causing the image on the screen to change. “As you can see by how their cargo areas are farther down, the trucks seem to be carrying a heavier load leaving the factory than when they’re coming in. I recommend installing sensors at specific checkpoints on the roads leading to and from the location. These trucks are supposed to be making deliveries, but I think that they’re actually making pickups. The drug lab is in the factory. Once we prove that they’re getting heavier coming out than going in we can get warrants for the place.”

“Nice work, Agent Hinds,” said the agent sitting across from her.

“Thank you, Sir,” said Jessica.

“It’s nice to know that you’re more than just smoking hot,” said the agent.

He took the remote and changed the picture from a truck to that of the factory owner. Jessica turned to face the screen trying to hide the scowl that was on her face.

A brief time later, Kate was in Director Conway’s office. She put some papers down on his desk. “I think I found something,” she said.

“What,” asked the director taking a book off a bookshelf. He returned to the desk but did not sit down.

“I talked to Agent Dowater,” said Kate. “He was the one that supervised the background check.” Agent Parks works under him. “At least that’s what it said in the file but when I talked to him, he said that he got the order to hand it off to someone else. He wasn’t told who would be taking over the investigation. However, in the file he’s the one listed as the agent in charge.” She pointed at Agent Dowater’s name in the file.

Director Conway put his hand to his chin as he looked down at the paper. “Could this be a mistake? Maybe someone forgot to change the name?”

“I’m not sure, Sir, but whoever ordered the handoff did so by going through some people at very high levels.” It couldn’t be Parks. He doesn’t have that kind of authority. Still, maybe he’s involved somehow. “Like I’ve said, the governor met with someone who wasn’t properly vetted. This is a serious slip, and it needs to be look at.”

“You’re right, Agent Rollings,” said the director. He put a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll get right on it. Tomorrow, I want you back here and we’ll discuss how we’re going to handle it. Good work.”

“Thank you, Sir,” said Kate.

She left the office trying to hide the smile that was on her face.

A couple of hours later, Jessica was arriving at her home. I wonder if Kate wants to do anything tonight. Maybe we can watch a movie or something. I’ve got to ask how her meeting with the director went. There’s definitely something there.

Jessica put her keys on a small table by her door. Suddenly she was grabbed by someone behind her.

Jessica barely had time to register the man in a ski mask that grabbed her before he shoved her against the wall stunning her. The masked man began to bring her arms behind her, but Jessica regained her senses enough to grab the door and shove it open hitting the man’s head with it.

He stumbled back as Jessica grabbed for her gun. The man punched her in her throat. Jessica’s hands went up to her throat as the man grabbed her. He then swung her at the wall. She struck it face first and he grabbed the door and swung it open hitting Jessica in the back with the doorknob. “Ahh,” she cried.

The man grabbed her and threw her down on to the floor. She struck out for his crotch but missed. The man kicked Jessica in the stomach, and she was momentary stunned.

The man got down on one knee and punched her in the face. She grabbed him by his belt and swung him off his feet.

Jessica got on to her feet as the man scrambled to get up. She sent out a kick that struck him in his face. He took out a baton and swung it to fully extend the weapon. Jessica raised her leg to kick him again when he stuck her other leg at the knee with the baton.

She cried out and fell to the floor. Jessica looked up at him as the man swung the baton at her head. He stuck her and she was knocked out.

The man got up, looking at her as he did so. She better be worth it. He then went over to her and picked her up.

Kate was in the parking garage again. She kept her hand on her gun during the whole trip to her car. I’m not going to act like some damsel in distress again. It was so embarrassing, the way I ran.

Kate got into her car. I bet Sam will get to bottom of this thing with the governor. After this . . . Suddenly she heard something behind her. She quickly turned around reaching for her weapon when a figure in the backseat sprayed mace in her face. “Ahh,” Kate cried bringing her hands up to her eyes.

She then felt an arm wrapping around her neck, pulling her back against her seat. Kate struggled for a minute as she desperately tried to breath. After that, her struggles started to slow down. Soon she went limp.

The masked man in the backseat let go of her. He checked and found that she was still alive. We have both of them, he texted with a cell phone.
Chapter 2

Slowly Kate started to wake up. What . . . happened? After a moment she got up and saw that she was in a room that she did not recognize. It had windowless, white walls. There was no furniture or anything else in the room. Below her the floor was covered in gray carpet.

Suddenly she realized that she was naked. What!? She sat up in shock. She frantically looked around and saw Jessica laying not far away from her also naked.

Kate crawled over to her partner and shook her. “Jessica, are you alright? Jessica!”

Jessica started to stir, and Kate looked around. What did that guy do to us, Kate wondered.

Jessica woke up and looked at the ceiling for a moment. She then looked around. “What’s going on,” asked Jessica.

“We’ve been kidnapped,” answered Kate.

Jessica sat up as she fully regained consciousness. “There was a guy at my place,” said Jessica.

“He got me in my car,” said Kate. “Of course, we don’t know if it was the same guy. There could be multiple people involved.”

Jessica put her arms in front of her breasts. “What do they want?”

“Well, I think that would be obvious,” said Kate looking down at her naked body.

“If they just wanted to rape us why not do it where they found us,” asked Jessica. “Also, why us? It can’t be a coincidence that we’re both FBI agents.”

“That’s true,” said Kate. “They could be part of a group trying to make a statement.” She looked around. There was a door on the other side of the room.

Kate got to her feet and went over to it. Just as she neared it though it opened and a large, bald man entered. Kate backed away and he was followed by another man who had a thin beard.

Jessica got to her feet as Kate went over to her. The two men were followed by a third. He wore causal business clothing and had thinning brown hair. He was not wearing the glasses that he was usually seen wearing but both the women recognized him. George Lander, thought Kate. Is this about what I found?

The two men stood before Lander and the agents. “Ladies, it’s good to see that you’re up,” he said. He raised a hand and the two men started to go over to the women.

“Stay back,” said Jessica menacingly as she raised her fists.

Without saying a word, the bald man took out a taser. He pulled the trigger and two wires shot out. The ends connected with Jessica’s chest and her body spasmed as a dose of electricity went through her. She fell to the ground.

“Jessica,” cried Kate. She started to go over to her, but the breaded man tried to grab her. Kate swung out and hit him in the face. The man scowled and grabbed her arm which he twisted behind her back. Kate grimaced in pain.

The bald man pulled the wires off Jessica. He then picked her up by her arms and faced her to Lander.

“It took a little effort to bring you here, but it was definitely worth it,” said Lander. “It’s always nice to be in the company of beautiful women.”

“What do you want,” asked Kate facing him.

“Well, I was just going about my business when I heard that you were asking questions about me,” answered Lander. “That can’t happen, so I had you brought here to be dealt with.”

“This is about the background check,” said Kate. “Someone found something that they shouldn’t and you had it covered up.”

“Actually, thanks to some friends I have the background check never happened,” said Lander. “You see, I’m trying to start a new life. George Lander is not my original name. I used to be someone . . . not looked upon favorably by the law. A while ago I decided to reinvent myself. I came up with a new name and started to use my money for good. Is that the worst thing in the world?”

Kate struggled with the bearded man, but he held on tight. Jessica shook her head a bit as she was recovering from being shocked.

“Thanks to my wealth I’ve made connections here and there and they’ve allowed me a clean slate,” said Lander. “Because of that I could meet the governor and others like him and make more connections which helps me to do more good. That’s hardly a bad thing.”

“You’re a criminal who bought himself a new identity,” said Kate. “Now you’re trying to rebrand yourself as a philanthropist as you hook up with officials to get more and more power. What were you involved in? Drugs, guns?”

“My past isn’t important,” said Lander. “I’ve changed now, mostly. Sure, I’m no saint but I’ve done good. Some of your bosses in the FBI know that so when you started snooping around, they let me know. You can’t think that I would let you destroy all that I worked for.”

There is someone in the FBI helping him, thought Kate. Is Parks involved?

Lander shot Jessica a look. “And when I saw your picture, I knew that I had to have something special instore for you,” he said.

Kate scowled and tried to go at Lander, but the bearded man held her tight and twisted her arm some more.

“Kate,” said Jessica. Kate looked up at her partner who gave her a look. It’s OK, Jessica tried to say without words.

“It’s time to deal with you two,” said Lander. He headed back to the door. The two men pulled the agents with them after him.

They left the room and headed down a hallway. At one end it spilt off in two directions. “Better say good-bye to each other,” said Lander. “When you next see one another, you probably won’t recognize them.”

The bald man pulled Jessica to the right as the bearded man pulled Kate in the other direction. “Jessica,” cried Kate.

“It’s going to be alright,” said Jessica as she was being pulled away. “Just focus on surviving. We’ll get through this.”

Kate struggled but the man holding her kept pulling her down the passage. He dragged her to a door.

Chapter 3​

The bearded man pulled Kate through a door and into a room. It pretty much looked the same as the room that she and Jessica woke up in only it was lined with tables and shelves. There were assorted items on them and a few things hanging on the wall.

The man dragged Kate to the center of the room. “What are you going to do to her,” demanded Kate.

“You should be more concern with what we’re going to do with you,” said Lander who had come into the room after them. He turned to another man who followed him. The man had a scar below his eye.

The scarred man joined the breaded man and Kate. She struggled as the breaded man reached up and brought down a pair of shackles. They were hanging from a rope that was dangling from a device attached to the ceiling. Kate spotted a bolt embed in the floor before her with a rope tied to it.

“You won’t get away with this,” said Kate as the men forced her arms up into the shackles.

“Dear, I’ve gotten away with a lot in my life,” said Lander.

Kate was forced on to her tiptoes as the men locked the leather shackles around her wrists. The scarred man reached down and tied the rope from the bolt around her ankles.

The bearded man went over to a table and picked up a remote. He pushed a button which caused the device in the ceiling to make a whirling sound and pulled the rope connected to the shackles upward.

Kate was pulled up off her feet. After a moment, the rope tied to the bolt went taunt. The bearded man shut off the device and Kate was securely held in the air.

“Let’s begin,” said Lander.

“You think that this will bother me,” asked Kate. “A little stretching?”

“This is just the beginning,” answered Lander. He nodded to the bearded man who reached down to the table and picked up a whip.

The man went over to Kate. Without warning he struck her back with the lash.

“Ahh,” cried Kate.

The man struck her again. She started to cry out but shut her mouth. The breaded man struck her again and again. Her body shook and she occasionally let out a yelp, but she did her best to not show how much the blows hurt. Don’t let them see the pain. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Don’t let them see it.

The breaded man struck her rear with the whip. Kate let out a cry then shut her mouth tight. The man then went around Kate and struck her breasts. She let out a cry and shook.

The man then struck her between her legs causing Kate to cry out. The man struck her repeatedly. Kate cried out despite her best efforts.

The breaded man swung the whip around and its tip reached her rear. She gave a cry and the force of the blow pushed her forward.

The scarred man held out his hand and the bearded man gave him the whip.

The man looked at Kate as she breathed heavily. He let loose with the whip, striking first her right breast then her left one. He then struck her left armpit followed by the right one. As he began with her armpits Kate could not help but cry out.

The scarred man waited a second then circled around and whipped her rear. Kate started to scream but stopped herself.

Lander joined his men in front of Kate. “Do you have any idea how many years you do for this,” asked Kate through labored breathing. “You’re assaulting a federal agent.”

Lander gestured to the scarred man who sent the whip flying. It struck her right breast. Kate let out a short scream but then silenced herself.

“My dear, you’re no longer an agent,” said Lander. “You and your partner are now my playthings. I have very different plans for the two of you.”

“If you hurt her . . .,” began Kate.

The scarred man whipped her repeatedly around her legs. She let out some groans and finally a scream. Keep it inside. Keep it inside. Don’t show them anything!

“Keep playing with her,” said Lander. He headed for the door. “I’ve got things to take care of.”

“The bureau will come for us,” said Kate. “You’re going down!”

Lander turned and gestured to the bearded man. He went over to the table and picked up the remote. He pushed a button, and the rope began to pull up into the device in the ceiling.

“No one’s coming to save you,” said Lander. “Accept it.” He then left.

Kate felt her body being stretched. She went from being uncomfortable to feeling actual pain which continued to grow. Her muscles were pulled taunt. She cramped her mouth shut to avoid crying out. Sweat ran down her body.

The breaded man joined the other one as they watched her. She shook her head as she felt the pain build up. Her arms and legs felt like they were on fire. She had trouble breathing. Finally, she could take it no more. She let out a brief, high pitch cry.

After waiting a few seconds, the bearded man pushed a button. The stretching stopped and she was then lowered to the floor. The scarred man undid the rope binding her feet as she descended. The other man undid her hands and as she was just about to fall on to the floor, they each took one of her arms.

Kate had nearly passed out and was still disoriented. The two men pulled her across the room. When they reached one end of it the bearded man pulled out a bucket from beneath a table.

Kate was regaining her senses as she felt her hands being brought together behind her back and bound. “What . . . are you doing.” She asked.

The men did not answer. They instead shove her head into the bucket which had been filled with water. Kate tried to cry out, but her mouth filled with liquid.

The men held her as she twisted and turned. She kicked out uselessly. Kate desperately tried to lift her head as she felt water invade her nose and mouth but one of the men held it down.

After about a minute they pulled her out of the water. She took in several huge gulps of air. Suddenly they shoved her back in.

Kate fought and struggled splashing water about. The men held her down despite her body being slippery with sweat and water.

After a minute they pulled her up. She took in a few breaths of air then they forced her back down. She waved her legs about.

About a minute later they pulled her back up. Don’t beg! Don’t give them anything!!!

The men shoved her back into the water. She struggled and squirmed but soon her movements started to slow down. In a moment she stopped moving.

The two men look at each other. “We were supposed . . .,” said the breaded man as he pulled Kate’s head up by her hair. As soon as she was free of the water Kate shoved her head back hitting the breaded man.

She ran pass the scarred man and darted to a spot near the center of the room. She stopped and looked around. She spotted the door and headed to it.

The men ran after her. They caught her a short distance from the door and pulled her off her feet. They dragged her back towards the bucket. “No,” she said as she went. “No. No.” Jessica, where are you!?

Jessica was in an empty room. She was sitting on the floor pressing herself against a wall. She had her legs pressed against her chest and her hands covering her ears as she buried her face in her knees. The lights in the room quickly flashed on and off. Over the speakers a screeching sound blared constantly. This has been going on since they brought her to the room.

Jessica tried to block it all out, but the light and sound got through. She rocked in place. It went on for minutes that seemed like hours.

Jessica tried to play a song in her head, but the screeching sound drowned it out. She put an arm over her face but the light crept in. The sound just kept coming. She shoved fingers into her ears, but it didn’t seem to help. It went on for several more minutes.

A bead of sweat went down the side of Jessica’s head. She instinctively wiped it away. She shook her head.

Time dragged on. Jessica tried different ways to cover her ears but none of them worked. The effects continued and they played in her mind like an awful soundtrack.

An hour later, the lights and sound went out plunging the room in to darkness. Jessica sat there staring at the air before her. It’s . . . over?

Suddenly the lights started again only this time flashing like strobe lights. Instead of the screeching sound loud rock music that Jessica vaguely recognized blasted from the speakers.

Jessica cried out and covered her ears before pushing her face in to her legs. She tighten herself in to a ball trying to keep the sights and sounds out but it was useless. She sat there as her senses were being assaulted.

A couple of hours later, a door to a small room opened. The two men dragged Kate into the cell and they left her in the middle. Kate laid there unable to move. Jessica. What are they doing to Jessica? A few minutes later she slipped into unconsciousness.
Chapter 4​

The next morning, Kate was woken up by the sound of the door opening. The breaded man came into the room.

Kate had recovered enough to pull herself up into a sitting position and pressed herself against a wall as he came in. She readied herself to strike out. The man dropped a paper plate with food on it by her. “Eat up,” he said. You’re going to need your energy.

Slowly Kate reached out to the plate. She picked it up to find waffles and apple slices on it. She ate with her hands as she kept a wary eye on the man.

After she finished the man grabbed the plate from her. He tossed it aside and then quickly grabbed Kate by the wrist. She threw a punch with her free hand, but it missed. She threw another punch just as she was getting to her feet. It hit him in the face, but it didn’t seem to have any affect.

The scarred man entered the room and he grabbed Kate by her free arm. Together they dragged her from the room.

The two men pulled Kate into another room. She quickly looked around to see the bald man and several others that she had never seen before standing around. She then spotted a bed before her. Kate quickly looked around again and realized that several of the men were undoing their pants.

“No,” cried Kate. With a renewed energy she pulled away from the men holding her and after a moment she escaped their grasp. She started to run to the door but one of the men in the room blocked her way and pushed her back to the other two.

They grabbed her arms, and she was dragged kicking and struggling towards the bed, towards what she dread was coming. “No,” she said. “No! No!”

The two men shoved her on to the bed as the rest of the men in the room started to move towards it.

The breaded man undid his fly and moved on top of her. She tried to punch him but missed. She still felt weak from the day before. The man grabbed her wrists and forced her arms down on to the bed. Kate tried to push up with her whole body, but he stayed on her.

I won’t feel anything, thought Kate. I won’t let it in! I won’t let it in! This isn’t happening!!!

The breaded man leaned in closet to her. He took a deep breath of her face causing Kate to turn away and close her eyes. It’s not happening! It’s not happening!

She was kicking out wildly, but the man put one of his legs between hers and used it to pin her left leg down. He then thrust himself into her.

Kate stopped moving. She was vaguely aware of the two other men hovering over her on the bed as the breaded man was raping her. She tried to think about sharing jokes with Jessica in the office as the breaded man repeatedly thrust into her. She would occasionally struggle and cry out, but the man continued to hold her down. Kate would shake her head and tried to think about other things. She remembered a family barbecue, but the man increased the speed of his thrusts breaking her concentration.

Kate tried to bite one of the breaded man’s hands, but he used the other one to push her head back down on to the bed. She lashed out with her now free hand. She struck his face, but it didn’t do anything. He raised his arm and used it to pin hers down. He then grabbed her wrist. He squeezed both of her wrists sending pain through her and causing her to cry out.

Kate struggled beneath him, but he just laid there and continued thrusting into her. Suddenly his movement began to become quicker, and a feeling of dread rose up in Kate as she knew what was coming.

The breaded man grunted, and he shoved himself hard repeatedly into her. His whole body tighten as he raised his head back and closed his eyes. He orgasmed and emptied himself into her.

After a moment of just staying on top of her the breaded man got off. Kate looked up at the ceiling which looked different. It happened, thought Kate. I was . . .

Just then the bald man climbed on top of her. He had completely removed his pants. “No,” cried Kate. She struck out at him, hitting him repeatedly but he kept making his way on top of her. Not again, thought Kate. Not again!

The bald man inserted himself into her. Kate closed her eyes and tried to go somewhere else in her mind but could not. She let out a yell. Vaguely she noticed that some of the men around the bed were completely naked.
She tried to hit the bald man, but he grabbed her arms and brought her wrists together before pinning them down to the side. He thrusted in to her same as the man before him.

Kate shook her head trying to block out what was happening, but it was no use.

The bald man repeatedly thrust into her for a couple of minutes. After a shorter period of time than the breaded man he clenched his body, and his breathing became more rapid. He then shot his essence into her.

The bald man got off Kate as she just laid there feeling things that she could not describe.

The scarred man came on to the bed. He grabbed Kate by a leg and an ankle and quickly flipped her on to her stomach.

What, wondered Kate. When he grabbed her butt cheeks, she realized what was happening. “No,” she cried. “No!” She tried to crawl away from him, but he grabbed her thighs and pulled her to him. He slapped one of her cheeks hard.

“Stay,” he ordered. He pulled her cheeks apart and shove himself in.

“Ahh,” screamed Kate. As soon as the sound escaped her, she felt ashamed for making it. She pushed her face into the bed and clenched the sheets on it with her hands. This is not . . . happening. This is . . .

The scarred man thrust into her sending pain throughout the lower half of Kate’s body. She cried out as her eyes watered. She kept her face buried in the bed so none of the men around her could see. She heard some of them cheered the scarred man on. She tried to twist away from him but that just sent more pain through her.

The man pounded at Kate’s rear. Tight, he thought. So tight. He picked up the pace as he felt his pleasure build up. He gripped Kate’s butt cheeks causing her to cry out. He thrust harder and harder.

Oh God, thought Kate in desperation. Oh God! She could not focus on anything but what was happening to her.

The scarred man began to feel the end coming. He closed his eyes and then he emptied himself into her.

After a moment, the scarred man got off Kate. She heard the other men cheer him on, but they sounded like they were far away. Kate’s legs felt numb. After some effort she was able to move one of her feet.

Kate looked up and saw several men approaching the bed. No, she thought. They’re going to kill me!
Chapter 5​

A man with little hair on his head was on top of her. He was naked and had his penis in between her breasts. Kate tried to strike out at him, but she was weak from the previous rapes. He grabbed her wrists and forced her arms down on to the bed.

The man with little hair thrusted himself between Kate’s breasts a few more times. He then put himself in to her vagina. His breathing quicken as he soon reached his climax.

The man got off her and Kate turned away from him and on to her side. She held herself as the next man climbed on to the bed.

The man had dark hair and looked normal except for a ring through his eyebrow. The man with the eyebrow ring grabbed her legs and lifted them over his shoulders. He then pushed himself in to her and started to thrust.

This went on for a couple of minutes. As he was thrusting the man with the eyebrow ring ran his face along one of her legs taking in a deep breath of her scent.

Kate suppressed a cry and turned her head to bury it into the bed.

Soon the man began to become quicker in his thrusts and Kate knew what was going to happen, what always happens.

The man let out a few groans as he finished inside her. He then got up and stumbled away.

Kate laid there. She shook as she waited for whatever was coming next. She saw two men coming on to the bed. “No,” she barely managed to say. “No. No more.”

They did not listen as they approached her. One man laid down next to her and then reached over and grabbed her. He pulled her on top of him. The man was blond and had a goatee. He turned her around and began to insert his penis between her butt cheeks. No, thought Kate. Not again! She weakly struggled as he pushed himself in to her.

Kate let out a soft cry right before the other man got on top of her. He was a little bulkier than the others and had dark hair. He put himself inside her vagina and began to thrust into her immediately.

No, thought Kate as they began to work her at opposite ends. They’re going to tear me apart! She let out a few weak cries and tried to struggle but she merely added to the movement.

Kate felt her private area being pushed and squeezed. Tears ran down her cheeks and she shook her head. She realized that nothing that she was doing was making any difference, that she was too weak to resist. Kate laid there as her body sent her so many signals about what they were doing to her.

Kate cried out as the man beneath her suddenly grabbed her breasts. He squeezed as he let out a moan. Kate cramped her mouth shut to keep from crying out. She shut her eyes and tried to go somewhere else in her head but by then it was pointless.

Kate felt ashamed and humiliated as she laid there while the two men wiggled and squirmed on her.

Minutes passed and the man beneath her ran a hand along her stomach. Kate looked up to see the man atop of her putting all his body into his thrusts as he groaned loudly. Kate shut her eyes, but the sounds and feelings got through. She prayed that it would be over quickly.

A minute passed and the man atop of her started thrusting into her more quickly and more forcefully. She realized what was happening and tried to prepare herself for it.

The man pulled back his head and opened his mouth for a silent groan. Alicia, he thought as a woman’s face went through his mind. Alicia! His orgasm hit him, and he rode through it as he froze on top of Kate. After nearly a minute he got off her leaving her alone with the man beneath her.

Kate just laid there as the blond man continued to pound himself into her rear. She looked up at the ceiling. She thought she could see patterns in it but could not be sure. All the while she could hear the groans of the man beneath her. She thought that she felt numb but briefly wondered if she just could not understand what she was feeling.

Soon the blond man finished with her. He rolled her off him and she nearly fell off the bed. He got up as Kate laid there on her side. She looked up and saw that there were still more men standing around the bed waiting for their turn.

Kate shoved her face into the bed and sent out a silent scream of frustration. I’m in hell!!!

Jessica woke up. She saw nothing but darkness. What’s . . . going on? She was lying on her back in water. That food they gave me. It must’ve been drugged.

She tried to move but she was restrained. Jessica was in a small pool. She was tied spread eagle with the ropes binding her wrists and ankles securely to the corners of the pool. Her face, breasts, and other parts of the front of her body were poking out the surface of the water.

Jessica felt the piece of plastic that was secured in her mouth by a leather strap. She also felt the plugs that had been inserted into her ears. She could see, hear, and thanks to the water basically feel nothing. She was surrounded by nothingness.

The minutes passed. What are they planning to do with me? She tried to break free but could not. She took a deep breath and waited.

Over thirty minutes passed, and Jessica began to fidget in the water. She strained to hear anything. She opened and closed her hands then flapped her feet about. Her hair swirled about as she shook her head.

Jessica waited. She waited and struggled to detect anything, anything at all. She thought she heard something and turned to it. After a minute, nothing happened. Jessica sighed.

It’s going to be OK. I just have to wait. Wait and see what they want. The time slowly ticked by.

Jessica took another deep breath. At least they’re not using the lights again. Yeah, at least that. The time slowly moved by.

She waited. The nothingness that was all around her started to seem different. Jessica shook her head.

Eventually an hour passed. Jessica was restless. Where are they? What are they going to do to me?

Jessica tried to scream through her gag. If she had managed to make any noise, she could not hear it. She groaned and dipped her head back.

Time seemed to crawl by. Jessica started to breath rapidly. What’s going on!? Why aren’t they doing anything? Are they just going to leave me here!?

She started to pull with all her strength at the ropes binding her. She pulled and pulled but they would not budge. After a minute she stopped. She tried to call through her gag, to get her captors’ attention. Only by yelling at the top of her lungs could she make small, unrecognizable sounds, sounds that she could not hear.

Jessica tried to yell out in frustration. She moved every part of her that she could. Her breathing became more and more ragged.

Jessica started to feel the darkness in front of her eyes close in on her. She shook her head. Get me out of here! She thrashed about in the water.

After a moment Jessica stopped and willed herself to breath more slowly. It’s going to be OK. It’s going to be OK.

The minutes passed by. Think of something. Anything. How about having drinks with the girls, the time I went bowling with Kate, or my talks with Mom?

Jessica went over memories of her life in her mind. She thought about her childhood then about her experiences in college. She thought about Kate and her other friends. She pictured her parents’ faces. The image of a dog that she had as a child went through her mind.

After a little while she started to get restless again. How long has it been? I can’t tell! Jessica tried to calm herself down again. She went through memory after memory. The images of the people that she knew went through her mind.

Jessica laid there helplessly as she tried not to lose her mind. She kept opening and closing her hands.

A while later a man approached the pool. He got in and made his way to Jessica. What is that, wondered Jessica suddenly excited. Is there someone there!?

From a bag he was carrying the man took out a piece of cloth which he placed over Jessica’s nose. She squirmed and struggled for a bit but eventually she stopped moving and went limp.

After a few moments, the man redrew the cloth and then began undoing the knot on Jessica’s left wrist.

“How are things going,” asked Lander. He was standing next to the bald man as they watched Kate a short distance away.

Kate was tied spread eagle on a table. She was being waterboarded with one man holding a towel over her face while another was pouring water from a large jug on to it. She struggled, thrashing about but the ropes held her firmly down. “Good,” answered the bald man. “Everyone enjoyed her, and I think she’s struggling a lot less than before.”

“But she is still fighting,” said Lander.

“Yeah, but it’s different than before. It’s weaker.”

“It could just be because of all that she’s been through,” said Lander. “Keep working on her. Nothing that would damage the face. I want her to be recognizable. In a day or two we’ll move on to the final part.” Lander turned away. “I have something to do.”

Lander entered a room where Jessica was lying face down on the floor. She looked up and saw Lander. She weakly tried to back away.

“It’s alright,” said Lander gently. “I’m not here to hurt you.” He bent down towards her. He had a cup of water in his hand which he offered to her.

Jessica shook her head. “No,” she whispered.

“It’s OK,” said Lander. “There’s nothing in it.” He sat down and put Jessica’s head in his lap. He put the cup to her lips. So thirsty, she thought.

Jessica drank from the cup as Lander stroked her hair. “Ever since I first saw that picture of you, I knew that you were special,” said Lander. “Your intelligence, your beauty. I’m sorry that this has been so difficult, truly I am.”

Jessica finished the cup and Lander took it from her lips. “It has been hard for you but honestly I think it will be worth it,” he said.

Jessica looked up at Lander with a questioning look in her eyes. “All that we are doing to you is stripping away the stuff that isn’t you,” said Lander as he continued to stroke her hair. “We’re taking away all the things they put on you, to make you what they wanted you to be. When it’s all done you will be the person that you always should’ve been.”

Lander gently put Jessica’s head on the floor. “Remember what I said.” He left the room.

Kate hung from the ceiling by her wrists and ankles. The floor was several feet below her. Her arms were pulled up behind her causing her discomfort. She tried desperately to keep them from being dislocated.

She was surrounded by three men; the bald man, the man with the eyebrow earring, and some man she vaguely recognized from her rapes. She was nearly eyelevel with them. The bald man whipped her butt causing her to cry out. The eyebrow earring man then jabbed a cattle prod into her stomach. “Ahh,” cried Kate. Tears ran from her eyes and joined the sweat that dripped from her body.

After waiting for a moment, the other man put a plastic bag over her head. He held it on her as she struggled in her shackles. Kate tried desperately to get in air causing the bag to be sucked into her mouth. She thrashed about as her lungs started to ache.

After a bit, the man removed the bag. Kate’s head fell downward as she gasped for air hungrily.

The men watched her for a moment. “OK, it’s time,” said the bald man. He put a hand to his ear. “Send him in.”

The bald man grabbed Kate’s head and lifted it up as the door opened and a man came in.

No, thought Kate as she looked at Director Conway.

“Hello, Kate,” he said.

“No, it . . . can’t be,” she managed to say.

“It is,” said Director Conway. “I’m sorry but you were too smart for your own good. If only you didn’t stick your nose into things, then none of this would be happening to you.”

“How . . . can you do this,” asked Kate.

“Oh please,” said Director Conway. “Everyone is trying to get theirs. Did you really think that I was so different? Besides, it’s not really so bad. Lander is trying to do good. He gets help to make the connections to do that and I get rewarded, handsomely.”

Kate hung there with a horrified look on her face.

“I’m sorry but you’re going to have suffer so more,” said Director Conway. “It’s just the way it’s going to be.”

The director turned away and started to leave the room.

“No,” said Kate quietly, desperately. “No! No! Please!!!” The three men advanced on her.

In a couple of moments her screams could be heard from beyond the closed door.

Jessica became aware that she was being led down a hallway. What? She looked around and saw that there were two men with her. One man was leading the way while the other one was next to her holding her arm. The man holding her looked at her and tighten his grip.

They approached a door. The man leading the way opened it and Jessica and the other man followed him in.

Inside the room was a man sitting at a computer. She looked around as the man holding her led her further into the room. She saw the type of chair that one uses in a dentist’s office. She realized that she was being led to the chair.

As she moved pass the computer, she saw that it was connected to a large metal box. As Jessica neared the chair she stopped and weakly tried to pull away from the man holding her. The man held on to her and pulled her to the chair. “Do not resist,” said a firm voice behind her.

The man who led them to the room came up to her and grabbed her other arm. They physically directed her to the chair. She put up some weak resistance, but they forced her to sit down. As she was being turned around, she saw the man who was at the computer coming up to them. The two men secured her wrists and ankles with restraints built into the chair. With the other man holding her head the man who led her to the room secured her eyes open with small pieces of tape while the other man put drops in her eyes.

The man who was working at the computer came into view. He handed the man who had led them something that Jessica realized was helmet. “Be careful with it,” said the man who had been in the room when they arrived revealing that it was his voice that she heard earlier.

Before the man put the helmet on her Jessica realized that it was connected to the metal box with wires. The helmet was put on her head and a strap went under her chin to secure it. She shook her head weakly, but the helmet wouldn’t move.

Jessica vaguely heard the men talk with each other. She tried to make out what they were saying but could not. The helmet had built-in googles that she could not see out of. She seemed to be blind and deaf, and it reminded her of the pool which caused her to breath rapidly and twist about.

Soon an image came up in her view. There are screens in the googles. There was then a dull hum in her ears. Speakers.

The image was of a sunny valley at first but then changed to a picture of Lander. The hum became louder and then turned into more rock music.

An image of Lander with a group of women kneeing before him flashed before her eyes. Unknown to her the word Obey was hidden in the image.

An image of the FBI’s seal flashed before her. The past was hidden in it.

Images of women in bondage being whipped by men flashed before her. Reality was hidden in them.

Another image of Lander. Master was hidden in it.

A picture of Jessica taken from social media. Slave.

A picture of her in a suit standing by an American flag. Lie.
Pornographic images of men using women. Purpose. Obey. Serve.

Another picture of Lander. Obey. Serve.

This went on for several minutes. The two men who had taken her to the room had left. The third man was back at the computer. He checked the readout.

A couple more minutes past. Jessica clenched her hands into fists. She cried out softly. She thrusted about in the chair. The images continued to play on the screens in the headset and the rock music continued to blast in her ears.

More time passed and Jessica stopped crying out. Eventually she stopped struggling. The man continued to watch the screen.

Time continued onward and an hour passed. Jessica clenched and unclenched her hands. Occasionally she would make a soft cry but eventually even that stopped. She just sat there, watching the images going across the screen.

“Director Conway, it’s me Agent Parks.”

“What is it,” asked Director Conway in a hallway in Lander’s building. He was on his cell phone.

“I’ve been looking into what Agent Rollings has been saying and I think that there might be something there,” answered Rob.

“Oh that, don’t worry,” said the director. “I’ve looked into it myself and it turns out that it was all a mistake. Someone messed up the paperwork.”

“Really, does Agent Rollings know? I’ve been trying to get in touch with her about this, but it seems like she’s been avoiding me.”

“I told her myself. There’s another thing. Both she and her partner have been transferred out of the office. They were needed for an urgent assignment, so it happened immediately. They’re already on their way to their next post.”

“Really, I’m sorry that I didn’t get to say good-bye. Thank you anyway, Sir.” Rob hung up. I really wanted to ask her out to.
Chapter 6​

The next morning the door to Kate’s cell opened. She awoke to see someone coming towards her. She tensed up and assumed a defensive position on the floor. No more.

“Get up,” ordered the blond man.

After a moment of hesitation Kate rose to her feet. The blond man grabbed one arm and brought her wrists together and quickly tied them. She shot a look of disdain at him but let him lead her from the room.

The man led Kate to a door and pushed her into the room. As she stumbled in, she looked around.

The man shut the door behind him as Kate spotted the noose hanging near the center of the room. I guess it’s finally going to happen, thought Kate as a feeling of dread rose up in her chest.

The man grabbed her firmly by her arms and forced her onto a crate below the noose. Her face touched the rope, and she shook her head to brush it away. The man stepped on to the crate behind her and slid the noose over her head. Kate breathed rapidly but somehow could not find it in herself to run away. What have they’ve been doing to Jessica? Is she even still alive?

The man went around Kate and stood in front of her.

After a moment Kate managed to get the will to speak. “What are you waiting for,” she asked.

The man did not say anything but instead turned around to look at a door on the other side of the room.

Is Lander coming to do it himself, wondered Kate. They waited for a few minutes.

The door finally opened, and Lander came in with Jessica by his side. Kate gasped at seeing her former partner, her best friend.

Lander was wearing a robe and slippers while Jessica was still naked. The two walked to the center of the room. “Jessica, go up to see your friend,” said Lander.

Jessica did as she was told. She stood before Kate with a sad look on her face.

“Jessica, are you OK,” asked Kate. “Did they hurt you?”

“I’m . . . fine,” said Jessica.

Kate looked over Jessica’s face, trying to find some clue as to what had happened to her. “Do you mean it,” she asked. “They didn’t do anything to you?”

Jessica did not answer.

“It’s going to be OK,” said Kate. “You’ll get out of this, I swear. Don’t worry about me. You get out of this, and you live your life.”

“Jessica was living a lie,” said Lander. “She wasn’t serving her true purpose.”

“And what is her purpose,” asked Kate.

“To be mine,” answered Lander. “We’ve reconditioned her. She is now obedient to me. I’m sorry. I’m sure that you were a good friend to her, but that part of her life is over.”

“You can’t be serious,” said Kate.

“I am,” said Lander. “It took effort to teach her, to undo what society has done to her but she is a new person now. I knew from the very moment that I saw her picture that I had to have her and now I do.”

Lander went over to Jessica and looked her in the face. “Jessica, I want you to end her,” he said. “End Kate.”

“No,” cried Kate with tears forming in her eyes.” Please! I’m your partner! I’m your friend! I love you! Please don’t do it!”

Jessica’s hands shook and she felt tears coming to her. She looked at her begging friend. The images that they showed her, the word obey went through her mind. The world was different now, with new rules. Thoughts that seemed strange went through her mind. It was like she was inside another person, one very different from her. Tears started to run down her face.

Jessica swung out one foot and knocked the crate out from beneath Kate’s feet.

Kate let out a cry as she fell but it was stopped by the rope. She bounced shortly in the air and swung about as she instinctively struggled. Kate pulled at the rope binding her wrists and tried to pull her head out of the noose. She twisted all about as she tried to find a way to live. She continued to struggle for around a minute. She made choking sounds as she thrashed about. Her feet shot towards the floor as if trying to get on to the ground. She looked like a fish out of water with the way she moved. Another minute passed and her eyes rolled up into her head. The last thought that she had was the terrible realization that it was Jessica who did this to her. Her movements slowed down. Her thrashing became less powerful. Another minute and she was simply twisting about in the air. She became slower and slower and then she stopped. She swung lifelessly in the air. Kate was dead.

Jessica looked at the body of her former friend. Lander put a hand on her shoulder. “Follow me,” he said. He turned and went back to the door that he came through with Jessica following him.

Lander led Jessica out of the basement complex of his home, taking her through the first story then the second. He entered his bedroom and gestured for Jessica to come in.

Lander pointed to a table next to his bed with a metal bowl on it. Jessica went up to the table and saw that her FBI identification card was next to the bowl.

“Now, as a symbol of the ending of your previous life I want you to burn that ID,” said Lander.

Jessica picked up a match and used it to light the ID on fire which she dropped into the bowl.

Lander came up behind her. “Jessica,” he said.

Jessica turned around and Lander then threw her on to his bed. He threw off his robe to reveal his naked body and stepped out of his slippers before leaping on to her.

In an instant Lander was inside her and thrusting powerfully into her. He grabbed her shoulders and squeezed. He continued to pound into her letting out loud groans. “You are mine!”

“Yes, Sir,” said Jessica with her cheeks wet with tears.

“Call me Master!” He spoke with each thrust.

“Yes, Master!”

“I own you!”

“You own me!”

“Your old life is gone!”

“My old life is gone!”

“You will obey all my commands!”

“All of them!”

“Obey me!”

“Obey you!”

“You are mine!”

“I am yours!”

Lander began to thrust faster. “I own you! You live and die for me! I own you! You are mine! You will never be anything else!”

He thrusted into her. “Say my name! Say it!”

“Master! Master! Master!!!” She felt it come, they both did. She shut her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt her body spasmed as who she used to be died.

Lander finished his orgasm and looked down at the new Jessica, the one that existed only for him. She opened her eyes and looked at him with a blank expression. All that was the old her was gone.

The fire in the metal bowl next to the bed engulfed the whole card. It consumed the last of Jessica’s picture.
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