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After The Rebellion Of 2014

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Fortunately for Blaire Tree is not big on whipping and Bull was not available. While she had welts there was no broken skin but as a precaution Polly Perkins applied her patented crucifixion cream to help heal her whip and sun ravaged skin.
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Blaire asked Polly what had happened to Barbaria and Messaline. While Polly applied her cream to Blaire’s labia she admonished her “I wouldn’t worry about them. You have bigger problems, Blaire. Why does you’re your tag have a black ‘C’ on it

“I don’t know. Tree said he would look into it.”

“Do you know what the black ‘C’ means, Blaire?”

“Tree told me I am to die on the cross but he is sure it is a mistake.”

“Listen, the only ones that can issue a black ‘C’ is the IMA (International Moral Authority, the good folks that pay the fair and just Judge Admi). If they say you die that is what will happen.”

Blaire gasped and grabbed Polly’s wrist and cried “No, Polly, Please keep rubbing there!!!”:doh:

Fortunately for Blaire Tree is not big on whipping and Bull was not available. While she had welts there was no broken skin but as a precaution Polly Perkins applied her patented crucifixion cream to help heal her whip and sun ravaged skin.
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Blaire asked Polly what had happened to Barbaria and Messaline. While Polly applied her cream to Blaire’s labia she admonished her “I wouldn’t worry about them. You have bigger problems, Blaire. Why does you’re your tag have a black ‘C’ on it

“I don’t know. Tree said he would look into it.”

“Do you know what the black ‘C’ means, Blaire?”

“Tree told me I am to die on the cross but he is sure it is a mistake.”

“Listen, the only ones that can issue a black ‘C’ is the IMA (International Moral Authority, the good folks that pay the fair and just Judge Admi). If they say you die that is what will happen.”

Blaire gasped and grabbed Polly’s wrist and cried “No, Polly, Please keep rubbing there!!!”:doh:

At least she broke the new gently....:p
Fortunately for Blaire Tree is not big on whipping and Bull was not available. While she had welts there was no broken skin but as a precaution Polly Perkins applied her patented crucifixion cream to help heal her whip and sun ravaged skin.
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Blaire asked Polly what had happened to Barbaria and Messaline. While Polly applied her cream to Blaire’s labia she admonished her “I wouldn’t worry about them. You have bigger problems, Blaire. Why does you’re your tag have a black ‘C’ on it

“I don’t know. Tree said he would look into it.”

“Do you know what the black ‘C’ means, Blaire?”

“Tree told me I am to die on the cross but he is sure it is a mistake.”

“Listen, the only ones that can issue a black ‘C’ is the IMA (International Moral Authority, the good folks that pay the fair and just Judge Admi). If they say you die that is what will happen.”

Blaire gasped and grabbed Polly’s wrist and cried “No, Polly, Please keep rubbing there!!!”:doh:

“No, Polly, Please keep rubbing there!!!”
indeed more interesting
While Blaire was being whipped and subsequently attended to by Polly Perkins, Barbaria and Messa had been sunbathing at the Tree estate’s Olympic-sized pool. They were bound only by a cable that ran through one of each of their each of their wrists. They decided to take a shower and as they walked across the deck Tree called out “Barbaria can I talk to you?”

She looked back at him and asked “Can we shower first?”
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“It’s kind of important, Barbaria” Tree said as he tossed the key to the lock that bound the women together to Barbaria. Barbaria opened the lock, kissed Messa and purred “I’ll be with you soon, sweetie!”

She sat down and Tree poured her a glass of wine. As Tree lit a Marlboro Barbaria asked “What’s the matter Tree? You are looking almost sober.”
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He scooped a glassful of ice and topped it off with straight Seagram’s 7. The sobriety thing was probably not what was bothering Tree. Barbaria asked “You have something to tell me, Tree?”

“Your tag arrived” Tree said and he tossed a jeweler’s box across the table. Barbaria’s eyes widened as she reached for the box as if it would have a pearl neckless inside. She opened it and saw the sterling silver tag resting on silk.
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She seemed mesmerized as she said “It’s beautiful despite its purpose.”

“Look closer, Barbaria

She did and said “So I get crucified August 1st?”

“Yeah, but that isn’t what’s important. It has a black ‘C’, Barbaria” Tree replied.

“Explain, Tree”

“A red ‘C’ means crucified for a set time. A black ‘C’ is a death sentence.”

“Fine, who bought of the judge?” Barbaria hissed.

“I talked to Admi and he swears he had nothing to do with it. He even promised to swear off redheads for a month if he was lying” Tree explained.

Messa stepped onto the deck with her hair wrapped in a towel. She lit a Madame Wu and asked “Where does this leave me, Tree? I have a a black ‘C’ but the date is a bit passed.”
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“I don’t know, Messa, I need to get to the bottom of this” Tree said…

While Blaire was being whipped and subsequently attended to by Polly Perkins, Barbaria and Messa had been sunbathing at the Tree estate’s Olympic-sized pool. They were bound only by a cable that ran through one of each of their each of their wrists. They decided to take a shower and as they walked across the deck Tree called out “Barbaria can I talk to you?”

She looked back at him and asked “Can we shower first?”
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“It’s kind of important, Barbaria” Tree said as he tossed the key to the lock that bound the women together to Barbaria. Barbaria opened the lock, kissed Messa and purred “I’ll be with you soon, sweetie!”

She sat down and Tree poured her a glass of wine. As Tree lit a Marlboro Barbaria asked “What’s the matter Tree? You are looking almost sober.”
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He scooped a glassful of ice and topped it off with straight Seagram’s 7. The sobriety thing was probably not what was bothering Tree. Barbaria asked “You have something to tell me, Tree?”

“Your tag arrived” Tree said and he tossed a jeweler’s box across the table. Barbaria’s eyes widened as she reached for the box as if it would have a pearl neckless inside. She opened it and saw the sterling silver tag resting on silk.
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She seemed mesmerized as she said “It’s beautiful despite its purpose.”

“Look closer, Barbaria

She did and said “So I get crucified August 1st?”

“Yeah, but that isn’t what’s important. It has a black ‘C’, Barbaria” Tree replied.

“Explain, Tree”

“A red ‘C’ means crucified for a set time. A black ‘C’ is a death sentence.”

“Fine, who bought of the judge?” Barbaria hissed.

“I talked to Admi and he swears he had nothing to do with it. He even promised to swear off redheads for a month if he was lying” Tree explained.

Messa stepped onto the deck with her hair wrapped in a towel. She lit a Madame Wu and asked “Where does this leave me, Tree? I have a a black ‘C’ but the date is a bit passed.”
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“I don’t know, Messa, I need to get to the bottom of this” Tree said…

How much thicker can a thick plot get...:eek: Nothing more seagrams cant cure I guess...:p
I am confused about what to do. While Barbaria and Blaire have dreaded black ‘C’ tags Judge Admi swears to me he didn’t sentence them to any more hours than the roll of the dice. He even showed me the court papers complete with his seal, the puff of the blue nose.
I decide I must meet with the highest power I know and head for the sacred mountain. My entourage helped me carry my supplies but at one point I said “I have to go from here alone.”
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Heavily armed I still don’t feel comfortable as I proceed up the mountain. I know I need the advice of the wizard even though I don’t really believe in such a thing. There are strange sounds all about me but I press on in the fading light.
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Back at the Tree house Messa hoped against all odds Tree would succeed in his quest.
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I hear a strange whine coming through the woods. I click off the safety and step out of the woods. The whine I had heard turns into a loud blat followed with a howling shriek. I step back and watch the logging truck slid off the side of the road and listen as it tumbles down into the ravine. I think on the door of the cab it said ‘Messaline’s Premium Lumber’. I hope she will forgive me if my quest is successful. If it is not she can die pissed off.
Across the road I see my holy grail at the top of Mt. Gaylor.
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I run across the road and run up the rickety steps of the tower. I am not a fan of heights but I must talk to the wizard. By the time I get to the top I am sweating and shaking. I pull out one of the dozen flasks I have packed. I hear something move and swing the M60 at the sound.
“If I should fear you taking the safety off would be wise” the wizard said to me…
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I am confused about what to do. While Barbaria and Blaire have dreaded black ‘C’ tags Judge Admi swears to me he didn’t sentence them to any more hours than the roll of the dice. He even showed me the court papers complete with his seal, the puff of the blue nose.
I decide I must meet with the highest power I know and head for the sacred mountain. My entourage helped me carry my supplies but at one point I said “I have to go from here alone.”
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Heavily armed I still don’t feel comfortable as I proceed up the mountain. I know I need the advice of the wizard even though I don’t really believe in such a thing. There are strange sounds all about me but I press on in the fading light.
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Back at the Tree house Messa hoped against all odds Tree would succeed in his quest.
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I hear a strange whine coming through the woods. I click off the safety and step out of the woods. The whine I had heard turns into a loud blat followed with a howling shriek. I step back and watch the logging truck slid off the side of the road and listen as it tumbles down into the ravine. I think on the door of the cab it said ‘Messaline’s Premium Lumber’. I hope she will forgive me if my quest is successful. If it is not she can die pissed off.
Across the road I see my holy grail at the top of Mt. Gaylor.
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I run across the road and run up the rickety steps of the tower. I am not a fan of heights but I must talk to the wizard. By the time I get to the top I am sweating and shaking. I pull out one of the dozen flasks I have packed. I hear something move and swing the M60 at the sound.
“If I should fear you taking the safety off would be wise” the wizard said to me…
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Rodent Wizard...wouldn't you just know it...and in Arkansas of all places too. This ain't Kansas Dorothy.
Tree leveled the M60 at the wizard rodent and tells him “I took the safety off before the truck wrecked. From where I sit if I pull the trigger your furry ass will end up in Oklahoma. Perhaps we got off to the wrong start.”

Tree tossed the wizard rodent a bag of fresh Missouri walnuts and laid the gun down. The rodent munched on the nuts while Tree fumbled around looking for his Marlboros. As he patted down his pockets he talked to the wizard. “I’ve got a situation that I don’t know what to do about. Judge Admi sentenced Blaire, Barbaria, and Messa to ** hours crucified yet their tags came in with black ‘C’s from the IMA and Messa’s already has a black ‘C’ although her ‘crucify by’ has long passed.”

“I am aware of all this Tree” the wizard said.

“You are all wise wizard rodent” Tree said admiringly not realizing that the wizard had been following the thread on CruxForums. “I need… God damn it, I left my smokes in my pack at the bottom of the tower!”

“Be calm Tree” the wizard said as he lit a hookah pipe. “Have some of this. It is a very fine… umm… tobacco.”

“It’s not menthol I hope” Tree said as he reached for the pipe. He took a deep drag, raised an eyebrow, and said “Not bad wizard! Anyway except for the black ‘C’ I have nothing that says to crucify them to death and I have the judge’s sentence that says ** hours.”

Tree took another drag from the pipe while the wizard spoke. “There is more that troubles you Tree.”

The wizard was right. Tree looked at the pipe and wondered what type of tobacco it was. He related that Gunner and Bull needed to have a successful time crucifixion to complete their Master Crucifixion Technician certificate. THT Inc. also was paid considerably more for timed crucifixions than a straight up execution but he could lose his own MCT certification. Tree to another drag from the pipe and looked up at the wizard and asked “Are you alright, Wizard? You’re looking a bit… umm… pale.”
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I am fine, Tree. My advice for you is these thought:
  1. ‘Whatever you can afford…’
  2. It is easier to get forgiveness than permission…
  3. Don’t as- don’t tell
  4. Use the force Tree!
Now be on your way, Tree.”

Tree picked up the M60 and took one last draw from the pipe and staggered down the steps. He muttered to himself he should have seen the last piece of advice coming. Fortunately for Tree he only fell down the last seven flights of steps…


** Did you really think I was going to reveal the number of hours they would be crucified???
“Your tag arrived” Tree said and he tossed a jeweler’s box across the table. Barbaria’s eyes widened as she reached for the box as if it would have a pearl neckless inside. She opened it and saw the sterling silver tag resting on silk.
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She seemed mesmerized as she said “It’s beautiful despite its purpose.”

Oh, I do love jewelry...oops....not quite a diamond or pearl is it?:oops: And I don't think I will be mesmerized by it for long, will I?;) Let's see now, how many days is it 'till August 1st:rolleyes:.....that few?....YIKES:eek:
Tree arrived at the Tree estate, fixed a drink, and settled into his deck chair. He lit up a Marlboro as Judge Admi walked onto the deck and asked how his visit with the wizard went.

“It was interesting” Tree observed. “He didn’t offer a specific solution but I can use a lot of his advice.”

“So what happens to the women, Tree?”

“I gave the IMA my cellphone number and told them to call me and clarify the tag issues.”

“Tree I have never seen you use a cellphone. You have one?”

“Of course I have a cellphone!” Tree replied indignantly.

“Let me see it” Judge Admi demanded.

“I can’t; I don’t know where it is.”

“Have you dialed its ‘find’ feature?”

“What is that?” Tree asked.

“You dial your phone and enter a code and your phone will ‘chirp’ until you find it” the judge explained.

“And it will work even if the phone isn’t charged?”

“When did you last charge it?”

“Sometime before the Slave Rebellion of 2013… Look Admi, as long as the IMF can’t find you or me they can’t overrule your fair and just sentence. Bull and Gunner already have Blaire, Barbaria, and Messa hidden in a secure undisclosed location…
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…and Joan is helping watch them. It would behoove us to hide out also. Do you have any idea where we should go?”

“Perhaps my secret hideaway in the Caribbean” Judge Admi suggested.

“I’ll call and have the plane readied” Tree said.
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Tree arrived at the Tree estate, fixed a drink, and settled into his deck chair. He lit up a Marlboro as Judge Admi walked onto the deck and asked how his visit with the wizard went.

“It was interesting” Tree observed. “He didn’t offer a specific solution but I can use a lot of his advice.”

“So what happens to the women, Tree?”

“I gave the IMA my cellphone number and told them to call me and clarify the tag issues.”

“Tree I have never seen you use a cellphone. You have one?”

“Of course I have a cellphone!” Tree replied indignantly.

“Let me see it” Judge Admi demanded.

“I can’t; I don’t know where it is.”

“Have you dialed its ‘find’ feature?”

“What is that?” Tree asked.

“You dial your phone and enter a code and your phone will ‘chirp’ until you find it” the judge explained.

“And it will work even if the phone isn’t charged?”

“When did you last charge it?”

“Sometime before the Slave Rebellion of 2013… Look Admi, as long as the IMF can’t find you or me they can’t overrule your fair and just sentence. Bull and Gunner already have Blaire, Barbaria, and Messa hidden in a secure undisclosed location…
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…and Joan is helping watch them. It would behoove us to hide out also. Do you have any idea where we should go?”

“Perhaps my secret hideaway in the Caribbean” Judge Admi suggested.

“I’ll call and have the plane readied” Tree said.
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Wait a minute...fatal flaw here:cool:....how can you call when you don't know where your cell phone is?????

Hah. Got ya there! That should be worth a "get out of being nailed" card? Right?:rolleyes:
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