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Against All Odds: A Gilded Age Romance

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The other man spun around, took one look at Vandergrift and dropped his jaw. It was none other than Goldman!
Good! They are two now! All they have to do is coordinate their actions. One to distract dr. Darwin and his staff, one to outflank them and rscue Barb!
Moments later, he found himself standing alone with his bags on the platform …
Knickerbockers take a lot of place in the luggage!

Is young Miss Moore starting to enjoy her 'sojourn' at Rhinecliff?
It looks like!
Next : enjoying a spreadeagled session in the garden of the institute! Do we see the first signs of a Stockholm syndrome towards dr. Darwin? (Kristina k,wos everything about Stockholm!). This could make the rescuers difficult to extract Barb!? Will Barb soon have the agony of choice between three men?
His mind easily painted in the rest, and before long he had a hard on, which he shielded with a newspaper from the view of the others in the compartment, especially the hatchet-faced matron who had been glaring at him relentlessly ever since they left the City.
And some doubt that the press is useful...
The other man spun around, took one look at Vandergrift and dropped his jaw. It was none other than Goldman!
Maybe he was expecting Grover Cleveland...
“Oh, not more … besides … ahhhhh …. I mean … yes …. money …. money and sex make the world go around!”
In that order...
Good! They are two now! All they have to do is coordinate their actions. One to distract dr. Darwin and his staff, one to outflank them and rscue Barb!
Work together? Impossible! They are rivals.
Chapter 31.

Archibald Vandergrift closed his eyes, relaxing to the gentle rocking and swaying of the Pullman coach as the train made it’s way north. His self-appointed mission to seek out Barbara was finally underway. In his coat pocket was a ticket to Rhinecliff and a reservation at the Beekman Arms Inn.

It was Saturday morning, nearly a week had gone by since his early Monday morning encounter with James Moore in the Plaza dining room, in which Barbara’s father had refused to tell him where she was. But Archibald had gotten around that. It had cost him plenty, but the information he had needed had been obtained, after considerable negotiation, from that wily desk clerk at the hotel. In the end a check had been written, made out to Mario Pellegrino for the exorbitant sum of $150.

But desperate times called for desperate measures! He now knew that his beloved was undergoing treatment at a place called the Darwin Institute for Wayward Young Women. And he was determined to go there, find her and profess his undying love for her as well as his forgiveness for that regrettably dreadful scene under the racecourse grandstand.

He had taken care of family matters during the week but now that he was free of such obligations and on his way to Rhinecliff, he was feeling quite confident. This would be simple enough. He was quite certain that once he arrived at the Institute he would gain entrance easily. The Vandergrift name was normally more than enough to open closed doors. And once inside he would gain an audience with the Director … Darwin, if that was his name … and demand that he be allowed to see Barbara.

Yes, that was the plan. Once he reached Rhinecliff he would proceed straight to the Inn, where he would check in and learn from the management there the exact whereabouts of the Institute.

In the meantime he settled back and focused his mind on his beloved, picturing her in his mind’s eye, beginning with her radiantly angelic face with its mischievous dark brown eyes and winsome smile, framed by her luxuriant brown hair in which he’d noted and adored the luminous reddish highlights that could be seen under bright sunlight.

These features he had seen and loved from the very beginning. He also had a mind’s eye vision of her figure and body, although there his imagination played a central role as he had never seen her naked, apart from that fleeting moment when he had caught sight of her half-undressed on that filthy bed of straw under the racecourse grandstand with that Goldman character’s bare ass bouncing up and down between her spread legs.

But he had seen enough to know something of her shapely legs, lovely breasts and exquisitely perky nipples. His mind easily painted in the rest, and before long he had a hard on, which he shielded with a newspaper from the view of the others in the compartment, especially the hatchet-faced matron who had been glaring at him relentlessly ever since they left the City.

But then the train slowed, rounded a bend and shuddered to a stop alongside the platform of a small wooden station.

“Rhinecliff, Rhinecliff!” called the conductor as he passed through.

Archibald rose to his feet, tossed his newspaper on the seat behind him, flashed the matron a grin and a wink, and departed.

Moments later, he found himself standing alone with his bags on the platform … no, not quite alone, for another passenger … a man … had alighted at the very last moment from a coach farther up ahead and had headed immediately, with his back to Vandergrift, for the first horse-drawn rig among several waiting off to one side of the station.

Vandergrift gathered his two bags in hand, and following at a distance overheard the other passenger telling the driver of the rig, who had introduced himself as Hugh, that he wished to be driven to the Beekman Arms Inn.

“Hey! Wait!” shouted Vandergrift, picking up his pace. “I’m going to the Beekman too. Would you be willing to take us both?”

Hugh, looking up, broke into a smile and waved him forward.

The other man spun around, took one look at Vandergrift and dropped his jaw. It was none other than Goldman!


Barbara too had been closing her eyes that Saturday morning at nearly the same time that Vandergrift had been doing the same in his Pullman coach compartment. Barbara too had been under scrutiny at the time, not by a hatchet-faced old matron, but by Dr. Darwin.

In her case, she was attempting to train her mind on anything but the opposite sex, or on any kind of erotic thoughts. The focus of the past week’s treatments had been a new technique Darwin was developing for liberating the mind of any and all thoughts connected with the libido.

The procedure was simple enough in conception and execution. The good doctor would have Barbara and the other girls laid down facing up on a table. Their arms would be stretched out and cuffed over their heads, while their legs were spread apart and jack-knifed up and and over their bodies and bound with ankle cuffs and short chains to stanchions bolted to the wall … thus placing their nude bodies in a stressed v-shaped position with butt and genitals spread wide and open to Darwin, who would strategically position himself there on a chair.

The girls were then instructed to focus their minds and imaginations on inanimate objects while Darwin, or sometimes one of the matrons, used dildo and finger play to arouse them sexually. And as they struggled valiantly to think clean thoughts and ignore the stimulation, Darwin could be heard, repeating over and over in a monotonous tone, “Mind over matter … mind over matter … mind over matter …”

But in Barbara’s case, and as far as she could tell in the case of the others as well, this simply wasn’t working. She found it patently impossible to ignore having her clit stroked and teased while a big dildo slid back and forth inside her cunt. She inevitably would herb excited, wet and eventually lose it, which would then trigger an exasperated response from Darwin … which could portend an end of the day ice cold shower, electric shock treatments, or a trip to the whipping post or birching bench, depending on the good doctor’s mood.

On this particular morning, for whatever reason … but probably because lustful memories of Goldman beneath the racecourse grandstand, pressing his hardened manhood between her invitingly-parted labia, kept crowding out the wholesome images of houses, chairs, food, Hansom cabs, tall buildings,, or whatever inanimate asexual things she attempted to concentrate on instead … she orgasmed nearly right away … and it was a big one too!

“Damn it Barbara!” Darwin exploded as he wiped with his handkerchief at the spatters and gobs of squirted dewy cum adorning his face and shirt front. “Mind over matter, my girl! Mind over matter! It’s so simple! You can’t possibly be trying very hard at all! And for that you’ll pay! I order you to spend your entire Sunday afternoon tomorrow in the garden staked out spread-eagled and naked in the mid-August heat without shade or drink while the other girls enjoy frolicking and bathing in the cool waters of the Hudson, savoring bowls of ice cream and drinking their fill of cold lemonade! And at the end of the day, it’ll be to the whipping post for you to the tune of a dozen lashes, both front and back, delivered by Gwendolyn and Elisabeth!


Mario had propped himself up on one elbow and was lazily tracing circles around the pebbled surface of one of Kristina’s wide areolae while observing the way her nipple was hardening in response to the stimulation.

“You like doing it again?” she purred, reaching for his stiffening cock.

“Mmmmm …” he said. They were lying in bed in his hotel room on that same Saturday morning.

“Why you so happy, Mario. You like fucking Kristina, Ja?”

“I do, but it’s more than that?” he said happily as he rolled on top of her.

“Ja? What you like more than Kristina?” she asked spreading her legs wide and using one hand to guide him in.

“Oh, not more … besides … ahhhhh …. I mean … yes …. money …. money and sex make the world go around!”

“Ah, money! … but you not rich … ohhhhhhj … Min Gud! …. But you poor, like Kristina poor … harder! … faster! … harder! …. I mean not rich like Mr. James Moore!”

Stan himself...
“No Kristina, not like him … but good enough … whew! …. Yessss …. Now … now!”

Several minutes later, after he rolled free of her, he said, “I mean, look, Kristina! I’ve suddenly come into a few hundred. How about you and I go somewhere? Maybe a fancy place for dinner? What do you say?”
I feel a bit sorry for poor old Archie. I mean, I know he's a bit of a pompous twit, but he seems a decent sort of a chap, and with Goldman on the scene he's facing longer odds than Stan himself.

Mind you, if he were ever to get our Barb to the altar rail I'd not give a fig for his chances.... :eek:
Chapter 32

“Vandergrift!” Stan exclaimed, shocked to see who it was that was climbing into the buggy with him. “What in the name of God are you doing here?” he demanded.

“It’s a free country, Goldman,” Vandergrift replied. “But if it will please you, you can ride all by yourself and I’ll wait for this good man to come back and get me. After all, you did claim the seat first as seems to happen so often with you.”

Stan considered this possibility for a moment, but dismissed it. Better to feel his rival out for whatever useful information he might have. “No, don’t be silly, climb aboard,” he said, moving over on the seat to make room.

“So, what business brings you up here?” Stan asked, knowing full well the answer.

“I suspect the same as has brought you here, Mr. Goldman.”

Stan nodded. “The lovely Miss Barbara Moore, of course. That woman has launched more ships than Helen of Troy, I’d wager. How did you find out her location? Did her father spill the beans so as to preempt yours truly?” he asked.

Archie shook his head. “No, it wasn’t Mr. Moore.”

“Then it could only have been that slimy desk clerk, Mario Pellegrino.” Vandergriff said nothing, which confirmed that Stan had guessed right. “How much did it set you back?”

“Plenty,” Archie admitted. “But if it leads me to Barbara, then it was worth every penny.”

“Well, you’ve come to the right place,” Stan assured him.

Archie stared at him. “You’ve seen her then?” Stan nodded. “Is she alright? How is her treatment progressing?”

“I saw her only from a distance, but this treatment is something quite out of the ordinary to say the least.”

“What do you mean?” Vandergrift asked.

They were coming into the village of Rhinebeck. “I think this would be better done over a drink-probably over more than one. Why don’t we check in at the Inn and retire to the bar?” Stan offered.

Vandergrift shrugged. “Sure,” he replied.


As Stan waited for Archibald Vandergrift in the bar at the Inn, he fingered the thick bankroll in his pocket. Almost $ 700, assembled over the past week from his own savings as well as the contributions from his colleagues at the trading house.

He had related to them what he had observed at the Darwin Institute the previous Sunday. At first they were disbelieving.

“Stan, you really need to cut back on your drinking,” Caleb had counselled.

“Were there pink elephants with them?” Henry had added.

“I wasn’t drinking. It was Sunday. The bars were closed,” Stan had replied. “This was as real as this desk I’m sitting at,” he added, slapping his hand on the solid oak.

Finally, he had managed to convince them that he wasn’t pulling their legs nor deluded, but that the events he described had really happened. And when they finally accepted his story, they had admitted that, though they were, like him, men of the world, they were as shocked by the tale as he had been by the events when he had observed them.

Of course, first they had to tease him about it, as men often do when they are forced to process something rather disturbing, “A dozen naked girls frolicking in the great outdoors?” Patrick had asked.

“And you just stood there like an idiot?” Caleb added. “That doesn’t sound like you, Stan.”

“There was a high wall and a locked gate. Plus a really large man standing beside that Darwin fellow. And those two matrons looked pretty beefy as well.”

“And you say they beat her?” Henry asked. “On her fanny, which I’m sure was most attractive.”

“Yes,” Stan replied, “With twigs that she had to gather from the forest herself.”

“Well, then you’ve got to get her out of there! Right away!” Patrick declared.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you fellows!” Stan said. “But I suspect it won’t be easy. I may have to bribe people or buy some special equipment. I haven’t figured out the details yet, but you can count on it costing money.”

“Why don’t you go see her father?” Henry asked. “Surely he can’t want to see his precious daughter mistreated.”

“Moore would never agree to see me,” Stan protested. “I’m the reason he sent her there, for Pete’s sake! Besides, I think he wants her ‘cured’ whatever it takes.”

Finally, they had all agreed, in the interests of love and justice, and despite exaggerated pleas of poverty, to pony up enough that, combined with his own dwindling assets, Stan had sufficient funds to hopefully accomplish his goal.

It was Friday afternoon by the time Stan’s friends had raised the promised cash. Stan had stopped by the Plaza to give Mario the remaining $ 80 he had promised him, since his tip had, somewhat surprisingly, proven accurate. The crooked desk clerk had flashed him a reptilian smile as he pocketed the envelope. “You’re a man of your word, Mr. Goldman,” Mario had admitted.

“There’s a lesson in that, Mr. Pellegrino,” Stan had replied. “You’ll be sure to send me a telegram care of the Beekman Arms in Rhinebeck if there is any news regarding Mr. Moore.”

“Of course; you can count on me,” Mario had said, winking.


Stan took a seat beside Archibald Vandergrift, setting the whisky he had ordered at the bar down on the table. Vandergrift looked Stan up and down with evident distaste. “I don’t need your help, Mr. Goldman. Just direct me to this Darwin Institute. I will have a chat with this Darwin and explain to him why he needs to let me take Barbara home. My family is very prominent and wealthy.”

“Not even close to as wealthy as Moore, nor as stubborn,” Stan retorted.

“Perhaps not, but that’s my plan.”

Stan had considered sharing what he had seen the previous Sunday with Archie, but had decided against it, guessing that Archie would immediately tell James Moore, who would contact Darwin. Darwin would, of course deny the whole thing and Moore would never believe Stan over him, so all that would achieve would be to put Darwin on high alert that Stan was nosing around his Institute. No, better to leave Vandergrift in the dark.

“That’s not much of a plan, Vandergrift,” Stan replied. “Moore is her father and legal guardian and he signed her into the institute. Only he can sign her out. You are just a suitor with no legal standing. Darwin will tell you to make like a bee and buzz off, because he has a sweet thing going and isn’t going to brook any interference. If we want her out, I’m afraid we will have to take matters into our own hands. And I have a few ideas.”

“We?” Archie replied, snickering. “Don’t equate us Mr. Goldman. I have a degree from Yale, money and a name that is known and respected in the best social circles.”

“Is that what they’re calling the brothels on Spring Ave. these days?”

Archie blushed a deep red. “I beg your pardon,” he stammered.

“Don’t play coy with me, Vandergrift. That day on the lake, Susanna, my ‘cousin from Albany’, recognized you.” Stan made air quotes to indicate that Susanna was not any relation of his. “And it wasn’t from the Vanderbilt cotillion. I wonder what the people in ‘the best social circles’ would make of you associating with someone like her.”

“You’re one to talk, Goldman, bringing a whore on a date.”

“Sure, I enjoyed her services, just like you. You have to admit she’s damn good at her profession.” Stan could tell that Archie was remembering his brief time with Susanna rather fondly. “But let’s get back to the matter at hand.”

“You mean Barbara?” Vandergrift replied. “Once she is cured of her over-active urges, she will marry me, because I can offer her the life she wants and needs. Her father approves of me and cannot stand you. What can you offer her?”

“I have a degree from the School of Hard Knocks and have made my way in the world just fine without anyone’s help. And it was me whose room at the Grand Union she visited after dancing with you and me whom she kissed most amorously and me whom she took a great chance to meet under the stands at the racecourse.”

Archie started to get to his feet. “That’s quite enough, sir. You should keep in mind the events that happened in this very inn almost a century ago between Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Burr. And you should know that I have hunted since I was a child and am a very good shot.”

Stan grabbed his arm. “Sit down and hear me out, Vandergrift. Then, if you don’t like my plan, you can try yours and good luck to you.” Reluctantly Archie sat back down.

“I’ve surveyed the property; it’s walled on three sides, but there’s a bluff leading down to the river that’s too steep for a wall. However, there’s a path that leads down. We have to get in there without Darwin knowing who we are, because if you present yourself, he’ll cable Moore for sure.”

Vandergrift looked interested, as Stan continued. “We need to get word to Barbara that we’ll meet her by the river with a boat if she can get out of the building. She’ll have to help us with her knowledge of the procedures they have there at night. Either of us could try that on our own, but I suspect there could be situations where having two of us could be very useful.”

“So you’re proposing that we work together? That seems foolish on your part, I must say, Goldman.”

“Look, times are changing. The slaves are free. Women are not property like brood mares to be used to gain admittance to high society by marrying them off to some suitable man; they are free human beings, just like you and me.”

“Now you sound like those ‘feminists’ and suffragettes, Mr. Goldman.”

“What I’m saying is that the choice is not yours or mine or James Moore’s, it’s Barbara’s. She has the right to choose who she wants, whether it’s you or me or someone else or no one at all. I am betting that she will choose me and I usually win my bets.”

Vandergrift looked thoughtful. “So you’re proposing a bet, a contest? I think the odds are strongly in my favor.”

“That may be, but I’m prepared to take the risk, as I have done my whole life. As long as we’re agreed that if we can get her away from Darwin and her father, the choice will be hers.”

Vandergrift smiled. “I like my chances. But I don’t trust you.”

“Look, I may be Jewish and a hustler and I didn’t go to Yale, but you can ask anyone who knows me on Wall Street or at Morgan Park-when Stan Goldman gives his word he keeps it. You can even ask that sleazy Pellegrino to whom I gave the remainder that I owed him before I came up here. If she chooses you, I will disappear from both your lives for good. Now, can I trust you?”

“I give you my word as a gentleman. If she is foolish enough to choose you over me, I wouldn’t want her anyway,” Vandergrift announced. “Now how do we get in there?”

“Well,” Stan said, “I have an idea that I think may work”…
“Well,” Stan said, “I have an idea that I think may work”…
All this talk about plans makes me want to quote the best tv-show in history:

Edmund: Ah, yes — a drawback. Yes… Perhaps we need something a little more cunning.
Baldrick: I have a cunning plan.
Edmund: Yes, perhaps, but I think I may have a more cunning one.
Baldrick: Well, mine’s pretty cunning, My Lord.
Edmund: Yes, but not cunning enough, I imagine.
Baldrick: Well, that depends how cunning you mean, My Lord.
Edmund: Well, pretty damn cunning. How cunning do you think I mean?
Baldrick: Well, mine’s quite cunning, My Lord.
Edmund: (fed up) Alright, then, let’s hear it! Let’s hear what’s so damn cunning!
Baldrick: Right, well, first of all, you get him to come with you–
Edmund: Oh yes, very cunning. Brilliantly cunning. I ask
him to come with me and then…then stab him, perhaps. How cunning can you get?

(From: Blackadder, Born to be King)
“We?” Archie replied, snickering. “Don’t equate us Mr. Goldman. I have a degree from Yale, money and a name that is known and respected in the best social circles.”

“Is that what they’re calling the brothels on Spring Ave. these days?”
And you should know that I have hunted since I was a child and am a very good shot.
I think Stan presents a slightly smaller target than a bear, Archie... ;)

Vandergrift looked thoughtful. “So you’re proposing a bet, a contest? I think the odds are strongly in my favor.”
That's what James Moore thinks, too. :rolleyes:

Has anybody asked Barb? :D
“That may be, but I’m prepared to take the risk, as I have done my whole life. As long as we’re agreed that if we can get her away from Darwin and her father, the choice will be hers.”

EC0B936C-F1ED-4FB8-897C-A65D021CAF99.jpeg Hmmm … what makes these two clowns heroes think that I would necessarily choose either of them? :rolleyes:
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