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Aloof Headmistress brought down to earth

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Katherine Watson, a single 40 year old Headmistress had been summoned to an urgent meeting with the Board of Governors. Nothing new there then she mused as none of them remotely liked her or her methods. She had stepped on many toes to get the job of Headmistress at Hornsworth Academy and thrived on the use of the cane on the students - in many cases completely unfounded - and this latest summons was indeed becasuse a member of her staff had reported her.
A few days earlier she had caned two senior pupils for being late for school - their pleas that the bus was late owing to a new driver not knowing the route had fallen on deaf ears as usual but this genuinely had been the reason. Twelve strokes each - so unfair - and the deputy Head had agreed - hence reporting Ms Watson.
The Head of the Governors despised Katherine - he knew she would stop at nothing to get what she wanted and also knew this was a perfect chance to bring her down a peg or two - he had also asked the bus driver to come to the meeting - Katherine was about to meet her match !!!
She had long black hair was quite tall (five foot ten in her stockinged feet) slim but with a full bottom and long legs. Dressed to kill in black seamed stockings she entered the room - surprised to see all five Governors and the bus driver sat waiting. For once - Katherine Watson - was slightly - just slightly - on the defensive.
Without giving all the details of the meeting the outcome was that Katherine had been out of order in caning the girls and now faced dismissal or a caning herself - of 24 strokes - which she had illegally given the students. George Wilson himself (the Head of the Governors) would administer the caning - Katherine had no choice - dismissal would ruin her career - so she reluctantly agreed to a caning from this vile man whom she totally despised.48e1d20ac847b1bbd22d1a3d8389d3c9.jpg
Katherine Watson, a single 40 year old Headmistress had been summoned to an urgent meeting with the Board of Governors. Nothing new there then she mused as none of them remotely liked her or her methods. She had stepped on many toes to get the job of Headmistress at Hornsworth Academy and thrived on the use of the cane on the students - in many cases completely unfounded - and this latest summons was indeed becasuse a member of her staff had reported her.
A few days earlier she had caned two senior pupils for being late for school - their pleas that the bus was late owing to a new driver not knowing the route had fallen on deaf ears as usual but this genuinely had been the reason. Twelve strokes each - so unfair - and the deputy Head had agreed - hence reporting Ms Watson.
The Head of the Governors despised Katherine - he knew she would stop at nothing to get what she wanted and also knew this was a perfect chance to bring her down a peg or two - he had also asked the bus driver to come to the meeting - Katherine was about to meet her match !!!
She had long black hair was quite tall (five foot ten in her stockinged feet) slim but with a full bottom and long legs. Dressed to kill in black seamed stockings she entered the room - surprised to see all five Governors and the bus driver sat waiting. For once - Katherine Watson - was slightly - just slightly - on the defensive.
Without giving all the details of the meeting the outcome was that Katherine had been out of order in caning the girls and now faced dismissal or a caning herself - of 24 strokes - which she had illegally given the students. George Wilson himself (the Head of the Governors) would administer the caning - Katherine had no choice - dismissal would ruin her career - so she reluctantly agreed to a caning from this vile man whom she totally despised.View attachment 1539660
Wilson led her to the basement of the building where - surprise surprise - there was a caning horse and numerous strasps and canes adorned on the walls - Katherine for once the silent one and George Wilson positively glowing.
"Remove your skirt and knickers Miss Watson and place yourself over the horse please" oh wow was hew going to tame this bitch for once and all. Katherine duly bdid so - vowing to remain silent and not give him further pleasure - at least that was her plan.
She duly bent over the horse and was secured in position - Wilson securing her extremely tightly just to show her who was in command now - and then chose a senior cane from the racks - swishing it over and over again in front of her.
Katherine Watson you have been sentenced to 24 strokes of the cane - have you anything to say before I carry out the sentence ?- she remained silent - no - then I will begin.
He went behind her and rested the cane on her bottom - thwack - oh God it hurts she thought - after a minute he struck again - after six strokes she was sweating profusely but still remained silent (despite the growing pain in her bottom).
After twelve she began moaning through tear-filled eyes and by eighteen she was a broken woman - all 24 were duly given and she sobbed and sobbed - her backside was bruised wealed and in parts bloodied - Katherine Watson had well and truly learned her lesson !!!bdsmlr-225196-FPnjBRG9jj.png
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