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This is posted here with kind permission of the artist.

crux by noone102000 - jpg - reduced size 1.jpg

Crucified Daughter​

“Mother, help me! Help me! What are they doing to me?” Lidia implored in panic as the soldiers were ruthlessly nailing her wrists and ankles to the cross. “Be strong, my sweet daughter, be strong ….” her mother replied from her cross - herself enduring the excruciating pain of supporting the weight of her body through the pierced bones.

“It will be all over soon …” Lidia’s mother added. They both knew it was a lie … crucifixion was one of the most gruesome execution methods that the empire employed and sometimes it took days for a victim to die. But nevertheless, it was a merciful lie …

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction made in 3D rendering software. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


This is reduced in size to fit the Crux Forums rules. I recommend seeing the full sized version.

Posted here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119046792?comment_id=177984466
Wonderfull pic and story!
Yes this artist does great work. I knew this pic would be popular here. It was nice of the artist to let me post it.

I hope he might circle back to this scene some day, and maybe give us one more look at mom and daughter.

Maybe he'll continue the dialog a little bit. I imagine one soldier chuckling and saying, "Your mom won't help you, sweetheart. Your mom has problems of her own to deal with." I imagine one chuckling and saying, "Oh it won't be over soon. We think you two will give us a good, long show."
This is posted here with kind permission of the artist.

View attachment 1484372

Crucified Daughter​

“Mother, help me! Help me! What are they doing to me?” Lidia implored in panic as the soldiers were ruthlessly nailing her wrists and ankles to the cross. “Be strong, my sweet daughter, be strong ….” her mother replied from her cross - herself enduring the excruciating pain of supporting the weight of her body through the pierced bones.

“It will be all over soon …” Lidia’s mother added. They both knew it was a lie … crucifixion was one of the most gruesome execution methods that the empire employed and sometimes it took days for a victim to die. But nevertheless, it was a merciful lie …

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction made in 3D rendering software. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


This is reduced in size to fit the Crux Forums rules. I recommend seeing the full sized version.

Posted here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119046792?comment_id=177984466
That's gone straight into my 'favourites' folder! :)
Home Hanging Rentals

Home Hanging - With Text - Reduced Size.jpg

“Honey, how about we rent two girls from Hanging Hotties tonight and we string them up here in the living room?” Claire told her husband Peter watching at the advertisement in the newspaper.

Hanging Hotties Co. became very popular as they introduced the Hanging Booths a few years back, where girls were hanged in the streets of the city after a credit card payment. They diversified their business introducing the Hanging Rentals: after a payment which was not that low, but affordable for a middle-class family, they were bringing girls to the homes of the requestors together with the noose, the handcuffs and all else was necessary to execute them.

As with the Booths, one of the keys for Hanging Hotties profitability was the fact that the company was leveraging the bodies of the “spent girls” in many ways, from selling them to local cannibalistic restaurants or embalming them for trophies. This is why they were calling their victims “rentals” – as with a phone call a collector would have come to pick the bodies back.

“Oh my God, let her die soon … and let me die soon too …” Monique thought as she watched sitting on the sofa how her fellow victim was convulsing after two minutes since the start of her rope. “This is so embarrassing …” she said loudly without realizing it, as the hanged girl started to piss. “Don’t worry little sow, this is why we placed the bucket …” Claire said with a wicked smile as she overheard her “I am sure that you will also lose control of your bladder in a few minutes …” she added, making Peter laugh wholeheartedly.

If you like my work, you can follow me on

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction made in 3D rendering software. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
I like to hire some girls there.. for crucifixion purposes though.. ;)
Thanks for bringing the company to my attentions :D

now serious:
great stuff here, same for crucified daughter
( would love to see mom and daughter side by side on their raised crosses.)
Crucified Daughter Rape

Crucified Daughter Rape - Reduced Size.jpg

“Leave her alone! Bastards! Leave her alone! At least …. leave her some dignity!” Cornelia shouted from her cross as the black soldier started raping her daughter Lidia, who was helpless with her wrists already nailed to the beam.

But Cornelia knew very well that there was nothing that she could do to stop this … perhaps all the soldiers would have abused Lidia’s beautiful body before nailing her feet to the cross. Such a shameful way to die …

Higher resolution:

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction made in 3D rendering software. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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