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Bare-Naked (Famous) Ladies

Go to CruxDreams.com
Since beginning this thread I'd been planning to post some Bare-Naked (Famous)
shots of young Ms Kendall Jenner, as fressable a creature as has crossed
my electronic transom in many a moon, but I also tripped over a link to 50 or 60
nude shots (maybe more, but in any case more than ten)
and being the lazy bastard that I am, I posted the link instead:

(the site is safe - been reading it for years)

Unfortunately the images - many of them moving (in more ways than one)
are accompanied by a rather loathsome hip-hop soundtrack
(or am I being redundant?)
Volume up or down, your choice.

After going thru this thread a number of times, while I don't miss any of it and have better things to do, I have realized that not watching TV, movies or giving a damn about social media puts me at a cultural disadvantage (as if any of TV, movies or social media is actually "culture").

I could run of 90% of these chicks with my car and have no idea who I just killed.

Sort of takes the fun out killing them doesn't it?


After going thru this thread a number of times, while I don't miss any of it and have better things to do, I have realized that not watching TV, movies or giving a damn about social media puts me at a cultural disadvantage (as if any of TV, movies or social media is actually "culture").

I could run of 90% of these chicks with my car and have no idea who I just killed.

Sort of takes the fun out killing them doesn't it?


Well, the "popular culture" is a filter of sorts. It's like natural selection: it picks out the bodies most admired by the most onlookers. I'm not sure how I'd feel being "featured" like that, but when celebrities complain about paparazzi and such I always think "well, that's the reason you're paid so much". That sentiment goes in spades for "royals".

Superb, E, as usual.

I remember when the film came out (long version of course)
Mlle Beart begged the French Press to spend a little more time on
critiquing her acting performance and less on "mon cul"! (my ass!)
**Florence Bellamy** The final story of 4 in Immoral Tales is "Lucrezia Borgia", a story of a young woman's sexual liaisons with both her brother and her father, Pope Alexander VI. :eek: Lovely Lucrezia is allowed to try on the Papal hat and crown, sit on the throne and then she is slowly and sensually stripped by the Pope and her brother. Then tickled with a peacock feather before they pleasure all 3 of her orifices. :rolleyes:

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