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Can You With Crux-mind Better Bear Future Pain?

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Once a day I heard on the radio a woman talk about her chronicle ache. She had designed a personal philosophy to understand the (her) pain as a life long companionship for which you must have a good relationship. Thus not abjection, resistance and swallow pills, no, learn to live with him! In her talk she used the word cross-pain, that only because she was Christian religious. Further not attention hereabout.

Since then I asked me IF you desire pain from the cross, for me/us also life-long, would you in later years, when the real pain from healthiness insufficiency has become manifest, him better understand and endure?


  • Flagellation de Jésus.jpe
    Flagellation de Jésus.jpe
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Yes, I heard a similar thing being said recently by a man who was quite prominent in UK public life,
but in retirement has developed a painful and debilitating illness, and takes a very stoical view,
or perhaps Buddhist (I don't think he is a Buddhist, but his English public school education
would probably have instilled a 'Stoic' outlook) - suffering, in one form or another, is the condition of all life,
one just accepts it. Masochism aside, I think I have a fairly good tolerance of pain -
not claiming any glory for that, it's just the way I am - but it depends on my general health -
I can cope with 'specific' pain reasonably well, but if I'm generally in a poor condition,
it's harder to be philosophical about it.
I have not yet been crucified, but have an increasing desire to be 'rope crucified' for, among other reasons, to see how I coped with the pain. I have for some years been into the 'spanking scene' and have been spanked, whipped, caned until blood was spilled..without a whimper, nowadays. I think pain resistance grows and we learn to deal with heightened intensity. Good for us!
But there is a contrary development. In a century hundred years ago, when men and women must work whole day, when there was no rest or vacancy, when everybody must awake at 5, there was pain which they could bear. Say normal, they knew not otherwise.
Since the prosperity came from the sixties the pain is suppressed but if this is good I doubt. All what in life happens you must understand and bear, suffer and accept. It is the beginning of the exceptional personal cross. I think it strengthen you.
i suffered with great pain when i hurt my back at work told i would never walk again, 6 oxcottens a day really did,nt help but make me go too sleep all the time , i learned of a painful exercise, took more then a year crying tears really pouring down my face , dragging my body too just take a crap , pissing in a bed pan , food being brought too me meals on wheels they all said i should be in a nursing home , but i refused. i learned too over come great pain , i still have a little of that pain bending over too fuck , or bending over too cheek the oil in my car
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