Praefectus Praetorio
R.I.P. Brother of the Quill
Warning: this story contains frightening and menacing situations and brutal, but deserved, corporal punishment, however, NO sex. Those who insist on reading about a good shag should go elsewhere.
[Authors note: While I have tried not to directly borrow (steal?), I must acknowledge a tremendous thematic debt to the conclusion of @King Diocletian ‘s fine work, State of Emergency - The Student. Also, though I’ve never been there, I understand that The Republic of Singapore is a marvelous country and a fine place to visit. Unless, of course, you are a silly, spoiled, petulant child, habituated to lying.]
[Authors note: While I have tried not to directly borrow (steal?), I must acknowledge a tremendous thematic debt to the conclusion of @King Diocletian ‘s fine work, State of Emergency - The Student. Also, though I’ve never been there, I understand that The Republic of Singapore is a marvelous country and a fine place to visit. Unless, of course, you are a silly, spoiled, petulant child, habituated to lying.]