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Crucified lesbians:Connie's b-day (Don't open til then !)

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The Fallen Angel

Connie’s Birthday

“Sinister, dexter, sinister, dexter", Gaius Acilius led his company of Roman soldiers on patrol through the woods.
“ Dico, dico, dico !" Gaius called out.
“ Quod ?" the men replied.
“ Canis meus non habem nasus." Said Gaius.
“ Oh, quomodo adoleo ? ", the men answered.
“ TERRIBLUM !!" they all shouted. It was the VIth time they'd heard the joke that day but it was the only one they knew.
It was Connie's birthday and she was out picking herbs and berries. She heard the men and hid behind a bush but she was spotted and seized by the soldiers. “We'll make camp here and have some sport with this little bitch !" Gaius ordered. “We'll grape her !". ( There was a bunch of them ! ) Connie kicked, screamed, bit, spat, scratched, gouged, swore and yelled.... like most girls her age, but she was overpowered. Her clothes were ripped off and she was held down by eight men while they took it in turns on top of her. After they'd satisfied themselves they tied Connie to a cross and whipped her until she passed out.
1.Jess & Connie.jpg
At that moment Jess the warrior princess rode by. “ Filthy Roman pigs !!, she said to the horse who seemed to nod in agreement. She dismounted and strode up to Gaius. “ Another bitch who wants a good fu............ He didn't get to finish his sentence. He didn't see the flash of Jess's sword. His head bounced three times and rolled toward the rest of the company. His body remained erect spouting a shower of blood. Jess kicked him over.
2.Jess arrives..jpg
The company picked up their weapons and charged toward her. Marcus Galerius led the charge. Jess spun on her heel crouching low and cut off both of Marcus's legs below the knee, she spun again, this time her sword arced up between the next soldier's legs and sliced him neatly in two. “ Copulare Hades !!...I've never managed that before !! “ The rest of the battle was absolute carnage. Heads, legs, arms flew through the air as Jess reduced their number to just three who threw down their swords. She ordered the men to strip and lie face down while she attended to Connie. Jess took a pot of after whipping- cream from her saddle bag and treated her wounds. Jess's saddle bag was well stocked. In those days you never knew when you might need to rescue a damsel in distress. She wrapped Connie in a bearskin. The previous week the bear had lost an argument with Jess over ownership of the fur.

Jess ordered the men to their feet. “ Name !" "Tiberius Hostilius miss." "Married ?" "Yes miss, six kids."
Jess looked at him gripping him between his legs. “ Time you took family planning seriously." she said cutting off his balls and throwing them on the fire. He screamed and the other two wet themselves and begged for mercy.

3.The battle.jpg They didn't get any. Jess pointed them in the direction of Rome and kicked their backsides as they scampered off clutching what was left of their bits and pieces.
Jess carried Connie to a rock pool where they bathed together. After a meal of bread, wine and berries they lay together naked in the sun. Jess couldn't help but notice what a pretty girl Connie was. She gave her a kiss which neither girl wanted to end. They spent the rest of the afternoon exploring each other. All Connie's birthdays came at once !
Connie and Jess became partners and had many battles and adventures together, and made love three times a day !!!. They became legends in their own time.
4.Sharing a bath..jpg5.Jess and Connie.jpg

XX Mel & JG
Have a nice birthday !
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“ Canis meus non habem nasus.†Said Gaius.
“ Oh, quomodo adoleo ? “, the men answered.


Your story's a board-certified hoot, Melissa. Further, "Xena Warrior Princess" was a guilty pleasure of mine and My Lady's, save that we quarreled over the lesbian subtext thing. She insisted it was "a guy thing," a figment of my male imagination.
I asked a French teacher I work with to translate that old joke. He went to a boy's Grammar school here in Sheffield and studied Latin but he doesn't guarantee the exactness of the translation. I didn't tell him why I wanted the translation !, can you imagine the gossip in the staffroom at break !!
I'm Catholic ( Is it that obvious ! ) and Julie (jonesygirl) is C.O.E.
I'd like to do a little story about some naughty girls at a boarding school run by Miss Creak and her deputy Miss Caine. The girls aren't really naughty but you can imagine how they will be punished !

Mel & JG
We are still laughing !! can hardly type. Connie and Jess if you read this please go to Monty Python Killer Joke. "My dog has no nose", "How does he smell ?", " Awful", in a German accent !! ........must go to bed !! see u soon.

Mel & JG
melissa said:
We are still laughing !! can hardly type. Connie and Jess if you read this please go to Monty Python Killer Joke. "My dog has no nose", "How does he smell ?", " Awful", in a German accent !! ........must go to bed !! see u soon.

Mel & JG
OH MY GOD!!!!THIS IS GREAT!!!!!!!!WHAT A GREAT BDAY PRESENT!!!!!Jess told me that something big was going to happen on my bday but would not tell me what it was,she just sat there with a smile on her face...I am going to give her such a spanking.She just now told me how she came to you and JG and asked you to do this for me and you said yes...god love you!!!!I love that you used xena and gabby in our rolls(the two of them are sooooo sexy).The pics are fantastic the story is GREAT!,What you did for me was sooooooo nice...you and JG get big wet kisses from me,I am going to make copies of this wonderful story and tresure it forever!!!!What a wonderful 25th bday!!!!JG-MEL I LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!Jess is going to take me into the bedroom and give me my bday spanking then we are going to make love,THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!!Kisses to you both!!!!!connie.
We are dead chuffed you enjoyed it ! Hope you have a brilliant B-day.
Julie says there are still too many Roman soldiers walking around with smug expressions on their faces, so if either of you think of another storyline please let us know!

Mel & JG
melissa said:
We are dead chuffed you enjoyed it ! Hope you have a brilliant B-day.
Julie says there are still too many Roman soldiers walking around with smug expressions on their faces, so if either of you think of another storyline please let us know!

Mel & JG
You got it,and thank you again!
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