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Crucified males

Go to CruxDreams.com
love the left one, it showss that on cross the ale or female should be forced to spread his leg unlike here


and one should give up ass to--- "TAKE IT LIKE A MALE"


(same artist)

He saw that as a slave tortured, but we could imagine that as reasonable passion play, since we are approaching easter that might be an idea for us strong believing christians.
(Sorry, new here, not making a very good reply, but trying.) If I were part of 4 men being crucified together, I'd want to be number 4. Except with feet on the sides rather than the fromt.
Ich kann deine Aufregung nicht verstehen und viele andere auch nicht. Wird doch alles in der entsprechenden Sprache übersetzt.
Neither can I understand it; easily translatable: "I can't understand your excitement and neither can many others. Everything is translated into the appropriate language."

Also, I think we'd get a lot more out of these beautiful Spanish images of the crucified, if I could post the Spanish captions along with them.


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