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[Crucifixion Fotonovela, Semi.Con./reluctant] "Beware of what you volunteer for!"

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I have amassed a lot of snuffy material, in years, with the intent to assemble a comic strip or a fotonovela to please my own fetishes.
In this case, I want to focus on a crucifixion scene, with a lot of cheerful people and a reluctant victim, who just has bitten more than she can chew.

Mind me: I have started and abandoned many fotonovela/comic book attempts (my fantasies switch quickly, and producing even a single page of this stuff requires A LOT of time, believe me!), so I cannot guarantee that I will ever finish this one.
That might also depend if there's enough interest here for me to continue...

But, for the moment at least, I find it intriguing and I wanna share it with you.
I have settled on a fotonovela as the best compromise between speed of production and fidelity to the story I have in mind and would like to tell.
Still, while not as time-expensive as drawing a comic strip, it requires me a lot of effort so between a page and the other I will probably let pass quite some time.

If you don't know what a fotonovela is, please look here:

A couple of disclaimers:
  • The story is inspired by my own fantasies and by many stories that I read here and on other forums.
  • The two single major sources of inspiration are a couple of DjEtla's stories (Lily/Sidney/Melita on the cross) and Tygavin stories ("The Death of the Tomb Raider" in particular). Sometimes I basically rip off their lines.
    The original source of crucifixion pics is Alex Bald's movie "Crucifixion 28".
    You can find the movie here, and I suggest heartily for you to buy it: http://www.deadsexyclips.com/0001134/crucifixion 28 full hd-p-653.html
    It's very good.
  • That said, I modified the face of the executee to better conform my own fancies.
  • All characters are and are intended of legal age. They don't intend to represent any real person.
  • This is all fantasy: please don't do this at home. If you've issues distinguishing fantasy and reality, please don't read it and go visit a psychiatrist. Quickly!
  • There will be typos: I apologize for that in advance, but unfortunately I cannot correct a post after I have submitted it.
    But I can submit a new post with a replacement page, so... if you spot a typo, please lemme know.
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And extended disclaimer (sorry for the wall of text, but hey, I tend to be... verbose) and the first page of the story.

The main character is Jenny Castevet, a student who got herself in quite a predicament for a university lab assignment to get some credits.
The story is set in eerie Miskatonic University, to allow for possible... supernatural development, if I will decide so (I've no definitive ending in mind, nor I'm sure I will). Surnames should also point on that direction, wink wink.

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Cool drawings. I like her tied to the cross rather than nailed. She can always be taken down when the female professor changes her mind again :D. The legal mumbo jumbo in the contract will allow for Jenny to be "executed" but not killed. Public humiliation with hard nipples and wet privates is a thrill when you know you will be able to masturbate at your leisure later. (Jenny is feeling quite warm just topless. When they start staring at her nether parts, she will feel excited all over.)

Jenny doesn't like people staring at her nipples. Hmmm...what did she think was gonna happen when she volunteered to be crucified topless?
I like to see the end result.
The end result (IMHO) will be that Jenny goes through "The Dance" and then dies in agony and degradation. HOWEVER, Christ was resurrected, so why not a good Christian girl like Jenny Castevet?

The other likely possibility is that Professor Woland "changes her mind." The humiliated, degraded undergrad is taken down, and Jenny can go through the same crucifixion over and over...and over. (Check the contract.) Groundhog Day Crux style.

It's Zepharantes' fantasy, so if there are other supernatural possibilities let's see what happens.
really nice and unique style!
that stories in the list, can be found here on CF?
It's Zepharantes' fantasy, so if there are other supernatural possibilities let's see what happens.
Just a hint: do you know who professor Woland is?
It's a character from one of my favorite novels, that I recommend w/o reservations.
Besides, that novel has its own share of (very classy) snuff and nude scenes (but it's not a snuff or erotic novel).

Cool drawings. I like her tied to the cross rather than nailed. She can always be taken down when the female professor changes her mind again :D. The legal mumbo jumbo in the contract will allow for Jenny to be "executed" but not killed.
It's a possibility, but overall I fancy the "finality" of a snuff ending.
I think it gives more... gravitas to a story.
We shall see.

Jenny doesn't like people staring at her nipples. Hmmm...what did she think was gonna happen when she volunteered to be crucified topless?
Poor Jenny expected a much more private and classy demonstration, in front of Prof. Woland's peers, not in front of her own fellow townsfolk, alas.

I like to see the end result.
Thank you, I hope that too.

really nice and unique style!
Thank you, you're most kind.
As I said, it's a fotonovela, so the pics are taken from videos/movies, yet I modify them and process to new colors: the main reason is to make the colors compatible between different videos.
In fact, I gave a lot of attention to have uniform resolution, chroma key and so on.
Hope I found the sweet spot I was looking for some time...

that stories in the list, can be found here on CF?
All the crucifixion stories that I referenced are available here, while most of the others are available either on "dolcett girls" forum, necrobabes, dolcettish, bdsmlibrary, or from Riwa's own story site.
Dolcettish is down unfortunately, but maybe it can still be accessed via the "wayback machine" (I'm not sure, I've not tried).
Some stories are basically lost instead, but I have a copy of them: if you are specifically interested in one of them I can tell you where to find it and, in case it is not retrievable online anymore, I can post it here.

In fact, I could open a thread of "lost stories" sooner or later.
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Hmmmmm public crucifixion, being tricked into it.... exactly my kink.
Happy to know we're on a similar wavelength!

I fancy the idea of punishment to otherwise rather innocent people.
My avatar is from the Danganronpa videogame series, and it's about a mad execution game forced on groups of students.

PS: can I get some feedback on the structure of the fotonovela?
Is it clear which text balloon has to be read first and which one later?
Is it too verbose?
Are there many typos?
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PS: can I get some feedback on the structure of the fotonovela?
Is it clear which text balloon has to be read first and which one later?
Is it too verbose?

At first I did not get the right sequence, but now it's OK. No typos found.
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