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Crucify Me

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Welcome here. We like to get to know people a bit before we crucify them. It's one of our little idiosyncrasies.
What are your fantasies? Repertor is right though. If you really want to be crucified (in a story or picture - real life is something different) the best way to get there is to join in the conversation on a few threads so people start to recognize you. Have fun. :)
Didn't work for me! I even insulted the magistrate, but he is so preoccupied by his own business that I am still with my feet on the ground!:mad::confused:
The magistrate is totally out of control, and the guards/soldiers are lawlessly crucifying the women. We will have to start a revolt to avenge ourselves against these Roman scum:mad:. Join me in my gratuitously futile struggle :rolleyes: and you could be crucified by lunchtime. :devil::doh:
The magistrate is totally out of control, and the guards/soldiers are lawlessly crucifying the women. We will have to start a revolt to avenge ourselves against these Roman scum:mad:. Join me in my gratuitously futile struggle :rolleyes: and you could be crucified by lunchtime. :devil::doh:
Good idea! I just joined it there!
Try to exchange Menecmi against Thessela. She can be quite fierce, especially if you can find a dragon for her (cfr. the Lost Cross). Together you three will form a strong coalition. Perhaps you can convince RR to join you. He must be out of sausages by now, so he will have plenty of money to finance the operation.
Try to exchange Menecmi against Thessela. She can be quite fierce, especially if you can find a dragon for her (cfr. the Lost Cross). Together you three will form a strong coalition. Perhaps you can convince RR to join you. He must be out of sausages by now, so he will have plenty of money to finance the operation.
I am afraid that there is neither time for negociations nor for setting up a funding plan. People have to be saved from their crosses before it is too late, and before more people will share their fate!:oops:

Now, excuse me, I have a rebellion waiting for me!:D
would you like to whip me and crucify me?
I will. I dont mind to travel where you are, I think you'll do it for free. PM sent.

I have a thread here, asking for how much money some of here agree to be crucified, some say a million dollars, some half, and only one wanna do it for 50.000, i think real crucifixion fans should pay me for making his dreams come true.

Thin nails, through hands and feet, thin but strong enough to secure you to the cross so you cannot escape, also tied for security reasons. No broken bones, just through flesh, for 6 hours (or more if you feel confortable).

Maybe some lady could masturbate you in the cross, if you like.

After that medical treatment awaits you, given by myself for a month, these thin nails should not left any scars on you I hope.

I envy you, whom will be nailed on the cross, I wish to be too, but i dont think I could find some executor like me, someone who knew hands and feet anatomy to make the least damage possible, someone who nail you gently, someone who care about you after thos 6 painful hours. Only me can do this.

Lucky you.
I will. I dont mind to travel where you are, I think you'll do it for free. PM sent.

I have a thread here, asking for how much money some of here agree to be crucified, some say a million dollars, some half, and only one wanna do it for 50.000, i think real crucifixion fans should pay me for making his dreams come true.

Thin nails, through hands and feet, thin but strong enough to secure you to the cross so you cannot escape, also tied for security reasons. No broken bones, just through flesh, for 6 hours (or more if you feel confortable).

Maybe some lady could masturbate you in the cross, if you like.

After that medical treatment awaits you, given by myself for a month, these thin nails should not left any scars on you I hope.

I envy you, whom will be nailed on the cross, I wish to be too, but i dont think I could find some executor like me, someone who knew hands and feet anatomy to make the least damage possible, someone who nail you gently, someone who care about you after thos 6 painful hours. Only me can do this.

Lucky you.
where exactly is the location of these nails?
Yet again we have to remind members, NO NAILS

'My friends I have been a member of this forum for a long time now,and in the time we have heard from a lot of people who have expressed the desire to be crucified with nails and while they have that right to do so I must express my consern to them.You have the right to seek crucifixon with nails if that is really what you want,but be warned of the danger that comes with such a desire...I was crucified with nails when I was a teenager,the nails were driven into my hands and the pain was unlike anything I ever experenced in my life,I hung on the cross for 30 mins. and to say I suffered would be an understatment.I recieved good care for a good doctor after my crucifixon and I recovered fully after about a month.But there have been after effects from my crux,to this day I suffer from arthritis in my right hand and also tendonitis,my left hand is ok so far and the scars are almost invisible now.The nails they used on me were small but they still caused damage to my hands that I will live with for the rest of my life.Please if you seek to be crucified I beg you to use rope and have people with you that you know and trust to keep it safe,please dont use nails it's not worth it and I should know...I was crucified for money when I was a young teen and I was stupid but I needed the money...but trust me when I tell you that using nails is dangerous and not worth the risk!If you really wish to be crucified please use rope and have a fun safe crux!

I've read Connie's tale before, exiting, but only a story, as many here I dont believe, good story I must say, but nobody concerns soooooo much and soooo repeatedly about not hurting you or something like nails and stuff, its obviously a fake story, as many forums this has his/her "hero", and this is ok.

About nails, am just kidding, I just found some replyes very exiting, and this is why I make these threads asking for "volunteers".

I found the character "JL" very interesting, is for sure there many people like him in the world, am a writer too so maybe someday I could write some story like Connie's but with more savage stuff.

I found reading more exiting than seeing a picture.
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I've read Connie's tale before, exiting, but only a story, as many here I dont believe, good story I must say, but nobody concerns soooooo much and soooo repeatedly about not hurting you or something like nails and stuff, its obviously a fake story, as many forums this has his/her "hero", and this is ok.

About nails, am just kidding, I just found some replyes very exiting, and this is why I make these threads asking for "volunteers".

I found the character "JL" very interesting, is for sure there many people like him in the world, am a writer too so maybe someday I could write some story like Connie's but with more savage stuff.

I found reading more exiting than seeing a picture.
Her story is plausible and physically possible. So please back off on your accusation. We practice civility here. End of comments about events you may or not believe.
I think no one here believes his own fantasies as real. Then looms the DSM-5...
How far can you go?
I think the criterion is that every fantasy has an end so that after some time it plays again.
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