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Crumera's Crosstober Celebrations 2023

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Day 10

Disowned daughter

Leo, Pullo, we've come to relieve your lot.
Me and Marcus and those new guys will take over.
Points at the young, very unhappy woman crucified,
you dont see that every day, is she a murderer?

Can't you read.. this is the infamous Mira she refused the governors sons proposal.
Never learned how to read, but yeah I heard about that..
I thought she was banished with her family.
Not quite her father was given a choice to make sure she married Rufus or crucify her, to avoid banishment.
She called her father bluff, thinking even if he did, he would kill her quickly.
This morning when we brought her here, it dawned on to her,
her father hadn't been bluffing. She turned like a leave.

To late by then, as no one with the authority to save her was present.
Red David nailed her up after all 4 of us had our way with her as ordered.
Nice tight little cunt, docile as she could be..
maybe she was hoping it could save her.

Lots of people came to watch her, not her family though.
Might have seen her cousin Rufus in disguise, not totally sure but certain enough that I would bet some silver on it.

Listen up! No mercy for her except watering her.. looks directly at Marcus...clean water!
really standard the same stuff you drink, she drinks!
You drink, she get to drink her fill as well.

She nor her family are citizens of course, but her family is rich and powerful.
Better do just your duty and no funny stuff,
or their revenge might fall on to you like a stone filled barrel.

Chief Leo stopped talking, understood?
Well gang lets get out of here!
The four men collected their gear then walked back to their barracks.
From high up, Mira's eyes trailed them
till they vanished to her in the shadow of the cities gate.


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Mira is left alone to suffer the agony of her crucifixion. It will kill her, of course. That is its purpose. She has been given water and has to relieve herself. How long can she hold it, she wonders. Her stomach churns her last meal. 'Gods, do not let me purge my bowels!'
Day 10

Disowned daughter

Leo, Pullo, we've come to relieve your lot.
Me and Marcus and those new guys will take over.
Points at the young, very unhappy woman crucified,
you dont see that every day, is she a murderer?

Can't you read.. this is the infamous Mira she refused the governors sons proposal.
Never learned how to read, but yeah I heard about that..
I thought she was banished with her family.
Not quite her father was given a choice to make sure she married Rufus or crucify her, to avoid banishment.
She called her father bluff, thinking even if he did, he would kill her quickly.
This morning when we brought her here, it dawned on to her,
her father hadn't been bluffing. She turned like a leave.

To late by then, as no one with the authority to save her was present.
Red David nailed her up after all 4 of us had our way with her as ordered.
Nice tight little cunt, docile as she could be..
maybe she was hoping it could save her.

Lots of people came to watch her, not her family though.
Might have seen her cousin Rufus in disguise, not totally sure but certain enough that I would bet some silver on it.

Listen up! No mercy for her except watering her.. looks directly at Marcus...clean water!
really standard the same stuff you drink, she drinks!
You drink, she get to drink her fill as well.

She nor her family are citizens of course, but her family is rich and powerful.
Better do just your duty and no funny stuff,
or their revenge might fall on to you like a stone filled barrel.

Chief Leo stopped talking, understood?
Well gang lets get out of here!
The four men collected their gear then walked back to their barracks.
From high up, Mira's eyes trailed them
till they vanished to her in the shadow of the cities gate.
I love the quality of your backgrounds and shadows. It makes your art so alive
Day 10

Disowned daughter

Leo, Pullo, we've come to relieve your lot.
Me and Marcus and those new guys will take over.
Points at the young, very unhappy woman crucified,
you dont see that every day, is she a murderer?

Can't you read.. this is the infamous Mira she refused the governors sons proposal.
Never learned how to read, but yeah I heard about that..
I thought she was banished with her family.
Not quite her father was given a choice to make sure she married Rufus or crucify her, to avoid banishment.
She called her father bluff, thinking even if he did, he would kill her quickly.
This morning when we brought her here, it dawned on to her,
her father hadn't been bluffing. She turned like a leave.

To late by then, as no one with the authority to save her was present.
Red David nailed her up after all 4 of us had our way with her as ordered.
Nice tight little cunt, docile as she could be..
maybe she was hoping it could save her.

Lots of people came to watch her, not her family though.
Might have seen her cousin Rufus in disguise, not totally sure but certain enough that I would bet some silver on it.

Listen up! No mercy for her except watering her.. looks directly at Marcus...clean water!
really standard the same stuff you drink, she drinks!
You drink, she get to drink her fill as well.

She nor her family are citizens of course, but her family is rich and powerful.
Better do just your duty and no funny stuff,
or their revenge might fall on to you like a stone filled barrel.

Chief Leo stopped talking, understood?
Well gang lets get out of here!
The four men collected their gear then walked back to their barracks.
From high up, Mira's eyes trailed them
till they vanished to her in the shadow of the cities gate.
I would liked to get nailed like her
Day 11

Poor sweet daughter of mine

Hannah somewhat came to terms with the agony of hanging nailed from her cross.
Seeing the despair on Nicolle's face as her daughter gets ready
to push herself up again, to relieve her tortured pinned wrists.
She wishes she could help or comfort her precious daughter somehow.
There is nothing she can do except suffer together with her daughter.
Only death to look forward on, to end this cruel torture.

A continuation from the series in between these posts



  • 11XtoberPoorSweetDaughterOfMineFS.jpg
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'They have chosen this barbaric form of execution for Nicolle and me, The pain is more than I have ever felt and we hang naked from this wood, displayed for anyone to see us. I want to save my daughter but can do nothing but die up here...'
Day 11

Poor sweet daughter of mine

Hannah somewhat came to terms with the agony of hanging nailed from her cross.
Seeing the despair on Nicolle's face as her daughter gets ready
to push herself up again, to relieve her tortured pinned wrists.
She wishes she could help or comfort her precious daughter somehow.
There is nothing she can do except suffer together with her daughter.
Only death to look forward on, to end this cruel torture.

A continuation from the series in between these posts

nice POV!
i love the pov shot!
Day 12

Last Empresses final days.

Emergency meeting of Council of Nobles

The Baron presiding:

Doesn't matter that we like it or not, official she is empress till she dies.
We cannot use a common crown of thorns on her! She is not a commoner or a slave.

We could use a gilded crown of thorns! A noble proposes
Can you arrange that? He nods.
Anything else?

Golden nails?
Nah.. Crumera shaking his head: Far to soft a metal to secure and hold up her body,
also to small for the crowd to notice!

How about a golden scepter up her ass? Another noble proposed
Like a cornu? Yes..
No one objects.

So two days later the former ruler of Pentecosta is nailed up on a proper high cross,
wearing a gold thorned crown and gets cruelly impaled on a gilded cornu.
The crowd is fed free bread and cheese, Ale and cheap wine is distributed as well heightening the festive atmosphere.

The Empress who had condemned so many women suffer that agonizing fate,
now i twas her imperial highnesses turn!

She tried to speak a few times but every time the crowd uses the song “Nail the Empress”* to drown out her voice.

A week later the Baroness is elected as the new head of state for the coming year.
The office of empress is abolished,
Aralav is the first ever chosen consul of the newly formed Republic of Pentecosta.

*Same melody as the former illegal but highly popular folk song Fuck the Empress with some altered lyrics


  • 12XtoberEmpressesLastDaysFS.jpg
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A sound advice!
Did Crumera conspire against the Empress? Will he be advisor to the Consul too?
Has he ambition to become head of state, and preparing to nail the Baroness too?
Consuls serve for a year, then elections will be held...
No need to nail anyone, just win the elections then grab dictatorial powers. ;)
Truly this is a time of great upheaval. I never thought I would see such a thing, the Empress toppled like this! Full marks @crumera for the gold crown and cornu, genuinely original as far as I can recall, a nice contrast with that blood running down the glittering shaft. Emily has been crucified before but never like this.

Consuls serve for a year, then elections will be held...
No need to nail anyone, just win the elections then grab dictatorial powers. ;)

Just a thought, if you want to see how committed politicians are to serving the community, let them serve a term of one year and then be crucified in public. The precedent has already been set by the Empress.
Day 12

Last Empresses final days.

Emergency meeting of Council of Nobles

The Baron presiding:

Doesn't matter that we like it or not, official she is empress till she dies.
We cannot use a common crown of thorns on her! She is not a commoner or a slave.

We could use a gilded crown of thorns! A noble proposes
Can you arrange that? He nods.
Anything else?

Golden nails?
Nah.. Crumera shaking his head: Far to soft a metal to secure and hold up her body,
also to small for the crowd to notice!

How about a golden scepter up her ass? Another noble proposed
Like a cornu? Yes..
No one objects.

So two days later the former ruler of Pentecosta is nailed up on a proper high cross,
wearing a gold thorned crown and gets cruelly impaled on a gilded cornu.
The crowd is fed free bread and cheese, Ale and cheap wine is distributed as well heightening the festive atmosphere.

The Empress who had condemned so many women suffer that agonizing fate,
now i twas her imperial highnesses turn!

She tried to speak a few times but every time the crowd uses the song “Nail the Empress”* to drown out her voice.

A week later the Baroness is elected as the new head of state for the coming year.
The office of empress is abolished,
Aralav is the first ever chosen consul of the newly formed Republic of Pentecosta.

*Same melody as the former illegal but highly popular folk song Fuck the Empress with some altered lyrics
The golden scepter is a nice touch
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