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Crystal Mohrhead’s judgement

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Crystal Mohrhead lived west of the country’s capital on the estate she inherited. She was a young, attractive woman that caught the attention of many suitors.


One of the suitors was Lord Hardpecker who was taken by her beauty. Crystal however paid him little attention.


As handsome and rich as the lord was, Crystal already had a lover. She kept their relationship very private as it would be centuries before two women in love would become acceptable.


It was not wise at that time for an available woman to turn down the advances of the region’s ruler. One day as Crystal was leaving town she was stopped by the town’s constable. She assured him she needed no help with the wares she had purchased, but the constable told her he was not there to help carry her what she carried. She asked him what she could do for the constable. Her face registered shock and surprise when the constable said “I am here to arrest you for crimes of high treason. Do be a good lady and offer no resistance as I place these irons on your arms.”


With her hands cuffed behind her back the constable led Crystal back to the town. Her dress hung tantalizingly low on her breasts but with her hands in irons there was little she could do to cover her exposed cleavage. One of the town’s men approached Crystal and asked if she needed any help with the ruffian escorting her. The constable took a swig of his drink and said to the man “She is under arrest for treason. If you help this wench, I would be forced to take you into custody as her accomplice. It would be a shame to hang an honest man such as you for a misunderstanding.”


The man spent the next few minutes staring at Crystal’s fine breasts as they heaved barely covered by her dress with each breath she took. He decided he needed no trouble from the constable or (even worse) his wife interfering with Crystal’s arrest. At least he could enjoy her ample mounds for a moment or two.

Crystal was brought to the town’s jail where she would be held until she was found guilty tried. She was forced to undress before she was placed in the dark, filthy cell.


The jailer told her it was she accused of a high crime. He did not tell Crystal he just wanted a clear view of her shapely body.

Crystal sat naked on the cell’s cot. She did not understand how she could have committed treason.

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Little did she know the dangers of turning down Lord Hardpecker’s advances…
Crystal Mohrhead’s trial did not take long to come about. Until she was convicted tried, she was merely a suspect that still had to be fed and guarded at great expense to Lord Hardpecker’s government. Because of the nature of her charges, Crystal was brought naked to the courtroom. She was told it was because of the severity of crimes that she was brought before the judge naked. She was told that no suspect ever had escaped when they weren’t wearing clothes, but the reality was Lord Hardpecker had told the judge what a pleasant eyeful Miss Mohrhead was.

At Crystal’s trial she was asked numerous questions about her social life. Crystal did not know what that had to do with her being accused of treason and she answered the judge as vaguely as she could without lying, itself an offense that could earn her the death penalty. Finally the judge, The Honorable Tree, demanded to know if she had refused Lord Hardpecker’s request to marry her.

Crystal could not lie and she admitted she had indeed refused the lord’s proposal. Judge Tree bellowed “Then that is a treasonable offense. Crystal raised her hands and said “But I already have a lover!”


Judge Tree demanded the name of her lover so Lord Hardpecker might be able to work out a suitable termination of their relationship. Crystal refused to name the man, mainly because her lover was not a man.

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You see in the early 1700s, a woman did not have a lover of the same sex. It just wasn’t done. Crystal refused to give her lover’s name. She fear harm would come to her also.

Judge Tree threw the book at Crystal. He declared her a traitor to the crown and to Lord Hardpecker’s rule of the region. He sentenced Crystal Mohrhead to death and that she would be executed the last market day of the month in the town’s square.

Crystal was thrown back in her cell where she mourned the judge’s harsh treatment.


If there was any good side to all this, she had at least spared her lover from the same cruelty she faced…
Oh, gee. I didn't realize that this was all in the "early 1700s." In regard to the Confederate State of Arkansas, I take it all back as Arkansas did not exist then!

Obviously, an ancestor of Tree was a constable centuries back, and he was as big a corrupt "bastage" as the contemporary Tree is now. Sorry I misinterpreted!
Oh, gee. I didn't realize that this was all in the "early 1700s." In regard to the Confederate State of Arkansas, I take it all back as Arkansas did not exist then!

Obviously, an ancestor of Tree was a constable centuries back, and he was as big a corrupt "bastage" as the contemporary Tree is now. Sorry I misinterpreted!
Early 1700’s? Wasn’t Arkansas French back then? Methinks @thehangingtree might be taking liberties with Barb the timeline here!
Please note Tree never mentioned the country's name or the city...
Crystal Mohrhead’s time in jail was a contrast of boredom and horror. Most of the time she sat naked in her cell. The only distraction she had was looking down at her bare breasts and wondering what it would feel like when the soldiers’ bullets tore through her flesh.

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Of course, in the 1700s there was not the concern about how prisoners- especially condemned ones- were treated. Being poorly paid by Lord Hardpecker, the guards took certain liberties with Crystal. It was not uncommon for the guards to bind Crystal and make her satisfy they by having her suck their manhood.


Crystal may have had a female lover by she was not unfamiliar with the desires of the heathens guarding her. Their threats to what would happen to her forced her to please them the best she could.

There were other ways the men took pleasures with her. It was not uncommon to lock Crystal in a pillory.


Her fine bare ass presented itself well as she was bent over in the pillory. The first time they put her in the device, Crystal started screaming in agony.


This was because she had never experienced having her ass fucked and even if she had, the guard named Bull was not worried how much having her ass raped bothered her.


You see there were rumors back then that you could not execute a pregnant woman and Bull was certain Crystal could not become ‘with child’ if he only screwed her ass.

On the week of her execution, Crystal was again placed in the pillory. To her surprise a regally dressed cleric came into the room. She did not try to hide her anger. “I should have known the church would side with Lord Hardpecker! Have you come to fuck me or just pray I rot in hell after they execute me?”

“Miss Mohrhead, I am Archbishop Wragg. I have traveled from the Cruxton Abbey to bestow on you your final blessing before the state executes you” the cleric says.


“That is rich. You get to say some holy words and you cleanse yourself of any guilt of them killing me” Crystal growls. “I have just one question. How the hell are they going to shoot me in the town square? It is awfully small. Aren’t they afraid of hitting some ‘innocent’ citizen?”


The Archbishop lowered his voice and solemnly said “Crystal, only military officers are executed by a firing square. A mere civilians like you are hanged to death, and I hate to say they have erected a substantial gallows to hang you from.”

Crystal’s eyes opened wide, and she looked up at the archbishop. In a hoarse voice Crystal squeaks “They are going to hang to death?”

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“I am afraid so” the archbishop says gravely. He leaves out Lord Hardpecker has ordered Crystal to be hanged naked. It would not hurt the lord’s popularity and Archbishop Wragg was looking forward to watching Crystal do her last dance while she hangs by her neck…
The day before the state will execute Crystal, she is visited by a woman she has never seen before. She peers through the cell’s bars at Crystal’s naked body. Feeling intruded upon, Crystal demandingly asks “Who are you and why are you looking at me?”

“My name is Joan- Joan Tree- and the hangman says tomorrow he is hanging a quite good-looking woman. Would that be you” Joan asks.

“That is what they tell me, but it is all on trumped-up charges” Crystal says. “They say I have committed treason, but Lord Hardpecker is pissed off I would not marry him.”

“Silly girl” Joan admonishes Crystal. “You should have married him. He is really a pretty good fuck for a queer guy.”

“Queer? What do you mean” Crystal asks.

“He likes guys. He only wants a wife to carry his heir but his boyfriend can’t help him with that” Joan says. “It is sort of like you and your lover. She may be fun, but you’ll never get pregnant having sex with her.”

“I never said my lover was a woman!” Crystal exclaims.

“No and you never said what his name was, either” Joan says triumphantly. She adds “Do you think she’ll be there tomorrow when they hang you?”


With fake praise, Joan says “If I were her, I would certainly be there to watch you kick and thrash while the noose chokes you to death. I’ll be there to watch you dance as you hang by your neck.”

“You’ll come to see them hang me?” Crystal asks.

“I don’t usually stay around that late on market day but I want see the woman my brother Tree is stringing up tomorrow” Joan says not trying to hide her excitement. “You’ll look adorable hanging by your neck!”

The whole idea of being hanged has been somewhat unreal for Crystal. The thought of being put to death because she would not marry someone- even the region’s ruler- was completely foreign to her in this modern era of the early 1700s. Yet just today the hangman’s sister came to gloat over her and express her excitement of seeing Crystal hanged to death.

Crystal only dozed off once or twice during her last night before she was hanged. Crystal spent some of the time wondering what she would feel as she hanged by her neck. The thought she would be naked when she was hanged before a crowd of strangers terrified her at first. Then she thought of the lust in Joan Tree’s eyes as she ogled at Crystal’s body and she thought ‘I’ll bet they have never seen a woman with a body like mine hanged before them.


The sun had barely lit the morning sky when the gravelly voice of Bull stirred her from the cot. “Get up, bitch” he growled. “We got things to do before they hang you.”

“But I thought they weren’t hanging me till after the markets close.”


“They ain’t, but I have things I want before they string you up” Bull says in a less-than-friendly voice.

Bull took Crystal to the room with the pillory in it. He locked her in it and for the last time stuffed his hard member between the buns of her ass. He screwed her ass with energy he had never shown her before.

Between thrusts he grunted “You’re the best bitch we’ve ever hanged. I’m gonna miss you when you’re dead.


Crystal did not bother to thank him for his crude complement.

Shortly after Bull had satisfied himself, Archbishop Wragg and Sister Angel came to get Crystal from the cell. She protested saying Bull had told her she would not be hanged until that evening.

“Crystal Mohrhead, you rejected the church’s blessings and forgiveness for your sins. I requested Lord Hardpecker that you be displayed to marketers during the day before you are hanged. I convinced him it would draw a larger crowd to your execution.”

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The archbishop left off that he got a cut from the vendors’ sales on all the adult beverages that were sold during Crystal’s execution.

Crystal was placed in the pillory on mail street where petty thieves served their punishment for such crimes as shoplifting. The pillory is taller than the one in the jail. It displayed her standing almost upright with only her head bent forward to fit in its port. Standing like she was, Crystal was not comfortable at all. Her back hurt and the wood around her neck was not smooth. She would find it was better than the noose she would wear later.

She drew a lot of attention. It is not every day a naked woman is displayed on the main street. Oddly, women seemed more interested in her predicament than the men were. They gathered around the pillory and had nothing kind to say about her. Women are like that- none had any sympathy for her and the men certainly weren’t going to get in any trouble saying anything nice about or to her.

The women gathered around Crystal and berated her any way they could.


Remarks such as “How could she turn down Lord Hardpecker’s proposal” and “what worthless tits she has” were made. The kindest comment made was how good she would look when she was hanging by her neck. Crystal did not bother acknowledging the ‘compliment’.
After standing in the pillory all day, Crystal is taken out of the wooden device to be brought to the gallows where they will hang her until she is dead. Modern ‘historians’ tell a very cleaned up story of her trek from the pillory to the gallows. One would think her hands were bound and an iron collar was placed around her neck for the march to the gallows.


When actually her hands were bound but a group of constables led her through the excited crowd wait to see a privileged woman get the same punishment a common criminal would receive


Crystal is marched through the town’s streets and while the constables were able to keep the crowd from physically harming her, there was nothing they could do to shield her from the rude, vile jeers of the crowd.


Crystal stared at the people yelling at her and wondered why they were being so ugly towards her. It never occurred to her their excitement was driven by them being able to see a wealthy and noble woman hanged from the gallows. It did not matter to them what crimes she may have committed; she was soon to entertain them doing her final dance as she dangles naked by her neck.

Crystal arrives at the base of the gallows and a man dressed in black leads her up the stairs. She says “I never thought I’d be glad to be here!’


He says “You won’t be for long” as they reach the top steps and Crystal sees the noose hanging before her waiting for her neck…
Crstal steps onto the gallows platform. Standing ten feet above the crowd, she no longer hears the crowd beneath her as they call her hanging. She is unaware of the local cleric from the Church of the Gooey Death as he stands behind her and whispers prayers.


He is supposed to be praying for the forgiveness of her soul but instead is thanking he will have a spectacular vantage point to watch her execution. Crystal’s mind is wrapped around the thick rope the noose is made from. She wonders how it could possible close around her neck. She thinks ‘You could tow a ship with that thing!’

Mrs. Goodhart, the county record keeper, steps to the front of the gallows and gives Crystal a disdainful look before opening the scroll she carries. In a loud voice she announces to the crowd “Miss Crystal Mohrhead has been tried on the serious crime of treason and has been found guilty…”


Crystal’s mind wanders. Behind her, Joan Tree looks at her naked body with her hands bound behind her back. Joan looks at Crystal’s naked body and thinks how good she will look as she slowly strangles as she hangs by her neck.

To her right stands Lord Hardpecker and another man staring at her bare breasts bobbing on her naked chest. She suddenly understands why Lord Hardpecker had wanted to marry her. She cannot believe the lord has an affection for little man with him. She did not know Lord Hardpecker not only had an relationship with the man, but it was his small friend that was the ‘man’ of two!

Mrs. Goodhart nears finishing reading from the scroll by loudly stating “and Miss Mohrhead has been sentenced to be hanged by her neck until she is dead. For the crowd’s viewing pleasure, her body will left hanged until this evening’s sunset.”

A loud cheer rises from the crowd. The town’s mayor walks up to Crystal. He grabs the noose and brings it towards her head. Crystal glares at him and says “You and I have slept together and you can hang me with a clear conscious?”

Softly he replies “It is my civic duty to put the noose around your neck. It is nothing personal, Crystal.”


Almost casually he adds “The town has paid well for experienced executions to hang you. The crowd might not elect me again if you died too swiftly once you are hanged!”

He pulls the noose over her head but does not tighten the loop. Crystal wonders how she could be hanged by such a loose rope. The thick rope, though heavy as it sits on her shoulders, easily slipped over her head. How could she be hanged by such a rope?

Three men surround her. Two of them grab her bound arms and the third, a hooded man, grabs the noose and grunts as he tightens the noose around her neck.


Triumphantly he says “Now she isn’t going anywhere. She’s ready to be hanged.”

Another man from the Penal Department of Corrections and Terminations checks the noose to make sure it will hold Crystal once she is hanged by it.

He says “This will hold you while you are hanged.”

“You filthy bastard! You can’t hang me because I wouldn’t sleep with Lord Hardpecker!”


“I would never hang you for that. The court says you committed treason and that is a hangable crime.”

It is ten minutes until six o’clock when Crystal is to be hanged to death. Archbishop Wragg steps behind her and says “I have a lot of influence here. If you’d have confessed to your crime and sucked my cock, I might have saved you from all this.”


“I’d gladly hang a hundred times rather than having the taste of your cock in my mouth” Crystal says.

“We’ll see how you feel after you have hanged by your neck for a few minutes” the archbishop says as he dabs his mouth.

It is mere minutes before Crystal is hanged. The crowd is not shy about how they feel about her being hanged. The is hardly a word said that would be presentable before children. Crystal stares down at the crowd. She has seen a few convicts hanged including women. She had actual enjoyed watching them thrash as they hanged. Never had she seen such a crowd turn out for a hanging. She took an odd pleasure they had come to see her put to death. She knew they had never seen a woman as lovely as her hanged by their necks. At least they would be pleased with her execution.

At six o’clock the town’s bell begins to ring. The crowd grows silent. When it finishes marking the hour, Crystal will be hanged.


Crystal wiggles the fingers of her bound hands and prays her hanging will be quick…
Crystal wiggles the fingers of her bound hands and prays her hanging will be quick, though from the hangings she has seen, she sincerely doubts it will be. The bell falls silent and the archbishop solemnly says “May God have mercy on your soul.”

It was the only reverence he had showed Crystal. He nods his head to the a pair of laborers. One of them says to Crystal “Take a deep breath, honey. It will be last one you get.”


Crystal jerks at the rope binding her wrists to free her hands but it holds firm. In a voice lined with panic and disbelief, she cries “They are really going to hang me!”

Tree, leaving against one of the gallows uprights, takes a swig of his drink and says “You’ll only feel it for a moment.


He was lying. He knew Crystal was in for the worst minutes of her life.

The laborers make a strong pull on the rope. Crystal’s body lifts off the gallows deck. Her feet flail beneath her searching for the ground they could not reach. She makes a noisy breath. The noose had tightened around her neck but it was the weight of her body hanging below the noose that was making her breathing difficult.

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The two men grab higher on the rope and give another pull raising Crystal higher off the deck.

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The crowd had quieted when Crystal was lifted off the platform but with her arms jerking about as she tries to free them and her legs searching for anything to stand on, they begin cheering the torment Crystal suffers hanging by her neck.


Crystal looks down her naked body and sees her legs swinging wildly above the platform. They do not find the deck and with each pull of the rope the men do, the platform get farther out of reach.

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It took less than a minute to raise Crystal high above the platform. With each tug of the rope, Crystal was not only raised higher so the crowd had a clear view of her hanging, but every jerk also tightened the noose around her neck.


Crystal was suffering her slow strangulation as she dangled high above the crowd.


As the noose slowly closed around her throat, Crystal’s ‘dance’ from the noose became more frantic.


The gurgles as she tried to breathe ceased as did her ability to draw air. A perverted cheer came from the crowd as she lost control of her bladder and a river of her piss sprayed down her legs.

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It took another minute for her body to stop twitching. The morning flyers would say Crystal Mohrhead took almost a quarter hour to die when she was judicially put to death by being hanged…

Crystal Mohrhead was executed in the town’s square, hanged at six o’clock from the gallows for committing treason. The hangman is the only one left on the gallows as the townsfolk have headed off to the local taverns to celebrate the lovely hanging she was given.

The archbishop comes to the gallows later that evening and looks at her body still hanging above him. He says “It is a shame she committed treason and had to be put to death. She was a lovely woman.”

Tree takes a drink and says “I never knew not fucking Lord Hardpecker was a treasonous crime.”

The archbishop protests “But the court convicted her of treason. Such a crime deserves the noose, even for a fine-looking woman like Miss Mohrhead. May I ask what you are still doing here?”


“They said she has to stay hanged till sunset. I can’t take her down and bury her until then” Tree replies.

“You are going to bury her? I hear the hog farmer offered some good coin for her body” the archbishop says.

The end…
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