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Custer's Little Big Horn

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View attachment 348403 Hurry up Jolly!!! The natives are getting restless!

Wragg too has caught on to the game and hums the tune to "Alouette" in accompaniment, as Messa dances gaily and flirtatiously in and out amongst our somewhat bemused … if not totally puzzled … band of savages...

At this point Wragg springs into action and does something very brave (or incredibly stupid). He puts fingers to his mouth and lets out a shrill whistle that startles the Indian ponies, causing them to bolt. For his act of bravery, the poor Englishmen gets a quick knock on the head that sends him sprawling to the ground.

...I rush to the aid of our fallen hero. Kneeling beside him, I draw his head ... which has a nasty-looking bloody gash across the forehead ... to my bare breasts, and cradle it there.

Thanks to Wragg's excellent diversion, I've gotten away on the mare. Well done, Wragg! Enjoy your "reward". :p:D
I'll just make sure Custer and the 7th Cavalry know how important it is to spring a surprise attack on the Sioux. I'm thinking somewhere around the Little Bighorn River would be the best strategic spot, eh?

(I was never a great military strategist, but speed is of the essence here, right? :cool::p I mean, if we do too much planning who knows what depredations the girls will have to undergo. :confused::eek: Custer can ride out and easily intercept those Indians at Little Bighorn. There are only a few of them anyway. I only saw a handful. :devil:)
Thanks to Wragg's excellent diversion, I've gotten away on the mare. Well done, Wragg! Enjoy your "reward". :p:D
I'll just make sure Custer and the 7th Cavalry know how important it is to spring a surprise attack on the Sioux. I'm thinking somewhere around the Little Bighorn River would be the best strategic spot, eh?

(I was never a great military strategist, but speed is of the essence here, right? :cool::p I mean, if we do too much planning who knows what depredations the girls will have to undergo. :confused::eek: Custer can ride out and easily intercept those Indians at Little Bighorn. There are only a few of them anyway. I only saw a handful. :devil:)

I mean, if we do too much planning who knows what depredations the girls will have to undergo. -Jollyrei
Hey, leave me out of this, you moron!!!
'Moe' Tree
Thanks to Wragg's excellent diversion, I've gotten away on the mare. Well done, Wragg! Enjoy your "reward". :p:D
I'll just make sure Custer and the 7th Cavalry know how important it is to spring a surprise attack on the Sioux. I'm thinking somewhere around the Little Bighorn River would be the best strategic spot, eh?

(I was never a great military strategist, but speed is of the essence here, right? :cool::p I mean, if we do too much planning who knows what depredations the girls will have to undergo. :confused::eek: Custer can ride out and easily intercept those Indians at Little Bighorn. There are only a few of them anyway. I only saw a handful. :devil:)

Not only has Jolly gotten away (thanks to Wragg's self-sacrifice), he has read ahead and bared my plot for all to see. Now everyone knows exactly where this is going. But I can still promise plenty of naked horror, mayhem, twists and turns before our heroines reach the end of this yarn. ;)
Not only has Jolly gotten away (thanks to Wragg's self-sacrifice), he has read ahead and bared my plot for all to see. Now everyone knows exactly where this is going. But I can still promise plenty of naked horror, mayhem, twists and turns before our heroines reach the end of this yarn. ;)
Well, I can always lead the Cavalry back to somewhere near Grand Forks, but that's nowhere near where the Sioux are now, is it? :doh::D
Well, I can always lead the Cavalry back to somewhere near Grand Forks, but that's nowhere near where the Sioux are now, is it? :doh::D

Don't even think it. We can't re-write history here. Custer's Last Stand must go ahead as scheduled on the Little Big Horn. Lead the Colonel and the doomed 7th west Jolly ... That's west, got it? Mission: rescue Barbara Moore and friends before it's too late.
Depends how much he tipped the script writer there are some survivors to any famous massacre...rather hard to become famous else.

custers-last-stand-richard-lorenz.jpg doesn't look like many survivors to me.... are you sure there were any?

4730578640_343b3376a3.jpg I think Custer's ill-fated fight must have sold a lot of beer. My grandad had this painting on his wall and I used to look at it when I was little to see all the naked men, and wonder why the Indians took their clothing. I had a warped little mind very early on apparently.
View attachment 348931 doesn't look like many survivors to me.... are you sure there were any?

View attachment 348932 I think Custer's ill-fated fight must have sold a lot of beer. My grandad had this painting on his wall and I used to look at it when I was little to see all the naked men, and wonder why the Indians took their clothing. I had a warped little mind very early on apparently.
A-B did several iterations of Custer's Last Stand.

You may have had a warped little mind very early on but you have done wonders honing and perfecting it!!!:devil::devil::devil:
My grandad had this painting on his wall and I used to look at it when I was little to see all the naked men, and wonder why the Indians took their clothing.
Well it's obvious the Indians were a bit hard up in the wardrobe department! :p
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