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Dedicated to the Pioneers of Koikatsu

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Once the three girls were completely nailed to the patibulum, they were tied to a rope that hung from a huge framework. Soldiers held the ropes behind them and pulled the patibulum up with all their might. The girls screamed at the pain of having their weight supported by only two nails. They spread their arms wide, exposing their beautiful bodies to the crowd. Looking around the square, many were masturbating. All the spectators here were expecting the girls to be pathetic and erotic.

Audience1: “I'm glad you guys are slaves. Thanks to you we get to watch the most erotic crucifixion show ever!"
Audience2: “If you were Roman citizens you would not have died such a painful death. Beautiful women like you deserve to die on the cross!"
Audience3: “Exactly! Beheadings are so boring! I love to see pretty women twisting and turning on the cross in agony and dying!"

The three were pulled up to their place of death, feeling miserable.


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The girls' patibulum was placed on the top of the cross.
Intense pain shot up the girls' arms. Their legs flapped in agony. The soldiers sneered and put a ladder in front of the cross on which they were hanging. A soldier climbed up the ladder and grabbed their legs, which were still free to move.

Soldier: "Don't be rash, you bitches! You will never get down to earth alive! Let them nail your legs to the cross!"

The soldiers place the slaves' legs on the cross and try to drive huge nails into them.

Mana: "Make it quick..."
Clara: "Please be merciful..."
Yuzuha: "Just kill me..."

The slaves plead bitterly, but the soldiers do not care.
A heavy hammer was brought down and huge nails were driven into their feet.

Mana/Clara/Yuzuha: "Argggghhhh!

The girls' screams of grief echoed through the execution site as the crowd cheered.


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The girls' patibulum was placed on the top of the cross.
Intense pain shot up the girls' arms. Their legs flapped in agony. The soldiers sneered and put a ladder in front of the cross on which they were hanging. A soldier climbed up the ladder and grabbed their legs, which were still free to move.

Soldier: "Don't be rash, you bitches! You will never get down to earth alive! Let them nail your legs to the cross!"

The soldiers place the slaves' legs on the cross and try to drive huge nails into them.

Mana: "Make it quick..."
Clara: "Please be merciful..."
Yuzuha: "Just kill me..."

The slaves plead bitterly, but the soldiers do not care.
A heavy hammer was brought down and huge nails were driven into their feet.

Mana/Clara/Yuzuha: "Argggghhhh!

The girls' screams of grief echoed through the execution site as the crowd cheered.
Oh yes. That's dynamite.
That's the good stuff.
With their feet glued to the cross, the moment the crowd had been waiting for had arrived: the three sinners had finally been crucified.
The girls moaned and groaned as the pain shot through their bodies. They tried to lift their bodies upward to breathe, but could not hold their bodies for long as sharp pains shot up their legs each time they did so. It was like an erotic dance as they writhed and suffered on the cross.
A sharp pain strikes the girls. All the muscles in their bodies tense and become exhausted at once. Seconds after the crucifixion, the three girls experienced a pain they had never felt before. Their limbs twitched as their nerves were severed by the nails, showing how cruel the crucifixion was. They were unable to breathe, and their strength was being drained from them. The girls wanted to scream in so much pain, but could only groan in agony because they could not breathe.

Mana: "huff. .n.... .huff.... It's.... .horrible....
Clara: "Aaaah.... .puff...
Yuzuha: "Ohhh...

Gaius said with satisfaction as he watched the three beauties squirm in pain.

Gaius: "How long I have waited for this moment! The crucifixion of a beautiful slave always makes me feel erotic.
I bet you are also excited to have so many of your bodies seen by so many people!"

As Gaius said, the slaves' crotches were wet with love juice. Unable to move their bodies freely, they were exposed to the public with their arms and legs spread wide apart. They were sexually aroused by the situation, despite the fact that they were being executed. When women were crucified, they were sometimes sexually aroused on the cross. The crucifixion of a woman attracted many spectators, but if the woman was a masochist, the show was even more erotic and often became a festive event. This time the victims of the crucifixion were girls, not one but three. Moreover, all of them were among the most beautiful women in Rome and masochists. It was clear that this would be one of the most memorable crucifixions in the history of Rome, as spectators heard rumors and traveled from far and wide.

Audience1: "Hey look at that! They are still climaxing while being crucified! They are indeed a bunch of perverted sluts!"

Audience2: "They got their cunts wet before they were executed! They're about to die, and they're so happy about it!"

Audience3:" Oh, how sensual! You don't see crucifixions like this very often!"

Audience4: "I heard a rumor that an influential man had been killed by a beautiful slave and I rushed right over. I thought I could see the crucifixion of a beautiful woman! I didn't expect to see three girls crucified, though!"

Audience5: "We got lucky, I guess. It seems that the one who actually killed Lucius was the slave hanging on the cross in the middle. The slaves crucified on both sides didn't do anything."

Audience6: "According to the law, if one slave kills his master, the other slaves are executed with him. That's why we are enjoying the crucifixion of these beautiful women!"

The slave girls were subjected to the sordid glances and words that gathered around their bodies, and regretted that they were masochists.

Mana: "No...I can't believe I'm cumming on a cross..."

Clara: "Oh... my pussy... why..."

Yuzuha: "I never thought I would meet such an embarrassing end..."

The crowd's jubilation and the condemned women's moans of pain echoed through the square. How long can these women endure?


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Hours had passed since the crucifixion began; the three girls were still alive, but had lost most of their strength from their ordeal on the cross. Their time to die may be near. After the crucifixion, the girls were not strong enough to speak to each other, but sensing that their last moments were approaching, Mana began to speak.

Mana: "I never knew crucifixion was such a painful and miserable punishment... I should have been the only one crucified, but Clara and Yuzuha were crucified too. It was all my fault. I am so sorry."
Clara: "I told you before, didn't I? I was so happy to meet you guys. The crucifixion didn't change the fact that I love you guys."
Yuzuha: "That's right. It's all Lucius' fault. Mana did what she had to do, so don't even think about it. It's too sad to die thinking like that."
Mana: Clara...Yuzuha...thank you, I am so happy to have met you both.

When Mana expressed her gratitude, their suffering faces broke into smiles.
Clara then said to them.

Clara: "I have a favor to ask you. Will you turn around and look at me?"
Mana/Yuzuha: "Clara?"
Clara: "Oh... I think I've reached my limit... I can't see anything anymore..."
Mana/Yuzuha: "Oh no..."
Clara: "I wanted to die looking at your faces, but I don't think that's going to happen."

Clara lifted her body painfully and tried to breathe. However, she had no strength left to even breathe, so she just clucked her mouth. Seeing this, Mana and Yuzuha knew it was time to say goodbye.

Mana: "Clara! Thank you for everything! I love you!"
Yuzuha: "I love you too, Clara!"
Clara: "Mana...Yuzuha..."

Clara turned to face them. She could no longer see anything, but in her last moments, her eyesight recovered slightly and she was able to see the faces of her beloved girls. She smiled kindly and hung her head forward.

Mana: "Good-bye...Clara..."
Yuzuha: "Have a good rest Clara..."

They have been together ever since they became slaves in Rome. They encouraged each other through the hard times, and eventually became like sisters. One of them finally died.

Audience1: "Look! The blonde slave is finally dead! She was sexy to the end!"
Audience2: "The Gallic bitch died first. I guess I win the bet!"
Audience3: "Your friend is dead! Who's going to die next? I'm betting a lot of money on this, so don't let me down!"

Clara ended her life with insults from the crowd and words of condolence from her two slaves.


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It had been some time since Clara died. The surviving girls were still dancing on the cross. Yuzuha, however, was reaching her limits. She could barely breathe when she lifted her body, and she was on the verge of death.
Sensing that her final moments were near, Yuzuha spoke painfully to Mana

Yuzuha: "I...I saw the crucifixion once when they brought me to Rome."
Mana: "You...told me about it before."
Yuzuha: "The girl who was crucified at that time was in great pain. She was alone on the cross, exposed to the people, with no friends around. It was horrifying to see that, such a horrible way to die."
Mana: ......
Yuzuha: "I never thought I would be executed in the same way, but compared to that girl, I was lucky."
Mana: "What do you mean?"
Yuzuha: "I had a loved one to take care of me at the moment of my death. Don't you think that's a very happy thing?"
Mana: "Yuzuha...is it time to say bye?"
Yuzuha: "I...I guess so. I'm so sorry...I can hardly breathe anymore..."
Mana: "Oh..."
Yuzuha: "Mana...I was so happy when you suggested that we live together. It was a hard time for me to come here from my homeland as a slave. But meeting Mana and Clara in Rome was the most joyful thing in my life. You gave me hope!"
Mana: "I was really happy to meet you too!"

Yuzuha started the last dance of her life, as did Clara.

Audience1: "Hey! It looks like it's finally time for the oriental bitch to go!"
Audience2: "One last erotic dance for me! My crotch is about to go wild!"

The audience also hurls curses at Yuzuha before her death. But Yuzuha heard only Mana's kind words, not the malicious words of the crowd.

Mana: "I love you Yuzuha! "
Yuzuha: "Thank you..."

She turned to Mana and said this, then hung her head forward, never moving her body again.
Mana burst into tears. The friend she cared about most in her life had just died in front of her eyes. Seeing her friends not moving at all, she felt the urge to hug them both right now. They are so close to me! Mana muttered bitterly as she writhed with her limbs nailed to the cross.

Mana: "Don't leave me...don't leave me alone..."

No longer able to hold back her emotions, she sobbed alone on the cross from the grief of losing Clara and Yuzuha.


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It had been some time since Clara died. The surviving girls were still dancing on the cross. Yuzuha, however, was reaching her limits. She could barely breathe when she lifted her body, and she was on the verge of death.
Sensing that her final moments were near, Yuzuha spoke painfully to Mana

Yuzuha: "I...I saw the crucifixion once when they brought me to Rome."
Mana: "You...told me about it before."
Yuzuha: "The girl who was crucified at that time was in great pain. She was alone on the cross, exposed to the people, with no friends around. It was horrifying to see that, such a horrible way to die."
Mana: ......
Yuzuha: "I never thought I would be executed in the same way, but compared to that girl, I was lucky."
Mana: "What do you mean?"
Yuzuha: "I had a loved one to take care of me at the moment of my death. Don't you think that's a very happy thing?"
Mana: "Yuzuha...is it time to say bye?"
Yuzuha: "I...I guess so. I'm so sorry...I can hardly breathe anymore..."
Mana: "Oh..."
Yuzuha: "Mana...I was so happy when you suggested that we live together. It was a hard time for me to come here from my homeland as a slave. But meeting Mana and Clara in Rome was the most joyful thing in my life. You gave me hope!"
Mana: "I was really happy to meet you too!"

Yuzuha started the last dance of her life, as did Clara.

Audience1: "Hey! It looks like it's finally time for the oriental bitch to go!"
Audience2: "One last erotic dance for me! My crotch is about to go wild!"

The audience also hurls curses at Yuzuha before her death. But Yuzuha heard only Mana's kind words, not the malicious words of the crowd.

Mana: "I love you Yuzuha! "
Yuzuha: "Thank you..."

She turned to Mana and said this, then hung her head forward, never moving her body again.
Mana burst into tears. The friend she cared about most in her life had just died in front of her eyes. Seeing her friends not moving at all, she felt the urge to hug them both right now. They are so close to me! Mana muttered bitterly as she writhed with her limbs nailed to the cross.

Mana: "Don't leave me...don't leave me alone..."

No longer able to hold back her emotions, she sobbed alone on the cross from the grief of losing Clara and Yuzuha.
A few hours after Yuzuha's execution, Mana's last moments were approaching.

Audience1: "She's going to die soon."
Audience2: "I thought he would be the first one to die among the condemned, since she had been flogged the most times, and she must have taken the most damage when she was dragged around!"
Audience3: "It was that slave who killed Lucius, too. The most serious crimes are accompanied by the appropriate amount of pain!"
Gaius: "How about you, Mana! The price for killing my friend will be great. Not only your own death, but the bitches you cared about are dying in front of your eyes! It's too late to regret it now!"

Mana had no strength left to stare at Gaius and could only make her pussy wet and her nipples harden.

Audience1: "It's been quite some time since you were crucified and you're still wetting your crotch and feeling sensuality. What a pervert!"
Audience2: "I wish you would take that slave down from the cross just once before she dies. Then I could rape that beautiful body!"

Mana was verbally raped on the cross. The pain of the crucifixion, the grief of losing a loved ones, the people's tormenting stares, and the sexual feelings felt at the crucifixion.
All of these factors were weighing on Mana's mind, and her spirit was on the verge of collapse.

Mana: "huff...n...puff..."

Audience1: "Hey, what's wrong? Come on, dance for me!"
Audience2: "That's right! Your last task is to satisfy us. I hope you suffer for as long as possible!"

As the pathetic figure exposed her attractive body to the crowd, Mana felt the horror of the crucifixion.

Mana: "This is crucifixion...what a cruel punishment...agghhhh..."

Gaius: "A felon like you should be punished like this! You must regret being born a woman!"

As her body was hung on the cross, Mana spoke to her two dead friends.

Mana: "Clara... Yuzuha... I got you guys into this... but you loved me!
I couldn't be happier to have met you both!"

Mana's last dance began. She tried to lift herself up and breathe in, but it was not working. Her body began to convulse, making the situation even more erotic.

Audience1: "Hey! It's finally started!"
Audience2: "I've been waiting for this moment! It's finally the finale of the crucifixion!"
Audience3: "I can't believe she's going to perform such an erotic dance before she dies! She is indeed the best slave whore in Rome!"
Gaius: "Come on! Die with shame and suffering! You will regret that you killed Lucius despite being a slave!"

Mana's mind flashed through her entire life. Her wealthy childhood, being brought to Rome after being defeated in the war, being bought by Lucius, being humiliated and tortured, and meeting Clara and Yuzuha. There were many painful times, but she was happiest when she was able to spend time with my loved ones, Clara and Yuzuha. Even if they were crucified to death in the end, Mana felt that her life was happy just to have met them.

Mana: "Clara...Yuzuha..."

With one last murmur of their names, Mana stopped moving.

Thus the three poor slaves were executed.
Their bodies were left hanging on the cross, letting the slaves know how a rebellious slave would die.
It would be some time before they were taken down from the cross.
Until then, they will be humiliated even in death.


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Hi @famas I was looking into trying out what your doing. From what I understand I need to buy a dating sim game (koikatsu) that comes with a sand box software. But I'm sure that it doesn't come with the crosses and whip Marks are those mods and where can I find them? And if possible can you get the sand box without the game? Thanks.❤️
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