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Unfortunately, soldiers returning from an expedition happened to pass by where the girls were resting.
One of them, Gaius, was a friend of Lucius.

Soldier: “Hey, here's a paradise for beautiful women!”

When one of the soldiers noticed the girls, Gaius rushed over as well.
When Gaius saw them, he knew at first glance who they were. Gaius had met them before, when Lucius had invited him to his mansion to meet some very beautiful slaves he had acquired. He had had sexual intercourse with them. The slaves were so beautiful that it was an unforgettable experience for Gaius.

However, Gaius had a concern.
How had girls escaped from Lucius, who had kept his slaves in such tight confinement? Could something have happened to Lucius?
Gaius decided to bring these slaves in on suspicion of running away.

Gaius: “Hey, wake up! Little girls!”

The three were terribly dismayed when they woke up to find that they were surrounded by soldiers.

Mana: “Why...”

Clara: “Oh..."

Yuzuha: “No..."

Gaius: “Remember me, you took care of me at Lucius' place!”

Gaius ordered his soldiers to capture the women.
Their escape, unfortunately, lasted only one day.


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Gaius: "You were supposed to be slaves of Lucius! Why are you in this place?"

Mana: "Our master freed us to live freely."
Gaius: "Don't lie! He liked you as whores. He would never free a slave he paid a lot of money for."
Mana: "I am not lying. Please believe me."
Gaius: "Shut up, bitches. If what you say is true, let's ask Lucius. We will hold you for the crime of running away from your master!"

The soldiers tied them up and returned to Rome.


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When Gaius' group arrived in Rome, the city was abuzz. Lucius, an influential man, had been murdered.
The moment Gaius learned this fact, he realized everything.
These slaves must have killed my friend Lucius. Gaius immediately turned the girls over to the court.

The interrogation at the court was intense.
Mana, the perpetrator, was especially severely tortured.
Yuzuha, who had not directly killed him, was tortured as well for not stopping Mana's plan,
and Clara was tortured along with them as a joint responsibility of the slaves, although she did not learn of the plan until after Lucius was killed.


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The wooden horse appears in this story as a torture device.
However, if my knowledge is correct, wooden horses were not used as torture devices in ancient Rome.
I am not a historian, this story is not historically accurate, so please enjoy it as a fictional story.
That night, the girls were sobbing in jail.

Mana: “I'm sorry...it's my fault..."
Clara: “It's not your fault Mana, even if you didn't kill him, someone else would have done it someday. Besides, you gave me the dream of us living together in peace.”
Yuzuha: “Yes Mana, if anything you have given me a little bit of freedom. You have nothing to apologize for.”

Mana regretted her shallow behavior.
I was the one who killed him. Only I should be crucified. I want to somehow let them both live. I decided to accept all the sins and try to get them both released.


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The next day, the three were put on trial.

Judge: “It is clear that you conspired to kill Lucius. According to Roman law, you must all be crucified.”
Yuzuha: “Crucifixion...do I have to undergo the cruel punishment I saw that time?”
Clara “No..."
Mana: “Wait, it was me who killed him, Clara and Yuzuha had nothing to do with it.”
Judge: “Oh, so you admit that you did it all?”
Mana: “Yes, Lucius abused us."Lucius was an incorrigible scum. I am willing to be crucified. But please pardon Clara and Yuzuha."
Clara/Yuzuha: “Mana!”
Judge: “Well, Lucius was certainly an irredeemable pervert. We also know for a fact that he abused you.”
Mana: “Then let them go!”
Judge: “So what? It is Roman law that if one slave kills his master, he is to be executed along with the other slaves. There is nothing wrong with a slave of a different race being mistreated!”
Mana: “But...”
Clara: “It's okay Mana...it seems like this is our destiny..."
Yuzuha: “Thank you for covering for me. But I can't leave you alone on the cross.”
Clara: “Yes. Isn't it romantic to die together?”
Mana: “Clara...Yuzuha..."
Judge: “The verdict is handed down! The impact of the death of Lucius, an influential person, is immeasurable! Therefore, Mana the slave is crucified for the crime of killing Lucius! Clara and Yuzuha shall also be crucified as jointly and severally liable. In view of the seriousness of the case, this execution will be even harsher, so all three of you must be prepared!”


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Rumors of the crucifixion of the three lovely slaves spread throughout the city in an instant, and the day of the execution was crowded with spectators. All those gathered were waiting to see the beautiful girls. First, the flogging was about to begin.

Gaius: ”These condemned criminals, despite their slave status, had murdered their masters and escaped. How horrible! A traitor should die after inflicting pain. I now publicly execute these slaves Mana, Clara, Yuzuha, for the murder of Lucius!"

Gaius shouted, and beautiful girls the audience had never seen before were brought in.
The girls stood in front of the flogging table themselves. All of them have a look of resignation on their faces, as if they have given up everything.

Gaius: “I can't wait to see you all dancing erotically on the cross. But first you girls will have to suffer a lot. Please don't die before the crucifixion!"


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The girls stood in front of the flogging table that was given to each of them and their arms were bound.

The three looked at each other. They all looked anxious before the gruesome execution they were about to undergo. How much pain awaited them until they die? Just as they were imagining their grim future, a vicious whip struck them. The whip gouged their entire bodies, and all three were instantly dressed in blood.

Mana: “Arrrrrgghh!
Clara: “Aaaaahhhh!!
Yuzuha: “Argggghhhhh!

The girls screamed from so much pain.

Gaius: “There is nothing like hurting a beautiful girl. You guys must have felt the sexual climax of being tortured by Lucius, right? Being tortured for the last time in your lives must be pleasurable for you guys!

Clara managed to stay on her feet, but her face was full of pain and anger.
Clara: “You perverts!
Gaius: “How long do you think you can keep up your defiant attitude? Your execution has just begun!


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Their bodies were so battered and bruised that the three of them were so drained of strength that they could hardly stand.
Mana, in particular, was the main culprit and was whipped the most of the three.
The soldiers roughly picked up the limp slaves and thrust them in front of the audience.
The slaves were unable to raise their voices, exposing their scarred and sexy bodies to the people.
Then the soldiers brought what looked like a crown with thorns on it.

Soldier: “I heard that beautiful slaves like you dress up with accessories to seduce men. I made a crown of thorns for bitches like you! I hope you like it!”

With that, the soldiers placed the briars on the heads of their victims. The thorns stuck into their heads and blood trickled down, making the three slaves look even more pathetic. Moreover, the judge in the courtroom had declared that the punishment would be more severe than usual. What kind of humiliation would they be subjected to next?

Audience1: “What erotic women! I can't take it anymore!"
Audience2: “Oh come on, how dare you masturbate now, this murder show is about to get a lot more erotic!"
Audience3: “I can't wait to see these girls spread their bodies wide open on the cross!"

The girls could only listen in silence as the spectators hurled humiliating words at the three of them.


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In the case of the crucifixion, the guilty would carry the patibulum to the place of execution themselves. The pretty slaves would be subjected to the same treatment. The girls would be prepared for the next part of the punishment process. Then, sure enough, the soldiers prepared the patibulum.

Gaius: “This is a patibulum for your crucifixion! You will carry the instrument of your own execution to the place of execution with your own hands! There is nothing more miserable than this!”

Looking at the parts of the cross, the girls clearly sensed the fact that they were about to be executed.
But the soldiers brought only two patibulum. The crowd was buzzing, wondering why there were three condemned prisoners. The slaves could not understand why. Could one of them be granted amnesty? When the people and the three slaves wondered, Gaius explained.

Gaius: ”These three are the worst offenders of the law. Hence the need to inflict enough pain on these women before they die. This time they are not just going to carry the crossbeam. I have prepared a show that will satisfy the people.”

The soldiers brought the patibulum in front of Clara and Yuzuha and tied them tightly to the crossbeam. In addition, the soldiers put shackles around their necks.

Soldier: “Are you guys not satisfied with your blythe accessories? Then I'll put a necklace on you too!”

The soldiers tied four huge nails to the chains . It was obvious what these nails were to be used for. Nails were so large that the slaves were terrified.

Yuzuha: “Oh my God...nails this big are going to be hammered into us?"
Clara: “No Yuzuha, don't look at the nail!"

Clara told Yuzuha, but they had to be aware of it because it was a nail to crucify them.
Clara and Yuzuha looked at each other. Their wounded bodies were tied to the patibulum, with nails hanging from their necks. They felt pity for the other's pathetic appearance.Mana looked at her two friends' pitiful figures and regretted her own shallowness. She also wondered why she did not have her own patibulum. She would not be the only one exempted from the sentence. Mana was sure she would do even worse to her, she thought.

Gaius: “You have received more lashes than the other two. You must be tired. That's why I'm going to have you ride to the penitentiary on horseback. You should be grateful for my mercy!”

The soldiers brought horse at Gaius' command. But it was no ordinary horse.
It was a horrible form of a torture wooden horse with wheels. Attached to the back of the wooden horse was a patibulum. It was probably intended to crucify Mana.

Gaius: “This is a horse prepared just for you. It probably won't be the best to ride, though. I hope you make it to the place of execution without dying. Oh, I forgot. I have a present for you too.”

Gaius placed a collar around Mana's neck and tied four nails around it like other criminals.

Gaius “Now we are ready. Now, get on your horse!”

Mana is ready and straddles the wooden horse, the sharp edge biting into Mana's pussy. It hurts too much. She tries to lift herself up with her hands. But a soldier has tied her arms to the patibulum behind her.

Mana “Ahhhhhh!!!.”

Intense pain hits Mana. She must feel this maddening pain until she reaches the place of execution.

Clara: “I can't believe there is such cruel torture in this world...”
Yuzuha: “We are going to be executed anyway! There's no need for us to suffer this much!”
Gaius: “What are you talking about? If you're going to die anyway, it doesn't matter what we do. Especially if the condemned is a beautiful girl, we have to inflict even more pain!”
Clara: “This is too much!”
Gaius: “You don't want Mana to suffer? Then I'll tell you how. Take her to the place of execution as soon as possible. Then Mana can get off the wooden horse.”
Yuzuha: “What do you mean?”
Gaius: “I will rope the crossbeam you are carrying and the wooden horse Mana is riding on. If you want to die quickly, you must hurry to the place of execution!”
Clara/Yuzuha: “Oh no...”
Mana: “Please... don't do any more terrible things to my friends...”
Gaius: “Shut up you whores! Sluts like you deserve such an end!”

The soldiers lassoed the two patibulum and the wooden horse. Now Clara and Yuzuha can escort Mana.

Clara: “Mana... I'll walk as fast as I can. Good luck to you too.”
Yuzuha: “I'll get you off that wooden horse as soon as I can. Just hang on until we get to the execution site."
Mana: “Clara...Yuzuha...I'm so sorry..."
Gaius: “Now we are ready. Let's go!"

The funeral procession of three slaves began to move.


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Nails looped through a chain in order to hang them off of the neck of the condemned. That is very creative.

I feel like I could butt in to make a suggestion here on the ropes. One thing you can do to make the ropes look a bit more natural and less oversized is to place two binds in the same place. One smaller, one slightly bigger, in such a way that they fill those big gaps formed by the square shape of the wooden beam. You can then use separate rope binds for the characters' wrists to give the illusion of them being bound to their beams.
Nails looped through a chain in order to hang them off of the neck of the condemned. That is very creative.

I feel like I could butt in to make a suggestion here on the ropes. One thing you can do to make the ropes look a bit more natural and less oversized is to place two binds in the same place. One smaller, one slightly bigger, in such a way that they fill those big gaps formed by the square shape of the wooden beam. You can then use separate rope binds for the characters' wrists to give the illusion of them being bound to their beams.
I hadn't thought of that idea.
I could only ever change the scale of the rope as if arms were tied.
Your suggestion has allowed me to evolve again:)
The three slaves were to be dragged through the streets of Rome for a day. They would walk through the city and return to the square where the flogging was held. Clara and Yuzuha worked hard to pull Mana's wooden horse, which had to be pulled even heavier than the patibulum they were carrying, which was very heavy. Their breath came in short gasps and they felt pain in every muscle in their bodies. Many times they wanted to stop and rest, but if they did not get to the execution site as quickly as possible, Mana would suffer even more. So the girls could not stop.

Clara/Yuzuha: “huff... n... puff...”
Mana: “Ahhhhhh... it's hurt..."

Mana was in powerful pain. The wooden horse swayed greatly because the Roman streets were made of cobblestones. This caused Mana's pussy to ache even more. The faster the two pulling the wooden horse, the more pain Mana felt. Even then, she was worried about Clara and Yuzuha. They must be having a hard time. It is all my fault.
Because they met me, they will be crucified.Mana felt sorry for them.
Clara and Yuzuha realized that the more they hurried, the louder Mana's suffering would become. Still, they had to hurry for Mana's sake.

Yuzuha: “I'm sorry Mana, just hang in there a little longer.”
Clara: “If we die, we will go to heaven. We are almost there.”

A procession went around the city, informing the people that beautiful girls were going to be crucified. In fact, rumors of this execution had already spread throughout Rome. The streets were crowded as crowds gathered to see the sensuality of the girls, and all sorts of slanderous remarks were made against the three. The crowd's eyes were on the condemned women. Then one of the people looked at them and shouted.

The man: “Look at the cunts of the three slaves, they are squrting!"

The girls were in an extreme state, yet they were sexually aroused by the situation, unable to resist and heading to the execution site.

Audience1: “Oh my God! I've never seen such erotic women in my life!”
Audience2: “You masochists! They must climax even on the cross!"

The girls were aware that they too were feeling sexual pleasure. There was no dignity left in them anymore. There they were, the bitches to be crucified.

Mana: “Were our bodies this sinful?"

She regretted being born a woman.

Mana: “Oh... how much must we suffer before we are crucified?"

Mana muttered sadly. Clara and Yuzuha were also exhausted. Unable to bear the pain, they both collapsed several times; the two encouraged each other as they proceeded to the execution site.


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How long had it been since the three slaves began their death march? In the distance, a framework of timbers came into view. Looking around, they realized that they had arrived at the place where they were to be flogged, the place where the three sinners would meet their end.

Gaius: “Stop! We have finally arrived at the place of execution! You will die here!"

The soldiers dismounted the limp Mana from the wooden horse, and then lowered Clara and Yuzuha's patibulum from their shoulders. After a hard march, everyone was on the verge of fainting.

Gaius: “We will now prepare to crucify you. It will take a little while, so in the meantime, entertain the people."

After Gaius told the girls, he told the people.

Gaius: “My people! It is these three beautiful girls who will be executed this time. Seeing these guys suffer will give you all an erection. So I give someone the right to rape these sinners! Finally, give the slaves a climax!"

Gaius randomly selected the lucky ones from the populace. The chosen ones rejoiced. Then they inserted their erect cocks into the cunts of poor victims; the three slaves were so exhausted that at first they did not respond. But as they fucked, they began to make lovely moaning noises.
Even before they were executed, the girls indulged in the last pleasure of their lives.


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While they were being raped, the soldiers completed preparations for the crucifixion, and Gaius forced the raped women to stand and took them to the cross where they would each be hung. The three slaves were finally crucified, their hands and feet pierced with huge nails, and their entire bodies exposed to the public while they were unable to move. The slaves wanted to touch each other while their bodies were still free.

Mana: “Please. Let me say goodbye to Clara and Yuzuha for the last time."
Gaius: “All right. But hurry. Everyone is looking forward to your crucifixion."

Gaius allowed, and the three embraced each other.

Mana: “I'm sorry...I've caused you both so much pain."

Clara: “Don't apologize. This suffering will be over in a little while."

Yuzuha: “That's right. We can die if I endure a little longer."

Mana: “Thank you all for everything. I'm really happy to have met you guys."

The girls kissed each other deeply. Their bodies were covered in blood, but the sight was divine, as if they were saints embracing each other.


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While they were being raped, the soldiers completed preparations for the crucifixion, and Gaius forced the raped women to stand and took them to the cross where they would each be hung. The three slaves were finally crucified, their hands and feet pierced with huge nails, and their entire bodies exposed to the public while they were unable to move. The slaves wanted to touch each other while their bodies were still free.

Mana: “Please. Let me say goodbye to Clara and Yuzuha for the last time."
Gaius: “All right. But hurry. Everyone is looking forward to your crucifixion."

Gaius allowed, and the three embraced each other.

Mana: “I'm sorry...I've caused you both so much pain."

Clara: “Don't apologize. This suffering will be over in a little while."

Yuzuha: “That's right. We can die if I endure a little longer."

Mana: “Thank you all for everything. I'm really happy to have met you guys."

The girls kissed each other deeply. Their bodies were covered in blood, but the sight was divine, as if they were saints embracing each other.
Such a wonderful sight! :love::icon12::love:
Gaius “Enough is enough.

He ordered the soldiers to move the girls again to the front of the patibulum.
The hardest time of their lives begins for these girls.
Gaius again pronounces the death sentence on the poor condemned women.

Gaius: “These bitches are slaves, yet they murdered my friend Lucius and fled. This is an act that can never be forgiven. Therefore, these three girls will receive the punishment they deserve for the crime they committed. Repent for your sins on the cross! Soldiers, crucify them!"

The soldiers placed the girls' arms on the patibulum and roughly drove nails into them.

Mana/Clara/Yuzuha: “Arrrrrgghh!"

The three girls screamed from too much pain.
Huge nails were driven into the girls' wrists.
The nails pinned the victims' bodies to the cross, destroying the girls' nerves.
Their arms twitched as each nail was driven in, giving the people the impression that they were cruel to watch. The crowd, however, became even more erect at the sight of the slaves crying out.

Audience1: “I never get tired of seeing women undergoing such cruel punishment!
Audience2: “A girl being nailed down because she can't resist is the most erotic thing I've ever seen!
Audience3: “How about that bitches! Now your filthy arms are useless forever!

The three slaves had no time to listen to the words of the spectators and could only cry out.


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