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Equine Elegance

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this is more a subscribe thing, on my patreon all the images I cant post there I put in a pdf and give a download link twice a month, the story isn't quite finished, not been well amongst other problems, I need to finish the text on the penultimate pic and then write the ending with the last pic, won't be long then I'll stick it up on gumtree or you can contact me and we can come to an agreement
Hi @puppyowner, I moved your story in this thread for reanimation and I think, it's a good place for the story. The next Cruxer's Digest too.
Elegant and funny carousel
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All the best,
thought I'd post the original without the watermark, seeing as I made it and have been banned or as they call it suspended indefinitely (it keeps their viewing figures higher than they should be) from deviant and mention I have a patreon page for female fighting and the pics they don't allow as a download twice a month or my subscribe page for the more exotic images like this one


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pony shoot 1
(still not quite finished but does explain a little about how it all happened, when its done in a few days the rest will be on my subscribe and patreon)

When her husband had first mentioned the idea of having a portrait done by a professional photographer of her and the kids she not been that keen and her daughters were less than thrilled with the idea, but he kept going on about. Then one day a few weeks later he said he’d actually gone to see someone and the photograph didn’t have to be one of those straight back posed photos the guy had suggested some themes and one of them was an equestrian theme and he knew how much she and the girls loved horses and while she still wasn’t that happy with the idea her daughters had said “why not, and it will get him off our backs and harping on about it all the time” and an appointment was made.

A week later they had taken a taxi to the studio and arrived about twelve thirty they had been told there was no need to dress up the costumes would be supplied; just to do their makeup, Daphne Applegate when she saw how flash the studio looked and that it was not some grubby back street shop her husband had found on the cheap started cheering up, maybe it will be fun she thought to herself as she walked up to the reception desk with her daughters in tow, pleased to see them smiling as well.

The woman behind the counter said “you must be the half past twelve Mrs Applegate? And that must be Dawn and Cathy; you’re here for the equestrian shoot?”

And Daphne nodded, the woman tapped some keys on the keyboard before handing over three clipboards with forms attached and said “if you can just sign these for me, it’s a standard model release form, I filled in the names and dates of birth and addresses all I need is a signature without it the photographer can’t legally sell the photos even to your husband who booked the shoot” and she laughed as she said “and he does like to get paid, it’s nothing to worry about I can assure you, everyone has to sign it”

Daphne handed a clipboard to each of her daughters and started reading her own but couldn’t get passed the first line with all the legalize and asked what “party of the first party etc. etc” meant

And got a smile back as the woman said “I doubt even the lawyers understand it, but you’re the party of the first party, like I said everyone signs it” and held up a sheaf of papers all with a signature at the bottom “before I forget I will need a scan of your driving license or some other piece of identity, insurance you know how it is”

Daphne couldn’t see the harm and as she signed told her girls to do the same, and it didn’t sound unreasonable so she handed over her licence as did her eldest, her youngest at 18 didn’t drive and the best she could come up with was her bus pass but it did have a photo and signature and was acceptable, the woman started scanning the items, when Daphne handed back the clipboards to the woman she asked “equestrian theme, you have horses here?”

And the woman said “not quite yet, but I can promise you by the time you’re ready for the photo shoot we’ll have ponies on the premises, I can guaranty it,”

Daphne thought it was strange firstly that they had horses here at all, but maybe they just hired them for occasions like this and they were a little late as she thought about it the woman said “I have entered everything on the computer someone will be here shortly to take you through to the changing rooms; the woman had barely stopped talking when a door opened and a head poked around it and said “Mrs Applegate, girls if you’d like to follow me we can get you ready for the shoot” Daphne looked at the girls and said “here we go” and joined the woman with her girls a step behind.

They first went down one corridor then another, the building was so much larger than she had expected and finally they reached a door and the woman opened it and flicked the light switch, all Daphne could see was a small windowless room with a chair and table inside, the woman looked at a piece of paper she had taken from her pocket and said “right, this is your room Cathy” and ushered her inside saying “if you could start undressing someone will be with you in a moment” and closed the door leaving Cathy inside, before she said “let’s see, ok follow me” and they went down to the end of the corridor and turned right ten metres down the woman opened another door, exactly the same as the one they had left Cathy in and the woman checking her paper again said “and this is yours Mrs Applegate, same thing, if you could get undressed someone will be with you to help you in to your costume” and the door closed leaving her alone, she presumed Dawn was heading for another room.

The room wasn’t that warm but she started undressing anyway, she took of her blouse and folded it placing it on the table, the same for her skirt and belt until she was standing in nothing but her bra and panties, all the time looking at the door expecting someone to knock and enter, but time started to pass as she stayed waiting, after a while she thought about fifteen minutes she got up and opened the door and looked out hoping to ask someone what was happening but the corridor was empty, thirty minutes later she was starting to get a little annoyed, but giving them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they were helping Cathy or Dawn first she sat quietly in the chair, after what had to have been an hour she was starting to get angry and thinking of getting dressed getting her daughters and leaving, it was another twenty minutes at least she thought before the door opened and two young women entered.


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Perfectly matched pair of ponies
It was the morning of her 21st and she’d hardly slept at all the night before wondering what her daddy had bought for her, she’d searched around the house and some of outbuildings without any luck, but she knew he wouldn’t forget her special day

Going down for breakfast she opened the door and saw her parents seated at the table, the head butler and two maids standing a little way away but the buffet in case they wanted more of something or something else.

She gave them both a kiss on the cheek and took her place at the table surprised no one had mentioned her big day and lifted the cover off her plate, expecting that was where it was hidden and her daddy was just having a joke with her, but it just a normal breakfast that she poked through with her fork looking for something hidden. She was just about to say something when she saw her mother tap her father’s arm and say “that’s enough Gregory”

And they both said “happy birthday” her daddy was smiling as he said “finish your breakfast first then I’ll get James to drive you to the old barn, we had to hide it somewhere you wouldn’t look” and laughed

Immediately she lifted her plate and point to a maid and said “take this” and with a little curtsey she stepped forward and took the plate saying “I’m too excited to wait” and got up and left the room with her father calling after her to get the driver. But she couldn’t wait the old barn was only a ten minute walk through the woods and headed straight off, when she made the clearing her hands went to her mouth and she squealed in excitement and walked the last 200 yards as quick as she could.

The closer she got she saw how magnificent these animals were, she knew for her 21st her father would have spent big and got her something special, and she was right. standing in front looking each one up and down she began pacing between them, they were well toned and muscled and as far as she could tell a perfect matching pair, they were surely she thought the finest in the county maybe the state.

She would have to find a worker to remove their hobbles and then she would take them out for a test drive and if they performed as well as they looked, then she would start visiting the other plantations she had a lot of showing off to do
as always you can find more of my stuff on patreon and subscribe adult same name as here puppyowner


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I have to admit, I'd be pretty paranoid about security leaving a ponygirl parked on a public street with only a chain connected to her bit. Would "Grand Theft Pony" be a common crime here?
She has very loud alarm bells! :p
Here is another attachment option using a single shaft old slave. A very effective method though hardly pretty but, remember, this one is more working mare than elegant equine.

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How long before its cunt is tough enough to pull a plow?
The colorful and unique world of PeterPD has created classics. Too bad he hasn't been creating for a long time!


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