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Eulalia's Ordeal With The Imf

Go to CruxDreams.com
This story is already great and it's only about the 4th or 5th inning
send in some more pinch hitters if you can fit them in like Julia,Connie,French Miss or any of the fine lady's of this forum (doesn't need to be much, you know just walking by a room and they could be doing or receiving something bad)
This story is already great and it's only about the 4th or 5th inning
send in some more pinch hitters if you can fit them in like Julia,Connie,French Miss or any of the fine lady's of this forum (doesn't need to be much, you know just walking by a room and they could be doing or receiving something bad)
you mean our COVEN? could be another nice story:D
First of all I did not know that they were witches but I'm not surprised, especially miss Joan of Arc who is an obvious candidate as a heretic
and secondly did you talk to Julia, because I don't think I can do that story
it was more of a game than a story.
Next. Sorry, Eul, I try to give you SOME rest...

Eulalia was awaked by the creaking of the opening cell bars. Three sisters entered. One knelt on the bed between Eul’s spread legs while another freed her wrists from the shackles. Eul was helped to a sitting position. The sister kneeling before grabbed her shoulders and pulled Eul forward until her face was buried in the sister’s habit between her ample breasts. The other sisters grabbed Eul’s arms and pulled her elbows back. Soft white cotton ropes where tied around her biceps pinning her arms behind her back. The sister freed Eul’s shoulders, climbed from the bed and opened the manacles.

Eul was helped to her feet and led to the cafeteria where again she was the only naked person there. She was sat on a bench at a table with a dozen sisters and brothers, none lifting an eye to her. Breakfast that morning was less lavish than Tuesday’s, consisting of the same runny grits, dry bread, and water that the others ate. The sister next to Eul fed her and even though the food was not good, Eul was both hungry enough to eat it and wise enough to know she had better eat what was offered.

As she was finishing Mother Superior approached the table. She crossed her arms and sighed “Dear Eulalia, how I do wish we could treat you to penance instead of just punishment. I feel like you would take well to it. Oh, well, today is an important day. Both the IMF and the IMA are coming to inspect our facilities. I trust you will nit disappoint. The best part is your sore slave cunt will get a day to rest.”

Mother Superior made her exit and two sisters helped Eulalia to her feet and led her from the cafeteria. She was brought down the hall to the entrance lobby. There, near a window opposite of the entrance, stood a device that awaited Eulalia. She looked at it, not certain what all was in store for her but she had little doubt what the center post was for. Sister Persecutor stepped up behind Eul and said “It’s what you always wanted, Eulalia.”

“No, its not” Eul replied.

“Then just fucking act like it is” Sister growled…
This would move along more quickly but I just keep finding more pics to do. Again these (so far) are all Dolcett manips. I think the next one I'll show what I started with and what the story has. Thanks for the views and comments...

Sister Persecutor could feel Eulalia’s body tense as she looked at the device. One of the sisters that had delivered Eul unscrewed the cross post and pulled it from the uprights. She held it up and showed Eul the pointed end of bar. Sister Persecutor leaned forward and whispered in Eul’s ear “It’s a shame we have to return you to the IMF with no visible damage. If you were here for penance I could shove that spike through your tits. You wouldn’t believe the pain!”

Eul shivered at the thought. Sister continued “Mother Superior has declared that your horny cunt will have no further stimulation so that center post isn’t going there. So, Eulalia, I suppose you can guess where it IS going. There is no lubrication on it so if you want this to be a less painful reaming of your ass I suggest you lick the hell out of it like you did the gardener’s cock.”

Eul understood and dropped to her knees. She set to putting as much spittle as she could on the bulbous top of the center post know in a very short time that would be what would be needed to help it slide into her ass.

Sister Persecutor mocked Eul, laughing as she tapped the skewer on Eul’s shoulder. “You have no shame, slave cunt! Look at you! You’d suck a metal cock for your own comfort!”

‘Damn, right, I will!’ Eulalia though as she tongued the shaft…
What brand of whisey? I could use some of that!
british scottish and even some Irish is told us in the coffeebar;)
and it is our coffeebars own brand; served by Connie (some irish blood), mellissa, jonesygirl, (both English witches who brews somewhat) julia (a bit dutch extras) and eulalia (brewing the scottish part) and Ulrike (a German bitch) for the beng:D
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