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Eulalia's Ordeal With The Imf

Go to CruxDreams.com
Maybe You,Willowfall and I should move in with some of our friends over in the EU
it would solve some of our internet issues but before we pack our bags we should keep in mind that they pay a lot more for other things like WHISKEY, tobacco and pretty much everything else.
Maybe You,Willowfall and I should move in with some of our friends over in the EU
it would solve some of our internet issues but before we pack our bags we should keep in mind that they pay a lot more for other things like WHISKEY, tobacco and pretty much everything else.
There are always two sides of a coin...
Hey, it says on the damn bottle Seagrams isn't Canadian... What the hell. The next picture is taking a little longer than I thought and my good friend and cat, Sebastian, went on to the hunting grounds in the sky yesterday...

more later
Sister Persecutor signal for the other sisters to pull Eulalia to her feet. A short wood step was placed at the base of the center post. Eul knew what was to happen. Sister Persecutor ordered “Alright, Eulalia, step up on the box, turn around, and squat down on that until it’s in you ass.”

Even though Eul knew it coming, the thought of impaling her ass on the metal bulb was more than she could bring herself to do. She looked at the bulb shining with her saliva and realized it was bigger than Mother Superior’s fist. She looked up wide-eyed at Sister Prosecutor and whispered “I can’t do that!”

“Eulalia, get your ass on that post!” Sister screamed. To everyone’s surprise Eul shook her head, turned, and bolted for lobby doors. She crashed through the doors and ran down the steps. Eulalia had no idea where she was but knew she wanted to get as far away as she could. Unfortunately that wasn’t very far. A half a dozen brothers were on the lawn in front of the building. They weren’t sure what was going on but were pretty sure this naked woman with her arms bound behind her back wasn’t where she was suppose to be. They easily caught Eul even before Sister Prosecutor came out on the porch and yelled for the brothers to ‘bring that bitch back here.’

Eul fought hard but the men had little difficulty carrying her back into the lobby. When they saw the trident post they laughed, realizing why Eulalia had run. Sister grabbed Eul’s hair and hissed “I offered you the easy way. You really fucked up, you cunt! Brothers, will you mount this bitch on the shaft?”

“NO, DON’T” Eul screamed as they lifted her. The scream became a howl as the metal spread her sphincter. She hooked her left foot around the frame trying to stop the inevitable. It was of no use and she was easily impaled. Her whole body trembled as she stood with her bowels filled with the shaft…
The massive head filled Eulalia’s bowel and the thick shaft stretched her sphincter. Trembling she lowered her feet to the crate in front of the shaft. One of the brothers pulled her forward and the skewer that Sister Persecutor had threatened her breast with was run between her arms and back, Sister grabbed Eul’s hair and pulled her head up. Sister put her face inches from Eul’s and whispered “You don’t know how badly I want to hurt you for that little stunt. To make it clear to you I will happily spend you sentence on the cross if you try anything like that again while you are in my care. Because, Eulalia, even if I have just fifteen fucking minutes I will kill you the most painful way that you could NEVER imagine. Do you understand, slave cunt?”

“Yes, Sister” Eul whimpered. She had no doubt that Sister Persecutor had shown only the smallest fraction of her sadism. Sister smiled and said “I’m glad we have an understanding. But there are still consequences for your actions. Sisters and brothers, please bind Eulalia’s legs in a butterfly position.”

It was not a request but an order. Eulalia would not have to wait long to find what a ‘butterfly position’ was and how little she would like it. First one then the other leg was raised and the upper thighs were tied to the lower calf. The white cotton rope was the pulled around the outer upright and her left wrist was bound to the rope on her right leg. Then the same was done to her right wrist and left leg.

The result was Eulalia hung from the skewer under her arms with her legs spread wide. Any attempts to move her hips would painfully tug on the opposite wrist. The shaft in her ass had her sex thrust forward. The whole device was spun around so Eul could see the doors she had so foolishly tried to make her escape. It was also no coincident that there was a mirror placed where Eul could see her splayed body.

Sister Persecutor crossed her arms and smiled as she looked Eulalia over. “I think that will teach you not to run. You do seem to enjoy it though. Look at those hard nipples and that pouting cunt. I can see it’s wet. I’d love to lick that little bud and make you come but Friar Abbott says no touching. Oh, by the way, for trying to run you will stay there until evening prayers. That’s five o’clock. If you look over there you can keep track of the time.”

Eulalia was horrified to see it was just 10:30. She begged “Please, Sister, I can’t take it. I’m sorry! I’ll obey!”

“I’m sure you will” Sister replied. The sisters and brothers went about their business leaving Eulalia alone to ponder her day. And what a long, strange, painful day it was. Brothers and sisters would pass not even stealing a glance. Eul tried not to look at the clock as the hands didn’t seem to move. After two hours Eulalia shoulders felt like they were on fire. Her arms and legs had cramped. The only bright spot Eul knew that if she could survive two hours on this device, she could survive two hours tied to a cross…

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Eulalia looked at the reflection of her body. Her chest and sex were stretched as if she were proudly displaying them. Her flesh shined with sweat. And the brass pole filled her ass. She wondered how she could look that enticing fuckable while her body screamed in pain. Eul desperately wanted to satisfy herself.

Mother Superior glided past Eulalia and opened the front door. She cheerfully called out greetings to whoever was outside. Eulalia saw a pair of uniformed people ascend the steps. A woman in an IMA uniform and a man in an IMF uniform shook hands with Mother Superior. Eul didn’t feel anything good could come from this meeting. The man held the door open and the trio walked in. The IMA woman smiled at the sight of Eulalia splayed on the device. She turned to Mother Superior and exclaimed “Oh, you certainly weren’t exaggerating. This is perfectly divine!”

The woman circled Eulalia running her fingernails across Eul’s skin. She stopped before Eulalia and shook her head. “Oh, Eulalia, you look like you are in such beautiful agony.”

She turned to Mother Superior and said “I need to inspect her.”

“Please don’t allow her to come” Mother Superior requested. The IMA officer flashed a wicked smile and ran her palms over Eulalia’s sweaty breasts. Eul whispered “Please don’t” but hoped she wouldn’t stop. The hands ran slowly down Eul’s torso, across her heaving belly until a finger slipped into her throbbing sex. Eul hissed “OH, God, yes!”

“Oh, yes this bitch is wet! Eulalia, you have to be hurting yet your cunt is still dripping. Are you that much of a slut?” the officer asked.

Eul could do nothing but shake her head. As tortured as her body was she craved the finger stoking her clit. She would look in the mirror to get a better view her tormentor fondle her sex. Even though the pain in her chest and shoulders increased as her body tensed Eul needed the climax that was so close. And then The IMA officer pulled her wet fingers from Eul’s sex. Eulalia’s eyes widened and she shamelessly cried out “Please, finish it!

The officer laughed and wiped her fingers on Eul’s face. “You are an incredible slut. I will have to report this to the tribunal!”

She, the IMF agent, and Mother Superior turned and exited through the glass doors, leaving Eulalia trembling and frustrated. On the porch The IMF agent pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He offered one to the two women. Mother Superior accepted. Out of Eul’s earshot IMA officer said “Well, I approve of your punishment. Just make sure she is not damaged before you turn her back over. They are planning to make quite a spectacle of her crucifixion.”

“You’ve nothing to fear. She may be sore but she will look fine. I’m planning to bring one of our novices to the event.”

…speaking of the novice…

At four PM the novice led a double file procession of brothers and friars down the hall to where Eulalia hung skewered. She was naked except for her blue veil and, without coaching, knelt before Eul, on elbows and knees. The novice clasped her hands as if in prayer. Sister Persecutor appeared and whispered to Eulalia “Since you haven’t been given the right of penance this wench will suffer for your sins.”

The novice looked up at Eul and softly said “I take this penance to atone for your sins.”

Eulalia looked down at the young woman in disbelief as one of the brothers raised his robe and speared the girl’s ass with his shaft. She winced and made a quick squeal but continued to look up Eulalia. Eulalia watched as one brother after another raised their robes and roughly sodomized the young novice. But instead of feeling pity or guilt for the young woman’s ordeal, Eul thought how she would gladly trade places after more than five hours with the shaft filling her bottom. In fact, the sight of the novice’s buggering was arousing to Eulalia. She squirmed on her rack trying futilely to stimulate her gapping sex. By the time the ninth brother had finished Eul was in desperate need of relief. It was the tenth and last brother that capped Eul’s torture.

He raised his robe to display his long if not thick erection to Eulalia. He knelt behind the novice and pressed his head against the sore bud of the woman’s ass but did not thrust in. The novice glanced over to Sister Persecutor who smiled and nodded. The novice looked back at Eulalia and raised her torso until she was on hands and knees. As the brother grasped her hips the novice raised her arms and clasped her hands behind her neck. Then without diverting her eyes from Eul’s, she pushed her hips back, impaling her as with the long erection. Sweat covered the woman as she slowly raised her body to an upright kneeling position with the hard shaft stirring her bowels. Then she spoke to Eulalia.

“I have offered my body to provide pleasure for others with no expectations of pleasure for myself. Now to complete my penance I will offer pleasure to this brother while he forces me to enjoy this sodomy in the presence of a common slave so that I may understand my place.” With that the novice began rolling her hips, fucking the cock filling her ass. She dropped her hands to her sides and leaned her head over, offering her next and ear to the lustful tongue of the brother behind her. He fondled her tits and toyed with her nipples with one hand and stroked her cunt with the other. Tears ran down the novice’s face while her breathing became deeper.

Eul stared down in disbelief. While she could do without the cock up her ass she’d certainly revel in the rest of what the novice was getting. Yet the closer the novice got to her orgasm the less she seemed to be enjoying the experience. Eulalia couldn’t understand it. She had been used to satisfy customers at the coffee shop with others watching and always enjoyed being the object of voyeurism. It was always better than sweating in the subbasement of the shop, pushing the wheel to grind the coffee. The more the novice resisted her climax the more Eulalia wanted hers. And when the novice came she cried out “Oh, God, forgive me!”

To Eulalia’s surprise, she came, too. She whispered “Oh, God, thank you!”

The novice was brought to evening prayers after the tenth brother shot his load up her ass. Eulalia noticed she had a new problem. All the fidgeting she had done made the knots slip. As the ropes loosened she was no closer to being free. Instead the shaft pressed deeper into her ass. She looked down and said “I think I’m in big trouble.”…

eul wedsday end.jpg

shamelessly asking for comments....tht

Eulalia looked at the reflection of her body. Her chest and sex were stretched as if she were proudly displaying them. Her flesh shined with sweat. And the brass pole filled her ass. She wondered how she could look that enticing fuckable while her body screamed in pain. Eul desperately wanted to satisfy herself.

Mother Superior glided past Eulalia and opened the front door. She cheerfully called out greetings to whoever was outside. Eulalia saw a pair of uniformed people ascend the steps. A woman in an IMA uniform and a man in an IMF uniform shook hands with Mother Superior. Eul didn’t feel anything good could come from this meeting. The man held the door open and the trio walked in. The IMA woman smiled at the sight of Eulalia splayed on the device. She turned to Mother Superior and exclaimed “Oh, you certainly weren’t exaggerating. This is perfectly divine!”

The woman circled Eulalia running her fingernails across Eul’s skin. She stopped before Eulalia and shook her head. “Oh, Eulalia, you look like you are in such beautiful agony.”

She turned to Mother Superior and said “I need to inspect her.”

“Please don’t allow her to come” Mother Superior requested. The IMA officer flashed a wicked smile and ran her palms over Eulalia’s sweaty breasts. Eul whispered “Please don’t” but hoped she wouldn’t stop. The hands ran slowly down Eul’s torso, across her heaving belly until a finger slipped into her throbbing sex. Eul hissed “OH, God, yes!”

“Oh, yes this bitch is wet! Eulalia, you have to be hurting yet your cunt is still dripping. Are you that much of a slut?” the officer asked.

Eul could do nothing but shake her head. As tortured as her body was she craved the finger stoking her clit. She would look in the mirror to get a better view her tormentor fondle her sex. Even though the pain in her chest and shoulders increased as her body tensed Eul needed the climax that was so close. And then The IMA officer pulled her wet fingers from Eul’s sex. Eulalia’s eyes widened and she shamelessly cried out “Please, finish it!

The officer laughed and wiped her fingers on Eul’s face. “You are an incredible slut. I will have to report this to the tribunal!”

She, the IMF agent, and Mother Superior turned and exited through the glass doors, leaving Eulalia trembling and frustrated. On the porch The IMF agent pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He offered one to the two women. Mother Superior accepted. Out of Eul’s earshot IMA officer said “Well, I approve of your punishment. Just make sure she is not damaged before you turn her back over. They are planning to make quite a spectacle of her crucifixion.”

“You’ve nothing to fear. She may be sore but she will look fine. I’m planning to bring one of our novices to the event.”

…speaking of the novice…

At four PM the novice led a double file procession of brothers and friars down the hall to where Eulalia hung skewered. She was naked except for her blue veil and, without coaching, knelt before Eul, on elbows and knees. The novice clasped her hands as if in prayer. Sister Persecutor appeared and whispered to Eulalia “Since you haven’t been given the right of penance this wench will suffer for your sins.”

The novice looked up at Eul and softly said “I take this penance to atone for your sins.”

Eulalia looked down at the young woman in disbelief as one of the brothers raised his robe and speared the girl’s ass with his shaft. She winced and made a quick squeal but continued to look up Eulalia. Eulalia watched as one brother after another raised their robes and roughly sodomized the young novice. But instead of feeling pity or guilt for the young woman’s ordeal, Eul thought how she would gladly trade places after more than five hours with the shaft filling her bottom. In fact, the sight of the novice’s buggering was arousing to Eulalia. She squirmed on her rack trying futilely to stimulate her gapping sex. By the time the ninth brother had finished Eul was in desperate need of relief. It was the tenth and last brother that capped Eul’s torture.

He raised his robe to display his long if not thick erection to Eulalia. He knelt behind the novice and pressed his head against the sore bud of the woman’s ass but did not thrust in. The novice glanced over to Sister Persecutor who smiled and nodded. The novice looked back at Eulalia and raised her torso until she was on hands and knees. As the brother grasped her hips the novice raised her arms and clasped her hands behind her neck. Then without diverting her eyes from Eul’s, she pushed her hips back, impaling her as with the long erection. Sweat covered the woman as she slowly raised her body to an upright kneeling position with the hard shaft stirring her bowels. Then she spoke to Eulalia.

“I have offered my body to provide pleasure for others with no expectations of pleasure for myself. Now to complete my penance I will offer pleasure to this brother while he forces me to enjoy this sodomy in the presence of a common slave so that I may understand my place.” With that the novice began rolling her hips, fucking the cock filling her ass. She dropped her hands to her sides and leaned her head over, offering her next and ear to the lustful tongue of the brother behind her. He fondled her tits and toyed with her nipples with one hand and stroked her cunt with the other. Tears ran down the novice’s face while her breathing became deeper.

Eul stared down in disbelief. While she could do without the cock up her ass she’d certainly revel in the rest of what the novice was getting. Yet the closer the novice got to her orgasm the less she seemed to be enjoying the experience. Eulalia couldn’t understand it. She had been used to satisfy customers at the coffee shop with others watching and always enjoyed being the object of voyeurism. It was always better than sweating in the subbasement of the shop, pushing the wheel to grind the coffee. The more the novice resisted her climax the more Eulalia wanted hers. And when the novice came she cried out “Oh, God, forgive me!”

To Eulalia’s surprise, she came, too. She whispered “Oh, God, thank you!”

The novice was brought to evening prayers after the tenth brother shot his load up her ass. Eulalia noticed she had a new problem. All the fidgeting she had done made the knots slip. As the ropes loosened she was no closer to being free. Instead the shaft pressed deeper into her ass. She looked down and said “I think I’m in big trouble.”…

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shamelessly asking for comments....tht
Great story but I must rescue her!!!
you know I like all the stuff you write and I like this one even more because of all the people I know that you put in it.

Oh one thing, you said Melissa and Julie were going to get to see Eulalia if they would ride nude in the back of a van, did they ever make it there?
shamelessly asking for comments....tht
Well then ;)
Comment 1 would be: Why do you reduce caps size, it's very hard to read on a small screen.
Second: I like your style, all the small twisted turns, like for example the female officer that inspects and comments on Eulalia's hornyness...
And: Great Dolcett mods, it does look like original art. This would be another thread, tho show the steps of such a picture mod ;)
Connie, you can't rescue her no one knows where she is
you would have to get your self arrested
just to find her and then what good would
that do.
but it would be much more fun for the story and of course for ours
but it would be much more fun for the story and of course for ours
Not necessarily, for one time we can leave the story "erotic" without making it so funny that it's not erotic any more ;)
Thanks for the comments. In the story 'today' is 'Wednesday' (just a coincidence). Mel and Jul's visit is scheduled for 'Thursday'. But don't expect it tomorrow 'cause there is still more 'Wednesday' to come....

Fantas, not sure what you mean about the 'cap size.' I do these in word and copy and paste. I'll do the next one a font larger and see if it works better for you. As a guy blind without his readers I understand your concern. As for the next segment the illustrations are obviously NOT dolcett manips. They're from an old Hustler Taboo. To speed production I did not make Eulalia raven haired. But she is! Its a trick with lighting (yeah that's the ticket)

'nough said here's Wednesday night with Eul...

Eul was near panic as the shaft crept deeper into her bowels. The fullness intensified as the huge head crept higher. The discomfort of the shaft was turning into real pain. She was about to cry out for help when Sister Persecutor came down the hall accompanied by three large brothers. She could see Eulalia had slipped down the shaft and Eul’s biceps had ridden up and over the skewer’s crossbar. She barked at the men “Untie her legs! Do it quickly! You hold her up. Make sure that post doesn’t go any deeper!”

The brothers did as they were orders. As Eul’s legs were being freed Sister pulled the skewer from behind Eul’s back. Eul groaned as she lowered her legs the shrieked as the brother yanked her from the shaft and the huge head popped out of her ass. With the ropes still pinning her biceps back Eul dropped to her knees then slumped forward (see her avatar). Sister squatted down behind Eul to see if blood was coming from her still-gaping ass. She was greeted with uncontrolled flatulence. But Sister didn’t care about that. She was relieved that Eul wasn’t bleeding. If she had been Mother Superior surely would have mounted Sister on the device.

Eul was taken to her cell, diaper (just in case), then laid on her back with her ankles shackled and her wrists cuffed above her head. Sister gently wiped her brow and said “I’ll check on you after prayers.”

Eulalia was surprised by the seemingly sincere concern. Exhausted, she slipped off to sleep almost the moment she was left alone…

Eulalia was sleeping so soundly she hadn’t felt the sisters freeing her wrists and ankles. She was startled when hands grabbed her legs and pulled them over the side of the bed. She was pulled to a sitting position then bent forward until her head touched her knees. Leather cuffs captured her wrists behind her back then she was hoisted to her feet. She looked up to find Sister Persecutor and Mother Superior standing before her. The two other sisters steadied her as she wobbled on her sore legs. Sister Persecutor knelt before Eul and pulled the diaper down her legs. Sister looked up at Mother and, relieved, said “It looks like she had a couple of wet farts but there’s no blood.”

“You should consider yourself lucky, Sister Persecutor” Mother said sternly. “Sisters, please rinse this whore’s ass.”

Eul was brought to a common shower where a head on a hose shot pulsing warm water over her ass and between her cheeks. Eul had no idea how long she had slept or what she was being prepped for. She was sure every joint in her arms and legs ached. The warm water felt good on her tortured ass. Once rinsed, she was led out into the hall. It was dimly lit with only every third light fixture turned on. The two sisters escorted Eul down the hall led by Mother Superior and Sister P. On their arrival at the lobby Eul found the novice mounted on the device except her feet were on a wood stool and perforated ball gag filled her mouth with drool running down her chin and over her breasts and belly. Eul looked at the small stool the novice stood on and realized the woman was as immobilized as she had been as her feet covered the top of the stool. If the stool were to tip or the novice step off an additional foot of shaft would rip through her gut.

The elevator door opened and the five entered. Moments later they reached the top floor. Eul was led into a room painted a deep red. There was a curved bar by one wall. Eul was bent forward and her wrists were raised behind her back and clasped to the end of the bar. Mother Superior explained “The Abbott wishes to discuss your attempted escape. I suggest you show him the utmost respect.”

Left alone Eul looked about the room. Through the windows she could tell it was night but how late, she could not guess. Eul also correctly figured by the way she was bound and what she had seen so far at the O.P.P. that the Abbott’s ‘discussion’ was going to include a cock in one of her orifices. She just hoped her ass would be spared any further torment.

About then she heard a door open and a read curtain was drawn back reveling an ornate chair that could have served as a throne. A man wearing a red cassock stepped up to Eul. He wasn’t much taller than she but he did have a powerful build. To Eul he looked religious enough until she noticed the black paratrooper boots. He brushed her hair back from her face and gentle said “I hear you have had a strenuous day. By now I hope you are sorry for trying to run away, hmm?”

Eul wondered if he meant from the IMF or the O.P.P. Either way she was sorry and said “Yes, um, your excellence?”

“No need for titles. Call me sir if you must. Now, Eulalia, are you sorry that you tried to run and were caught or are you sorry that you had to suffer such consequences?” he asked gently. Eul, exhausted, and in pain didn’t recognize the trick question and honestly answered “Both I guess.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re sorry but it saddens as to why” the Abbott said. He began opening the button that ran down the front of the cassock. As he did his voice became louder and angrier. “I’d have hoped by now you would be sorry you did not accept the punishments that so RIGHTLY DESERVE!”

He finished by ripping open the bottom of the cassock sending buttons flying and revealing a muscular chest and tight fitting black nylon jump pants. As he worked to open the fly and shove the pants down past his hips he yelled “You are a disgusting slave cunt! I would dirty my member inn your filthy ass or your dirty cunt! Come here, you bitch!”

He grabbed Eul’s hair and pulled her face to his erection. With the other hand he whipped her with a smooth leather flogger that stung more than hurt. “Come on, you cunt, suck it! Suck, damn you! Your mouth is just another cunt to me!”

And Eulalia did suck it. If he wanted to think of her mouth as a cunt it was alright with her as long as his shaft stayed out of her ass. He’d ram it down her throat and hold her with her nose smashed against his belly until her knees buckled. When he let her breathe Eulalia worked to show how good a cocksucker she was, flicking her tongue around his shaft and deep-throating herself. She figured he didn’t think much of her to start with so he couldn’t think less. With a little luck he might appreciate her efforts. Either way, she was sure he wasn’t going to last long.

“Oh, yeah, you filthy cunt, you are one hell of a cocksucker! That’s it!” the Abbott growled. Eul allowed herself a private smile, knowing he would be very satisfied and soon. “Oh, yes… That’s it! You swallow all of it, you bitch! That’s it… Here it is… Swallow you bitch! Swallow it all!”

Eulalia tried but he pulled her head back just to be sure some of his ejaculate would paint her face. He stood before her with his chest heaving as Eul licked and sucked the fading erection as clean as she could. Then he shuffled backward to his chair and collapsed into it without bothering to pull his pants up. After a few moments he picked up a phone from the table next to the chair. Still breathing heavily he said “Come get this cunt and bring me the novice.”

He hung up and stared at Eulalia. Softly he said “Hey… That was very nicely done. Get some rest tonight…”

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