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Execution Reports

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(Hello! I decided that it was a bit too morbid for someone to boast of his executions to his family, so we're going to pivot somewhat into what I should have done! Official Execution reports! We're kicking this series off with a real live one: a quadruple execution! Hope you all enjoy it!)

Quintilis 10 12th Year

TO: Office of the Primus Pilus
FROM: Centurion Marcus Aeneas
SUBJECT: Mass Execution on the 10th of Quintilis.

Salutations Primus Pilus Martinus,

As we suspected, the theft from the garrison stores on the 4th of this month was not an isolated event. The party I led into the forest ended up ambushing and capturing a 4 person cell of rebels, all women. In their camp we found Army rations as well as Army issued equipment such as boots, blankets, and a sword. Whether they were a picket force for the main body of the rebel army or merely an independent cell operating on their own I could not ascertain even under the most harshest of interrogation methods. However based on the evidence looted from their camp we were able to secure four sentences of death. I took some personal initiative and ordered four crosses constructed on the main road leading from the primary gate to the farm lands where most of the slaves and citizens work since I believe that executing the criminals out of sight on the hill will not serve the fullest purpose of crucifixion.

The sentences went off rather well with no injuries or incidents among the execution detail. I personally handled the flogging of the leader, a woman named Sophie, as well as drove the nails in myself. Three of my senior legionaries handled the other condemned. I have been most impressed by their leadership and problem solving skills in the past few months and would recommend them for advancement when the time comes.

The first one passed after a few hours, she was of rather weak constitution. The final one lasted until evening before she gave out and died. I suspect that we could have made them last longer if we had gone softer on them in the preliminary stage, but I still believe an effective message was sent, particularly due to the fact that their executions were considerably more public than previous ones.

I eagerly await your comments and recommendations going forward.

For the Empire,

Centurion Marcus Aeneas.


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Quintilis 16, 12th Year

TO: Office of the Primus Pilus
FROM: Centurion Marcus Aeneas
SUBJECT: Justice for Lucius Antony Pollux

Salutations Primus Pilus Martinus,

We finally captured the one responsible for the death of Lucius Antony Pollux, the soldier who was killed while on patrol last week. As you might remember he had taken leave to go and relieve himself when the patrol commander heard a cry, however by the time they'd arrived it was too late. Three days ago a patrol found Pollux's gladius and pugio in the custody of a captured rebel. This and the fact that she was captured trying to sneak in and torch the stables was enough to convict her and she was sentenced by a military court to death. I appreciate the word that you put in with the Legate allowing me to oversee the execution detail since Pollux was one of my men. I believe that in a few years he would have been a prime candidate for Optio. I of course sent a letter to his parents extending the condolences of the Legion as well as informing them that we captured and executed his assassin.

As you might have guessed, the murderer suffered terribly at our hands before she was executed, being scourged quite severely. According to her she was the daughter of a barbarian chieftain up north, so I made sure that we recognized her linage with a proper crown so that all would know. She proved to be more resilient than others despite her rather slender frame, succumbing after two days.

While we can only hope that the appropriate message is sent, I will also be reviewing our operation procedures to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again.

Very Respectfully,

Centurion Marcus Aeneas.


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Quintilis 16, 12th Year

TO: Office of the Primus Pilus
FROM: Centurion Marcus Aeneas
SUBJECT: Justice for Lucius Antony Pollux

Salutations Primus Pilus Martinus,

We finally captured the one responsible for the death of Lucius Antony Pollux, the soldier who was killed while on patrol last week. As you might remember he had taken leave to go and relieve himself when the patrol commander heard a cry, however by the time they'd arrived it was too late. Three days ago a patrol found Pollux's gladius and pugio in the custody of a captured rebel. This and the fact that she was captured trying to sneak in and torch the stables was enough to convict her and she was sentenced by a military court to death. I appreciate the word that you put in with the Legate allowing me to oversee the execution detail since Pollux was one of my men. I believe that in a few years he would have been a prime candidate for Optio. I of course sent a letter to his parents extending the condolences of the Legion as well as informing them that we captured and executed his assassin.

As you might have guessed, the murderer suffered terribly at our hands before she was executed, being scourged quite severely. According to her she was the daughter of a barbarian chieftain up north, so I made sure that we recognized her linage with a proper crown so that all would know. She proved to be more resilient than others despite her rather slender frame, succumbing after two days.

While we can only hope that the appropriate message is sent, I will also be reviewing our operation procedures to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again.

Very Respectfully,

Centurion Marcus Aeneas.
Excellent scourging, Centurion! Nice work!
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