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Faster interaction - chatroom/Discord?

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Hi everyone,
I know I'm new here, but I've been wondering: why don't we have a chatroom or a Discord server for our community? This place is awesome, and I think it would be great to have the opportunity to chat live with fellow members.I don't want to rock the boat, and I apologize if this has been asked and discussed before. Just thought it might be a nice addition to this already fantastic community. What do you all think? Is this something others would be interested in too? Thanks for your time!
I think a Discord channel would be good, but I am a newbie here, I would like to hear the founders and admins opinions. It's basically free but more work. I don't know. Easy for me to speculate without my ass being on the line.
This post certainly elicited some discussion amongst staff but baring in mind we are all unpaid volunteers there’s a reluctance to taking on more work. Certainly from a personal perspective I find Discord unwieldy, I do use it for its original intended purpose- gaming discussion and sharing.

I suggest an official cruxforums Discord channel to be extremely unlikely but if members wanted to create their own unmoderated channel that seems fine.

I strongly recommend against using any chat channels such as WhatsApp that reveal personal details. If using Discord, make an anonymous profile that doesn’t link to your RL email, socials, or phone etc. I had a bad experience with someone in a chat channel and am grateful they don’t know my RL circumstances at all.
I personally don't see the point of it. Because members live in many different time zones around the world, it is likely that many members who want to chat would not be able to at the same time as the people they want to chat with. The Xenforo platform that hosts CruxForums already includes the possibility to create group PM conversations, which would allow members with similar interests to converse at their leisure, and in their own time. Members already set up profiles here and may make profile posts that others can respond to, as well as responding in topical threads. It doesn't seem that a live chat would add much to that, since you can carry on a PM conversation pretty much in a live chat with anyone who is online when you are. Most members do not join CF for that, in any case.

Naturally, if members wish to start their own chat, outside of CF on any topic, that is up to them, but I don't see what CF really gains from it.
I personally don't see the point of it. Because members live in many different time zones around the world, it is likely that many members who want to chat would not be able to at the same time as the people they want to chat with. The Xenforo platform that hosts CruxForums already includes the possibility to create group PM conversations, which would allow members with similar interests to converse at their leisure, and in their own time. Members already set up profiles here and may make profile posts that others can respond to, as well as responding in topical threads. It doesn't seem that a live chat would add much to that, since you can carry on a PM conversation pretty much in a live chat with anyone who is online when you are. Most members do not join CF for that, in any case.

Naturally, if members wish to start their own chat, outside of CF on any topic, that is up to them, but I don't see what CF really gains from it.
100% correct. I had chat with the PM system with members in the CET time zone +/- 1 hour and it worked well. Even across the Atlantic it was not so bad even if time difference had to be taken into account.
I also think that an official CF Discord chatroom is not necessary. The time differences between members alone make it difficult. In my opinion, a PM group in the forum is sufficient.
Of course, if someone wants to make the chatroom private, why not.
This post certainly elicited some discussion amongst staff but baring in mind we are all unpaid volunteers there’s a reluctance to taking on more work. Certainly from a personal perspective I find Discord unwieldy, I do use it for its original intended purpose- gaming discussion and sharing.

I suggest an official cruxforums Discord channel to be extremely unlikely but if members wanted to create their own unmoderated channel that seems fine.

I strongly recommend against using any chat channels such as WhatsApp that reveal personal details. If using Discord, make an anonymous profile that doesn’t link to your RL email, socials, or phone etc. I had a bad experience with someone in a chat channel and am grateful they don’t know my RL circumstances at all.

I agree with you,Loinclothslave
…safety and anonymity are essential conditions given the topics discussed. We don’t do anything wrong, obviously, but being stalked for example by some nice stranger would not please me. At the moment I think our forum is sufficient and allows us to talk to each other, publish our works and exchange opinions, and for free. Indeed, thanks to the staff who are particularly attentive and always available (I myself am an example: at the beginning I collected a series of incredible mistakes before understanding, but no one kicked me out). Obviously mine is a personal opinion.
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@mp5stab already runs a crux themed discord community for those who might be interested. Several members here are members there. Obvious rules of conduct apply but talking to Stabby is probably a good start for those interested.
oh cool, I write to them!
This isn't the first time such a possibility has been raised, and I think the difficulties such a 'chat room' would present here havebeen explained, along with other ways of setting up or joining in chatting with like-minded people. I'll just mention that The Coffee Shop is a place where you can bring along anything you think members here might be interested in, amused by, happy to chat about - so long as it's not contentious (so keep off politics!)

a chat type interface does have some advantages ... fast-paced roleplay or group RP, brainstorming etc etc.

but I do think the forum with its open as well as private message systems has served very well

and has the advantage that not everything vanishes in a dark web.

When it comes to cruxy Discord, the Pentecosta server, mentioned above, is surely the place to go, don't be afraid you don't have to join a religion :D
@mp5stab , @malins I'm convinced. Could you send me a link or an invite to the Discord server?
Uuuh now you mention it...? I may have gotten roped in again... those elaborate sacrificial festivities always get me...
I can' blame a girl for trying.
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