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Fatal Attraction: A Doomed Romance

Go to CruxDreams.com
Part One
It is the not too distant future. In an attempt to curb rampant street crime, crucifixion has been reintroduced as punishment for even the most minor of offences. This shameful, agonizing method of execution serves also as a warning to others, intended to deter any would-be criminals from future wrongdoing. It is not uncommon to find groups of condemned, almost always young men, stripped and beaten, nailed to crosses alongside public paths and motorways.

Just like in the old days, the spectacle of Crucifixion draws crowds of excited onlookers. And just like the old days, tormenting the helpless, dying victims is a great source of entertainment for many people.

People like my sister.

Today, a fresh group of prisoners are due to be crucified along a busy path through the local park. My sister has invited me to join in with the 'morning fun,' along with one of her friends.

They talk excitedly as we travel through the city, trading colourful anecdotes from previous experiences and discussing what they might do today. I remain quiet. Although I've attended several such executions before, I've never taken an active role in the proceedings.

Little do any of us know, in less than twenty-four hours, I will have far a far more intimate knowledge of Crucifixion than either of them.

We head into the park, passing the naked bodies of a few unfortunates who have already been nailed up. I keep my eyes fixed on the path, trying to avoid eye contact with them.

"Too bad we missed that one", my sister comments, gesturing towards one of the victims. Hes an attractive, muscular guy, covered in tattoos. A groan escapes his lips as we pass by.

We continue along the path and quickly catch up to the main group. My sister hurries us along and guides us through the crowd of chattering onlookers. I see the prisoners ahead, struggling beneath the weight of the heavy wooden crossbeams they are forced to carry, the same ones upon which they will soon be put to death. Most still have their underwear, a luxury that is unlikely to last much longer. They are being herded along the path in single file by a group of armed guards.

We head to the front of the procession, where a tall upright post is being fixed into place. The condemned watch nervously, knowing that for one of them, the journey ends here.

My sister begins to search the prisoners and quickly finds one that she likes. It's easy to see why. He's strikingly attractive, well built, barely into his twenties. Like the others, his arms have been tied to a heavy crossbeam to prevent escape. And like the others, he's been stripped of all clothing except for the dark boxers that hug his firm ass and thighs.

My sister approaches one of the guards and hands him some something. "That one is ours," she states, pointing to the boy.

The two seem to know each other, for the guard shrugs and pockets the bribe. Its all just work to him, and if he can earn a little extra cash while avoiding a few hammer swings, he isnt going to complain. He signals another guard, who separates the young man from the other prisoners and forcefully steers him towards us.

This one?

My sister nods.

The guards force the boy down onto his knees, then knock him backwards into the dirt at our feet. Exchange complete, they direct the rest of the group further along the path.

The boy lays on his back, helpless, not even struggling. He looks up at us pleadingly.

"Please," he whispers. "Don't let them hurt me. I don't want to die."

My sister kneels beside him and strokes his face. "I know, sweetie", she soothes. "Thats why we're here. But first-" she slides fingers beneath the waistband of his boxers "-I need you to prove...how much of a man you are."

The boy looks surprised. "I...I don't understand."

"I need you to cum for us, she states. "Cum for us, and we'll untie you."

It's a statement, not a question. The boy seems confused, suspicious perhaps, but already my sister is preparing to remove his boxers. She neatly cuts through the waistband with a knife, then peels away the fabric to reveal his considerable endowment within.

"Impressive." She pauses for a moment to admire the view, and I find myself doing the same.

The boy watches the blade warily.

I notice that he's kept his body hair neatly in check, although presumably for someone else's benefit, not our own. I wonder where his partner is now. Have they abandoned him, or are they simply unaware of his predicament?

My sister returns the knife to her bag and takes out a piece of fabric. It's a silk scarf, which she gently ties around the boys head like a blindfold.

"No peeking," she says seductively.

The boy remains quiet.

Finally, my sister turns to me.

"You're up."

I nod. This is my first time playing "The Game," but my role has already been explained to me. I gently take hold of the boy's cock and tenderly begin to caress it.

"That's it", my sister says encouragingly.

Already i can feel his cock responding to my affections. It grows quickly in my hand, hardening with each small movement until every inch of its respectable length is on display. As far as cocks go, it's an attractive one. I feel a twinge of regret that I won't be able to experience its full power. But at least I can give it one last performance before the end.

The boy remains quiet as I work. If he suspects that the promise of his freedom is nothing more than a cruel joke, he doesn't let it show. I am impressed by how completely he submits.

My sister and her friend silently take up their positions over the crossbeam. They grin at each other, hammer and nails ready.

After a few more minutes, I can sense that the boy is close. My sister must have sensed it too, for she prepares to give the signal.

The boy exhales. His muscles tense.


Both hammers swing down precisely as the boy passes the point of no return.


The sound of metallic impact rings in the air, and the boy wordlessly convulses under the simultaneous rush of excruciating pain and orgasmic release. He arches his back, and I release my grip just in time for his cock to propel an enormous load of cum high into the air.


His back arches again, and another powerful load is launched into the air. Still he doesnt make a sound.


The nails are driven home, but the boy is spent. He collapses, his body shivering.

My sister laughs. She throws the hammer aside and flops backwards to sit on the grass. "Impressive", she muses, referring to the explosive force of his orgasm. "Nearly a meter, straight up. Thats got to be a new record." She glances between the two of us, grinning widely. "Nice work, team."

Still in position over the boys wrist, her friend grins back. She opens her mouth to speak, then stops. She's noticed noticed a stray bead of cum on her arm.

"Ugh," she says, quickly wiping it away. "Males are fucking disgusting."

My sister nods. "Fucking disgusting."

She rises to her feet, already bored of the young man's torment. "Coffee?"

Down on the ground, the young man lets out a faint whimper. "....Please..."

"Oh," my sister grunts. "Right. A deal's a deal, after all." She stoops down to cut the rope from around the boys arms, a meaningless gesture now that the nails are in place.


She straghtens back up and signals a nearby guard. "We're done, she states, flipping the man a few more coins. "You can take it from here".

I look over my shoulder as we depart. The guards have already lifted the boy's crossbeam into place and are preparing to nail his ankles. I can see his muscles straining as he fights against the weight of his own body, completely helpless, twitching and jerking, little more than meat for the crowds.

I find myself wondering how long he will be able to last.
As the day wears on, I find that I am unable to stop thinking about the boy we left on the cross. I picture him struggling against those nails, fighting for life as an endless stream of passes-by take full advantage of his vulnerable, naked body. I resolve to go back at night, although I'm not sure what my plan is beyond that. Perhaps to ease his passing, or take his body down for a proper burial.

Dusk falls. I grab some water and tools, then begin my journey. I reach the park without difficulty. Its dark now, and there doesn't seem to be anybody else around. I quickly retrace my steps from earlier, but already the smell of death is in the air. Am I too late?

I spot him up ahead, right where we left him, my sister's silk scarf somehow still in place around his eyes. His body looks pale in the moonlight, but even from a distance I can see him shivering in the cool night air. He's alive.

I hurry towards him.

The boy struggles upwards as I approach. His skin glistens with every strained movement, damp with sweat and blood and Christ knows what else. A metallic jangling sound accompanies his movements, although in the darkness it takes me a moment to locate the source if the noise. A metal chain has padlocked to his balls. It hangs heavily between his legs, the added weight clearly intended to cause as much discomfort as possible. But the padlock is cheaply made and comes apart easily, even without the key. He groans with appreciation as I free him from this indignity.

I carefully place the chain in the ground, then pause, allowing my eyes to rove up and down his tortured body. Every inch on display, nothing left private except his innermost thoughts and feelings. And even then, the male body has ways of betraying those...

I notice that unlike his fellow sufferers, he has somehow managed to avoid shitting himself. Not that it matters. Judging by the empty bottle of cheap lube at the base of the cross, his hole has seen about as much abuse and humiliation as the rest of his body.

No, I mustnt dwell on such things. i have to hurry.

I reach up to remove my sister's scarf, and the boy groans again as his vision returns. Recognition flashes onto his face.

"You," he croaks.

I blink in surprise. I hadn't planned on him still being lucid enough to remember me.

"I suppose you've come to jerk me off again?"

I don't know how to reply.

"You're too late," he continues. "I ran out of juice hours ago."

"I don't..."

"Not that it stopped anyone else from trying," he says bitterly. "Go ahead."

I'm lost for words. Most people cant even speak after a few hours on the cross, let alone take shots at passerbys. The relentless torture and humiliation is enough to break even the strongest of minds. But here he is, still thinking, still talking...still sassing, after everything. Conscious and aware through all of it. I can't begin to imagine how much he has suffered.

I suddenly feel ill. No crime in the world could warrant such punishment.

I have to help.

"Im going to get you down."

"Fuck off." The boy awkwardly adjusts his weight, wincing as he does so. "Just let me die."

But I have no intention of doing so. Not now. I offer my water up to his lips and encourage hin to drink. Initially he refuses, but eventually he gives in to his thirst.


I try to decide how to proceed. I know I don't have the strength to lift the whole cross free, but maybe I can get the horizontal beam off and bring him down that way. I head around the back of the cross to see how the two parts are attached. It looks as though the crossbar is designed to simply slot onto the top of the upright, meaning that gravity is the only force holding the two pieces together. I nod to myself. Should be manageable. But I'll have to free his feet first. And I'll have to be quick. I'm acutely aware that the punishment for freeing a victim from the cross is to receive your own set of nails.

I grab some pliers from the tools I brought, then pick up my sister's scarf. I roll it into a ball and push it into the boy's mouth, turning it from a blindfold into a gag. Can't have him making too much noise.

"This is going to hurt," I state simply.

He silently nods.

I get to work on his feet. The nails are ugly dark things with big, square heads, but their shape makes them easy to grip with the pliers. The one through his left ankle comes out easily, but the one through his right takes a little longer. It finally comes free after a few brutal twists, although its removal drops the boy's full weight onto the nails in his wrists. He howls through the gag.


I hurry around the back and start on the crossbar. Fuck, its heavy. The boy whimpers into the gag as I struggle, his wounds amplifying each and every movement to agonizing levels.

I somehow summon enough strength to heave the crossbar free, but only by keeping my back and arms straight can I hope to support the weight. I slowly bend my knees, lowering both victim and crossbeam as carefully as possible. First the boy's feet touch the ground, then his backside, and finally I ease his body backwards until he's laying flat. I bring the crossbeam to rest as gently as possible, then quickly set about removing the final two nails. They come out far more easily than the ones through his feet, although a worrying amount of blood seeps out from the dark holes they leave. I hope the damage isn't permanent.

With his arms finally free, the boy spits out the gag and lays still, chest heaving after his ordeal.

What now? I haven't thought this far ahead. His wounds need cleaning and dressing, but I haven't brought any bandages. I haven't even brought any spare clothes. God, I'm a terrible rescuer-

Without warning, I'm torn from my thoughts when a strong pair of hands grab me from behind.

"What the fuck?"

I struggle in vain as my assailant twists my arms behind me, pinning me in place.

"Fucking let go!"

Laughter. A group of men - three, no, four of them - surround me. Shit.

"Well, well, well," drawls a muscular, bearded man. He seems to be the leader of this group, and I recognise him as one of the guards from earlier, although he's no longer in uniform. He grins mockingly, hands on hips. "What have we here?"

"Looks like a rescue," replies one of his companions.

"Attempted rescue," corrects the bearded man. He turns to address me directly. "I assume you know the penalty?" His voice is slurred, I can tell he's been drinking.

"Fuck off," I spit. "You're not even on duty."

"On duty?" he repeats, feigning disbelief. "When it comes to upholding public morality, we're always on duty. And besides, a little overtime never hurt anyone." He smirks, revealing the hammer he has been carrying. "Well, except for maybe you and your boyfriend here."

One of his companions laughs.

"You do know the penalty, right?"

He pauses, expecting a response, but I simply glare at him in silence.

He shrugs.

"Of course you know. Everyone knows. Which means we have work to do."

He looks over at the boy, who has been quietly attempting to drag himself off the path and into the darkness.

"I suppose we should deal with that one first."

He signals two of his companions, who quickly descend on the boy. They sieze hold of his legs and begin to drag him back towards his recently-vacated crossbeam.

"No," he cries weakly as his body scrapes over the dirt. "Don't put me back. I can't go back."

But his pleas fall on deaf ears. The guards throw him upon the wood and pull his arms outstretched. He struggles in vain, trying to break free, but his hours already spent fighting the cross have left him weak and defenseless. He cries out as the old nails are pressed back into his wounds.

"Please," he begs, as the bearded man brandishes his hammer. "Just kill me-"

But it is too late. He howls as the nails through his wrists are driven home, first left, then right, his whole body twisting and writhing in a terrible display of agony and despair. There is no trace of his stoic acceptance from earlier.

With his arms secured, the guards stand up. They effortlessly lift the crossbeam off the ground, fix it back into place, then move onto his ankles. He's crying now.

This is all my fault. Ive broken his spirit far more completely than the cross alone ever managed. I had wanted to help, but all I could offer was false hope, followed by even more pain and despair. I've made everything so much worse.

And soon I will be crucified too.
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