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Fellatia’ hard choice

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Centuries ago then lived a woman name Fellatia Louslipz, the only child of Hansgrabherr Louslipz. She was a pampered child as her mother died shortly after she was born. Hansgrabherr adored his daughter and she wanted for anything as she grew up. And grew up she did, looking more of a woman than a girl about to leave her teen years. She was the attraction of the eligible (and some not very) men of the territory.

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Back then, certain things we take for granted were nit available or invented yet. The thought of a reliable birth control was centuties away and the only method- carefully timed sex- was iffy at best. Fellatia moaned her dilemma to a wise elderly friend of the family that she wanted to please her suitors but her fear of becoming an unexpected mother prevented her from pleasing them the way she they knew they wanted to be pleased. Fortunately, the old man was quite worldly (and also very drawn to Fellatia) and taught her the art of oral sex.

It was awkward at first, but the elderly man was patient with Fellatia.

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He didn’t mind it took her a while to become proficient at giving head. But soon Fellatia became quite skilled at sucking cock. Her popularity grew even more as word of her skill got around. There wasn’t a single man (and more than a few married men) that could not wait to see Fellatia kneeing before them waiting and quite willing to suck their tool.

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Fellatia’s adorable skills got around and a trader of great wealth became interested in making Fellatia more than a one-night stand. Mr. Tree, who had made a fortune importing an Asian herb known as ‘Madame Wu’s’ offered Hansgrabherr a generous dowery for his daughter’s hand in marriage.

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The problem was Mr. Tree was considerably older than Fellatia’s other beaus and she refused to marry him, figuring she would kill him the first time they consummated their marriage.

The thing was Tree’s dowery was substantial, something no other man of the area could ever match. Grossly annoyed (at his loss of the fortune), Hansgrabherr brought Fellatia to the provinces council as if she was a prisoner.

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He wanted his daughter to marry Mr. Tree or sentenced to become a nun. If he couldn’t have the dowery Tree offered, no man was going to have his daughter!!!
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The problem was Mr. Tree was considerably older than Fellatia’s other beaus and she refused to marry him, figuring she would kill him the first time they consummated their marriage.
Nice plan … at least in theory. I tried that one with Tree, but as it turned out he turned the tables on me and I ended up swinging at the end of a rope. Good luck with it anyway, Fellatia. Always remember it’s only a story.
Fellatia is brought before the court. In that time, it was a major crime for a woman to refuse a marriage that her parent had already accepted a dowery for. The court is filled with the elders of the village, none of who considers a woman opinion worth a damn thing. But Fellatia’s trial has a unique twist. A man traveled all the way from the kingdom’s capital to offer a fair amount of gold to take position of Fellatia so he could make her a seamstress in his factory.

Fellatia panics and begs “Don’t send me there! I hear it is hell on earth.”

Never mind the dress she wears was made there. She cries out “I would rather be a nun than work there!”

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So even if the court had to pass on a good offer on Fellatia’s services, the elders decided to send her to the convent of the Sisters of the Virgin Birth (the ‘Immaculate Conception was already taken by another order).

Fellatia completed her studies and became a sister there.

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She soon found none of the sisters believed the story of a virgin birth or even an immaculate conception. Indeed there were plenty of activities that went on that were not recorded in history.

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As fulfilling as things were for Sister Fellatia, something was missing.

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Sister Fellatia still wanted to know what a damn good fuck felt like. She wanted a thick hard cock to give her the sensations she has never had in fur-lined hole between her legs…
Despite her vow of being ‘married to the highest being’ and the sworn chastity that accompanies that, Sister Fellatia desperately wanted to know what being fucked felt like. She had of course fingered herself to countless climaxes, but it could not be the same as having a man’s cock reaming her secret place.

She had tried using crucifixes to masturbate but the small ones did not get her off and the large ones were difficult to come with as the fine details that make them a good sculpture could actually become a distraction as they could hurt the fine textures deep inside her.

Large votive candles more replicated the size and shape of a male’s penis but with the heat of the session they would melt enough Sister Fellatia could not put them back on the chapel’s display rack without the distortion being noticed.

Sister Fellatia needed to have a real man to give her the fuck she desired.

She attempted to seduce the groundskeeper, a studly man who could surely fulfill her wants. It started slowly at first. Jobs like groundskeeping at the convent were hard to get but paid well in the days. Once Sister Fellatia convinced him it was not a trap to fire him for taking a nun, he began to hump her on the lips of her sex while not entering the warm hole of her vagina.

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Still not totally satisfied, once while she was coming, she whispered in his ear “I want you inside me. I want to feel your meat in my pussy!”

The groundskeeper wanted to fuck Sister Fellatia as this stimulated sex, while still getting him off, was not the same as a real fuck. Plus he had to wash his cum out of his trousers before he returned home to his wife and children. And there was his upbringing that taught him it was a mortal sin to deflower a nun. Still the urge to fuck Sister Fellatia was there and he wanted to have his cock ramming deep inside her.

Fortunately he remember some sage advice his grandfather had taught him. As the groundskeeper entered his manhood, the old man warned him about having sex with women. He told him that if the urges were too strong to go fuck one of the sheep but to put his cock up the sheep’s ass. His grandfather explained the sleep’s ass was tighter and would get him off better plus he couldn’t impregnate the sheep that way- who knew what the offspring would be.

So the groundskeeper told Sister Fellatia he would fuck her but only in her ass. That way he would not be breaking a nun’s vow of chastity. Having never been fucked at all, Sister Fellatia agreed to let him put his prick in her ass. The first time hurt her as his long hard shaft went deep in rump and filled her bowls.

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But he assured her she would become used to it and she did indeed. If she fingered herself while he screwed her ass, she would have magnificent orgasms. But still Sister Fellatia wanted to have a real fuck in her love-hole.

Remembering her days before becoming a nun, Sister Fellatia seduced one of the friars assigned to the convent. Using the time-honored cock-sucking technic, she easily got the friar’s attention and his satisfaction.

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Having never had his manhood taken that way, he and Sister Fellatia quickly became a clandestine couple. The friar thoroughly enjoyed having his manhood sucked and, on his allowance, could never afford to pay a woman of the night to do what Sister Fellatia did. Still, Sister Fellatia was not satisfied. When she suggested they have real sex, the friar refused. Both he and Sister Fellatia had taken vows that having real copulation would cause them both to break. He convinced Sister Fellatia to let her screw her ass. She was reluctant after her experiences with the groundskeeper. He assured her he was experienced at having anal sex and he would satisfy her needs. Sister Fallatia eventually conceded and he was indeed better than the groundskeeper.

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He never told her she was the first woman he had ever done that way. He developed his skills humping the other friars’ asses at the rectory.

Sister Fellatia was indeed satisfied with the friar’s performances but she still wanted to have a real fuck. Her luck would change when the friar’s boss would come to visit the flock his priests and monks oversaw. Since Cardinal Schwantz was only staying one night and his reputation of not being concerned with his vows preceded his visit, Sister Fellatia took advantage of being assigned to fulfill whatever needs he had.

That evening, having only one night to have Cardinal Schwantz to fulfill her desires, Sister Fellatia through caution to the wind and offered herself to the holy man. She lifted her habit exposing her ample breasts and lowered her panties to show her pussy. With a sultry voice she asked “Have you even had a woman like this?”

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By the bulge under his garments, she knew she had made an impression. Cardinal Schwantz said “If I took advantage of your offer you would be breaking your vows.”

“No one would know” Sister Fellatia said. “We are alone and it would be our secret.”

Your author will not detail how many times Sister Fellatia violated her vows that night but she learned that being a nun had been a major misstep in her life.

And while they were not caught in their vile actions, before Cardinal Schwantz left the convent he told the mother superior that Sister Fellatia had ‘tried’ to seduce him and must be punished for her sins.

That night, Mother Superior poured over what she should do about Sister Fellatia.

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She said to her assistant “If I do the proper thing and punish her for her acts, it will bring shame on the convent.”

Her assistant Sister Joan Tree lights up a smoke and takes a bottle of the devil’s brew and says “Imagine the shame brought on the convent if Sister Fellatia would be carrying his baby? Can you imagine the shame if you covered up her actions and she bore his baby?”

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This left Mother Superior no choice but to have Sister Fellatia to Fornacatia Abbey to be tried and a suitable punishment given to the wayward nun. She has no idea Sister Joan has never liked Sister Fellatia since she came to the convent and would love nothing more than to see her suffer the punishments of the church.

That night, Sister Fellatia is stripped of her habit except for her veil. She is made to kneel before the head disciplinarian Sister Rosa Flagellum who berates her with select quotes from the bible selected to reenforce what a vile sinner Sister Fellatia is. Sister Fellatia does not mention how wet her thighs are getting with each quote Sister Rose Flagellum reads.

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After Sister Rosa Flagellum finishes with her berating of her, Sister Fellatia does not get any rest. A rotation of nuns keep watch over her through the night. They discuss her sins in third person as if she was not there. At one point one of the nuns discuss her attempt to seduce Cardinal Schwantz. Sister Fellatia cannot take it anymore and says “I did not attempt to seduce him. I fucked him throughout the night!”

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The nuns crossed themselves and began to pray Sister Fellatia’s confession of her fornication gets to Fornacatia Abbey so she can be properly punished for her sins.

The next morning a pair of constables come by to pick up Sister Fellatia. They escort the naked woman to the caged wagon she will be transported to Fornicatia Abbey in.

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They look over her bare body and one of them says “I can’t wait to see what they do to this one…”
Fellatia- no longer ‘Sister Fellatia’; she was expelled from the order when she was accused of her perverted acts- is loaded on the prison cart for the trip to Fornacatia Abbey where she will be tried. In the day, a trial was more of a sentencing affair. One must be guilty of whatever they have been accused of but the trial was done to give the accused an appropriate sentence for their crimes.

The trip from the convent to the abbey was a little more than seventy miles (a bit more than 112 kilometers) that in the modern world would take a bit more than an hour to cover in a car. The prison cart would take a bit longer with its single horse dragging the heavy wooden-wheeled wagon over the barely paved roads. The trip would take much of the day. The constables were not paid well but they had something to pass the time during the trip. Since Fellatia was no longer a nun there was nothing to keep them from enjoying the fruits of their prisoner.

They chained Fellatia’s hands behind her back and whenever they felt like it, they took advantage of their prisoner.

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Fellatia found the difference between the fuck she had desired and what being raped by the men who held her as their prisoner was.

They arrived at Fornacatia Abbey in the late evening. Because of evening prayers and other things the priests did with the nuns stationed there, Fellatia’s trial would be delayed till the following morning. The journey- between the rough roads, the time it took, and the seemingly tireless fucking she had been subjected to- had worn her out. She stood on the wagon’s deck a meter above the ground.

One of the constables said “A whore that fucks like you do should be able to jump down from there.”

Fellatia did not know what ‘whore’ meant but figured it was a compliment for the way she had sex with the men. In a tired voice she says “The trip has worn me out. Could you help me get down?”

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Had she been a male prisoner they would have made her jump. Instead the constables each grabbed one of Fellatia’s legs and their free hands copped a feel of her naked loins.

A little trivia here… back in Fellatia’s time the church was not only the people’s connection to their god but it was in many places the law of the land. Even in kingdoms the king still had to answer to the church.

The sun rises but Fellatia must wait till the clerics’ morning prayers and breakfast are done before she is brought before their count. She is given no consideration that she was nun and in brought naked with her hands bound before the court. Though she has been before many men she has never been brought this way before a group of regally dressed cleric. She is knelt before the civilian judge (the church does not want to appear to judge anyone until their afterlife).

The judge in a matter-of-fact tone says to Fellatia “If the lady will please suck my cock.”

“What?!?!?!” Fellatia exclaims.

“His penis, dear girl, the judge wants you to suck his penis until he ejaculates in your mouth” one of the monsignors says.

“I don’t do things like that” Fellatia says.

“M’lady, you were well known as an accomplished cock-sucker before you entered the convent. Now please suck the judge’s penis” the monsignor says. “If you refuse, we have ways to convince you it is in your best interest to do so.”

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Fellatia had been disciplined at convent for small infractions of the rules there. She always thought it would be exciting to have a nun discipline her until she was brought to the convent’s cellar and stripped and bound to be whipped.

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It was not a pleasant experience as the kindest looking sister demonstrated she knew how to use a whip!

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I decide to suck the judge’s pecker. I take his hard shaft into my mouth and ram it as deep as I can. My tongue massages his flesh, and he gets harder. Suddenly one of the priests grabs the back of my head so I cannot withdraw my face from his shaft. Damn it, I know how to suck cock. I have been doing it for years!

I feel him start to pulse. A load of his cum fills my mouth and runs down my throat. I swallow everything as my head is pulled back.

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I hope I pleased him. I fear my life is in his hands… -Fellatia
Fellatia’s trial rapidly reached its conclusion, but the verdict was not announced yet. The judge stated he had to consider the evidence presented against her. In reality it was lunch time and he wished to screw with Fellatia’s mind.

She sat bound in the courtroom while the judge pondered her fate. Fellatia had no doubt his decision would not be kind to her. The charges were severe and her own admission she had done considerably more than tried to seduce Cardinal Schwantz. She had the horrible image of her being hanged in Fornacatia Abbey’s courtyard.

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Soon the judge came into the room. He addressed Fellatia with a stern cold voice. “Fellatia, you have been charged with violating your vows of chastity. This would not even come to the court’s attention. Your expulsion from the convent would usually be sufficient punishment. But by your own words, you not only seduced a man of the cloth but tempted him enough to fornicate with you. And in this court, in your attempt to gain our mercy, you have by your actions have demonstrated you have certainly used your skills on more than a man of church.

“Therefore I sentence you to be put to death. You shall be brought to the square where you will be bound to a stake when you will be burned to death!”

Fellatia looks around the room.

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No one has anything but a serious face. Her mind began to race as she imagined being bound naked to the post before they lit a fire around her.

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She attempts to stand but falls against some furnishings.

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In a weak but frightened voice Fellatia whimpers “You can’t be serious…”
Fellatia was tried on Tuesday and sentenced to be put to death by being burned at a stake. She was placed in the town’s jail. It is a filthy place as the usual occupants were the night time’s drunks or the men that would be hanged the next day. The drunks didn’t care about the messy cells, often contributing to the filth when they vomited what was left of getting them drunk and the town’s officials did not care what the condemned men thought about the cell’s condition since they would be hanged after their night’s stay. Fellatia kept near the barred door, the cleanest place in the cell.

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She wondered what it would be like to be tied to the stake and be burned to death. She looked down at her naked body and wondered what it would feel like as the flames kissed her flesh.

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She knew fire could boil water but also burn wood. Would she boil or burn? She didn’t know.

Wednesday, she heard noises outside the jail. She climbed up the ledge to look out the barred window. It was awkward with the shackles locked around her ankles. She peered out and saw villagers stacking wood and straw around a post standing in the square.

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All the details of her trial had not been given to the people such as she had actual had sex with Cardinal Schwantz. It was sufficient that they knew she had to seduce him while she was a nun. Such details where enough to make the villagers believe Fellatia was a witch and that burning her was the only proper way to execute her. The town’s people were doing their duty building the pyre she would be burned on.

The town’s constables took great pleasure binding Felletia and putting a viel on her head.

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Bull and archer made her suck their manhood (they dare not fuck a condemned witch). They told Fellatia if she did a good job sucking their cocks, they would make sure she suffered as little as possible before she died being burned at the stake.

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Fellatia did not believe they could ease the tortures of being burned to death, but she knew how to suck cocks and if they could hasten her death, a mouthful of their cum was a small price to pay.

On Thursday, Fellatia is bound and brought to sit naked on a haybale situated in front of the pile she will stand on tomorrow and be torched. The town’s people came by to gawk at the woman that would be burned to death tomorrow. Executions were a big social event but usually they were men being hanged with their pants pulled down to expose their limp cocks swaying between their legs as they choked to death hanging by their necks.

Even when it was a woman being put to death, her dress would be opened down to her waist so everyone could see her nipples harden while she hanged by her neck. But Fellatia’s execution was different. She had been accused of being a witch and must be executed like one. It had been many decades since a witch had been burned and even longer since one as beautiful a Fellatia.

Sitting on the haybale as naked as Fellatia is was a humiliating thing. She was on display so all could see the woman that would be torched tomorrow. The hay itched against her bare rump and pricked at her pussy. With her hands bound there was nothing she could do about it. Additionally, there was a correspondent that traveled all the way from the capital to cover her execution.

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He was an annoying man who wanted to know how she tried to seduce Cardinal Schwantz, how she felt about her trial and being condemned to death, and if she would ‘cry like a little girl’ as the flames burned her body.

That night, Sister Angel came all the way from Brampton to see Fellatia. She was scouting out the town so when the archbishop of the Cruxton Abbey arrived she could comfortably show him whatever he needed to find. She looked over Fellatia’s bare body and says “You will look wonderful burning at the stake.”

Fellatia asked “You have seen women burned?”

“Of course! In Brampton we burn women for letting their men get drunk or parking their carriage where it shouldn’t be” Sister Angel replies. “they are usually clothed when they are burned but yours will be change of pace with you being tied to the post naked.”

“They are clothed when they are burned” Fellatia asks. “Why must I be naked?”

“They are clothed when the fire is lit but their clothing burns away. They all die naked” Sister Angel says. “But you were a nun when you committed your sins so you have been sentenced to die like the witch you must be. You must be naked when you are burned.”

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“It will draw a crowd for sure. If it were me they were burning naked, with my little breasts, not even half the people would show up to see me burned.”

Friday morning, Friar Phuque comes to get Fellatia ready for her execution. He grabs her wrists and says “Hands behind your back. You are a condemned criminal, not a nun!”

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As he ties her wrists behind her back, Fellitia asks “Are you about to burn me?”

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“Not till this evening. There is quite a crowd out there already and they a closer look at who they are going to see burned.”

So Fellatia was sat on a stool naked but for the cap they gave her to wear and the rope binding her hands behind her back. She sat that way the whole day under the hot sun as people passed making grotesque comments about how good she’d look as the flames kissed her flesh and how her breasts would shake as she tries to escape the fire that will kill her.

As the sun crept towards the horizon, a pair of men grabbed her arms and said “It is time to tie you to the stake. These people want to see you burn.”

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Fellatia is not sure if she came or peed a little as they lift her to her feet…
I suggest, since they are both present for the execution (as usual), the journalist could take an interview from the Archbishop, to settle things?:periodico:
It would keep both blighters out of the way and let Tree get on with business, I guess... :rolleyes:
Fellatia is taken to the pyre to be burned to death. The rocks pathing the path hurt her feet. The crowd shouts cruel jeers at her. All seem pleased she is about to suffer the terrible punishment for her sins. Fellatia keeps a brave façade on her face. Though her gut is knotted with fear, she will not give them the pleasure of knowing that.

A wooden ladder is laid on the pile of wood and hay. With her hands bound and guards helping her climb the stack, the ladder was placed there so she can easily climb the wood. They did not want her to injure herself before they lit the fire.

On top of the pyre, Fellatia is tied to the post with her hands behind the pole. A guard more than twice her age looks admiringly at her. He says “I was your age when we last burned a witch. You weren’t even born yet. It is good that old traditions haven’t died.”

Fellatia looks down at the bulge in his trousers and asks “Did you get a hard pecker back then?”

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“Certainly did” he replies. “And it is a blessing the old tool still gets like this!”

Bound to the post the is no escaping what they are about to do to her. Friar Phuque climbs the pyre and gropes at her bare breasts.

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“You have used these as a tool of the devil but the fire will punish you for your sins and send you to the fires of hell for eternity!”

“You filthy bastard” Felletia hisses, spitting as she talks. “You entered the church because no woman would have you. Are my breasts the first you have even touched?”

Friar Phuque says something in Latin that was not wishing Fellatia’s sins be forgiven and she spends her afterlife in heaven. It was good none of town folk understood what he said. He climbs from the pyre and declares Fellatia has been prepared to burn.

She looks down at the crowd below her. There is not a sympathetic face among them. They yell damnations at her and wishes she suffers terribly as she burns to death.

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With the last ounce of bravery she has, Fellatia yells down to the crowd “I did not choose to be a nun. Your courts forced me into the life. I wanted a normal life. To be wed and have children. I wanted the joys of sexual intercourse, and it was one of your church’s leaders that showed me what I was missing. If I have sinned I did so with a man of your church.”

Fellatia thrusts her breasts out.

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“If I am a sinner, light the fire and burn me to death. I am tired of all the pretend piousness here. So kill me by burning this body He created!”

Below Fellatia, Archbishop Wragg’ who traveled to the town all the way from the Cruxton Abbey in Brampton, declares “This woman has grievously sinned and ignored the vows she had taken. A court of her peers has found her guilty of all charges. They declared she is a witch concealed in her religious gowns. It is not in the powers of the church to question their decision. Executer, you may light the pyre!’

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The torch is lowered to a patch of hay near the pyre’s base. Fellatia’ fear grows. Although the heat has not reached her yet, she knows once the wood catches, she will suffer the unbearable heat of the fire.

Two of the nuns from her convent watch the fire grow. One nun says “It is a shame to burn her to death. I kind of liked her.”

Mother Superior says “She is the devil’s whore. It is only proper she is executed this way!”

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Behind them, Cardinal Schwantz watches the fire grow beneath Fellitia. He dabs his mouth and thinks ‘I hope the woman dances as well on the fire as she did in bed.’

As the fire grows, Fellatia begins to move to avoid the heat of the flames. Some of the town’s women watch her are amazed at the pain the fire is inflicting on Fellatia. One of them says “This is cruel. She is in such pain. Is this necessary?”

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Joan tree looks at the woman in disbelief. Scolding her she says “She is being burned to death. It damn well better hurt!”

The fire grows but has yet to reach Fellatia’s skin. She tries to pull away from the post but the ropes and chains hold her and stops her escape. She leans forward and cries “The heat is killing me!”

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If she was lucky the heat would kill her before the flames reached her body but that is not the case. Her skin reddens as the flames dance across her body. Blisters form and grow before they burst into a steamy mist. Her flesh cracks as the heat burns it. She cries out “Just kill me! I can’t take anymore!”

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But no one moves to spare her from the flames. The same fire causing her such pain will be her salvation from it…
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