I was going through my archives again last night and came across the raw footage for another Dr. Squalus film I'd commissioned but never played around with (one of my hobbies is editing my own versions of films). The story is that Petra/CRY plays a freelance journalist doing a story about the exciting work being done at Squalus Laboratories. To get close to her story, she offers her body for an experiment, so Dr. Squalus assigns her to test how human blood handles oxygen in negative-g environments. How does Dr. Squalus test this? By tying the "specimen" upside down to a cross and draining blood into a jar. If the blood is red, it has oxygen!
But don't worry about the journalist. Dr. Squalus has a miracle ointment that will heal all wounds.
Here are some screenshots of my version of the film, wherein the specimen is being raised into position to begin the experiment.