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Final thoughts of Anna

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Crucifier of Pixels
Final thoughts of Anna

An experiment/hanging story by Crumera
(something else then the usual pics of crucified women)

They promised they would give her a minute to pray before they would hang her.
But she felt herself being lifted painfully by the noose around her neck

Anna's eyes snapped open with the jolting realization that she indeed was dangling from the thick rope,
the soles of her bare feet barely brushing the cold, hard ground.
The rough fibers bit into her skin, sending sharp jolts of pain up her arms
as she struggled against the binds that held her wrists firmly in place.
Her breaths shallow, each inhale and exhale a painful reminder of the slow closing noose around her neck..
She stretched her legs and feet out as far as she can

Even the tip of her toes no longer able to touch the ground.
She felt angry they pulled her up without her being ready,
then realizes there is nothing she could do about it.
She hears people cheering and applauding
Her legs develop to have a mind of their own.

The world around her is now a blur of distorted shapes and muted colors.
She could feel the panic rising in her chest, she didn't want to die!
Not now and not like this!
Her legs kicked out wildly, searching for any semblance of footing that they could cling to.

The sound of her own choking gasps filled her ears, a macabre noise that will grow louder,
as her body's desperate need for oxygen becomes more urgent.
She felt the noose tighten, cutting into her neck and throats skin,
a searing reminder of the noose's unforgiving and deadly embrace.
The pain grew more intense, her arms straining .against the ropes binding them together

Above her, the wooden beam that held her up was a stark and unforgiving sight.
It hovers in her line of vision, a silent sentinel to the horror that had become her reality.
She could see the grains of the timber.
The world spun around her, a dizzying dance of light and dark,
or was she herself twirling.
The creaking sound of the rope being stretched by her bodies weight irritates her
The panic grew stronger, drowned out the distant murmurs of the crowd gathered to witness her demise.
She could feel her heart pounding against her ribs,
a frantic drumbeat that matched the tempo of her racing thoughts.
Why was she here? What had she done to deserve this? She could not remember it

Her wide open eyes stinging , she blinked hard taking away the irritation of her dry eyes.
The reality of her situation was undeniable.
Her legs grew heavier with each futile kick,
the strength draining from her body like sand slipping through an hourglass.
The edges of her vision grew darker with each passing second,
Her vision narrowed to a pinpoint, the darkness edging closer, eager to claim her.

The noose tightened further, and she felt a pop in her neck,
a sickening release of pressure followed by a sudden surge of pain that normally would made her scream.
For a moment she thinks her neck has broken.
Her thoughts turned to her loved ones,
the ones she had left behind, the ones she would never get to hold again.
Her grandfathers gentle smile, her sisters warm laughter, her mothers soft.....
They were all fading fast now, becoming distant echoes in the abyss that was closing in.

Her legs stopped kicking, and she hung there still, immersed in a world of pain and fear.
The room around her grew even quieter, the murmurs of the crowd fading into the background.
The only sound was the harsh rasp the little air made as it past her closing throat.
The air her heaving chest still could suck into her lungs.
Time stretched out, each moment feeling like an eternity as she dangled between life and death.

An eerie calm settled over her, a strange serenity in the face of the inevitable.
Anna closed her eyes and tried to take one more painful breath,
then focusing on the raw burning feeling of the rope against her neck.
It was a morbid embrace, she knew she couldn't escape. Her mind drifted

She felt the tension in her body ease slightly, her muscles no longer fighting against the inescapable.
The darkness grew, swallowing her vision whole,
leaving only a pinprick of light that grew smaller and smaller until it was nothing but a memory.

The pain grew even more intense, a crushing vice around her throat.
Amidst the agony, she began losing control of her mind .
Her heartbeat still loud in her ears slowed down to a crawl

The noose squeezed even tighter around her throat,
it finally crushed the windpipe, a cruel reminder that her time was almost up.
The rope had almost become unwanted part of her,
an undeniable extension of her very being.
The sounds grew dimmer as well, the noise of the world outside receding into the distance.
Only the pain of the rope holding her up, while also strangling her,
and the awful stretching feeling of her neck pulled by the weight of her body remained
Her body hung limp, her lungs no longer fighting to get air .

The fire of pain had transformed into a dull throb,
a pulsing rhythm that matched the slowing of her heart.
Anna felt the warmth of her lifeblood retreating from her limbs,
leaving them cold and heavy as the last of her strength drained away.
Her hands, once balled into tight fists minutes ago , now hung open, fingers slack.

The darkness grew, swelling until it was all she knew.
It felt like a pressure that crushed her mind from every direction.
Her consciousness flickered like a candle in the wind, there was a silent explosion of light.
It was a piercing, blinding white that shattered the velvet blackness like a pane of glass.
The world around her was gone, replaced by a brilliant,
searing radiance that washed over her, cleansing away the pain and fear.

The lawman announced her demise to the crowd five minutes later:
" Anna from Boston traitor to the realm, hanged for her many crimes is dead!"
His voice becomes softer:" She will hang for 6 hours more, she is taken down around sunset."
Even more silent: "Anyone willing to claim her body and pay for her funeral come see me in my office."

Quite different and without pics I think this belongs in this forum instead of my timetravel mostly crux thread.
Like it and want me to do this kind of stories more often? Let me know
Last edited:
Final thoughts of Anna

An experiment/hanging story by Crumera
(something else then the usual pics of crucified women)

Quite different and without pics I think this belongs in this forum instead of my timetravel mostly crux thread.
Like it and want me to do this kind of stories more often? Let me know

Yes that was definitely pretty hot and well versed. I would love to see more of this type so long as you enjoy writing such scenarios
Final thoughts of Anna

The lawman announced her demise to the crowd five minutes later:
" Anna from Boston traitor to the realm, hanged for her many crimes is dead!"
His voice becomes softer:" She will hang for 6 hours more, she is taken down around sunset."
Even more silent: "Anyone willing to claim her body and pay for her funeral come see me in my office."

Quite different and without pics I think this belongs in this forum instead of my timetravel mostly crux thread.
Like it and want me to do this kind of stories more often? Let me know
Anna's hanging was enjoyed by the crowd. She certainly deserved such an brutal execution... Though Anna might have disagreed...
hang 263 C 2.jpg
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