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For Dorothy...

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Well you have me stumped Mr. Tree, hands tied behind my back, the only way i can think is to rub my pussy up and down on his cock, trouble with that is, he will fuck me and heaven only knows where that will lead
He would like that but Mrs. Brown is really more clever than that...

Stoke up the fireplace and be ready for the next set...


...tomorrow... Central Standard Time...

...Yes, Ulrika, it is something like GMT6...
My night was not going as planned… at least from my perspective. I stood near naked on tired legs with ankles wobbling to stay over the red heels. There’s a monster plug filling my bum, a rope around my neck, cum drying in my hair and on my face and body, and my hands cuffed behind my back and I was supposed to finger myself for the entertainment of a few dozen rich people that would probably prefer I failed to come.

I tried reaching around my hip but with the short chain of the handcuffs I could barely reach my pussy.


Then I tried reaching between my legs and found the tip of my finger landed right on my happy button.


It wasn’t easy because with my legs apart and my back arched I was damn near hanging myself and it was hard to keep my footing on the smooth concrete floor. At times I would have only a toe on the floor that kept me from spinning and I’d hang by my neck.


I had to be careful not to pass out as I was sure they would revive me only long enough to hang me for good! I couldn’t make out what guests were saying and didn’t care. I had to come if I wanted to live!!!

I glanced at the masked faces watching me and wondered if they could hear my finger slurping through my wet pussy…

Now that is a new one, My Happy Button. and i have one too, lucky girl i am. next time i see a gleam in my husbands eyes i will tell him to press my Happy Button, Oh Mr. Tree, You Are A One
well happy button is a new one on me , i can`t wait to use it on Hubby ,i can just imagine his face when i say push my happy button darling, or as in America Honey, his cock will grow at an amazing rate
well happy button is a new one on me , i can`t wait to use it on Hubby ,i can just imagine his face when i say push my happy button darling, or as in America Honey, his cock will grow at an amazing rate
and how about your eyes to see that device growing?
Oh Admihoek. they will open very wide and my voice with grow husky , then when i have it in my hand i will start to tremble, showing him i am ready,it always happens that way, the magic is still there

I'm envious of your, sure beautiful, stallion:rolleyes:
If you were my husband i would do the same for you, Admihoek ,i don`t think there would be a lot of sex with Mr. Tree, we would be to busy playing kinky games, he is a love

:D i have a nice wife too, but we would (both) sometimes like to be a forty years younger :rolleyes: otherwise we are proud with our grandchilderen:D
…and I make. The rope has not started its ascent when a powerful climax wracks my body! I can barely stand. The rush of my climax is magnified by the rope around my neck and the dozens of people watching me. The waves rushing through me seem to never end. I am exhausted and even though my night didn’t go as I had wished I would be quite content to stop now. I am soaked in sweat and still covered with cum and my legs tremble.

“Dorothy Brown has shown us what a dirty, horny slut she truly is” ‘Sir’s voice says over the speakers. “We will leave her here while we have cocktails before we clean her up and send her on her way.”

“Why bother cleaning the filthy cunt?” a woman’s voice demands. She is somewhere in the room with me but I can’t see her in the shadows. “Let’s just send her on her way.”

I hear a click then winch in the darkness above me. The noose begins to tighten and I scream “Please, don’t do this to me!”

The winch stops just as I lift on my toes. Sir is in the room when he says “My word is good. Come, let’s get a drink and if she disappoints me later I’ll let you hang the cunt.”

The lights in the gallery dim as they file out. I am standing on my toes with a noose around my neck with a single spotlight on me. If I try to rest my calves I feel the rope tighten around my neck and it doesn’t loosen when I lift up! I realize by the time the heels of my shoes reach the floor I may have strangled myself! God, I hope they drink fast!
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Do you know Mr. Tree you must be reading my mind, i had a video sent online of a fantasy hanging with the girl kicking like crazy and i find myself in the same position when i wake up this morning, just hang me to passing out ,bring me back and keep doing it again, and i promise you i will orgasm every time, my husband is becoming redundant
Redundancy is good... Just keep testing your back-up system to make sure Jimmy is ready when you need him...

They aren’t drinking fast enough! My legs can’t take anymore. My calves are cramping and my ankles grow weak. The noose has tightened about my neck enough that I can feel my blood hammer beneath the rope with each beat of my heart. As the rope tightens my heels get closer to the floor. The shoes are tapping on the concrete beneath them but my heels are a half inch above the shoes! Dare I try to give my legs relief?

Another crisis I have is my bowels and guts are cramping badly. If not for the massive plug in my bum which feels like a bowling ball the ‘ejaculate enema’ they gave me would have shit spraying down my legs. God I wish I had not eaten supper!

(Editor’s note- In addition to lubricating Dorothy’s bum in preparation for her anal rape and the plug, the devious lady slipped a laxative suppository into Miss Brown’s bowels that has just dissolved and is causing her much grief.)

Oh No, So Humilating, i`m going to have shit running down my legs , shooting the plug out and hitting the bitch who made me like this right in her tummy, but yummy my shit followed shooting out so hard she got covered , i`m shitting and giggling at the same time
...it is more humiliating than that but if I don't get the next picture done you know until tomorrow...

Dorothy, why are your fingers all wet???

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