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Frances Kugelnscheiden, delivers and serves justice

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Frances and her lover Sandy Luslipz moved to northwest Arkansas shortly after winning the lottery in their west coast state. It seems the taxes on their winnings and the investments they made with them were too much for the liberal pair. They adapted quickly to the life in the Ozark Mountains, even if they found the mountains more like foothills compared to the mountains back home. They were well-accepted by the people in their new state, despite their unusual lifestyle.

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Not wanting to offend the neighbors, Frances and Sandy kept their love under wraps the best they could. They kept most of their intimate behavior behind the doors of their home.

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Things changed one day when a prominent banker and philanthropist was found murdered. The papers covered I. P. Knightly’s murder heavily but left out a lot of the details’

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Mr. Knightly was a wealthy and handsome man who took a shining to Sandy. She was flattered by his attention but refused any and all of his advances as she was very much in love with Frances. This infuriated Mr. Knightly, a man used to getting whatever ever he desired.

One even when Frances was out of town, Mr. Knightly broke into the women’s home and had his way with Sandy.

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He violently vented his anger on Sandy, taking sexual advantages of the defenseless woman.

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Later that evening he took Sandy to some property he owned and made sure she would not report his actions to the authorities.

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It was shortly after this Mr. Knightly was found dead and Frances Kugelnscheiden was arrested for his murder.

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Frances was booked and her mugshot was taken before she was placed in jail to await her trial.

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She hired the best attorney she could find to take her case…
Frances and her lover Sandy Luslipz moved to northwest Arkansas shortly after winning the lottery in their west coast state. It seems the taxes on their winnings and the investments they made with them were too much for the liberal pair. They adapted quickly to the life in the Ozark Mountains, even if they found the mountains more like foothills compared to the mountains back home. They were well-accepted by the people in their new state, despite their unusual lifestyle.

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She hired the best attorney she could find to take her case…
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!!! T. H. Tree, Esq. no doubt. :eek:
Frances’ trial opens with the bailiff reading the charges filed against her. In addition to murdering I. P. Knightly, One of the prosecutors describes how Frances “cut his penis and scrotum off and while he was bleeding to death, she stuffed his dismembered body parts in his mouth. Because of the vomit in his mouth and around his removed body parts, it appears she did such an act to silence his cries of anguish.”

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Frances’ attorney whispers to her “You cut his balls and pecker off and stuffed them in his mouth to shut him up?”

“He wouldn’t stop screaming” Frances whispers back.

“I guess not if he just had his balls cut off” her attorney says a little too loudly.

The prosecutor continued “…and the State will present the assailing weapon with the defendant’s bloody fingerprints still on them.”

Tree turns to Frances and says “You didn’t even wash the weapon?”

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“I was in a bit of a hurry” Frances growls in barely a whisper.

The trial lasts most of the day. Mr. Tree argues Mr. Knightly’ ‘untimely death’ was an act to reparation for Miss Luslipz rape and murder by Mr. Knightly. He was shot down as neither the deceased woman or Frances Kugelnscheiden even reported such a rape to the authorities and Sandy Luslipz body was too decomposed when it was discovered to prove she had been sexually assaulted prior to her demise.

“Besides” the judge added “we don’t take kindly to revenge crimes here in Arkansas.”

The day dragged on and Tree tried to throw shadows on I. P. Knightly’s character only to have his remarks stricken from the court’s record. Still he hoped he had cast some doubts on Mr. Knightly’s reputation and given Miss Kugelnscheider some hope for a lighter sentence if he could not win her acquittal.

It was nearly four in the afternoon when the judge called Tree and the head prosecutor to his bench. The judge looked worn from the day’s proceedings.

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He says softly but firmly “It has been a long day. And Mr. Tree, while I struck over half of what you said from the court’s record, that does not mean I did not hear what you wanted to present to the court. I am going to ponder what was presented to the court- even remarks that were stricken from its record and tomorrow I will render my verdict and my sentence if it is necessary. I presume you both agree…”

Court closed with the bailiff announcing a verdict will be read in the morning’s proceedings. He announces as the prime suspect, Frances Kugelnshkeiden would be held overnight in the Logan County jail.

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He added “The defendant will not take or answer any questions…”
That night, the judge pondered all that had happened at Frances’ trial. Although Tree’s remarks had been stricken from the court’s records, they had not been erased from his head. He drank a little and confided with his wife. He was sure Frances had killed I. P. Knightly in a most brutal way but still the idea that her actions were done in reparation for acts Knightly had done rang in his mind. His wife was sympathetic to his dilemma. She tried to comfort him the best way she could.

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At one point she said “If the bitch cut your cock off, I’d send her to death row, no matter what you had done to her friend.”

The next morning Frances was led into court. Although she wore an innocent-looking white outfit, the cuffs on her wrists suggested the state still considered her a most dangerous suspect.

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The judge briefed the lawyers but did not reveal his decision. Frances was seated before the judge’s bench as the judge handed the bailiff his verdict. The bailiff read it over before reading it aloud. In a most solemn voice, he said “His honor had consulted with experts on Miss Kugelnshieden’s case and has reached his decision. He regrets to say he has found Frances Kugelnscheiden guilty not only of murdering I. P. Knightly, but the desecration of his body in order to murder him and the heinous act of forcing his own dismembered parts into his mouth in order to silence him permanently. Miss Kugelnscheiden is here by sentenced to death and will be sent to the state’s women’s prison for her sentence to be carried out, pending the rejection of all her appeals, of course.

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Frances looks up in disbelief. She tries to defend herself repeating I. O. Knightly had raped and murdered her lover but the court police were undeterred and cuffed her hands behind her and escorted her from the courtroom.

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By the reaction of the crowd, the seemed pleased this woman was sentenced to what she deserved.

A few hours later, Frances looked out of the car window that was transporting her. She was silenced as she saw the dark foreboding building where she would spend her last days alive.

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Inside things would not get any better for her…
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