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Frances Kugelnscheiden, delivers and serves justice

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Saturday morning…

An officer from the state’s department of corrections come to see Frances in her cell. He is neatly dressed, looking as official as he could. He is most polite as he explains the situation to Frances. “Ms. Kugelnscheiden, you have been sentenced to be executed by being hanged by you neck until you are dead. Your appeals have been heard in the State’s courts and have been rejected. Federal courts have refused to hear your appeals. Therefore, you will be hanged by your neck at six o’clock this evening until you are dead. You will be prepared for your execution before you are hanged. Do you have any questions?”

“The courts don’t care what Knightly did to Sandy” Frances asks.

“M’lady, revenge is not an excuse for what you did to Mr. Knightly” the man replies. “I am sorry, but your life will be terminated this evening.”

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Later in the morning an officer from the prison comes for Frances. He has her turn her back to him and cuffs her hands. Frances asks “What do you have to do to make me ready to be hanged?”

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“I have no idea” the guard says. “I didn’t even work here the last time a woman was executed.” He walks Frances down the dark halls of the prison. They climb a set of stairs and come to a clean, well-lit hall. A matron takes Frances from the male guard and says “This shouldn’t take more than a couple hours” and leads Frances towards the women’s infirmary.

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“What are you going to do to me” Frances asks.

“I’m just a guard but I hear they want you looking good on the gallows” the matron says.

In the infirmary, Frances is greeted by Ms. Hardknocker, the supervisor of the maximum-security section. Frances again asks “What are you going to do to get me ready to be…”

Ms. Hardknocker grabs Frances by her neck and says “Whatever the fuck I want to. I only have to make sure you can walk on your power when you get to the gallows.

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Hardknocker parks Frances on a stool and get a pair of shears. She begins cutting half the length of her hair off and says “You know they are filming your hanging. Mr. Sharp wants to make sure everyone can see you face while you hang from the noose.”

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Hardknocker finishes cutting Frances’ hair and grabs an electric clipper. She begins trimming Frances’ pubic bush and says “This isn’t necessary, but you should look your best when you are hanging by your neck. Don’t worry, I won’t cut you.”

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It is hardly a neat shave but much of Frances’ mound is removed.

She has Frances kneel on a table and locks a collar around her neck. Frances squeals as a plastic tube is pushed into her ass. Hardknocker mounts a bag of liquid on a pole near Frances’ butt and opens a spigot. Frances hisses “What are you doing?” as warm liquid floes into her bowels.

“It is an enema, dear. I’d hate for you to shit while you are hanging by your neck” Hardknocker says.

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Ms. Hardknocker inflates the plug in Frances’ ass and sits down and looks at the fall catalog from Nailus Martyrs looking for new ‘supplies’ she might find useful for disciplining women prisoners held at the prison. She lights up a cigarette and says to Frances “It will be an hour before I let you shit. Relax and enjoy your enema.”

An hour later, Hardknocker puts on rubber gloves that cover her hands and arms up to her elbows. She doesn’t bother to deflate the plug, instead rips the plug from Frances’ ass. Even though there is a trough between Frances’ legs, the volley of shit splatters everywhere.

Hardknocker says “I’m glad I am not the custodian that has to clean up after you.”

She takes Frances to a scale and has her stand on it. She asks “What do you weigh?”

Frances does not answer. She figures if the prison bitch wants to know, she can look for herself. Hardknocker sternly says again “What do you weigh? Tell me now or I can give you another enema.”

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Not wanting to experience that again, Frances barely whispers her weight. Ms. Hardknocker says “I can’t hear you!”

In a loud huff, Frances says “One hundred and nine pounds.”

Ms. Hardknocker is pleased. “Your records say you weigh a hundred and twenty pounds. You lost eleven pounds. You will last a little longer when you are hanging by your neck!”

A guard takes Frances to a holding cell where they will wait until it is time to take her to the gallows. He fishes in his pocket and pulls out a ‘Madame Wu’ and gives it to Frances. He lights it for her and says “The chaplain says this might help you wait.”

Frances takes a drag and says “Are you going to watch the hang me?”

He says “I’ll be on duty but don’t know where they will have me stationed.”

Frances takes another drag and says “You don’t know if you will see me hanging by my neck?”

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He looks down at her and admits “I got a front row assignment. I can’t wait to see you dance around and your tits shake as the noose chokes the hell out of you.”

At the same time, Professor Moore is in Warden Corderaide’s office. They are having an argument as the warden does not Barbara Moore to see Frances’ hanging and writing her slanted review of her execution. The warden says “I don’t have to let you see her hanging. I can keep you out of the yard.”

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“I don’t think so. I have an invitation from Spike Sharp not only to see her hanged, but I can be on the platform when you do her. And you won’t be able to stop me writing about what I see…”
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