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Girls With Whipmarks

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étonner < OFr estonner < Latin attonare < *ad-tonare, literally 'to thunderstrike' like Jove did with his thunderbolts.​
English cognates are 'stun', 'astonish' and 'astound'​
I'm sure Fantasmo's whip would 'stun' us girls,​
in more senses than one!​
But............Fantasmo is not Arabic ?????
But............Messa is Blond, sure !!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:
I'm sure Fantasmo's whip would 'stun' us girls,​
in more senses than one!​
A "kiss" for this nice compliment...


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As a pedantic (cunning) linguist, j'ai ébloui at your etymological erudition!​

we cater for all kinks on CruxForums,​
even Romance Philology​
(but only between consenting adults)​


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    A Thrashing Like when sharks smell blood these girls are driven into a whipping frenzy.png
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Yes, in my former life as eulalia of Barcleona, I was indeed crucified on an X-cross​
In the recent film, The Martyrdom of St Eulalia, aka Martyr, upside-down too:​
And in Arcimboldo's classic:​
There is a art to using a whip, without breaking the skin. I have never broken the skin:)
Depending on what kind of whip one is using, the "art" is more or less challenging ;)
But the coin has a second side: Many fantasize about experiencing it once, and then its an even more delicate art to cut lightly only...

More generally said, the art is being able to control exactly what the whip is doing imho.
And there are so many different types of whips that I would say that nobody is mastering them all to perfection.

(And many, who carry a whip around, don't master it at all, especially if it's bull-whips ;) )
you see Eul is wildly enthusiastic about your idea............. i'll look for some nails and a bullwhip and our Tree is a high qualified carnifex and sxecuteur also we can start................................ in this way perhaps?
and eul I got the first chapter of Quooms storu about Jolanda (see one of them)


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Yes, watching the girl-gymnasts this evening swinging from bars​
has got this girl in the mood for it!;)
(no Tree, not the sort of bars that serve drinks :p )​
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