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Helena's Tale

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A convert associated with an abbey was not unusual... How else would celibate nuns, monks, and priest have sex???:doh:

umm... where does one by tickets for this "Whiskey Train"?

And great to hear Procol Harem. As a young lad the Catholic church tried to get "Whiter Shade of Pale" banned from the radio because they mentioned 'vestal virgins'... needless to say the sales of both the '45s' and the album went through the roof!!! Great to hear the Farfisa organ...

Robin Trower ... Robin Trower ... blah blah blah !!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok! Wine on Xmas is good but need to go to work in the morning.

Good Nite, Helena.

I get near the meadow and peel the simple gown off and hide it in the brush. Picking up the basket I walk the last quarter mile or so to where we will meet. I remember my discussion with the maid Gloria we had before I left…

“I’m going to spend the night outdoors. It may be my last chance before I go to England.”

“I am not going to lie for you, Miss Helena” She said to me.

“Nor would I ask you to. Spend some time in my room then go to bed. If the staff asks just tell them your work is done for the night” I replied.

“I can do that” She said then added “Miss Helena, you have blossomed beautifully this summer. Do get home before your father arrives back tomorrow.”

…I was surprised when she kissed me good-bye. I think she was too. I set the basket down before I walk to the meeting spot and walk the last short distance to the stream.
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My loins… pussy, as Passion calls it… is weeping on my thighs and as Gloria said my breasts are in full blossom with anticipation! Then I see Lust!
“We were taking bets on whether or not you would show” she purrs.

“I hope you were not betting against me!”

“I didn’t bet… just hoped you would be here.”

“I wouldn’t miss it!”

The day was all I could hope for and more! We talked, we played, we caressed, and we made passionate love! Night descends upon us and we build a bonfire and replay the day until Passion, Lust, Joy, and I fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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Morning comes and we throw some logs on the smoldering fire. We don wreaths we had made the night before and do silly dances in the early light. Suddenly from the brush a dozen men emerge and one says “Looks like witches to me…”
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This can’t be good…
I get near the meadow and peel the simple gown off and hide it in the brush. Picking up the basket I walk the last quarter mile or so to where we will meet. I remember my discussion with the maid Gloria we had before I left…

“I’m going to spend the night outdoors. It may be my last chance before I go to England.”

“I am not going to lie for you, Miss Helena” She said to me.

“Nor would I ask you to. Spend some time in my room then go to bed. If the staff asks just tell them your work is done for the night” I replied.

“I can do that” She said then added “Miss Helena, you have blossomed beautifully this summer. Do get home before your father arrives back tomorrow.”

…I was surprised when she kissed me good-bye. I think she was too. I set the basket down before I walk to the meeting spot and walk the last short distance to the stream.
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My loins… pussy, as Passion calls it… is weeping on my thighs and as Gloria said my breasts are in full blossom with anticipation! Then I see Lust!
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“We were taking bets on whether or not you would show” she purrs.

“I hope you were not betting against me!”

“I didn’t bet… just hoped you would be here.”

“I wouldn’t miss it!”

The day was all I could hope for and more! We talked, we played, we caressed, and we made passionate love! Night descends upon us and we build a bonfire and replay the day until Passion, Lust, Joy, and I fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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Morning comes and we throw some logs on the smoldering fire. We don wreaths we had made the night before and do silly dances in the early light. Suddenly from the brush a dozen men emerge and one says “Looks like witches to me…”
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This can’t be good…

Holy Shit...where did they come from?....run girls run!!!....before it's too late......hurry!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I step between the men and my friends and indignantly demand “What are you doing here? Do you know who I am?”

One of the men says “I believe it is Master Wragg’s daughter, Helena! He is either going to be disappointed in you or his head might explode in anger!”

In moments our wrists are bound behind our backs and a rope was fixed around our necks and we were led to one of the stables. We are then bound side by side, arms overhead, to one of the stable’s rafters.
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Joy says “Well, it was fun while it lasted.”

“I’m always up for a new adventure” Lust says trying to lighten the mood.

Passion replies “You don’t understand. If the bishop decides we are witches he could have us burned at the stake. That would be getting off easy! If we live Master Wragg could have us turned over to the evil Dutch slave trader Admi. No telling what happens to the women sold in the Moroccan slave markets!”

“I will talk to my father and try to explain” I say. “He is a reasonable man.”

A pair of men walks in, taking the woman I know as Passion. As they lock her wrists in irons behind her back she looks back at us and says “I’ll see you soon- I hope.”
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I wonder how this could have happened and a knot forms in my gut as I think of the possibility that my maid Gloria is behind this…

I am alone now in the stable. After spending much of the night frolicking and making passionate love and the day standing with my arms bound above my head, I am nearing exhaustion when they come for me. Unlike Passion, Lust, and Joy, my wrists remain bound in front of me and a heavy chain is tightly wrapped around my waist and arms. The men roughly grope my naked body as the bind me as if to reinforce my life of privilege is over. I am led to a side entrance of the mansion I had never noticed before.

I am taken down two flights of stairs that are dimly lit with smoky oil lamps. I have never known much less seen this part of the manor. As I am walked down the stone corridor I look into the vaulted stone rooms. I gasp when I see a woman pushing a bar as she walks in circles with two other women prodding her along with whips!
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I am brought into one of the vaulted chambers, placed on a coarse wood bench, and my ankle is shackled to a short chain anchored to the vault’s stone wall. I sit alone with a single oil lamp barely lighting the stuffy room wondering what has become of my friends.

Soon I hear footsteps approaching from the corridor. A glow from a lantern draws near and someone steps into the chamber. My eyes adjust to the light and I see it is my maid. In just over a whisper I plead “Please tell me you did not send the men.”

Her response is swift and stunning as a strong back-hand slap hits my left jaw jerking my head back and to the right. My head hits the stone wall behind me. I am still dazed when she hisses “I was still a girl when I began changing your diapers. I became a woman raising you as my own, giving up my best years for you and your pampered life. How dare you even suggest I would have you harmed, Helen!!!”

I run my tongue against my left teeth and feel my warm blood in my mouth. I look up at her and say “I am sorry, Gloria! I am scared and confused.”

In a voice much calmer she replies “It is I who owes an apology to you. I lost my temper and for the first time since I laid eyes on you I have struck you I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me, Miss Helena.”

“I liked ‘Helen’ better. What happens now? Passion says we could be burned as witches…"
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“I doubt that will happen. I don’t know if I can save your friends lives or even yours, but you will not be burned at the stake” Gloria tells me.

“How can you be so sure?” I ask.

“When you were born your mother died soon after. My mother showed them how to feed you goats milk with herbs and you were drawn from near death. Instead of gratitude that the daughter of his chief benefactor was saved the bishop convened an inquisition and found my mother a witch. I watched as she was tied to a stake, her dress torn asunder, and she was burned to death. Her last words were to Master Wragg. She told him if any harm came to me she would sell her soul to the devil and come and haunt his family through the ages.
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“When I came of age, Master Wragg asked if he could bed me. I agreed with the provision there would be no further witch burnings. I told him if there ever was I would cut off his scrotum with a pruning saw, feed him his gonads, before digging his heart out of his chest with a soup spoon and devouring it with my teeth as it still beat.”

I look at Gloria in stunned disbelief. She smiles at me and says “You have his eyes. That is the same look he gave me when I said it that to him. Your father is a rich and not unhandsome man. Have you ever wondered why he never remarried?”

My mind is overloaded but yes I have wondered. Maid Gloria says “When Master Wragg is here, my quarters include his bed…”

A convert associated with an abbey was not unusual... How else would celibate nuns, monks, and priest have sex???:doh:

umm... where does one by tickets for this "Whiskey Train"?

And great to hear Procol Harem. As a young lad the Catholic church tried to get "Whiter Shade of Pale" banned from the radio because they mentioned 'vestal virgins'... needless to say the sales of both the '45s' and the album went through the roof!!! Great to hear the Farfisa organ...

Were they at all aware that "vestal virgins" were the priestesses of the goddess Vesta in ancient Rome? Or did they misunderstand & think it was "vespers virgins"?

Did they also object to "American Pie"?

And the three men I admire most
The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died
And they were singing

Bye, bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
And them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die
Were they at all aware that "vestal virgins" were the priestesses of the goddess Vesta in ancient Rome? Or did they misunderstand & think it was "vespers virgins"?

Did they also object to "American Pie"?

And the three men I admire most
The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died
And they were singing

Bye, bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
And them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die

And then there were these guys!


Maybe a continuation of a theme.

Muehleisen was a master finger picker ... my god I wish I could just play Blackbird ... but he was really good!

I step between the men and my friends and indignantly demand “What are you doing here? Do you know who I am?”

One of the men says “I believe it is Master Wragg’s daughter, Helena! He is either going to be disappointed in you or his head might explode in anger!”

In moments our wrists are bound behind our backs and a rope was fixed around our necks and we were led to one of the stables. We are then bound side by side, arms overhead, to one of the stable’s rafters.
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Joy says “Well, it was fun while it lasted.”

“I’m always up for a new adventure” Lust says trying to lighten the mood.

Passion replies “You don’t understand. If the bishop decides we are witches he could have us burned at the stake. That would be getting off easy! If we live Master Wragg could have us turned over to the evil Dutch slave trader Admi. No telling what happens to the women sold in the Moroccan slave markets!”

“I will talk to my father and try to explain” I say. “He is a reasonable man.”

A pair of men walks in, taking the woman I know as Passion. As they lock her wrists in irons behind her back she looks back at us and says “I’ll see you soon- I hope.”
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I wonder how this could have happened and a knot forms in my gut as I think of the possibility that my maid Gloria is behind this…


Now at least I know I am "Passion" ... thought so, but wasn't sure.
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