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Horny girls in torture museums

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Why do horny girls like torture museums?

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-Puff, another museum? I'm bored of museums.

- This is a little different, the guide told me that it is an interactive museum.

- Interactive? What do you mean?

- You can play the prisoner and there is an actor who plays the executioner.

- Oh, it looks like fun. It is expensive?

- 20 dollars each, but the guide has said after lookin at you that you have a discount of 5 dollars. The only condition is that you have to take off your clothes.

- Okay, that's exciting, let's go downstairs.

- Oh,...... I forgot that there is a safeword.

- Safe word, for what?....
Why do horny girls like torture museums?

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-Puff, another museum? I'm bored of museums.

- This is a little different, the guide told me that it is an interactive museum.

- Interactive? What do you mean?

- You can play the prisoner and there is an actor who plays the executioner.

- Oh, it looks like fun. It is expensive?

- 20 dollars each, but the guide has said after lookin at you that you have a discount of 5 dollars. The only condition is that you have to take off your clothes.

- Okay, that's exciting, let's go downstairs.

- Oh,...... I forgot that there is a safeword.

- Safe word, for what?....
this setup is exciting. Rich girls are they?
bajando a la mazmorra.jpg
- Damn, it's cold here, my nipples have turned like stones. Where does this lead? It's dark as a wolf's mouth.

- Take off your sunglasses you asshole or you'll fall down the stairs.
Que hay ahi dentro.jpg
- Fuck, have you seen that? It's full of dungeons and...and look in here. There is a guy...it looks like a.....a torture chamber.
- Welcome, I am the chief of the executioners, do not be afraid my girl and enter my "playroom".
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Marina in torture chamber3.jpg
- I had never seen anything like it, it's impressive, it.....it looks like a real Inquisition torture chamber. And the executioners are naked or semi-naked
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- Yes, but those clothes you are wearing are not appropriate for this performance, take them off.
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- Do you want me to take off the bottom too?

- Yes, undress naked, the witches who were tortured in this place were completely naked, so everything will be more real.

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- So are you going to torture me?

- I prefer to say that we are going to tickle you, however, if you can't stand the torture you have a safeword, you can count from 1 to 10 and when you reach ten we will stop.
Marina iron maiden.jpg
- What is that coffin?

- It's an iron maiden, it's actually a fake, I don't think it existed in real torture chambers, but it is very popular in torture museums.

- And are you going to use it with me? Are you going to put me in there?
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