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How long

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Moderator's note: we've had a few threads on this topic over the years - merging them all together would be laborious, and the result probably confusing, so instead I'll post links to three of them (the may have been others):



How long do you think you would / could last on a cross ?

What other tortures could you suffer ?
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I’m fairly fit, middle aged, I could see me making until the third day, especially if there wasn’t significant blood loss.

The other question is a bit strange, I’m sure I could suffer almost, how long I’d survive each would depend though.
From experience I can tell you that your fitness will count for shit after the first hour.

Great show for the first hour though!

My point being, that any real / realistic stress position (I.e worse than the ‘pretend’ poses where people basically stand on something looking a bit sorrowful, ) you will be physically destroyed and incapable of significant struggle very quickly

Unfit people will be pretty much incapacitated in minutes.

Fit & strong people reduced to strained stretching tendons & muscles from 15 mins through to an hour

After that. Nails or not, you’ll just hang, panicking & suffering, your failed attempts to lift yourself amounting to nothing more than an entertaining wriggle.

And downhill from there
I agree one hour or less because of my age and it would be my 1st time being crucified. other torture- nipple clamps and ball stretcher
I don't know if anyone has already made these considerations.

Death by crucifixion came very slowly, due to cardiovascular collapse or asphyxiation.
In fact, in order to breathe, the condemned man had to leverage on his legs; when the condemned man could no longer stand on his legs due to fatigue, cold, bleeding from the wounds inflicted, breathing difficulties began.
It could also happen that wild animals such as jackals, wolves and vultures raged on the body of the dying man. So if you wanted to alleviate the suffering of the condemned and hasten his death, the executioner broke his arms and legs, in order to cause him to suffocate.

Now imagine a hanging female body trying to breathe heavily as it moves on the raw wood of the cross, lifting and lowering the chest ...
On a good,warm day I could technically do an hour,or so.....
Previously I've lasted from an Hour to 72 minutes.
Usually I self-crux for up to half an hour,depending on how enthusiastic I get.... ;)
Once I've w@nked off,that's IT no more interest. :(
( T.M.I.?? )
I think there are two correct answers here. If there has been heavy whipping and torture beforehand and given only a little water a long time apart then anything up to 24 hours. Possibly a fair bit less like 6 hours maybe more maybe less. If unwhipped and fresh when crucified plus given ample water then 3 days. Plus I think it also depends somewhat on your fellow victims and onlookers. If you don't talk with anyone I think less as you focus more on your own suffering, whereas if you communicate with your crossmates and/or one or two people in the crowd the mental stimulation and distraction helps you last longer.
I think there are two correct answers here. If there has been heavy whipping and torture beforehand and given only a little water a long time apart then anything up to 24 hours. Possibly a fair bit less like 6 hours maybe more maybe less. If unwhipped and fresh when crucified plus given ample water then 3 days. Plus I think it also depends somewhat on your fellow victims and onlookers. If you don't talk with anyone I think less as you focus more on your own suffering, whereas if you communicate with your crossmates and/or one or two people in the crowd the mental stimulation and distraction helps you last longer.
Exactly. That’s why I said to the third day.
Facing each other. Seeing each other’s pain
As well as being able to see everything of each other...(I assume we would both be naked) that mutual arousal might distract each other from our relentless agony...
I think in earlier discussions, we've found fairly reliable evidence that a fit and healthy person just tied up naked on cross, provided she has adequate support (a sedile and/ or footrest) and is given (forced to drink) water + anti-dehydration salts could survive for several days - and so long as she doesn't die of hypothermia or heat-stroke, or other 'non-crux' causes.
I belive, that the time of how long the person can survive on the cross can not be determined. There is too many factors violate on the person during the hanging on the cross. And this is not only his phisical condition. Even the position of the legs - more higher or lower,- secured to the cross can make a movements easier or harder. Nailing through the wrists give a chance to make the proper securing of the body on the cross, but in the same moment making the person more diffical to come up for the breeth, which is reduce the time alive.
Use of sedulum or cornu is sound more like a fantasy of the members of the forum, who is dreaming about the stuff inside their ass (sory if my opinion make inconvinience for somebody).
For me idea is tied up person to the cross is looking more practicable to extend the time of suffering, and the nails have to be used only to secure hands and feets to avoid the victim to make himself free when unattended.
I think in earlier discussions, we've found fairly reliable evidence that a fit and healthy person just tied up naked on cross, provided she has adequate support (a sedile and/ or footrest) and is given (forced to drink) water + anti-dehydration salts could survive for several days - and so long as she doesn't die of hypothermia or heat-stroke, or other 'non-crux' causes.
Yeah I think there’s two parallel discussions been going on for years here

One is the scenario you describe above, the other being the brutal unforgiving stress positions with little relief other than some terrible Cornu or spike.

First scenario you would die of some combo of shock, exposure accompanied by horrible nagging pain of the nails.

Yes, maybe you could live two or three days

The more brutal scenario, as depicted in so many artworks in here ( hanging from nailed wrists & feet with little / tortuous support)
would reduce the fittest, strongest victim to a mass of quivering, exhausted agonised flesh in minutes to an hour max.
Dead within hours or a day.
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