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How long

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First scenario you would die of some combo of shock, exposure accompanied by horrible nagging pain of the nails.
I was thinking of just bondage, not nails - Japanese-style crucifixion - reported to be survived for even longer.
I belive, that the time of how long the person can survive on the cross can not be determined. There is too many factors violate on the person during the hanging on the cross. And this is not only his phisical condition. Even the position of the legs - more higher or lower,- secured to the cross can make a movements easier or harder. Nailing through the wrists give a chance to make the proper securing of the body on the cross, but in the same moment making the person more diffical to come up for the breeth, which is reduce the time alive.
Use of sedulum or cornu is sound more like a fantasy of the members of the forum, who is dreaming about the stuff inside their ass (sory if my opinion make inconvinience for somebody).
For me idea is tied up person to the cross is looking more practicable to extend the time of suffering, and the nails have to be used only to secure hands and feets to avoid the victim to make himself free when
I think the idea of some terrible, yet life extending support predates the fantasies on this forum and makes perfect sense in some circumstances

Definitely wouldn’t be a dildo though!

Well… unless I was building the cross
I was thinking of just bondage, not nails - Japanese-style crucifixion - reported to be survived for even longer.
Oh, yeah definitely.

I was thinking more about the imagery that dominates the forum

Brutal nailings

Average person, especially average woman would be immediately incapacitated and hang doing nothing more ** than quivering, groaning and twisting

(**quivering growning & twisting being more than good enough!)
All too long hanging (think: three days) is not wished because there are more convicts to crucify.
Also the soldiers might have a free time before the next.
Average person, especially average woman would be immediately incapacitated and hang doing nothing more than quivering, groaning and twisting
I dunno, Puri.
In my experience, women have a much higher tolerance for pain. I think crucified men might be more inclined to panic, thrash about and quiver and groan. (BTW, I like your juxtaposition of those two words.) Men are usually more
controlling, and totally losing that control would contribute to their frenzy.

In my experience with self-crucifixion (more than 40 years ago now), I could hang for about 15 minutes. It was uncomfortable after 5 and panful after 10. I can't imagine how one would feel after a few hours, esp. with nails grating on the nerves and bones of one's wrists and ankles.
I dunno, Puri.
In my experience, women have a much higher tolerance for pain. I think crucified men might be more inclined to panic, thrash about and quiver and groan. (BTW, I like your juxtaposition of those two words.) Men are usually more
controlling, and totally losing that control would contribute to their frenzy.

In my experience with self-crucifixion (more than 40 years ago now), I could hang for about 15 minutes. It was uncomfortable after 5 and panful after 10. I can't imagine how one would feel after a few hours, esp. with nails grating on the nerves and bones of one's wrists and ankles.
Yes I’m sure that’s true.

I was referring to physical strength, but even then there are ladies with incredible strength to weight ratios who might have the greatest stamina of anyone

In particular can think of a female rock climber, and a cyclist I know who is small and slim with amazing legs and ass

I think they would last the longest.
How long would I realistically last? Probably only a couple hours. Ideally, I would want to be crucified for at least several days. I don't know how that could be made possible.
I use to crucify a good girl friend at least 2 to 3 times a month.
She lives in the campaign far from other houses and close to a forest. I always crucify her outside.
Now that she is properly trained, she is able to hang on the cross 4 to 5 hours depending on many factors.
I use to crucify her on the cross with a special equipment looking exactly as she is nailed. Unpossible to see a difference with nails from 2/3 meters. Feets on a wooden support so tha she can rest properly.
She tell me that she really begin to suffer a lot after half an hour.
She is very masochist and love to be crucified. Many strong orgasmes during the crucifixion.
She begin to suffer really a lot after 2/3 hours. Whe intend to test about one day.
She ask me to try and for the moment I hesitate. Do not want to take a risk
I use to crucify a good girl friend at least 2 to 3 times a month.
She lives in the campaign far from other houses and close to a forest. I always crucify her outside.
Now that she is properly trained, she is able to hang on the cross 4 to 5 hours depending on many factors.
I use to crucify her on the cross with a special equipment looking exactly as she is nailed. Unpossible to see a difference with nails from 2/3 meters. Feets on a wooden support so tha she can rest properly.
She tell me that she really begin to suffer a lot after half an hour.
She is very masochist and love to be crucified. Many strong orgasmes during the crucifixion.
She begin to suffer really a lot after 2/3 hours. Whe intend to test about one day.
She ask me to try and for the moment I hesitate. Do not want to take a risk
I would love to know more about this special equipment.
Moderator's note: we've had a few threads on this topic over the years - merging them all together would be laborious, and the result probably confusing, so instead I'll post links to three of them (the may have been others):



How long do you think you would / could last on a cross ?

What other tortures could you suffer ?
As long as I do not get lasting harm or die there is no need descend. Of course after one week maybe it becomes boring :meparto:but that is far from far apart of reality. So some temporal exhausting is what life includes. If I become sick of idk some heart disease or whatever terrible diseases I better do not want to know wait for us the situation would change.
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