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Do You Really Want My Milk On Your Corn Flakes Princess
The Whole Idea Get`s Me Hot And Horny , But You Have
To Milk Me.

Oh God YES babe!

I've had a bit of a breast milk fetish for a very long time, and I'll admit that the thought of milking you is a big turn-on!
I love the idea of the fetish imagery of seeing you hooked up to a milking machine, though I think, all things considered, that I'd rather be your milkmaid and squeeze it out of your udders by hand :p

While there is plenty of milk-related porn out there, there's surprising little lesbian milkmaid stuff (maybe someone needs to launch a new site :p) but I did manage to find this movie clip;

Some pics;
1283309234725.jpg 1264567534727.jpg 1247387165186.gif

And if you like to read, then this is a hell of a turn on;

Now then Dorothy, you get on all fours and I'll bring the bucket!

Oh God YES babe!

I've had a bit of a breast milk fetish for a very long time, and I'll admit that the thought of milking you is a big turn-on!
I love the idea of the fetish imagery of seeing you hooked up to a milking machine, though I think, all things considered, that I'd rather be your milkmaid and squeeze it out of your udders by hand :p

While there is plenty of milk-related porn out there, there's surprising little lesbian milkmaid stuff (maybe someone needs to launch a new site :p) but I did manage to find this movie clip;

Some pics;
View attachment 268033 View attachment 268034 View attachment 268035

And if you like to read, then this is a hell of a turn on;

Now then Dorothy, you get on all fours and I'll bring the bucket!


Oh What Have I Done, i get called a cow now and then
but up to now i have never been milked

I Can`t go to Amazon for that book
how would i explain it to my husband
Oh Dorothy you really know how to get me going don't you :p

Now I'm going to end up spending all day watching milking videos - Ooooh yes!

Thanks for all the links and the lovely pics!

And don't knock what you haven't tried - According to Cyndi, being milked is a hugely exciting experience :D

And as for you, fat slave girl, come over here with Dorothy and get those tits over the bucket now!


I need to buy a milking machine...
Oh Dorothy you really know how to get me going don't you :p

Now I'm going to end up spending all day watching milking videos - Ooooh yes!

Thanks for all the links and the lovely pics!

And don't knock what you haven't tried - According to Cyndi, being milked is a hugely exciting experience :D

And as for you, fat slave girl, come over here with Dorothy and get those tits over the bucket now!


I need to buy a milking machine...

Can you find a man to knock me up Princess
then you can milk me any time you like
Can you find a man to knock me up Princess
then you can milk me any time you like
Nice idea Dorothy, and I know a few guys who'd be more than happy to oblige, but you may not realise that you don't actually need to get pregnant in order to produce milk (though pregnant women really turn me on, but that's another story / fetish). There is quite a bit of info out there on erotic lactation, and here's an extract from a good article;

"However, milk production can be "artificially" and intentionally induced in the absence of any pregnancy in the woman. This is called induced lactation, while a woman who has lactated before and restarts is said to relactate. This can be done by regularly sucking on the nipples (several times a day), massaging and squeezing the female breasts, or with additional help from temporary use of milk-inducing drugs. In principle—with considerable patience and perseverance—it is possible to induce lactation by sucking on the nipples alone.

It is not necessary that the woman has ever been pregnant, and she can be well in her post-menopausal period. Once established, lactation adjusts to demand. As long as there is regular breast stimulation, lactation is possible."

What's interesting here is that it points out that even a woman who has never been pregnant (such as myself) can, in theory, produce milk though various techniques of breast/nipple massage, pumping and repeated suckling. Cyndi and I have often tried this and while I did in fact produce (embarassingly tiny) amounts of milk as a result, the process has not really been all that successful. Cyndi on the other hand, has three grown-up daughters and breast-fed all of them as babies, and even to this day, she can still produce copious amounts of milk (although not in such great quantities as once she did) by pumping and suckling. The point is that for this to work reliably, I'm required to suckle on her nipples at least once or twice every day. (It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it :p) Missing more than a couple of days causes her to stop producing the milk and it can take several days of sustained effort to start it up again, so all things considered, it's a lot easier (and immensely more fun) to let her breastfeed me daily.

Neither of us has ever tried any kind of milk-producing drugs though - Delightful as the experience is, I'm not sure that messing with your body chemistry to that extent is worth the inherent long-term risks. Having said that, I do wish I could produce more as I'd really love to be able to breastfeed Cyndi in the way that she does me...
Nice idea Dorothy, and I know a few guys who'd be more than happy to oblige, but you may not realise that you don't actually need to get pregnant in order to produce milk (though pregnant women really turn me on, but that's another story / fetish). There is quite a bit of info out there on erotic lactation, and here's an extract from a good article;

"However, milk production can be "artificially" and intentionally induced in the absence of any pregnancy in the woman. This is called induced lactation, while a woman who has lactated before and restarts is said to relactate. This can be done by regularly sucking on the nipples (several times a day), massaging and squeezing the female breasts, or with additional help from temporary use of milk-inducing drugs. In principle—with considerable patience and perseverance—it is possible to induce lactation by sucking on the nipples alone.

It is not necessary that the woman has ever been pregnant, and she can be well in her post-menopausal period. Once established, lactation adjusts to demand. As long as there is regular breast stimulation, lactation is possible."

What's interesting here is that it points out that even a woman who has never been pregnant (such as myself) can, in theory, produce milk though various techniques of breast/nipple massage, pumping and repeated suckling. Cyndi and I have often tried this and while I did in fact produce (embarassingly tiny) amounts of milk as a result, the process has not really been all that successful. Cyndi on the other hand, has three grown-up daughters and breast-fed all of them as babies, and even to this day, she can still produce copious amounts of milk (although not in such great quantities as once she did) by pumping and suckling. The point is that for this to work reliably, I'm required to suckle on her nipples at least once or twice every day. (It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it :p) Missing more than a couple of days causes her to stop producing the milk and it can take several days of sustained effort to start it up again, so all things considered, it's a lot easier (and immensely more fun) to let her breastfeed me daily.

Neither of us has ever tried any kind of milk-producing drugs though - Delightful as the experience is, I'm not sure that messing with your body chemistry to that extent is worth the inherent long-term risks. Having said that, I do wish I could produce more as I'd really love to be able to breastfeed Cyndi in the way that she does me...

Well i don`t have any milk in me at all right now Princess, but when i was expecting
i could`nt stop making it. beside feeding the baby i fed my hubby as well, he did`nt
like the idea at all, but once he tried it he was hooked. feeding the girl was fine but with
the boy i just felt as if i was having an affair with him, every time i fed him i ended up
hot and horny, i don`t know if it was just me but maybe other women have had the
same feelings, so you hire the milking parlor while i go and get laid
Well i don`t have any milk in me at all right now Princess, but when i was expecting
i could`nt stop making it. beside feeding the baby i fed my hubby as well, he did`nt
like the idea at all, but once he tried it he was hooked. feeding the girl was fine but with
the boy i just felt as if i was having an affair with him, every time i fed him i ended up
hot and horny, i don`t know if it was just me but maybe other women have had the
same feelings, so you hire the milking parlor while i go and get laid

It's interesting that you should say this babe because Cyndi always said it used to really turn her on feeding the kids. This is not really surprising when you think about it, as the nipples are so sensitive. I think it's something that can cause conflicting feelings in western society, but it's not really anything to worry about as it's such a perfectly natural feeling. Breastfeeding enhances the bond between mother and baby and the strength of this bond will endure long into the future. Is it any wonder that so many kids these days grow up maladjusted when they all get bottle fed, often not by their mothers?

Anyway, rant over :)

Cyndi used to get so aroused by it that she ended up having to have sex immediately afterwards - that's kind of how we first got together. (Her husband left while she was pregnant with her third baby girl, and as her best friend, I was on hand to help out. One thing led to another and we've been together now for over twenty years :))

I love it that she still produces milk after all these years.

OK, now I'm off to watch that video xxx

Sadly that video won't play on my system (Keeps on flashing up a pig image about adblocking. I disabled Adblock for the page but it still won't play it :( )
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Download the GOM Player it`s a free software and that video plays on that i just checked
i think you are going to like that video

you need to download a copy of the video too
it`s fifty odd minutes long
I need to buy a milking machine...
the trendiest dairy farmers round where I am have got robotic milking parlours
where the cows can come in whenever they feel like it,
the robots work out whether they're really ready for milking,
do all the tests and checks, and milk the beasts
while they're being 'rewarded' with nice feed,
the dairyman just has to sit up 24/7 watching it all on a computer screen!
How do you fancy that, you two ladies? :D
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