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I got my friend crucified - Story by Slaveglad

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Part 1

A traffic accident, and I was suddenly without family. Lived in a small town, and suddenly became known in the town, as the one who lost his family. I was also gay and also a little into S&M, and being this and at the same time being known in the small town, made it all a bit difficult.

So decided to move to the capital and got myself a small room in there. Otherwise, I'm 34 years old, fairly fit, with a hairy chest, a thick full beard, dark hair.

When I had moved, I had to try to find a life, and searched, among other things, various gay places, and among other things the local SLM club. In the last one, it was often someone who got together, so a bit difficult to find contacts, and therefore sat in the bar, drinking a beer, when one day there was a nice guy, about my own age, who sat down next to me and started talking to me. He said his name was Peter. At first, we talked about everything under the sun, but soon we got into S&M and asked what I was into. I told them that I was mostly sub and loved to be tied up and leave all power to a master. He could then do almost anything to me whatever he wanted. Peter was more swift, but also loved the role of the sub. That's how the talk went, and we agreed to meet again after a few days. Gradually, it developed into a really good relationship, where we saw each other not only in the club but also privately, even though it was always with me when it was private.

One day when we were talking about S&M, he asked me what I think about crucifixions. I told him that I thought it was exciting, being tied with spread arms, as if you welcomed all kinds of humiliations. I also think it would be exciting if there were more people who could witness someone on the cross.

Peter also said that he had always found crucifixions very exciting and sexually arousing. And so the conversation went on for a long time. Peter told me that there was a group on the Internet that dealt with this very topic. I got the internet address, and the next day I sat and looked at the group. There were both women and men who found crucifixions exciting, many pictures, but mostly drawings, where all their fantasies were given free rein.

One day I got a message from someone in the group who asked if I was new and what my fantasy of crucifixions was like. At the time, I was quite elated, and wrote freely – as imagination can easily go quite far. Then wrote that I thought crucifixions were exciting, and often imagined myself hanging on the cross and where a large crowd witnessed my punishment. I quickly received a new message: "How did you imagine it to be done, with ropes or nails, and should it be until death occurred or just until you fainted? Should it be outdoors or indoors. And should I be whipped first? I was then told that my imagination went to crucifixion with nails through my wrists and feet and until death occurred, with a lot of festive people around, and preferably outdoors. I don't think whipping to blood was for me, as it was the crucifixion itself that fascinated me, and if you weren't half dead when you were crucified, you could probably also stay alive longer on the cross itself.

The answer was simply: "We in the group will have to see if we can help you with your imagination."
Part 2

Some time passed, then a message came from the same person: "Maybe we can arrange a crucifixion for you, so that your imagination can be realized."

"I wrote back: "Sounds exciting".

Later told Peter about my correspondence in the group. He asked me, "Would you really like to be truly crucified? If they could arrange it – would you accept it.?". I replied: "Actually, crucifixions have been on my mind for many years, even before I met you, so yes – I would strongly consider it. It would not be an offer that there would be many of."

"What about the nails and until death?" Peter then asked me. "To this I replied that it was definitely in my imagination, and then you had to see what happened, but I don't think anything happens anymore, it's still pure imagination and play. Besides, it's usually not allowed to kill people."

"But if they still want to offer you a real crucifixion – just like in your imagination, would you say – Yes.?"

"Take it easy" – that offer will never come" was my immediate response.

But Peter continued: "Yes, but if they still offered you a crucifixion just as in your imagination – did you dare to say yes?"

A little annoyed that he kept asking, I replied: "Well, I would probably say yes to that."

Peter asked again: "If they ask you, can I come and watch it – I think that would be exciting?"

"Yes – yes, just come along – it would be nice for us both to travel. But you're also a sub, and have also had similar fantasies, shouldn't you also be crucified?"

He replied, "I think I would consider it after I had seen you on the cross."

"OK" I replied. "Then I'll take the cross first, and then you can come afterwards."

Again after some time, a new message from the group – and again the same person: "I think we might be able to arrange it – but before we start the preparations, please tell me if you think it should be done just like in your imagination, with nails until death? If you say yes, then you just have to promise that it is final, i.e. no turning back".

I replied without thinking very carefully, because in the group I was only known by a nick name, and they didn't know anything about where I lived or who I was. They had gotten my age, and a description of myself, but that was it, so I just wrote back: "Yes – of course just like in my imagination, and no way back. With nails and until death" – and continued – "I have a friend who wants to watch it and who might want to try afterwards me. ”

The answer came pretty quickly: "OK, you just take him with us when we've arranged it".
Part 3

It took a relatively long time before I heard from the group again. In the meantime, I saw Peter several times, and we talked about the group and the correspondence I had had. He thought it sounded exciting.

We continued to play together, also S&M games, and also tried to make slave contracts, which I had to sign, and then we played Master and slave, with me as a slave. When you had to sit and draw up a contract and sign it, was a little more titillating than just talking about things. We tried it with the contracts several times, but then always threw them away, and then we made a new one, which was often a little more violent, and then some also with death, but all ended up being thrown away – I thought. Then one day we tried to make one with crucifixion, and here I signed that I agreed to be crucified with nails and until death occurred, and that before my crucifixion I was subjected to various tortures, but never whipped to blood." Now all the other contracts had just been play, so I just signed this one without thinking much about it, and without reading it more closely, figured that it would also just end up in the trash.

Some time passed again, then an email arrived saying that they were arranging my crucifixion, and that I could start preparing. I was asked to confirm receipt of the email. I immediately sent them an OK.

Then some time passed, then Peter told us that there were some guys who also did S&M who wanted to meet us, and he would come the next day in a car and pick us up. I said that it was fine, and the next day we were picked up. We went down together and met a couple of guys, and Peter sat in the front passenger seat, and I then sat in the back seat between 2 guys. The car started, and suddenly the 2 guys in the back seat became active, and before long I was tied up and then felt a sting in my thigh, and shortly after started to get sleepy, and then went out like a light.

When I woke up, I was in a car that was driving, and I was tied on my hands and feet and it was totally dark, maybe because I had a hood over my head. I could hear faint conversation in English that they would drive over a pass that was rarely guarded at night. After a long time, the car stopped and I was carried out, and carried up in what I later found out was a smaller plane. We took off, where? – But finally we landed, and I was pulled out, and again put in a car. We drove and after a long time, the car stopped and I was pulled out, the ropes around my legs were removed and replaced by a chain that only allowed shorter strides, I was pulled up and standing, still with my hands tied behind my back. The hood was removed, and when I had gotten used to the bright light, I saw that I was in a wooded area, where there were a couple of small houses around, and I was led over to one of the houses, up a small staircase, and into a room where there were quite a few people. I was placed in front of a table where there was a man sitting behind me, presumably the manager.

He banged the table with a hammer, and there was silence among the many people.

The leader now said my name and continued: "You are here to be crucified, and you have agreed that it should be with nails and until death occurs. You have also agreed that you will be tortured before your crucifixion. "Do you have any comments on this?"

I replied that I had had fantasies similar to the one mentioned for many years, but they were just fantasies, so I figured I would get away with it alive."

The man behind the table said: "Not only have you agreed to come here for a crucifixion with nails and until death, you have also signed a paper on it where it says at the bottom that you accept fully and that it is a final decision where there is no regret" – and then he showed me the contract, I had written at home with Peter. I was both surprised, confused and nervous – how had he got hold of that paper – and I looked around and finally spotted Peter.

Peter stepped forward and said: "You have said to me several times that you wanted a crucifixion with nails and until death, and before the crucifixion to undergo torture, but without scourging to blood. You have also signed, and I have given the paper to the group. You have also indicated this to the group in their messaging system, which you have also signed. You have accepted that there was no turning back as late as the day before we were picked up, and that you would rather give up all power. And then just want to inform you that the person in the group that you wrote with was actually me, and there you have also expressed that it should preferably be without regrets. Maybe this comes as a surprise, and maybe you feel like you've been tricked, but I just wanted to help you make your fantasies come true, because you've expressed to me many times how much you wanted to live out your fantasy.
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Part 4

Now I was, both surprised, and furious, but now also suddenly quite nervous, they had really thought about executing me, but it was not legal. I felt the blood running from my head and had to sit down on the floor. Two muscle men came a little later and stood me up. They ripped and cut most of my clothes off, so that I was only left in my underpants and with a naked upper body. The audience cheered and applauded. I was now led over to the side, where there was what was definitely a wooden horse. I had the chains taken from my feet away, and forced onto the wooden horse and my hands still with the handcuffs behind my back, which were now fixed to the wooden horse behind me, got an iron chain around my neck, which was fixed in the ceiling, so I could not lean very much, neither forward nor backward, and then both legs were chained to some hooks in the floor and finally some heavy weights were attached to the feet, which caused the pointed board that I was sitting on to cut open my perineum. It wasn't long before I started screaming in pain and yelled that I had heard it could destroy my genitals.

Peter now came up to me, patted me on the cheeks, and said, "You just have to enjoy your torture. I don't think your genitals will be permanently damaged, but if it should still destroy your genitals, what does it do? You'll probably never have to use your cock for anything again."

The pain in my perineum just got worse and worse, and I think I both screamed and cried. At the same time, I heard them arranging something else behind me, but didn't dare to turn around, as it increased my pain in the perineum. I also heard them talk about my crucifixion, about how amazing it would be to see me hanging on the cross and dancing my dance of death, that it would be an experience that you would hardly see again anytime soon. How long did I sit on the wooden horse – hours – half a day – time stood still and just became an eternity. When the two muscle men finally came and picked me up. Finally I was freed from the wooden horse but put the handcuffs and leg chain back on, and was now led out of the house and over to a pole, where I was tied tightly – so tight that I could hardly move except for my head. There was a small fire close by, and I now saw that one of the musclemen put on some gloves, and pulled a glowing iron out of the fire, which he quickly put on my left chest muscle, and a sizzling sound, and an insane pain when I was branded. When I couldn't move, it was as if I was standing still and just receiving the hot iron, and also smelling the smell of burnt meat. I was now turned around, again firmly bound, and now it was a repeat – only now it was my right buttocks that received the brand. It was now transferred to a small extension, which had probably previously been a stable. There was some straw and a mattress on the floor, and then I was chained to the wall via a neck ring, though fairly loose, so that I could walk around a bit, but escape impossible. Then I gave a small bandage on the burn marks, and they came and gave me something to drink, but it tasted bad, and after a mouthful I refused to take more, but a few lashes persuaded me to drink everything they brought.

They then said to me, "You will be crucified tomorrow, and since we don't want a lot of garbage from you below the cross, you have been given a powerful laxative – which will probably start working pretty soon, and there is a bucket in the corner you can use. They ripped my underpants off. You will then only get a liquid diet. So sleep well. Everyone left except for one who was sitting in a chair – more comfortable than what I had to rest on, and he had a cattle prod in his hand in case I had to come up with something, but how was I supposed to escape. The neck iron with a strong chain to the wall, with a short chain between the feet and finally with the hands tied behind the back.

I could take the liquid broom with a straw, and the guard made sure to fill up when I emptied the cup. Soon my stomach started rumbling, and then my emptying began, and I had to go over to the bucket several times before it would finally be morning. The first part of the night hadn't given me much sleep, but in the end I did get a little sleep, with shorter waking periods where the thoughts and nervousness were running around in my head.

When morning came, I was first dressed in a loincloth, then led to the front of the crowd, and the man (the former Scotch S. Sat behind the table, as I will call the leader), told me that it was now the day of my crucifixion, but that I was to be whipped beforehand. I had previously expressed that it should not be bloody, because I would rather hold on to the cross longer, and they would abide by that.

So they tied me to a rack—where first the handcuffs were loosened—but the hands were then tied up to each upper corner of the rack, and my feet tied to each lower corner of the rack, and then the muscle men started whipping me. A man on each side, and they took turns hitting, so the blows quickly followed one another. They started fairly cautiously, but soon the strength increased so that I soon screamed and begged for mercy, but the beatings continued. Finally, they took a little break, where I now felt completely foggy, and strangely enough I was looking forward to the continuation, it was these endorphins that I had previously been told about. But the blows got stronger and stronger, and I thought it was like having my back cut open, but no blood dripping, but I was so exhausted now that I had stopped screaming, and now just hung in my arms. When I had come to myself a bit again, the front page got a similar round. It may not have been a whipping to blood, but I felt almost half-dead anyway. Later, when I had come to myself a little again, I was tied up again, and now it was needles that were inserted through my nipples, and also my testicles were pierced, and then they connected to the needles, and electric shocks made my body tremble and twitch, and my muscles tensed so that I could hardly scream. before the power stopped. Thus it continued for a long time.
Part 5

When they had finished tormenting me, I was untied but now forced to lie down with a wooden beam by my head and my hands were pulled out to the side and tied to the back of this beam. Was allowed to lie there until I got a little more ready. I was then forced to get up and stand, and now forced to walk forward through the forest, and if I went too slow, I got the whip. Once I slept, and then the whip really got going until I promised to continue. After a long and tiring walk, we came to a clearing, where I saw another wooden pole lying diagonally down. It was apparently the vertical stake of my cross. I was forced there, was laid on this pole while the 2 musclemen attached my shoulder beam to the vertical pole, and I had seen that there was a hole in the middle of the crossbeam and a taper on the vertical one, which matched the hole of the crossbeam, and when it was put together, some wooden wedges were knocked in, so that the crossbeam was firmly attached. Now my arms were loosened and forced to the front of the beam, others pulled my body a little until they were satisfied with the angle my arms formed, and then they fixed my arms with duct tape, so that the possibility of pulling them to me was completely impossible.

The audience had followed through the forest, and the leader now spoke to the audience, and told them to come closer. Something they might never have seen, but only something they had dreamed of seeing, would soon happen, so he thought they should step a little closer, so they began to gather around my cross.

Still I lay there thinking that it couldn't be right, they had to stop in a minute, and say it was a game, but at the same time I was quite doubtful about this, felt more and more that this was probably real after all, that I would be crucified until death occurred, that these were the last hours of my life, and what last hours, - a final life with pain of an excruciating kind. How could I manage this? I had fantasized about crucifixion for many years, but now that it might happen, I was both excited and curious about what it would be like, but also terribly nervous, because when so many people were gathered, it was probably not just a game, a play, but really, my life would probably end soon. But when, some hours or maybe days?

The cross was now laid completely flat on the ground, and the muscleman on my right side approached my wrist, and to my horror I saw a large iron nail in his hand, it was probably the size considering the nail that I would soon feel pierce my wrist.

He felt a little with his fingers on my arm just below the wrist itself, and then put the tip of the nail against the skin and pressed a little, making sure that there was a slight tilt, so that I could not slide forward once I was hanging on the cross – and he then lifted a hammer – "No, no, I shouted, don't nail me" – but the hammer fell on the head of the metal and a clanging metal sound followed, And the nail penetrated my flesh, with an indescribable pain – where I screamed and shouted that it was not what I wanted, but the next hammer blow fell and then more and I heard that the sound was different when the nail hit the tree, and the nail was driven so far in that the head of the nail – which was maybe 4-5 cm wide was close to my wrist.

Now I should be convinced that this was a real crucifixion, but still I couldn't quite understand it, was it a bad dream that I would soon wake up from? "But my thoughts were interrupted when the other muscle man went over to my left wrist, and soon the tip of a new nail was aimed at my wrist, right between the two bones. And despite my screams, cries and pleas for mercy, it wasn't long before this nail was also securely anchored in the wood, and with the metal head close to my flesh.

The audience cheered and applauded, and Peter came up to me and said "you did really well – it was an incredible experience to see you being nailed to the patibulum. You have prepared me, and the rest of the audience, a great experience." I didn't answer him. I wanted to spit in his head, but my screams had dried out my mouth, so there was nothing to spit off.

They now removed the duct tape.

Then the cross was raised, and maybe there was a hinge at the bottom – I don't know, but when it reached the vertical I experienced that the pain in my wrists and my shoulders was violent, and suddenly the cross gave a small jump downwards when it fell into a hole that was meant for it, but this little jump, then gave a huge pull in my arms and especially in my wrists, which triggered an indescribable pain – don't know how I reacted, screamed and howled for sure. Now I hung solely on my broken wrists and tried in vain to find a foothold with my feet on the vertical pole, but very limited help to ease the pull in my arms.

After the muscle men had driven new wedges into the foot of the cross, so that it also stood unshakable, they approached my feet. They bent my legs to about 45 degrees, so that the heels were on the side of the vertical post, and then they fixed again with duct tape, so that movement was impossible, and the two executioners could nail my poor feet to the vertical part of the cross in peace and quiet.

I both feared it, and looked forward to it, because then I would be able to get some relief from my arms and wrists, but this joy would prove to be short-lived, because the actual nailing, through my heel bones, was, if possible, far worse than my wrists. First the right heel, where I think I heard or maybe just felt that the bone was destroyed and pierced, and then the left heel. And both times with pain that I didn't think was possible. Now they also removed the duct tape, and I was now only fixed to the cross with the 4 rivets. The audience applauded and shouted hurrah. One of the muscle men now came forward and ripped my underpants off, and now I was hanging there completely naked in front of the crowd, who now came with new shouts of cheers and applause. The manager now came forward with bottles and glasses, and it looked like they were toasting in champagne.

I tried to lift myself by stretching my legs, but it meant that the heels had to turn a little in relation to the square nails, and this caused pain that was close to those where they nailed my heels, so it was only a very small attempt. But the arms demanded that I try again, and my dance on the cross began. What was worse, the pain in my wrists and shoulder joints, or in my heels, I had free choice, but none of the choices were desirable, it was pain, pain, and more pain.

Now Peter came up to me again, praised me again, raised his glass, and said, "Cheers, I am so glad to see you on the cross now that I have helped to fulfill your fantasies, and at the same time you have made me very happy. From the very first time you talked about crucifixions in the club, I have worked to get you over here and to see you, nailed to your cross. I also know that you have also loved when we played with various tortures at home, so now I want to put some clamps on your nipples." – He put down his glass and then came with some huge clamps, with teeth that looked more like needles or shark teeth, and put them on my nipples, which he first pulled out as far as he could. They bit and maybe they pierced my nipples, which from previous needle play were quite sore, and this also hurt tremendously, but despite everything, the pain I already had was worse. But you came back with two rather large and probably also quite heavy weights on a string, which he tied to the clamps, and now every time I tried to lift myself or lower myself, these weights swung, which in turn tore and ripped at my poor nipples.

The audience cheered again, and now they started to assemble tables to eat at, and there was also music so they could dance. Some came over and touched me, slapped my weights in my nipples so that they swayed even more. Some commented on how wonderful it was to see me suffer on the cross. And how sweet it was of me to sacrifice my life for their pleasure, and many other remarks. I generally did not answer, I had enough in my physical ailments, did not have the energy to say anything about the verbal humiliations. But time passed and evening approached, and the coolness thus also came closer. The transition from the warm sun to the coolness of the night was not pleasant, and with the darkness came various insects, including mosquitoes, which had their undisturbed meals, leaving numerous itchy mosquito bites, which I had no opportunity to do anything about. And the mosquitoes settled not only on my arms and legs and body, but also on my face and on my genitals. One of the guests came over with some water for me before they ended the evening's party, and said: "We'd better make sure you get some fluids – so you can stay alive a little longer. I should refuse to drink, to promote my death, but my throat was so dry with screams and gasps to catch my breath that I couldn't say no and take big sips.
Part 6

Night came, the guests went to sleep, some in tents they had pitched, others went up to the house. The next morning finally came, even though the night felt endlessly long and the sun began to warm again, which in a way made life easier, if you can allow yourself to use that expression, for all the still excruciating pain, and my dance on the cross continued, with pain as a result. My legs had gradually become so tired, that even though I with the greatest effort lifted my body, the muscles were not able to lower me slowly, so several times I almost fell down with a strong pull in my arms, and in one of these falls I felt a violent pain in one of my shoulders, which probably went out of its joint. Later, the same thing happened on the other side, and now it was not only my arms that I was hanging onto, but my chest muscles that were stretched, which made my breathing even more difficult. In a way, I was happy about this, because then I knew that there was less time until death, because that was what I now hoped would soon happen. I tried to hold my breath, to speed it up, but still I lifted my body to breathe better, simply couldn't help but try, one's survivability was apparently built into one's brain.

After breakfast, the guests began to dance and party again. One of the guests came over and caressed my cock, and a little later took it in his mouth, and tried to give me an orgasm. He didn't succeed, but Peter waited and took over my cock, sucking it just like he had done in my apartment before, and I thought about all the good times we'd had, and all the fantasies I'd had. And it was maybe a mixture of the fantasies I had had, and the many good times we had had, that repressed my anger towards him, that gave me an erection, and finally he succeeded, and I sent out my load, and gave me a huge orgasm, and he showed me, and then the guests, the huge blob of he had on his tongue, before he swallowed it. "The wooden horse did not destroy your organs" – he said. "Now we are just waiting for your death – and afterwards we will burn both you and the cross".

The day progressed – and I think I slipped away several times – and by now I didn't care about it all. After the orgasm, my fantasies would no longer come back. I just wished it was over soon, even though the dance on the cross just continued, with excruciating pain, and sweat dripping from my body. Peter had told me that I would be burned – hoping that they would make sure that I was totally dead, and not just fainted, before they lit the fire.

Peter continues:

On the second day I woke up and was anxious to see if my crucified friend was still alive, but he was, still dancing on the cross, his breathing had become more difficult you could see, and during the day he complained about his shoulder joints, which probably made him hang even more in his chest muscles. Therefore, his breathing also changed. Very superficial, but minor movements of the abdominal muscles, and when he then strained himself to lift, he gasped for breath as if it was life to get it, which maybe it was in a way. He was clearly more affected, he was perhaps not conscious for periods, his eyes rolled around a little more. I thought I wanted to do him the last respect, and when one of the guests went up and sucked on his cock, I took over from him, and I think he was somehow happy about it, even though he might have hated me, but I could feel his erection increasing strongly, and finally I felt the salty cum on my tongue. I don't remember that he have had such an ejaculation at home – but then he collapsed a bit, I think he then gave up everything, and slipped more and more frequently into unconsciousness, where he let his head fall forward, but then suddenly woke up with a set of gasps for air. And at one point we think his movements became less and less and seem that his breathing almost stopped. And late in the day, we didn't see him move anymore. Someone threw some water on his head, but nothing happened. The manager came, and had a stethoscope with him, and stood on a stool, and listened to his heart for a long time. He climbed down, shook his head softly, and said there is no heartbeat, he is dead.

The next day he was still hanging on his cross, and there were now clear signs that the blood had penetrated downwards, with bluish corpse spots on his legs, and a face that was more waxy.

The guests went out into the wood, and gathered twigs and branches, and laid it under the cross, until at last there was a huge heap of twigs around the lower part of the cross and stretched half up the body.

The leader then came over, poured some flammable liquid on all the branches, and lit it, and soon the flames licked up over the cross and over the corpse, where first hair was burned off, later brown bubbles were seen on the skin, and soon the surface of charring began. The guests danced around the fire, and finally the vertical pole collapsed, and the charred corpse fell into the remains of the fire. The leader pushed the outermost parts of the patibulum into the fire, along with the remains of the arms. The next day, only ashes remained.

Before we all went home, each to his own after this wonderful experience, the leader thanked me for the effort, and said that if I should succeed again, to get a new victim for the group, I would be most welcome.

I then left, had the car and drove to the airport. Landed in the capital, and was excited to see if I could do this again – to get a new one for the cross. The experience had been so great that I wanted to witness it again. The very next day I went to the SLM club and fell into a conversation with a guy at the bar, - a handsome guy, who was also at S&M as a slave - was he going to be my next victim? - I had to try to persuade him - in my imagination I already saw him hanging on the cross and dancing his way to death.
Part 6

Night came, the guests went to sleep, some in tents they had pitched, others went up to the house. The next morning finally came, even though the night felt endlessly long and the sun began to warm again, which in a way made life easier, if you can allow yourself to use that expression, for all the still excruciating pain, and my dance on the cross continued, with pain as a result. My legs had gradually become so tired, that even though I with the greatest effort lifted my body, the muscles were not able to lower me slowly, so several times I almost fell down with a strong pull in my arms, and in one of these falls I felt a violent pain in one of my shoulders, which probably went out of its joint. Later, the same thing happened on the other side, and now it was not only my arms that I was hanging onto, but my chest muscles that were stretched, which made my breathing even more difficult. In a way, I was happy about this, because then I knew that there was less time until death, because that was what I now hoped would soon happen. I tried to hold my breath, to speed it up, but still I lifted my body to breathe better, simply couldn't help but try, one's survivability was apparently built into one's brain.

After breakfast, the guests began to dance and party again. One of the guests came over and caressed my cock, and a little later took it in his mouth, and tried to give me an orgasm. He didn't succeed, but Peter waited and took over my cock, sucking it just like he had done in my apartment before, and I thought about all the good times we'd had, and all the fantasies I'd had. And it was maybe a mixture of the fantasies I had had, and the many good times we had had, that repressed my anger towards him, that gave me an erection, and finally he succeeded, and I sent out my load, and gave me a huge orgasm, and he showed me, and then the guests, the huge blob of he had on his tongue, before he swallowed it. "The wooden horse did not destroy your organs" – he said. "Now we are just waiting for your death – and afterwards we will burn both you and the cross".

The day progressed – and I think I slipped away several times – and by now I didn't care about it all. After the orgasm, my fantasies would no longer come back. I just wished it was over soon, even though the dance on the cross just continued, with excruciating pain, and sweat dripping from my body. Peter had told me that I would be burned – hoping that they would make sure that I was totally dead, and not just fainted, before they lit the fire.

Peter continues:

On the second day I woke up and was anxious to see if my crucified friend was still alive, but he was, still dancing on the cross, his breathing had become more difficult you could see, and during the day he complained about his shoulder joints, which probably made him hang even more in his chest muscles. Therefore, his breathing also changed. Very superficial, but minor movements of the abdominal muscles, and when he then strained himself to lift, he gasped for breath as if it was life to get it, which maybe it was in a way. He was clearly more affected, he was perhaps not conscious for periods, his eyes rolled around a little more. I thought I wanted to do him the last respect, and when one of the guests went up and sucked on his cock, I took over from him, and I think he was somehow happy about it, even though he might have hated me, but I could feel his erection increasing strongly, and finally I felt the salty cum on my tongue. I don't remember that he have had such an ejaculation at home – but then he collapsed a bit, I think he then gave up everything, and slipped more and more frequently into unconsciousness, where he let his head fall forward, but then suddenly woke up with a set of gasps for air. And at one point we think his movements became less and less and seem that his breathing almost stopped. And late in the day, we didn't see him move anymore. Someone threw some water on his head, but nothing happened. The manager came, and had a stethoscope with him, and stood on a stool, and listened to his heart for a long time. He climbed down, shook his head softly, and said there is no heartbeat, he is dead.

The next day he was still hanging on his cross, and there were now clear signs that the blood had penetrated downwards, with bluish corpse spots on his legs, and a face that was more waxy.

The guests went out into the wood, and gathered twigs and branches, and laid it under the cross, until at last there was a huge heap of twigs around the lower part of the cross and stretched half up the body.

The leader then came over, poured some flammable liquid on all the branches, and lit it, and soon the flames licked up over the cross and over the corpse, where first hair was burned off, later brown bubbles were seen on the skin, and soon the surface of charring began. The guests danced around the fire, and finally the vertical pole collapsed, and the charred corpse fell into the remains of the fire. The leader pushed the outermost parts of the patibulum into the fire, along with the remains of the arms. The next day, only ashes remained.

Before we all went home, each to his own after this wonderful experience, the leader thanked me for the effort, and said that if I should succeed again, to get a new victim for the group, I would be most welcome.

I then left, had the car and drove to the airport. Landed in the capital, and was excited to see if I could do this again – to get a new one for the cross. The experience had been so great that I wanted to witness it again. The very next day I went to the SLM club and fell into a conversation with a guy at the bar, - a handsome guy, who was also at S&M as a slave - was he going to be my next victim? - I had to try to persuade him - in my imagination I already saw him hanging on the cross and dancing his way to death.
Please post all following parts in this thread!
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