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I was there when Raashii was beheaded.

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I was there when Raashii Khanna was beheaded.

It was not a very noble action she took. She was not protesting anything, or making any kind of statement to all of mankind. She had just decided to allow herself to be beheaded.

I told her I was a journalist, and asked if I could stay and watch. She did not care who was present with her. It was a personal choice she was making.

She removed all of her clothing right in front of me. Then the executioner assisted her into the guillotine. I was surprised the way she permitted me to stay and observe.

The device was rather unique. She stretched out on top of some sort of small, cushioned ottoman. Her breasts hung freely in front of it. I thought that an odd choice as opposed to lying upon a full bench.

Her legs hung off the end, her toes almost touching the floor. I thought the cushion supporting her lower chest and abdomen was a bit uncomfortable. Wouldn’t she prefer a full bench to lie upon? It was the most unique form of guillotine I had ever seen. I was soon to learn the purpose of the arrangements.

Her arms were left unsecured. I also thought that odd. I thought those who were being executed would have their wrists tied behind their back.

Her neck was locked into the lunette. Her head hung directly above a wicker basket. She told me she preferred to use a basket rather than allowing her head to roll all over the floor.

What the executioner brought in next totally shocked me. It was some sort of machine, with projections sticking out of the front. These were used to attach rubber phalluses onto the end of each one.

One phallus was pushed into her pussy. From my vantage point, I could tell she was wet. I can only surmise that was due to some sort of sexual excitement on her part.

The other phallus was slowly inserted into her anal passage. I asked if it hurt. She told me there was a certain level of discomfort, but that she expected it would soon pass.

Some sort of controls were activated. The phalluses began pushing in and out of her holes. Their thrusts were varied and were not in unison.

There was a little red display on the machine. For the moment, it read “0”. I wondered what purpose it served.

The executioner came up to the guillotine and activated some sort of control. “Farewell, Raashii,” the executioner told her. “I hope you enjoy yourself.” Then he left the room. I was the only one in there with her.

She grunted and panted for breath. “I am about to lose my dignity,” she explained. “This is very humbling.” Then she startled me by letting out a cry of “Fuck; why am I doing this?”

Alarmed, I asked, “Do you need assistance?”

She panted as she shook her head. “There is nothing you can do for me now. I have asked for this procedure, and thus, it is now in progress. You can stay, or you can depart. I will not make you linger, as this may take a while. On the other hand…”

She panted as she reached under and felt up her dangling breasts. Then she reached back between her legs. Was she fingering herself?

I looked at her as I said, “You mentioned something about ‘on the other hand’.”

“Yes,” she panted. “I was willing to do this alone. But now that you’re here…”

“Do you want me to depart?”

“On the contrary. I’d like you to stay… that is, if you don’t mind. However, I must warn you: things could get a little messy.”

She began to pant for breath. Then she let out a cry of “FUCK!” She appeared to stiffen before relaxing.

On the fucking machine display, I saw a red 1 appear. Raashii panted heavily. “I’m not sure I can get through 19 more of these.”

“19 more?” I repeated in confusion.

“I did not expect the first one so soon. It must be the knowledge of the blade hanging above me. Maybe I can settle down a little.”

“I don’t understand.”

“If I remember the way he explained things to me, both machines are… calibrated is the word he used. The machine thrusting into me records how many times I cum. When I reach 20, it tells the guillotine.”


“And that is when I lose my head.”

I stiffened in alarm. “You mean I’m actually going to watch your beheading?”

“Only if you wish to stay. I do not know how long it will take. But I did not expect that first climax so soon. It may… it may not… oh… ooohhhhh…”

She appeared to stiffen. Then she cried out, “FUCK!” The red number on the fucking machine went from 1 to 2.

I thought about it. Then I asked, “What should I share with my readers about your experience?”

“Tell them anything. Tell them nothing. This is simply my choice. And since I had the funds necessary, I had everything arranged.”

She paused for a moment and chuckled to herself. “If you report this, I wonder how many others may be inspired to ride a machine similar to this one.”

“Then maybe I should not report it.”

“And why not? It will make me famous, if only for a short time… until someone else does something similar. Fame is so fleeting… here… and then gone.

“Indeed. Pardon me, but would you mind if I examined the machine more closely?”

“Be my guest.”

I slowly walked around, seeking to understand how the damned thing operated. She had given me no real reason why she had chosen this for herself. I did not want to pry. But she had a very short time, especially if the blade was to fall after 20 of her orgasms.

She began to pant again as I was halfway through my investigation. Then she cried out. The number on the fucking machine duly went from 2 to 3.

“I am not much longer for this world,” she panted. “I am so much more aroused than I had anticipated. Normally it takes me a long time to cum. So I thought this would take the greater part of the afternoon… maybe well into the evening.” She paused before chuckling, “it seems you will not have to be in my presence all that long.”

I completed my tour all the way around her. I knelt in front of her head so she would not have to crane her neck to see me.

She began panting for breath again as I looked at her. Then she asked, “So will you stay with me?”

“I see no reason why not. You mentioned you would like me to stay.”

“Yes I would.” Then she began to hyperventilate before stiffening again and crying out, “FUCK!” A red 4 immediately took the place of the 3.

“So soon?” I asked curiously.

“I was… I was imagining you staying here and… and watching me lose my head. I guess I was… was overcome with… gawd…”

She winced and cried out. The 4 went to 5. Then she panted hard to catch her breath.

“I was the reason for that? Maybe I should go to prolong your existence.”

“No!” she panted anxiously. “Forgive me. Your presence here is… most welcome.”

“Then I guess I will stay.”

“And for that, I am grateful.”

She panted heavily. Then she appeared to look at my crotch. “Are you aroused?”

I had not anticipated the question. “Why do you ask?”

“There appears to be… some sort of bulge…” Then she winced. The 5 went to 6.

I blushed as I lowered my face in shame. “Maybe I should go.”

“No! Please stay. I mean… if you are willing…”

“Well… I am willing, I suppose. It’s just that… I had not expected having this type of reaction to your situation.”

“You are hard?”


“You are aroused?”

I answered truthfully… “Yes.”

She winced… “FUCK!” The 6 went to 7.

“There may be so little time. So I must ask you this one favor. May I… may I see it?”

“See what?”

“Your erection?”

“You wish to see it?”

“Please, if you will.”

I was embarrassed. But it was just the two of us. So I pulled down my pants and briefs and showed her the effect her situation was having on me.

She winced again. The 7 went to 8. “My gawd; I think I’m almost halfway there!”

“I can go if you wish.”

“I wish you to stay to the very end. Please say you’ll stay.”

“Very well. I’ll stay.”

She stared at my erection. Then she winced. She finally let out a… “FUCK!” The 8 went to 9.

My cock twitched. I think I was aroused the way she was cumming. Or maybe I was aroused by her impending beheading.

She gave me a knowing look. “You are turned on; are you not? You wish to watch my beheading, don’t you!”

“The truth? Yes I do.”

She panted heavily for breath. Then she winced. The 9 went to 10.

“So little time,” she panted as she tried to catch her breath. “My humiliation is turning me on. I am being fucked to a death by beheading. And you are… you are turned on by my… by my impending… FUCK!”

The 10 went to 11. She panted heavily for breath. Then she gasped, “Put it in my mouth! Quickly!”

I don’t know why I did as she asked. But she had so little time. I guess I wanted to honor every request she made of me.

I stepped forward until my erection was within reach. She took it into her mouth, moaning as she did so. It was incredibly erotic.

I stepped closer, pushing more of it deeper. She moaned and then cried out. Her cry was muffled. But it did not stop the number from going to 12.

I pulled out. She panted for breath. Then she gasped, “Raashii Khanna, humiliated and beheaded. Makes for a great headline, wouldn’t you agree?”

“An interesting headline, to be sure.”

“And you are so aroused. You wish to see me fucked to death by beheading. It is so humiliating that I… that I… can’t… stop….. FUCK!”

…from 12 to 13…

“Fuck my face! Fuck it hard and humiliate me! I am so shamefully aroused right now!”

I thrust hard between her lips. But I think I was a little too aggressive. She cried out into the cock between her lips until the number went from 13 to 14.

I pulled out. She panted heavily as she looked up at me. “A last request?”

I did not feel I could deny her. “Name it.”

“Cum on my face at around 19. Can you do that for me?”

“I just might be able to do that.”

“Oh fuck! That is so hot… FUCK!”

…14 to 15…

I thrust hard between her lips. I was incredibly aroused. There was no doubt I would be cumming soon. But could I carry out her last request of me?

She really suctioned my dick. Then she winced and let out a muffled cry. The numbers went from 15 to 16. Indeed, she had very little time left.

Would the blade actually fall at 20? I did not know for sure. I suspected it might. But I had no way of knowing for certain.

I pulled out of her mouth. She panted as she told me, “I just thought of something. The head is conscious for a few moments after the blade falls. Would you please pick mine up and stick your cock in my mouth one last time? For me?”

“If you wish it.”

“I do – I do! Ohmygawd… to have my head used as a masturbation device… oh FUUUCCCKKK!”

The numbers went from 16 to 17…

I thrust back between her lips. She hungrily suctioned me as though I was the last cock she would ever taste. I suppose that was true indeed.

The toys just kept fucking her. She let out another muffled grunt. The numbers went from 17 to 18. Only two more to go.

I fucked her face hard and deep. I was shamefully aroused. She was cumming so fast she was about to lose her head at any moment.

I think she tried to hold it back. But it must have been too shamefully humiliating for her to keep it at bay. Then she let out a muffled cry.

I saw the number 19 on the fucking machine. I could feel myself on the cusp of ejaculation. So I pulled out.

I stroked myself until I started shooting my load. It splattered all over her face. That’s when her eyes opened up in erotic horror.


The blade dropped with astonishing speed. One moment, her head was right there. The next, it was in the wicker basket as blood pumped out of her severed neck.

I was caught off-guard for a couple of seconds. Then I reached down and pulled her up by a handful of hair. That’s when inspiration struck.

I wiped my cock all over her face, accumulating cum upon it. Then I shoved it between her parted lips. At least she got to taste my cum upon my erection.

I thrust between her lips for a good 10 or 12 seconds. Then her expression sagged tiredly as blood dripped off her severed neck stump. Her arms hung limp as the fucking machine continued abusing her headless corpse.

Her body appeared to tense up. Was she cumming in death? Was it even possible?

I did not have any scientific answer to such a strange question. But the number went from 20 to 21. How very odd.

The machine continued. Her body stiffened a second time. The number changed to 22.

I stood there not knowing what to do with myself. Her body appeared to stiffen again. The number went to 23.

It did not advance any further.

The executioner came in. He shut off the machine. Then he cleaned up the head. I was permitted to take a picture of it sitting on a pike. Despite her eyes being closed, the look on her face indicates she is rapturous over something.

To this day, my dick gets hard every time I pull up her picture and gaze upon it.
I was there Raashi beheaded.jpg
2023 (written Jul 5 ’23 by riwa. Inspired by Thor’s manip.)
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