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Ideas for role-play that a woman who likes being spanked would really enjoy?

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I recently started seeing a woman who enjoys being spanked. She would like to introduce more role-play to the spanking, some kind of scenario. I've role-played with women before about this kind of stuff but not much, so I'm no expert at it. This woman is very nice and loving so there is no element of brattiness that I could use as an easy "in" to a role-play scenario. What are some ideas about how I could create a role-play scenario that makes her cum really hard, starting from scratch in the sense that there is nothing about her personality that would give me a plausible "reason" to create a scenario about spanking her for any of her real-life behavior? Of course I could just try to concoct a scenario out of whole cloth, but I'm not sure I'm very good at transitioning from "real life" making love to a fully fictional role-play scenario without some kind of bridge between the two. Any tips would be appreciated.
You can be the policeman and arresting her for dirty thoughts. Instead of going to prison, you could give her a good spanking.
I recently started seeing a woman who enjoys being spanked. She would like to introduce more role-play to the spanking, some kind of scenario. I've role-played with women before about this kind of stuff but not much, so I'm no expert at it. This woman is very nice and loving so there is no element of brattiness that I could use as an easy "in" to a role-play scenario. What are some ideas about how I could create a role-play scenario that makes her cum really hard, starting from scratch in the sense that there is nothing about her personality that would give me a plausible "reason" to create a scenario about spanking her for any of her real-life behavior? Of course I could just try to concoct a scenario out of whole cloth, but I'm not sure I'm very good at transitioning from "real life" making love to a fully fictional role-play scenario without some kind of bridge between the two. Any tips would be appreciated.
You could be a male teacher having to discipline a student
Shy young wife on wedding night with an older man! You could tell her (the young wife) that spanking is normal on wedding night!!
First off, you are to be praised for endeavouring to set up role play to please her.

However i would suggest that you either create a role play together, or at least discuss with her 'likes' regarding role play, you are not a mind reader, communication is of course essential in all matters of impact play.

Please do not view my comment as anything but trying to be supportive.

Best of spanking wishes to you both.
My point of wiev? Just tell her she is going to get the spanking. No reason. And than take a belt and smack her.
You could use her as a test specimen in a Memory Test game, to see if fear and pain improve memory performance. I've laid out how I developed the test here: https://www.cruxforums.com/xf/threads/films.7880/post-892909

It can be fun, or it can be fearful. It's really up to the players. Just remember that if she makes so many mistakes that she earns 20 spanks, you should give her a rest every 5 blows. Theoretically, it's possible for her to succeed at the game without getting spanked at all, but it might take a few sessions of the test before she's sharp enough to do it. Train like you compete, right? And she will deserve every blow she receives, because it's her fault for not paying closer attention. All you are is the test proctor.
First off, you are to be praised for endeavouring to set up role play to please her.

However i would suggest that you either create a role play together, or at least discuss with her 'likes' regarding role play, you are not a mind reader, communication is of course essential in all matters of impact play.

Please do not view my comment as anything but trying to be supportive.

Best of spanking wishes to you both.

Thank you so much. What you suggest was one of my first instincts, but she is shy when it comes to talking about sex even though she is not shy at all when it comes to actually having sex. I've never encountered this kind of person before. We do some really wild things in bed... spanking, ass fucking, nipple pulling, and so on. She loves it. But she is shy about talking about it. I can sympathize actually because I used to be the same way. I would do fun kinky things in bed sometimes but have a mental block about verbalizing them. I am not that way any more, but I understand her side because I have been there too. Thanks again for offering advice!
Spanking her for various relatively dainty reasons like the fact that she wants to be spanked is going pretty well but I still feel that I should bring some real punishment roleplay into the equation, I can see that she wants it both from intuition but also because she has more or less told me as much. And there is still the issue that I don't really have anything to punish her for, personally. I could maybe find some reasons from some of the things she has told me about her life, but those things either don't actually make me want to punish her, or are so intimate and emotional that I would not want to bring them into a roleplay scenario without some really careful thought. And it's not like I would actually want to punish her for them anyway, none of them offend me personally, although they might make good pretexts for beating her ass. Maybe I really should just craft a good fictional roleplay reason to spank her. I feel that she might enjoy it more if I punish her for some of the deep things that she has told me but like I said, those are areas where I would want to tread carefully because they are very emotional, and I don't really deeply want to punish her for those things anyway because none of them offend me, even if she might potentially enjoy it if I did punish her for those things. Women masochists here, what have been your favorite reasons for being punished?
Hmmmmm..... give me a rough plan for your story and I can try to modify it to make chat gpt write it, make some modifications and send it to you. If you like it, you post it. If it is OK but neets improvements, you can amend it.
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