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Images of Sensitivity

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It had been an elegant night. Fancy restaurant. Midnight ride through the city. Fast elevator ride to the penthouse.
When I realized what he had in mind, it was too late to back out. The elegance was still there...
but was about to be stripped away with my gown.

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It had been an elegant night. Fancy restaurant. Midnight ride through the city. Fast elevator ride to the penthouse.
When I realized what he had in mind, it was too late to back out. The elegance was still there...
but was about to be stripped away with my gown.

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I was then instructed to position myself on the bed.....my mouth was dry....butterflies in my stomach.....
Did they not even realize that I was someone's daughter? Their eyes cut into me...
as the animal regarded me intently.

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Just some images that I will post from time to time on this thread, to illustrate a girl's submission to the real and unreal.
Due to expense restrictions on the posting of images, I will often post links instead.
People with hover zoom should be able to see them without clicking.
I was very unsure...even fearful.
*sigh* But my husband insisted...he was excited and assured me our love could withstand it.
So we took off our clothes and walked into the deep dark tunnel....
But when two lovers accept Him as their Master.....
They become His puppets...forced to do things to each other that they would never dream of doing.
At first, it was amusing...the cute devilish horns we grew.....
But then the chain appeared and I grew fearful.
Our bodies continued to change.....our tails grew long.....
My terror began with the appearance of the Massive Ball...
And then our Master changed shape revealing breasts and the hugest Penis.
I knew my mate loved me.... but against his will he inflicted himself on me....
Thrusting and pumping his steel studded Penis into me....we both went mad
His pleasure my pain...yet somehow...when the madness subsided...
It was he who had suffered the ultimate penalty.
While I assumed my new role....
As my Master's newest bride.
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Muttered words... "they must be sharp to penetrate her flesh"... "hot from permanence"
a monogram that means complete belonging, intimate with your flesh, irreversible over time. A sign of fidelity almost to signify a desired and accepted dependence. It takes about a month for complete healing. Then, the pleasure of touch. The raised, hard, irregular edges that remind you that that mark means "I am yours forever".
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