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Innocent Or Guilty?

Do your preference your victims to be guilty or innocent when the face their torture/crux/execution?

  • Guilty

  • Innocent

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Add another interesting element in the plot : responsability. Not realy guilty, but responsible for what others have done wrong, and therefore being punished. How to cope with 'acceptance' in that case?
interesting suggestion - yes, the idea of 'taking the rap' for others
is a good twist, and obviously one deeply rooted in the Christian tradition.
Innocent. Or guilty of something admirable or excusable. Rescued or spared by the hero at the final minute.
This is how I started I would swoop in and save my lady from her dreadful fate! Then one day I thought what if I didn't save her in time what if I failed. What if I wanted to fail to see her take the punishment. The ultimate thrill and shame the worst fate in a public eye. Yes maybe I will wait and watch her. After all she is a beauty!
This is how I started I would swoop in and save my lady from her dreadful fate! Then one day I thought what if I didn't save her in time what if I failed. What if I wanted to fail to see her take the punishment. The ultimate thrill and shame the worst fate in a public eye. Yes maybe I will wait and watch her. After all she is a beauty!
You are mean bastard... get him a drink!!!
Well, it's only a fantasy but for me it's got an extra bit of spice if she's innocent and she doesn't want it to happen to her.

Wicked, maybe, but only in my thoughts!
This wench is hardly innocent. Notice you cannot see her hands but the camera never lies...

mastur 001.gif

I refer this to Archbishop Wragg to render justice!!!
To some degree there are innocent and guilty. In other degrees there is guilt and innocence dictated but societal moors where even a fair and just judge can find the innocent client of an inept defense attorney guilty of crimes never committed.


No, I am not talking about us, Admi...

tree and admi Gil.jpg
To some degree there are innocent and guilty. In other degrees there is guilt and innocence dictated but societal moors where even a fair and just judge can find the innocent client of an inept defense attorney guilty of crimes never committed.


No, I am not talking about us, Admi...

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are you sure about that?but indeed you are right, I am a very rightful judge realy. Elfs, as you know and special the Irish one are always quilty
To some degree there are innocent and guilty. In other degrees there is guilt and innocence dictated but societal moors where even a fair and just judge can find the innocent client of an inept defense attorney guilty of crimes never committed.


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There are offenses that are pretty much universal to all cultures, like murder and stealing, but most of the law is less cut-and-dried. Smoke a joint in Colorado and you commit no crime; cross an artificial line on a map and you do.
To some degree there are innocent and guilty. In other degrees there is guilt and innocence dictated but societal moors where even a fair and just judge can find the innocent client of an inept defense attorney guilty of crimes never committed.
What confirms my 'First Law' :

There isn't such a thing as judicial miscarriage, there are only bad defense attorneys.
'history .. . is, indeed, little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind.'
Edward Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire I.3
You know you are...

Just give us time to make up the charges and try up fairly before finding you guilty and condemning you...

Patience is a virtue...


...so I have been told.
Will you sharpen some spikes, I will buy some special Messaline wood
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